The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, December 22, 1921, Image 6

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Stove Young spent Tuesday morn­
ing in Scio.
* *
* * ' ■*
e ->
< r
Mr» V T.
gon City.
urday in Albany.
Mrs. Warren Woodarsrd, of Jor­
dan was in Scio Saturday-
Roe Phillipa and wife made a trip
to Albany la»t Weda« «lay-
F. W. Price, of Albany,
town Saturday and Suiuiay.
Mrs. Janet Humfieid. ot Jordan,
spent Saturday shopping in S
Angelina Weeely *»» C 'n.'i
her home with a severe cold
B. Hodgk n. >>f ln>l«'i > <
dene«, spent a few «lays m Scio l»«t
George Morris •» »pend
Christmas holidays with fri i
E. C. Shelton has reco*
his recent Ulne*» sull •<
around again.
V -»Jennie Patrny is spending a
* -I
I al the J, F. Weeely home,
•ne Mr« Wearly is confined to her
cd a» < n »ult of the cold weather.
r the first time since 1917. the
< is give excursion rate« of a
.< . --n—third for the holidays.
return <<« or before Jan. 2.
UiBt'ME still has a few copies
*>ri»tmas edition left. If
> ’ * one to send to relative«
1». do not delay. They are
r copy.
High «econd team will
he beet tram Jefferson high
. '.«>r on the 23rd at the
This promises to be one
>• lx st Imsketbail games of the
t ng of the ¡»rent teachers
v to I«- held Thursday
g l>ec. 22. at H p. m. A
>«trr tainment has been
< .vt all members are urged
Toult’l dub met st the home
>n lifiyeu Thursday, all
it < rs were present, n ak-
> full 'able«. Mrs Kath-
t r took the honors and
to Gill ’he "consolation”
J. A. Wooim-y, of P<
ths week-end in S i >.
eompanied by Ge
of Portland .
Mrs. G*y Holl!», Mi<
and Neva Thayer re tu
night from a visit t >
H !!!■ received a box of can-
4» morning. a«d immedi-
. in th- air. Not that
a —II the randy, but that
. ler it and was returning
r the principle of the
Office lloui
9 to 12 '
. ivepiy» In the domestic
mi nt the high school came
netime Munday night and
<uli all operations In thia
-hl were held up Tuesday
until the pipe could be put
xtnia* program and tree
.- v.-n at the Federated
*> Friday evening, beginning at
clock. The program consists
•»I num tiers and recitations.
i are welcome to attend these
A normal aerea
or pad u( ii>e »
mal fuiK-tio-i ,i
It Wr >:>
r«»nn.1 « -
< '
ar« intorfer*-»! with u» we «I > i >
demtaixi and a; iprVCÌftitc’ iY’VtÌHaita <»f
«(filial treatment.
rem»»«-« (nterfer-n* <
« th i ; • > ■.»•»
ami this restorts <■■ mal f-r- t-»n.
which promotes health m eithsi
acute or chronic <•«»-»
Dr. H. H. Peter*
«hone UaRj
L«b^nr<f«; reg<-.-i
'n >
• »•>
a *
¡he «lory was told Sunday that
li--'id, while in Scio for the
*■< i I attended lodge Saturday
m i then walked out to the
- tie, not Iwcause he didn't
.» a.- h<- lid, but it refuaed to
hi (after a reasonable amount
of io k:n and patience had been
... «ted h« gave up and took to
< «hunks ponies.
Now is the time to buy!
1 ’i ices are Advancing !
Don t Wait until Spring!
» t SRS
» 'F
Red Cross Aid» R umi »
as w m * * * *
December 20
Erceil Osburn ui laid up with a
bad cold
John Ransom, a student at the 0.
A. C.. is here to spend the holidays
with his uarents.
Mr. Bowman was a Sunday caller
at th« Trollinger home.
Frank Gooch has just returned
from Fortland and he reports hts
father. A. F. Gooch, improving rnu-
John Ortwein. wife and little son.
Jim, motored to Albanv Monday to
spend the day shopping
Fred Gooch and family arc in Al­
bany this week on business.
Charite Mellin.wife and daughter
Venlta made a business trip to Sa­
lem Saturday, returning the «ame
Dale Folndexter and wife called
at lhe A. Hazelcamp home Sunday.
G. M. Trollinger and A Shank«
have just returned from a thr<x-
davs* poultry tour to Corvallis, Al­
bany and Salem.
Mr. Shanks «ays
40 per cent of their flock of pullets
ar* laying now
Mrs. Freda Bates and children, of
North Snntiam. were visiting Mrs.
Batea’ mother. Mrs. Oglesbee. last
Mrs. Annie Himns and son Ken­
neth. of Corvallis, are spending the
Christmas vacation with Mrs. Hir-
ona’ daughter. Mrs. A L Powell.
Mrs. Dora Miller’s brother, from
Foeail, Oregon, made her a me* visit,
last «reek.
Jack Hansel received word that'
lhe mills had opened and he had to I
Keep Year Eyes Yeas,
Since so many young prople wear gla*-
sr«, the <»l«i i<l«-a that they makr a tier-
•on look okl is W-kloni tnentioned. The
truth la. that putting off wearing glas-
we when
y are n«*>lc»l is what makes
many people's far«« kuk older than
they are.
U m
0 ptam e/rist
Manufacturing Optician
go back to work. Mrs. Hamel will
return later.
Alfred Powell and wife were in
Jefferson on business Thursday.
Mrs. John Bents and little daugh­
ters. made Mrs. Guy Wymrn a visit
Wednesday afternoon
Charlea McLain, wife and little
daughter. Bernita, celebrated their
wedding anniversay lhe other day
with Ira Trexler an<l wife in Stay ­
ton. it being the anniversary of
both families
Fir optimist «at* to mnetnlier that
even if y«»ur mother In -law Sa* Ou- gift
nf tong.H * *t would Iw S lot «rorsa If
mlndcrader.—4 Vucags
4 .-00 p.m.
Fox Valley
Mill City
Shelton & Co., of the Sanitary Mar­
ket. want your veal ami will call
for it; and poultry of ail kinds. 3
Fare from Scio to Albany, one
way, 11-<». routHi trip ILfiO; from
Jordan. |1.2T>. round trip 12.25.
For ►ale -S horse«. 7 ami H year« old;
w.ight lino. Krjo. S&O lbs. H. F. ¡-cult
at tiaia Bros, ranch. Jefferson, Ore.
I he Red < rusa
Score Cards Get your ”600” score ChriatmaaSeal»
cards at the T ki HUNK office, 2c are now on »ale
per card, or 2j cents per card by and you ran <lo
- i a lasting grvxl
mail, postpaid
|by purchasings
Wanted at Once Girl for general
Good wages
Miss Dobrkuvsky. 9K Floral Ave..
Portland. Oreg >n.
Potatoes —Will give sulmcription to
the Tribune or Oregonian for
sacks of g<»»d potatoes. < "all at
the Tribune office.
Cadi lac 7 naam-nger. in fl rat clawi
condition, will «el! very cheap,
term» can be had. Kirk Thomp­
son, 664 Jefferson St., Corvallis.
W- are having our roll» dressed.
Will lie several days befor we can
chop. Densmore will supply your
wants In this line during that
time. Scio .Mill & Elevator Co.
supply now ami
use them on all
your letter» of
the holiday »•■»-
are for our own
state in aiding T. B. patients.
High School Reception
At last th«- High Schoo) ha» given a
reception which was a booming success
— to Jefferson High School basketball
team on Friday night, December 9th.
Parties in the past all seemed to be
dull affairs, with only a few taking pert
in the games. That night ail games
wen- planned out ahead and were very
much miiuyed, with every one taking
oert. We hope every one will enioy
Ilk« receptions in the future as Jeffer­
son did.
Cherro Flour
You will reiiah your ('hrialrnaa Cuke
If it is Iliade from
Cherro Flour
Ask your grocer.
& ô di it & & ô ó ó & ó ó ó ó ó ô Ô ô ô ó ô ß?
Buy that -Corn and get that
chopping done before the
snow gets too deep for travel
Scio Logging & Lbr. Co.
For Sale —Durock Jerry nig« two
month* old. See Ibn Thayer.
We have a complete line, necessary to
build any kind of house or bam.
Sash and Doors! Shingle»! Cement!
9:50 a m.
A. L. Powell and wife, Walter
Rice and Kenneth Hirons. attended
the double-header basketball gam«
in Scio Friday night.
and let us make you an estimate.
; v
1 Vi.*;i ■-
ih*s> afc
Medical supplies, one of the great
est nerd- in famine stricken and
The dance at (be Miller hall -Sat­ disease ravaged provinces of Soviet
urday night was well attended and Russia, which are being contributed
an enjoyable time had by al! pres i by the American Red ( me and <l«e-
ent. A three-piece orchestra com- tnbuted by the American Relief
pooed of Mr. and Mrs. Eari Gooch ' Abminmtrali-xi. are being shipped in
and Mr. Fleska, of near Jeffers n, increasing quantités from the Europ­
ean stocks of lhe H« k I Croaa and
furnished the music.
Mrs. Lee George spent Sunday from the United States. By the
end of the year American Rci Cross
with her mother. Mrs TruHuiger.
Byran Hate« shipped a fine veal supplice valued at more than 91.760,
<M)V will have been amt into Soviet
Monday morning.
Jack and Guy Wyman w«-re «hup­ Russia to alleviate general distress.
ping in Shelburn Monday afternoon. Advice just received at National
Mr«, John Ortw«in ami »on. Era- Hweiquarters indicate the preva­
set. were Sunday visitor« at the lence of Typhus fevor and the danger
of Ha becoming wide-spread during
Marion Brown home.
Harry Crum««, formerly of Wash­ the regorous Russian winter. Dis­
ington. is here to spend a few weeks eases t««uking from mal-nutritton
are dsn general.
with his father. Quincy Crumc*
t, Z. J. Clark ami family «pent Sat­
■ . M. I
Wigglesworth. of Ore­
Pent Bartniek and wifc
»j -hopping in Albany.
Densmore’s Feed Store