- •. I.. F. A, <• < . ■ • . • 1 a • V I e > * ♦ •e ’ * *7, • • •• • • » - » •» » :tyC. • • <•- • • ’ A- •» •' 4 ; a - . • ~-.v -> iu a • •*' ,*«* • s « %* ’ -•* •• •« « • i*- 4’1 >0 cl: ,fT a * 4 ’ * * f è F * * p . • ì **./• ■ J ■‘"'«S ♦ • y. * •X* j • J* • Z V ► **• <<• » V Cv..-' r. r» • •«- • f d •• • V* •-* ♦ ◄bV ? 5&Ì • k « * * • • ' * • r ’Xm- v f • : * ■ . »jT À 1 w* I - n ¡[ Sdo Sphinx, made ita bow to the Seto surely needs one. and if If were J [ public oo the 20th. It is a 4-page built it could be paid for in time by paper, well edited, and Uberallv pat­ basketball money alone. ronized by the local merchants It Scio easily defeated Hales v in is the intention of the students to basketball last Friday. Halsey is issue the paper monthly during Ihr one of the tesms out for champu iofl' remainder of the school year. ship honors, so this victory gives Scio a firm step on the ladder. R umor has it that Poetmaste*- The Seto Sphinx wa« published General Will Haya ia soon to resign and distributed Monday afternoon. hie poet in the Hardin« cabinet and Copies may be purchased from the accept a meagre situation with the circulation manager at 10c a e py. motion picture buamesa at a paltry The Student Body met last Tues­ ■alary of >100.000 a year. Moot day to discus« student affaire. The any of ua would be glad to receive new constitution was adopted with a «alary of even 110.000 a year. a few alight changes It waa al«o decided to hsve a Christma» tree I T hr special ncaaion of the legisla­ Committees were sppomted for pro­ ture la now in full awing. We sup­ gram, decorating and drawing of We expect gome lovely (?) pose the members will each have a names pet bill or so to muddle^the situation presents maybe Last Wednesday each class met a« regards the 11125 fair and the pro­ tection to our paved highways. It is to elect a representative f<»r the stu­ said Gov. Olcott will veto all bills dent council for their respective except the two for which the special Au. signs point to a revival of «easion was called. business soon after the first of the year, not because of congrees. but T hat Illinois convict who escaped in spits of it. three days before his execution waa some daring bird. Illinois will have, No one ie more competent to sym­ to try him over when captured, be­ pathize with Preaident Harding than cause under the law he is now le­ ex-Preeident Wilson on thia arma­ gally dead for the crime committed, ment queetion. The same belliger­ for which he waa tried, found guil­ ent minority ie still in congres« ty and sentenced to hang. No trace of him has Iwen found. class»« A reception wa» given i ndav night In honor of thr Halsey basket ball teams. RBPORTKK Sunshine and Oranges Appeal to coiintleM thoinmnda each year Why not go to California's Sunnv Southland this winter? There you will enjoy the warmtn of an unclouded sun, the bathing beach*-», outdoor sports and the fragrance of flowsrs and oranges. Through Sleeping Cars Observation and Dining Cars Via The Scenic Shasta Route Provide al) thr comfort« of modem travel. The rail journey affords an opportunity of seeing many interesting plares along the way Round Trip Excursion Tickets are on sale to • Santa Barbara, Lot Angeles, San Diego For fares, train schedule», descriptive folders or «leeping car reservations, ask Ticket Agents, or write SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES 1» s JOHN M. SCOTT. General Passenger Agent. FARM 1 1GHT & POWER OUTFIT Ask these well known men why they purchase«! <>ur plant; 1. H. Copelaml. Crabtree; Wm. Volk man. Crabtree; Walter Blackburn. Scio. <.«.rgv Schterth, CrabUvo; O. B hecbler. Ul anon; Walter Po­ land, ttheatd And many others. I’aul Automatic Water Syitema Min , Uirioirrr mrr-- 1 1 lt«S Ft#« SIUNltf'J n -1-- rr ■ i’7- ---- — Pcrfedbon Milking Machines ■ , i emn •' -'w-s., i i i s an Ups (Natures Milker) Anker i lolth Cream Separators. at.ced Bowl 1 he Only Self Bal­ Electric \V inng by Licensed and Bonded Men—Estimates Cheerfully Furnished THE ELECTRIC STORE Inc )*h«»oe 20. 33? W First «V Old P. O. Building Al HANY. Greeting /• /'iathat I hr fa/art may I m errn hrtte r for all of us- ; II 7 wish you all ; .................... .......................................... i Merry Christmas and a Happy, Prosperous New Year [>cvtnlrr 20 Hurt land Monday. 7«. J. Clark, Arthur and Miss Lulu were shopping in Albany Saturday Mias A nene Smail si>ent Saturday at the county seat. Mias Jennie I’alrnv was assisting with housework at the home of J.F. Wsaely the latter part of the week Grandma Fleming ie <>n the sick list this week. The doctor wa* called to her bedside Monday morn ing. Mias Josie Morris msde a trip to Scio Saturday. Visitor's Day will be observed at < the school house Friday afternoon : under the supervision of Miss Anrtie Smail, the teacher. Beginning at 1.30 a program consisting of Christ­ mas exercises will tie given, to which the public 1« cordially invited to at­ tend. Frank Shindler and daughter.Mm Anna, called at the home of John I Shindler Sunday evening Mrs. 0. E Eichinger made a trip to Scio Saturday California Now in die Time to Burchaae Your iri th this ire wish to extend our si nerrt thanks ; l.oien Bond ami Bert Hollis wen- guests at the home of Z J Clark, Sunday Geo. i’atrny, M Bilyeu and E F Let the Tribune do your printin«. DoLong were shipping poultry to T hk Lebanon Express and Hub­ bard Enterprise were the only two Garage Sound ai»6 Scratch _ Egg producer _ 2.HO 2 i>0 More fat, for hogs _____ 2 00 Ground barley ___ 1 70 Roll<*d barh’v Shelled corn, eastern ____ 1 «5 Ground or cracked corn ... 1.75 1 j» Page cracked corn _____ 2 00 2 <*4 Middlings _____ 2 <>0 Red Dog _ FbCNJR Hard wheat . Soft wheat_________ 62.116 2 15 1 60 c. C. BRYANT ATTORNEY AT LAW Authorised Auction Sale uxl Interstate Inspector. PhonesPalare Feed *hed. IM J 3U-2 New First National Bank Bldg. Residence, WO R ALBANY. OREGON ALBANY OREGON «