z « • • a / * • . I;,.' • ». « • «V* > ‘ I •’i >♦ ■ mi ». * * . • -, • • «, *«f 4» I • — •»A •• •• • - . «► •.A*. PEUPLE S OU LU MN (Editor's Note—We are glad to give suae« to the people of our com* munity on topics of the day. but ask them not to become personal or abusive. Each contributor must 1.00 sign name, not for publication, but for our protection.) Entered at the pxtofficw at Scio. Oregon m second riw- matter. Supi-iNQ A way F» jm S oo AUvgamaiNO katkh Editor Scio Trtburto: Local advertising P«r line first is- Seeing an article in the Tribune sertion ............................... .10 Each subsequent insertion per fine .06 of last week signed "Cash Casto Display advertising First insertion mer,** in which • cause woo riven for per inch .......................................... .a not trading in Scio. Each subsequent insertion Advertisements should reach this office It seems to mo if 1 was a mer- not later than Tuesday to Insure publi­ chant in Scio now 1 would got busy cation In the current issue All transient advertisements must be and put an ad In the Tribune that paid for In advance of publication. would back Albany off of the map My experience, and that of many others, ia the same as <2aah Custo­ mer's. We do moot of our trading In Al- bany. Not only this You can go to AI Ivan y most any day in the wook, and rkje-ciallv on Saturdays, ami you TffVKfitiAY, J an . 12. 1922 will find more oeopie from the Im- medial* vicinity, and even from fKlS Worti IM ItMuif Scio itself, trading ia Albany than Scio is th. trading center of the north you will see in Scio doing trailing in forks of the "antlarn. Scio has population of about Stri. a whole week. This should not be. Scio is in the heart of the best dairy­ Scio is in the center of the kiest part ing section of Linn county. Scio farm, grow moat anything that of lunn county, both as to agricul­ can be grown from soil. »cio owns its water and electric light tural sn«i dairy products. plant»- plenty of power at a cheap rate Albany can remcmtier, and 1 re­ for any number of enterprises. member distinctly, when the princi­ Scio haa a milk condenaerv, ami no better milk ia cannod any wheia. ple part of the taxes of Linn coun­ Scio has a flouring mill, and its prod ty came from the Forks of the San- uct finds a ready market at all timea. Scio ia ck»se to billions of feet of tiam, during the "Scutch Ixxn and standing limiter, and soon big mills will Mortgage daya," that many will be busy making It ready for market. Scio has a hospital second to none never forget. Scio If you want to know more about The reason Scio has never grown Scio and the surrounding country, write to the bank, the mayor or to the editor to Iw of any more conaequence as a of this paper. thriving and prosperous city to ths "hold-up" attitude Its business men L ook * like Newberry stands to have always manifested. If ever lose his seat in the Senate—and will there was a business house empty, If some motive akin to the primary its doors would hardly be closed un­ is not used. There are too many of til aome one in businesa would gob­ hia calibre in the Senate now. ble it up ao as to keep out competi­ tion. I b.lieve I express an abao- C ano I PATE» for governor will lute truth when * say that most all soon lie as thick in Oregon as dess kimis of ma rehandles has always on a hungry dog. The office pave sold higher in Scio than in any other quite well, thank you, but we have town in the county, except a few decided to remain at our present years, when the Wewly Bros, con­ post of duty. duct ed a general store. It seems I» now that moot of the business men I t can't be possible that Hardinv have lircome ossified and don't know with his arms limitation will meet that the war to over and excessive the ssme fate as Wilson with hie profiteering to not carried oa In any leatrue of nations Prrea dispatches other place but Scio. affirm and deny that Hardin« and Gel busy, Sc«o merchants, and Hughes have crowed wires over the advertise advertise prices that will meet. There is no suhh thing as draw, and your little town will oot disarmament when individuals and have parking room for care for Die nations carry chips on their shoul­ people who will come to Scio to do ders. their trading. A ten thousand dollar stock of We hive opened our columns to goods be ugh t and resold tea times the people for discussion of facts and in a year at 10% profit to much things of interest to them. So far better than turning the aame sloes two people have used the columns, over once or twice at 25% or 50* and both have been chastising our profit. business men. We believe if the Scio merchants, wake up! Your people would privately insist what cash customers are slipping sway they say so publicly to the business from you, because you doa't adver­ men the results they want would be tise what bargains you have got—if forthcoming. you have any. Don't get sore at the editor for publishing thia. Don't ¡T must be dreadfully embarrass­ get sore at me for expressing the ing to be rich. First. every woman truth about busineeo conditions io wants you; one captures you, and Scio, which must undergo a radical she soon decides she doesn't want change if we expect to aee Scio you. sues for divorce, gets alimony grow. Your suc c ess to my iatereot. of a 1100 a day. end finally cope off and my intsreets to your success In your best «-state and 13.000,000 be­ a general welfare and community sides. It sure is embarr using, be­ uplift for both town and country. cause that is the only line of busi­ Give and it will be given back 14 ness the millionaires are engaged in you in a ten fold ratio. A Citiaen of Scio. that the piihlic gets to know fibout. According to a statement issued by Adjutant General (eorge A. White, of the National Guard, Ore­ gon has derived a net profit of SI 19,- 077 from its national guard during the past v»ar. There are now 2400 members, all of whom receive gov­ ernment checks. >r 1. - r-« »* (Continued from page L) was taken up and thoroughly dis­ cussed. It appears that ths com­ mittee appointed from ths line did not see the urevident as was sug­ J. S. Sticha and wife made a trip gested by Secretary Couey, but had to Albany Monday, attending to become busy at something else. A report was in circulation here, as business ami doing some shopping announced last week, that this line ia The Seiu ribose sad get had discontinued with Albany and Boosting K"' Your Dollars In Our Big Sale of Men’s and Boys’ Clothing When a Sale IS a Sale In the past year or so a great many »«ailed sales have nnly been the marking down of merchandise to the market price. This is one thing of which we have b»-en very careful* never to advertise a sale when the price wan just reduced to market * 1 his Is a Real Sale The rrerchanuiM* on sale will go back to the former price (which is market) as soon as the sale ia over. Merchandise for spring is just as high as last fall, and in some cases a little higher. So you w ill make money if you take advantage of thia opportunity now. Sale Starts Thursday. Jan. 12, running seventeen days, closing Saturday. Jan. 28. Below you will find only a few of the many bargains. Watch th«- paper«, or better still, pa> our store a visit 1930 1 l’re«<-rit Market tariffi* Overcoats—Mens mixed wool coats Men’s ali-Oregon Wool Coats Men’s wool double-breasted coats Men’s Kuppenheimer, our very bet>t $27.50 $17.00 $12.50 37.50 25.00 19.75 45.00 32.50 24.75 175.00 45.00 37.50 80.00 50.00 40.00 l*N Crw. >uc11 prices will Hot last. ■*" pair men’s brown csif.kin,English last IIS.00 Buy 37 pair im-n*a brown English write .... | UU eltta pair: <0 The sale touches aim ■ri every □J department in our store with Sate I’rire BLAIN CLOTHING COMPANY VALUE FIRST just such bargains as above You cannot afford to miss this chance. "The Store With a Square Deal for Everybody” ALBANY connected with Letanon. This was reported untrue Saturday at the < > meeting. A committee was, on mo­ tion. appointed to immrdiateiy see the committee of the line, that very afternoon, and if neeovury call a special meeting of the Scio Mutual for further action Unofficially thia paper learns that the committee of the Scio Mutual met with a hearty response and that connection is quite probable The question as to whether or not the association should incorpo­ rate was thoroughly discussed, and finally referred to a committee to invistigate and report. sumri Silt it leu Mprtj II Firttlowft Scio Garage Sound and Vacuum Cup Tires and l ubes Oils and Greasea Storage Batteries Auto I’uiiitH and Enamels Now i»- thf Tinit» t«> PurciiHx«* Your FARM LIGHT & POWER OUTFIT Ask these well known men why they purchased our plant; I. H. (ojM-land. Crabtree; Wm Volkman, Crabtree: Waiter Blackburn, Scio; George Schlerth. Cr«btr*****A****A***“**AtttnttiiHHHn i H tt) In favor of plaintiff and against said defendants, by which esecutUKi I am commandetl to sell the property in said execution ami hers-maftt-r iteecrilwd to pav the rum du«- the plaintiff, of >210 !M Ï with interval thereon at the rate of H per cent per annum from the »th day of February. 1ST»; and for the further sum of SW.77 as taxes paid by Vai.; flaintiff, and for the further sum of IM.00 attorney's f«->s together with Coats and disbursement» of said suit Sixes ß taxed st 3». Ml and cost« and expense, . . 17c of saxi execution. I will on Saturday, Sixes 4 the llth day of February, 1922. at the 22.- hour of 11 o'clock A. M of said day, at Sizes M 2ßc the front door of the County < «and House in Albany, Linn Chanty, Ore- gum, sell at public auction to the high­ est bidder for cash in hand on day of Sizes . 24c sale, ail the right, title, interest and Sizes estate which seal defendants amt all 2Uc persons claiming under them subse­ quent to the date of the mortgage in. of a«d to said premise, herein la fnrv mentioned are described in said execu­ tion as follows, to-wit: Tbs East Half of the Northwest Quarter and the West Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section Seven, in One !d>t of Men's Cotton Township Thirteen. 8outh Range One 25c to .W values. Tan, Black, Brown only West or the Wilismette M endian, in Lina County, Oregon, containing Itio reduced to ...... 11*C acres, in Linn County. Oragon. Said sale being made subject to re­ These prices are- (’ASH. and for on»» week OXLY demption in the manner provided by low. Dated this 10th day of January, 1K2 C. M K knpaix . Sheriff of Linn County, Oregon V. A. GooMi. Attorney for Ptauntiff. Roy Building. .. ....................................................................... essa..................... THI(|(()U Stay too. Oregon I THE ELECTRIC STORE Inc. T OSIERY GUARANTEED J. F. WESELY, Scio, Oregon