The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, January 12, 1922, Image 3

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Mrs. A. L. Goodwin left left last
WcdAewiay for H»lmeadaie. Idaho
She went to the home of her sister,
who is t<> underg an operation, and
will care for her »liters children.
Mrs. Lloyd Holley returned from
Portland last Wednesday, where
her brother ia very ill.
Jack Jones, wife and eon Harry
of Stay ton. were weekend visitors
at J. G. Holts.
Mien Arnold and wife were Sun*
y visitors at the Ix*onard Gilkey
Francis Higinbotham. of Silverton,
is v siting her grandparents, the W.
E. Serrting’s.
. 'rank und Joe Prokop have killed
a arge beef.
the Bai tnik boys are busy sawing
Mrs. Ethel Miller, of Portland,
arrived Saturday at the home of
h< r parents, A. L. Godwin’s.
De- . >t*’ the inclement weather
la < Thursday the ladies club met at
the beautiful new home of Mrs
F ink I)<*Wail. The afternoon was
»1 < nt in conversation, fancy work
a i emit. »ta. Mis. Pansy Shepherd
wm the luckiest person present, for
st succeeded in winning two prises.
Mr.* Anna Holt was another prise
winner. Each member received a
pre Hint from a grab box sent bv a
former meinlwr, Mrs. Anna t’hap-
nnm, of San Jose. Cal. This ia her
yv.irly custom at Christmas time.
Fourteen enjoyed the treat. Mr*.
Ed Smith, of Albany, attended.
V ¡tors were Bertha DeWall and
Harriet «Jones. Dainty refreshments
u< re xerved by the hostess. Ths
n< xl meeting is to be with Mrs.
Mi. n ■ Smith at the James Johnson
re ipnee February 2.
Oflr Sunday school will meet at
II i. m. instead of 10:30. We hope
ti> nee you there.
Will Wineburg and wife, who
live on the Richard Stuckmeir place,
have» new girl.
'■>&«. John Attridge has aSJ-pound
How to Be Healthy
rA« CruaaJa of tho Double Barred Croee
Practical Talk» on ¿Nsansa Prooonfton
Preparsd by th«
I'k.rg! Extra! Extra!
Semester examinations, the bug*
ab<>o uf •’Chool life, have arrived to
find many students wholly unpre-
par *i for them. All must rack
their brains to bring back and take
to the front ideaa that have long
been dead. A frw of the lucky one*
are rejoicing over unlocked for ex*
an ¡nations. A word of encourage­
ment is ft» order for the others.
"Chwr up. the worst is yet to come.”
In Imsketball girl» met defeat
at Lebanon last Friday afternoon.
Better results are hoped for when
l,ebanon plaaa the return game at
C.ening — Friday. January 13.
Scio banket ball girls meet the Cor*
val’ia ginia at Scio, and the boys
journey to Woodburn to clash with
the boys of that school.
The Scio Hi boys basketball team
played two consecutive games last
week and were victorious in both.
Shedd was .defeated last Friday by
a score of 72 to 0. Kenneth Suns
(er»c«i<aitys*«ra MuH
• *a»rc» .>< 4*n*»r
To k**o V
• k «.* anti ba h**t at Ma baH.
t k.w years ago I m M ujj . owe uf Americas turauiuM surgeuua, aald that
the next step In preventive turtllcine must be made by tbe deOUata in
Un. with this prophecy, lbs new campaign fur mouth byglrue alma Iv teach
thrw tbluga:
I. Iluw UltKh ihauiagr Is done to the general health of ths body by an
unclean mouth, with teeth badly brake« down, large cavities or lutUineed
X Proper no-lh.-ds of rortveting mouth di
X How to prevent dental disease.
Very few !«■<'■ »» r«-nll >■ tout the three vital auurroa of Hfr ftxwl. water,
and air. are alte< trd by mouth cOftdtUona. No om ran U«e without then«
three things Tim Hovorniiictti’ »pend» euortnoua sums to Insure the clnaull*
n«rw at food sod water Housewives see that cooking utensil«, china ami
cutlery are washed no that the food may be served clean. All the Octal.'» of
briugtog pur* f'«*l to tbe mouth are '-arefully looked after, but wh«n It
pas«M>s the lips tl»> f... <1 1» abandoned and left to Ita fam, fur tuuet m«>ui|* are
untlewn. and food, hirtvevsr clean before, becuturo quickly euutamla*led
after It paaee» the ll|w
llow can the mouth best be kept clesu and dental decay prevented?
Herr afB four practical euuwMIoas:
1 Have th>- moQth put In good nmdlilon by a good dSftUM. tk, io the
beat man that you ran And. It la ecuu-wny of health ami pocketbook to g» <
to him often Three or four time* a yvar should le the minimum.
2 Vila? rvniiiliiatlutis of tbe teeth shopld be made to ascertain tbe
evwtditloti <»f root Alling«, and the condition of bone aurroumllng the raut ends
of the teeth, for It Is th.-w areas that may ratnm aystemlc disturbance* which
will lower resistance to dlarasa. All teeth with tn» pulps removed (nerve«
killed) must 1* held as suspicious character* until proven Innocent. Ths
lack of pain is not a safe sign of no Infection. There may be a "blind" abscess,
which only the X-llay ran dlaravwr.
8. <iet your dentist to give you minute directions as to tbe pro|«er way
to perform your mouth toilet. It Is necessary to spend st least three minutes
every night and every mornlug brushing your gum» and twtb. In order to
properly <|ean*i them. That amount trf time and energy will givg you big
dividends In good health. Remember a clean tooth will not decay, aud a
clean mouth will nut pollute the food
Ntofc the u«e <>f free sugar lierauae sugar Will rams* the deCfty of teeth
more than any other one thing. Nature never Intended that we atmuld tiae
sugar ll> a com-viitraird form, but preferred to give it tu us In Its natural
state; namely. In fruit» and vegetable«
I would like to i«aniptiaa* that well known quotation from Hoia-rt Iturnw
“<»h, would the gift the gcaid <h«l give tia to see our nMMiths aa the dentist
ares' them." The dmtlat not only sees the unclean mauth with Inflamed guma,
but he *e«'s ths long chain of rcenta, namely, sh uncleau mouth, small ravltlr%
large cavities, pollullmi of food with digestive dlsturbsuran. death of the tooth
pulp, abscews at the end uf tbe root, abaorption of the putaon. lowered
resistance against dlsvaas, snd Anally broken down health.
The late Proft’xwir (hder. who held a place at the head of the profeaatoft
of medicine, «aid: "You have one doctrine to preach, and you haver to preach
It early atm Into, tn a> nson and out of senson. It 1s the gospel of cteanllneaR
of the mouth, cleanllneao of the teeth, rlearillnesa of the throat Thea«
three things must be your text through life Oral hygiene tha- hygiene of
the mouth not one single thing la mure important te tbu public In lite whole
range of hygiene than that."
made the highest individual score,
with Maurice White holding next
honors. At Salem last Saturday
the boys ifrfeatd the Willamette
Fresemvn 10 to 6. Nine rahs for
Scio Hi!
Mr. McAdoo, between halves of
the game Friday night, talked in
behalf of future athletics and the
proposed high school gym,
Student B-kly elections next Fri­
day. The new constitution will go
into effect.
Mr. Williams, county dub leader,
was present at the school Monday
a* d talkni over with the club mem­
bers plana for future work. He
will return Thur »day to talk Club
I he cuntv convention of our
farmers union is to meet st our
acli 'il house for an all day meeting
Sat ji day. All members are eordialy
£. F. Gilkey visited friends in Al­
bany Saturday and Sunday.
The men are busy fixing the tele­
phone line.
We are all hopping for the speedy
rec« »very of S B. Holt.
\ »urprise birthday party was
he!«|-fnr James Grossman New Years
eve, A large crowd attended from busineiai with club members
their parents.
Sr i, Allmny and Corvallis.
January 10
’^,**'T* a.'-’
Pride of Ownership
HE Ford Touring Car han brought to th«
T farm home* of the country more real plea­
sure. comfort and cunvetuence than perhaps any
other one thing.
It has enabled the farmer and hia family to mingle
with friends, attend church, neighborhood func­
tions. and enjoy the many pleasantne« tliat
abound m country life.
Truly the Ford car with ita low cost of ojwration
snd maintenance, its u>-fulness and ctticiancy,
hu« been s boon to the American fanner.
Your order should be placed at once if
to avoid delay in de! very.
Ford Touring
at a Bargaia
against fast t4ama. Cot ilrary to all
opinion, Scio’a fiir«b team played
the entire game and fa w foul» were
called upon them whir h «hows that
Scio's team can play c! «an and faat
ball If there isn't from I t*. 3 wf the
opposing players hang nu onto them
Touring Car
$355 F. O H
Whit* Stain* on Hardwood.
A ailxture of »alt ami olive oil will
n>m<>v.' white »Inina from haidwu<Hl
which are cauoed by hot diMies. The
dry »pot Is coverwt thickly with »alt
, and then aa much »live <41 Is poured
iowee aa the grains will lake up. Tills
stand* over night, and In the m>>nilng
January 3
ah«, discoloration should lie briskly
Grandma Tollingor has taken a re­ ralilntl with the mixture, which 1« then
• tpe<l uff. if there la still any trace
lapse and io quite «ck again. Her
, W «tain, the application In rvp.-uled,
daughter, Mrs Lee George.was eall­ b ga1» standing fnr hours.
ed to her bedside Monday.
Dutch Concert.
John Ortwein and Harry Crumaa
I* ■ aoratlsd cun
A ■
and have just returned from a
bumnraa eert in which rvery man nine« ills <>*u
SOtlf al lbs Mine tlm<’ that hl» nrlgh
trip to Portland.
bor I I » also staging bl«, a practice not
Mrs. Goy Wyman and children aere»» arily »o aatlnual as convivial.
Scio, with a mixedup tram, won spent Sunday at the H. O.
In anol her form <>f I Mitch con*
Shilling There
which each person -llitr" In turn
from Shedd by a 72 to 0 score Fri- ' home. t
eert Ui
one eon • of any song he plesne«, ami*
day night. This was a very alow
Clint Trextler waa a Shelburn Wrllkni» vn churn* tiring iumi ! a* a
and uninteresting gam«, and it ia
burden at Ter each »»rar. When every
visitor Monday.
undoubtedly the last weak team
person ba. i «uns. all sing tbrlr respac-
Lee George haa been layed up for tire aongw
sliuuitauewualy as a grand
Scio plays on its home floor, Crab-
a few days on account of a bad cold. Anale.
tree defeated Shedd by a 34 to 4
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett were up
acor* in their first game. Albany
Corvallis for a few days visit­
College freshmen defeated Shedd by
the home of M HL Bennett'«
a few pointa and Albany defeated
M. L. Brown here.
the freshmen two points, ao from
There gill ba another invitation
comparing the scores, Scio was tbe
dance given at the Miller Hall hera^
Saturday evening. January 14.
The lineup waa
Scio Ortwein and family called -
White 20 at the Earl Gooch home Sunday.
A great many people are laid up
K Sima 26
T. Sima « with severe colds which are going
Holland 10 around In chia part of th« county. .
Earl Gooch and wife accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Hirona to Salem
On Saturday night th« Scio high Monday afternoon.
Otto Limlmck waa blasting w<»id
ach<M>l isam went t<» Salem and de­
blasting powder for Oral Bataa
feated th« Willamette University
freshmen by a score of 10 tn 6. It here Monday. As he touched a
was a hard and fast game and Scio match to the fuse the powder ex­
wun by ite clever paaaing, ’’Buck” ploded before hr had time to raise
White, with three field goals, waa up
He waa burned on the face
easily Scio's star. Handicapped by ai>d hands. A physician waa called
a big floor and a game the night immediately and it ia reported ha
be for. the Scio team ahoared that will soon recover. He barely escap­
they «rare able U> hold their own ed severe injuries.
Awful Moment.
Aoxloon to art to church ot> time,
4* nn luter«*«i Ing aerami mi aumhiina
was «rlwdulni, 1 bu»tl«-*l arouii'l set-
Una ready. Opening a bureau drawer
I grabbed what I thought w*» my
prayer Imok and rustl’d over to I lie
-huroh. Marching down the alslr I
accidentally dropped my muff. and. lot
uislend of my prayer booh, a deck of
card* came tumbling out and scattered
In all directions! To make matter*
worse, the hack of the card* twice the
*d of a prominent brewery!--Grit.
Chines* Condemn* «ribs.
Th<-re I« a fa mon» oriental «aytng
ciMidi-innlng brifwry. It Is wild that
an ancient Chlnrae »age who lived
In the Itecond renhiry as offered a
bribe. Ill» silence bring accepted a»
hewttallon. he was assortd that be was
perfori ly »aft», ns nn on» knew It. lie
replied: "Heaven know* it
knows if. Voti kn»w It. I know It
flow can you mj that ne nor known
¡Your Printing
Wh< re Do You Buy it?
Kwi> your
your njmw an<l your buxine«« before the
publi e all Ü h * •» line—your beetiu»el in your a<i-
vertía anx. The Tribune cover« thix territory
liku a blanket. Write, phone or nee ux for ratei«
1x4 ut i print your l*etter Head«, Envelope«, In
vitati* at«, Kale Hille nr whatever your require-
1‘riro and wnrkmMialiip will be right.
jC* ’W m .’ j , ' ‘’’W*TL■ ’
MÀ r