Our Christmas Tree Christmas 1921 ’ I is Christmas again—the season of laughter and youth. With a lift of spirit and a warmiug of heart, six joins hands with sixty to celebrate the happy occasion. No one escapes the spell. Only a day—but on this day the old grow young and the youth throws off the grasp of time. fl Up lifes winding course and through the ages change constantly bites at the heel of habit and custom. T he romantic stagecoach has given place to steam and speed. Electricity has snuf ted the soft beam of candle light, even the tink ling sleighbell has been drowned in the roar of motor horns. Yet youth knows naught of the ho will say old age—gladly accepts the new that spirits were keener or smiles brighter at the Christmases of our fathers than they are today? to krep away evil -fi i . i -i tl>. reck la a buly blrti anus. Tber« a piva* m - -f him and Mslut (Orphan, tba DrM martyr, whose dsy I* Itucambsr an. cl»-» by Ms dear Loid s. Nu-phvo ««• Kiug Herod's «h-u ltd. It M-viiia. whu aervtd btlu la tir .ii'iH'ii an«l at tabla, tins night a» i,. - bringing In tha boar’s brad ft,i » » inastar** illnaer hr saw tbr Mm «hln i-, over Heihlebrtn. tmiue- dlatrl l>. «n down th* hugv platter and exi-lalua-d ; lip,, er, Itrrtid, will I be th, am at fur a greater King than thou I* ■U «i allrth theeT’ cried the Kins ww'f.iuiiy “1>S you lack meat or drink it ubi >n the platter ahall thl» »r*j ii»." eroi» r . «• itw- worda out of his lini -o the cia-fc »t rat chad hi. menti Back nnd crow «I luatlly. “Chrtatu. At this proof that tiat'is ar« why. noto thla day. Maini 1 »’ pllFIT ir thè |Mitrou of «lune cutter* t nrwell Krewn. In ldppln<-utl's Magagne. F Bloaoom Given the Name st Reeurroo- lion Flower; Al*o Called St. Mary'« Hot*. KVKI«?!. varieilea o.' thè socall*«) lesurrectlou plani hm» appe»red Siuuug thè »ovviti** offend b) dorisi» bui Ite utlglnal is thè rwe ut Jeilcho Alili* Ibe shorv* ut thè t>ead «va, fai er.ougii iw « j tu be »ut ut rvs< h vf tb< desiti strm and sidri thè xrinltixly dead little ball a»ay over »atidy platea, li*» a feather vr.ght. Af'er II • hat.ie* tu rr*. b some h«-m frutti th< H«ly land. b>q| «under fui tale* <>f li» power to hloom out <>r. A m i I. i r otti 1,-yelid munse II fro«» every «|mi « ber» thè) Lalied to resi The dry hall «ben unfoldlng drop» II* seed*. ami frani tlm-e II m»y be riUHvated h » an sondai To reaiirre. t theae dry Imi!» I! I* «Iniplv imxcmsi ) lo keep f tir tu »tmi'llhg in glasse* si •ater, lirue-r», < hatrway lo th< top uf tbelr brenel’vs. The ri;su»loii f* merrly a luv< halikal sponead *«•- relative, whlch, eltbough It haa ver, little lemuty. ha» an lumored place animiti fliwver» tiecaum- of thè many fatici«» and a«»-»Intimi» li celle tip and II* prruiiar ilevet.-pnimt Ariros K ery Merry Christmas BLAIN CLOTHING COMPANY S VALUE FIRST "The Store With a Square Dt-al for Everybody” ALBANY < >!U«XJON W4.7A3 Veteran* Aided Ihe V cilue of Education Thr*s hundred and forty-four chap tars of tha Amsrican Red Croa* coniprtain* th* Atlantic diviaion with h*adquart*ra in New York, i during th* fiscal war gaw aaaist- ancs in oti* form or another to 864,1 763 wtrana of th* World War. Thia **rvic* was rendered at a coat of approximatly 11.180,416. Of the more than 26.000 diaabled men who | are Iwin* cared for by the Vatrana Bureau throughout the country j treated I mor* than 3.600 are being in hospitals in the Atlantia division 1 and their comfort is one of the ehief eoncerna >f the Red Crocs Chapters. Red CraBB workers sre busy every­ where distributing comforts, provid­ ing entertainment and recreation and helping the familiea of three Education uf any kind ha* two value* value a* Knowledge, and value a* Ihanpiin«*. Beatdra it* use|for guidance in conduct, the learning of order of facts ha* also its use aa mental exernae. Education cannot tie acquired without pain* and application. It may be troublesome and deep digging for pure water, but when you once strike the spring* they rise up and meet you. Many have thought the idea to obtain an education to help a man or woman to appear advantageounlv upon the theatre, especially, of public life, their youth must be spent within the walls of some classical place of learning that they might commence their career under the high floating banner* of fame and success. By gaining a good edncation you ahall have your reward in the rich store of knowledge you have thus collected, and which •hall alway* l>* at your ednimand. It is more valuable than any earthly treasure while fleru may sink, bank* may totter, and riches flee, you have the intellectual investment* made permanent and enduring. M ihn B ckna V kmtta S hu MM. English I, men. Scio High School. //ta Panlt Hutton ♦ • ►n a shingle fourni in the deep wools Adoartbtl Adscribe! uf < 'regon some year* ago was the story of a man and hie rkr*le*»i>e»s in drop Cleaning ths Baucspan. It’s ss plain aa A. 11 C., Hr, ping a lighted match * craw led in pen­ II. I» a slmpl* but must «ucwsaful Just as simple as can be, Mr, cil were thee* linea: Blflhnd <»f cle«n«iag a «aurypan In You can make a dollar of each dime. After He drop! a match whan h* Ht a »segar. which milk has been boiled Advertise your proposition. pouring out the hulling milk, quickly And it fell in a bunch uv grasa. Hatter down all opposition. rrplnc* 'hr ltd before the «team ha» And then want on to ehoot hi* b'ar t B at pestiferous boy . TeW 'em all shout it— Unir t«i wnpe wild allow the Miurepaa "A Marry Christ«.a. aid man. Bui In a distant mountain pass Now’s the time! to tw-6>rv taking It off a ila. Thea Why are you ilm*ingF* And tbe wind it ria and the firs »pred It ' Advertise! Advertise! tl . |toai In c»ld water tn »oak put "That pcatifa'oua bny of mina eats Till it went all over the patch— All the town will patronise. can he rlraned quickly and anally. Staat trap lor Santa Ciaua. And tbe melted penta buttons they All suceseful men advise. found was hie— It's the bettor way. B«ttar*n an lea Wagan The feller that droppt the match. Advertising used discreetly h> H- "t> and many other .»•s*t elf. Whrn two linfe Irish hoya ««bed a le» the thle» < are utilised Io the woman In an rlrrirlv tnachloe for a Compstittam thwart* completely. di-t> «al sewage pen of which is nd*, »he h»> rd Into the upturned Advertise your line, - 'twill surely W Bsysnd ths Rat*. belìi tn reserviHr* until strong outgo Inr tidal current« have de,el,>pe«l. Re fore lit* mm of abe tide the sewage ha- beef, carried *o far that it has be­ co . tu x.-d with an immense body of mean water and is rendered hana- dirty face« amt couldn’t restart. driving te the «reset they had nated they sot perfectly «till eye* fora«ed straight ahead. Imt they gig out »lie hewril -me way: bet tom While ft Is plsk. that thvrs ar* hnnk* desig­ which srv not flt «uhlwt« for rrttt with ct«m. which do m»t rt»a Int» th* Arid when of *M1st1c bring quit* Irrsspvcttva of “ties, th» asmtwr of edition* (hroorh which tlx; bavs l^n.altre Christmas arai* aland for Christ­ mas spirit On* of the few things a will by. From JeHerton Myer* The following is self explanatory. Pot Hand. Ore., Dec. 20, 1921. Editor Sei® Tribune: May I offer to you my hearty congratulations on the Christmas Edition of the Trib­ une. A most valuable number in design and history of thio old pio­ neer city and community. Yours Very Truly, Jefferson Myers. Thank*. Arrovdlhs to a news Item, a woman »•« recently married while In a fy |* n«ually tbe brldegn penny 'rance — Uexlon Paeelng Mbow.