. — I 1 tecxml tee« mt ----- —Dealers in-------- IP lb lawrence and Euw.n Bart nick and Theodore Snyder Started to Scio Tuesday and left their car standing temporarily in front of the A. R McDonald place, When they re- turned in a few minutes it was en­ D»ey finely aue- veloped in flame», S< IO, OREGON ceded in putting the Are out after It had done a lot of damage to the car They got a ride to town, then » I Illi Ul IV k’Lllli ILIHIi went home and got a team of horses W A Ewing, A. E. Randall. which they hitched to the front of President Vice Pre«. the car and drove home o>nsi«torably £ IK Myers, ('ashler slower than they started. The orig­ start a bank account today and in of the fire is not known. providr for your future. Y< hi will find a checking es> Mrs. J. S Funk and Lila return- count very convenient for your ed from Yamhill county last Sunday. I ¡■•icvsa transaction«. We pay interest on time deposit«. Thev left Ivan Funk much improved in health Morrison & Lowé Peter Peterson and wife returned last week from an extend«d visit to UNDERTAKERS their daughter. Mry. Cora Cantrell, Cails Attended to Promptly at Hood Kiver. and friends at Jos­ l>av or Night Enterprise. Wallowa eph and SCIO OREGON county, and another daughter. Mr». D. Eckley. near Tampa. Idaho. Mr. Peterson's son-in-law presented him with « tanned deer skin and a pair Real Eslate Broker of buckskin gloves of which he la Fresh and Cured Meats Poultry and Vaal Shelton & Co. Props Riley Shelton and Nolaru Public very proud. Hinhijtts Obtained, ¿xamtned Our farmers union held a very OREGON interesting session last Saturday evening, with S. B. Holt. our new president presiding. A charavari was held Saturday evening at the Hanke home in hon­ zSTAYTO?t. - - - OREGON or of .Mr, and Mrs. J no. Hanke, who were married recently in Albany i «Ibi answered Day or Night ■Mrs. Hanke was Avne* Ray. daugh­ I ulHTcuhn Testing ter of Will Kay’s, who hva near Sanderson bridge J. W McHenry and wife, of Cor- CLASSES FITTED villis. drove over Tuesday to look BY »» after their orchard, the "Mistletoe1 at Gilkey. Clifford Kelly, of Poet, Crook PRICES REASONABLE county, was a visitor at the l^onard Gilkey home Wednesday. Private office for examination« Grace Bartnik returned Io her 1 M. F RENCI 1 & SONS work in Camas last Tuesday L W ALBANY Muzzy and wife, of Newberg, who also came for the funeral, left Wed nesday for their home. James Richardson has lieen ill G. F. Korinek Veterinarian Graduate Optometrist U DR A. G. PRILL Pbniciai ani S qubûd Calla Attended Day or Night ----- —- Our little frosts froeta Thursday and Friday were no surprise as they were the first since Sept 10. Our appointments of our school board for a special meeting in dis­ trict No. 77 oo Ltecemher lteremher 17 for the purpose of voting on a budget to ran wm* rater some 23UO 33UO was a fixe fizel I from the start as their were uahr only four mem­ bers out. It seems >ms as though our district is not much interested in our school. John Griffin made a ruii run over to visit with Com Brown Saturday Mr. Berget has a fearful cold and has also loet lost a fine buck lamb. Iwwie Iwwia Coneer. Conter, formerly of Jeffer­ son bu* now of Portland, was my last weeks visitor with also his eons sons Lug and Wain, of Isvcomb Istcomb Our school, under the manage manage- ment of Mine Mias Moore, is la proving to be quite satisfactory. aetisfaelory. Crabtrwe called in Sunday Newt Crabtree a'ternoon a ’ternoon for a chat with hie his «islet sistet Mrs. 8. S W. Gams Gams. Ed IM Kalina wu was out in the pasture («sture Sunday afternoon and ran acroe« across a large coyote. Mr Garland waa Mr. was out earlv early Mon Mon- ­ day morning soliciting names to show the court we are highly elated over Wm. Gilkey as m road r<«anon waa Plumb Plan for the control and man ren. which we call a very g.sid demi |h>. H(gh th_ : ageinant of railn>a>b should be enacted Scio I, Lebanon 2 Frank 1‘rok.p ami family motored HimU Swr<, Honir , T|w dreis the queetton. ('hristmas arala. "Resolved, that the Further- . ■ t ’ still a fact f* “**- — this I yarn is L. absolutely I, th \ arn la — ‘-'-j., virgin 23. i,.<- wool w»... was «aa grown in Linn v ..i „ ; the The at'endenev at our Sunday ,,t. . 4 by Mr. Sendera to the ore- count I«st Sun­ « »r i. I Company i mill» located at School is still increasing, • ■). il dr into worsted yam by day officers were ejected as follows; , r bishop, »on of C. P. Bishop; •lor of the Woolen Mill SuRe of Supt-. W. A. Gilkey; Asst Supt, S. baioni Oregon knitter» try thio vam P. Crenshaw; See. Tre»., tx-onard out. All r re. tóc ver ball of 2 oaa Kam pl •o-nt on applxation. Address Gilkey. C. J*. ! ,1 ! Box 76. Salem. Oregon. W A Gilkey and Leo Teller at­ tended the Pete Beebe trial today. Louis Leo. of (Tabtree, well known here, has lieen discharged Corvallis. Or., Os« 2B-JI. ’»Ft from the state hospital for the insane W A ami l«e >nnrd Gilkey and G. Put Into Ferm Practice Fruit A Vegetable Course. Dec 3-17/21 Miller, of Shelburn, local appraisers Tractor Mrchanira Course ........ for the Federa£land I tank of Spo­ Jan 2-Mar. 18. 22 kane. were appraising land near Dairy Manufacture Course ..... Jan. 2-Mar. 18, a Jordan Thursday Agriculture Course. Jan 2-Mar 18, 22 E F. Gilkey visit.jl at the George Dairy Hetdsmen’s Course . ................. Jan. 2-June IS. a Flook home in Mehama the first of Grain • frading Course Jan Sc2). r- Iteekcping Course Jan. 80-Jeb. 26, a the w«-<-k Hunmakers Conference ••r-- Charles Apple and two sons were .... Mar. 30-26. *22 calling in thew part« last Saturday OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Mrs Ahna Sommer is visiting her Fall let « wsism » so aar Coarse to wriua« Twill <.r.»a. Ü. AC.. - twsaito. Otwae daugeter» ia Stay ton. Mrs. Clarence Beauchamp and Mrs. Margaret Get One of These for Xmas ■ FARMERS’ WEEK t WE HAVE EVERTTHINC OPTICAL BVH STRAIN ♦............. .. 9ANT1AM Optical Company 3)3 W. 1st St.. Albany FARM TOPICS 4 Is the cause of many HUMAN IL1J< BANCROFT ! $ Shafer. December 20 Elmer and John Griffin made a trip to Lebanon Thursday to have some dental work done on Elmer .a ‘ ¥ -nl ' nfi< y« t- . YV* .¿i £ . A-*. ¿ Dave Horsburgh is ia picking 26 fine roosters which he will ship Tuee- rooeters Tues­ day to Portland. Rev. Roradan. Horadan, of Albany, has made an appointment to deliver a series of lectures on the old uhi and New Testaments, beginning New Years day at al our school house was down to 20 2U The temperature wss Tuesday morning. A little snappy , I to start. Winter Short Cursis « «*ít $17.00 3-burner oil cook stove, for 2-burner oven, drop door Pyrex cassarole . . . Community plate silverware. $2.50 pocket knives $100 Electric Wasber $100 Range. . . X Off on All Aluminum Ware I 3 'Á Off % Of f 1.75 80.00 80.00 X Of f ! $ $ $ t $ $ $ $ $ t $ $ $ $ teeth. V %.?