The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, January 12, 1922, Image 1

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    - -,
NO. 22.
In financing the building of this I
gymnasium. which will be used vear i
after vear. It has been decided that
pupils in the next years shall help! New Coamiltees for Earning Ye
Named sad Retrenchment to
pay for the building. In order to I
Bsildtftg ta be EractaM aa SdMi h«$
erty, aU al Safficwat Sua ta
be tbe Watchword
accomplish this result the Scio High
School Student Body has decided to
borrow the entire amount from en­
At the office of Mayor Prill last
thusiastic supporters in Scio. Fri­
Thursday evening, the city council
day and Saturday of this week they
held a abort session and transacted
will be given the opportunity to
what little regular business was be­
loan, at interest if desired, amounts
fore it. such as allowing bills and
ranging from $100 or more down to
referring the ordinance regard'«»»
$10. Every Year the Student Body
the contract with J. W. and Ed
will pay at least $200 worth of these
Pariah to the city attorney for some
loans. No gifts are asked. The
corrections and auditions
The cun­
Student Body is able and willing to
tract «alls for $200 per month to
earn its gym. AU they want is idle
the troys, they to look after both the
money tn work while the students
water and light plants.
sre earning the required amount.
The ordinance committee was in­
If any have idle time it can also be
structed to draft a dance ordinance
used in volunteer labor.
so that public dances may be better
The Scio Student Body is well
regulated and made to comply with
ganized financially under the
the state laws.
ruction of a Student Council
An ordinance confirming the «lie
eluding a faculty member. There
of the mill on the city propertv at
is a business manager, a treat
Jordan was approved. This build­
urer and auditing committee. Al-,
ing brought $1,000 and the pur­
rea<ly thia year this organization has
chaser Is to construct a cement wall
handled nearly $300. Do not fear
: to protect the big dam at Jordan.
but that this strong organization. ^'^¿r^.’^.Vmie’a geid
Mut Prasaat Niais
Strong men and women must
grow in order to become sueh.
Growth comes from exertion rather
thin inertia. Even plants must rite
thru the soil by using the force*
within them. Human growth, like-
wiM». is accomplished by exercise,
for we build no characters when we
sleep hot when we work ami when
we play.
Play is especially powerful In
shaping lives. Those who who loaf
when at leisure probably have m>t
such efficient lives as those who, like
Roosevelt, engaged in continual red-
bl »oded play, and the sickly sissy
knitne at last the strenuous "Ted­
dy," the great ex president.
Organised play in Scio has been
handicapped thus far because there
has ln*en no playshed or gymnasium
Basketball, the specialty of Scioites
who back this sport to the limit, has
suffered greatly bt-eaus» of this
need. Through the fault of no one,
the hall now in use could be used no
of ter tier than once or twice a week
for the boys' team and aa often for
the girls’ team. By extending the
season from October to March, iMt
year's boys’ team managed to get
in io first class form bv the end of
the s- axon. Thia year, with mate-
tern»! of championship calibre, de­
velopment of that material may be
fatallv slow becauae of the poor
chance for practice. In six weeks
there has t»een opportunity for not
over u dozen practices. The teams
against whom Scio plays have had
about twice this chance.
Rival teams have larger floors on
which to play and a high calling. If
they have any reputation they re­
fuse to play here, and Scio must
play the best teams on strange floors.
After beating Shedd on the home
floor Friday night 72 to 0, Scio was
obliged to play the Willamette Uni­
versity Freshman on a floor almost
exactly twice as large and cuast-
<|iicntiy were held to a score of 10
This week the local boys must
piay two of the beat teams m the
state <>n strange floors and after
h . mg only • d<«cn scattered prac­
I meet the needs of S. H. S ath-
letiCx. a plan has iieen launched to
mult«* it possible to start work at
once on a new gynaaium. Plans
have I wen drawn ami estimates sub-
backed by faculty and school board, j >a|a
will be able to meet its obligations
in first daea shape
Th. $125 ordi-
nanly going to rent would of itself
retire each year enough of the in- U
I debtcIneM to make the loan. prac
ju aUeotJon
tieal. and the customary suceeee of fwn
aafionl plays and entertainment, m
|n whtch he
the fact fhat
fw fh< ute of
an ,„ ttnta
sure, a .ubstanti.l income with
which to retire these loans.
bifteen hundred dollar, is not loo
much for this «.immunity to invest
m dean np .rt. that encourage
strength in manhood and Woman-
eaCeeded. He ata. In-
hr W(>u|<| -<t|
nowarranufor <ny pxre)wet( lhe
coundl m(|rt ||va W)lh ||a budr0l lo
faet lh< gUU (aw rw||||raa u
mayor here named his committees,
hood. One person could easily loan |
the entire amount. In order to let
Way°, Bnd Mean, Kelly,
everyone help, however, lows a.
little aa $10 will lie used.
Let’s go!
y Shelton
Ex Service Men Io be Guests
Ex-service men of Linn county •
will be the guests of honor at a big
smoker and entertainment which :
will be given by the Alfred E. Bab- j
Ijghtand Water—Hollis, Shelton,
Sheets and Public Property—
MeAdoo, Chromy, Thayer.
Fire Department- Shelton. Thay­
er. Cain.
Ordinances—Kelly. Cain. Chromy.
Publie Health -Thayer, Chromy,
eock Poet No. 10. American Legion,
at the Community House in Albany
Monday night. January 16.
The program consists of wrestling
and boxfflg matches and a fast bas­
While using black powder for
splitting big fir wood Monday morn­
ketball game between the local and
ing, Paal Limbeck had the misfor­
a quintet from the Fifth Company.
tune to severly burn his left eye and
O. A. C.
arm. It wm not considered very
This event marks the beginning of
serious and he was not taken to the
American la-gion activities in Albany
hospital. Paul has a great deal
and is also the opening of the cam­
more respect for blasting po wder
paign for membership in the local
now, and says that from now on he
post. However, ail ex-service men
will give the charge all night te go
are invited and will be welcomed at
off before he inJeatigatea.
the smnaer regardless of their mam
in the Leigion.
mitlrd indicating that a building 46
by 90 can be erected, if cooperation
Didn't Leave a Cine
is sufficient, for about |1500. The
There will be work in the first
luints-r, exclusive of windows, etc.,
by lhe visiting team from
will come to |H00. Double thia es­
Saturday night. All Odd
timate and see for yourselves the
to attend,
corrector as of the plana that are be­
F. G. Carry, See.
ing marie.
due wh ich might lead to their ap-
preftenM on. Entrance to the shop
was gamed by prying >>p»*n a window
in the rear of the building accord-j
! ing to- the reports made to the p<> i
The Federated Church
“The House of
Sunday School 10
C. E. Society 6:30
Play Wu Bit Success
Monday evening the presentation!
Among the article«
articles' 1
' lice
, rwoor tod stolen were two pairs of
corduroy riding breeches, seventeen
shirts, f<n.r silk mufflers, Ihirty-eix
pairs, of hone, eight neckties, twelve
pair» cuff links, and two silver bell.
bucMs s. Police are working on U m
“If Only” Jim
come affiliated with the Scio Mutual
and had received no encouragement
from the management, this matter
Mrs. E. V. Ryder, of 1306 Broad­
(Continued on page 2.)
way. Salem, sustained severe bruis­
es and cuts about the face when the
machine in which she was riding
collided with another machine and
turned turtle at the corner of Union
and Church streets. She is not ser­
iously injured. C. J. Green, the
occupant of the other car, was <lriv-
ing East on Union Street and the
Ryder machine, piloted bv E. V.
Ryder., was heading South
Church street when the accident oc-
eured. Basners-by assisted
1 Mr.
Green in helping the occupants I of
the unset car.
At Albany will be opened on the
19th of this month, and have three
carloads of feed aad Fishers flour.
The new store is located at the
comer of Briadalbm and Water
When buying in Albany,
save time and money by buying the
best quality of feed at Densmore’s.
Price 25c $ 50c
Hagey tbe Jeweler
Jan. 7 aad S
Sold by
of "Tbe Second Wife" at Jefferson
witnessed one of the biggest and
moot eathuaiaatie crowds lhat have
I. 0 D hsiwi Eticità Prtsrttit, Ltsttr
over turned out for a first night
Arsali Vici PfislûM. lala Cwtj
play in that city. The house was
packed long befor time for lhe cur­
SecriUy far (asine Yur
tain to raw. and from the minute
house darkened and the curtain roar
One of the largest attended meet­
the house gave freedom to shouts ings of the Scio Mutual Telephone
of laughter. The general opinion
to, was held Saturday in the city
of the crowd wm that this is one o«
hall, and the council chamber was
the cleverest comedo*« ever pres­
packed like sardines in a bug. Ow­
ent n| in that city.
ing to the illness of President S. B.
The same play will be lire eon ted
Holt, who had just undergone an
here at the Peonies Theater this,
operation for Spiwndicitis. Vice-
evening, with a special set of scen­
president I-ester Arnold presided.
ery. and with the improvement lhat
Promptly at one o'clock the meet-
is sure be tbe result of experience, • Ing was called to order and the min­
the play will be well worth seeing.
utes of the last meeting were read
The following is the cast
and approved, and then the fo'low-
Will. Cnaae ...
Pauline Sims
ing officers were elected;
"The 1W year old reminder"
President -J. I). Densmore.
bxlith ThortiM
Bobby Thayer
Vice-President ls*»ter Arnold,
"A friend of the family"
John B. CoueY-
Mrs. Chase
. leita Couey
Assistant Secretary Mike Bilyeu.
"The Second Wife"
The regular routine business was
Mrs. Hendrix
Froida Thayer
"The former Mrs Chase"
transacted and then reports of com­
Macey .
Mildred Couey mittees were had.
"Who knows all"
The committee to whom was re­
Jack Hendrix
Johnnie Weeely ferred the line between here and
"Who knows what he wants"
Stayton. the users of said line ex­
Tom Hendrix.
Verne Neal pressing a deal re to become a part
"Financial wizard"
of the Scio Mutual, reported that it
John ('ass
Orville Gilkey
bail mol with representatives of the
"An inventor"
line arui that an agreement had
l>een reached, whereby the line was
to l>e connected with the Scio
hwilchtioard and the petitioners to
' "Albany is determined not to let
keep uo the commercial line at their
sny second class school get ahead of
own expense, Thia adda about 40
her in the race for valley champion-
more phones to the Scio Mutual.
4iip"—Albany Democrat. Then
The report of the committee was
the Scio boys went in and cleaned
up Albany with a score of 32 to 16.
Fhc special commillev appointed
"Buck" White and "Pitchford’'
to arrange with a phone line near
Sims werneasilv the stars of the
Jordan to allow It Io connect with
ganiu, White alone building a score
Scio Mutual, reported that all ar­
that equaled the scores of any three
rangements had been made and that
Albany men.
connections were in force. This
The battle was fsat and full of
also adds a considerable number of
pep from the word go,and all the way
phones to the Scio Mutual. The
through the Scio boys showed their
report of the committee was *1»-
superiority over their opponents.
The line-up was
The rates for the users of the
phone system was placed at $«> per
White 14
K. Sim AO year for rural phones and 17 per
year for city phones.
T. Sims 2
It having been reported early last
Holland 6
Brandenberg 6
week that some 40 phones in the
vicinity of Crabtree desired to be­
Peo^ Theatre
Weekly & Comedy
You Are Invited
to all Services
11.75 1WE YEAR
Mae just received another fine
led nf s pi «tarir». and his prices are <
Admission 15c-35c
From Swifts Produce Co. to The
Winner Produce Co.
F. B. Studnicka, Operate*.