The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, November 10, 1921, Image 2

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    •my days give ampi«- Urne for
n >1 ng
And beai l»*S Tot» want lo
k> >w what veur community is do­
li , «ih »<*. fc. and thare ta no bet­
te r way than by sui»ecriblng (or
i.<- town |>a|>er. The Tribune ta
fi 75 thè year seni anywhere in thè
Enter«*! at the taw'ofi <* ■( Scio.
I '>it««d Sta tra. and 12 25 in Canada
Oregon a« second class matter.
I hi* lattar coverà u>< extra ta«tag<-
•ugacumoM. in apvanc «
11.75 rvouired for t'ana<ia
aovgrnaiNG ratios :
Ixx-al advertising per Une ftr*t in­
Each subséquent insertion per line .06
Display adv rtising First in»ertion
tier meh .........
Earn subsequent
subswjuent inM*rtlon
AdverUs-menta »houki reach Ibi*
not later than Tuesday to insure p-.i-i
eaUon in the current l*»u.
All transient adverti»* ’*>■ *’•■ <> >*t **•
ritl tLHIiAY. Nov. 10. 1921
fKls Worth Uewinj iai TtlliH
Scio l* the trading center of th*- north
forks of th* **antiam.
Scio has population of aboui Wil.
Ben-» is tu U k heart of u»e ta-.t dait >
mg s« *'tioti of Linn c- luty.
S,io farms gmw most an> thing that
ran its gr»*wn from »oil
*ci<) own* its water and el<-rtric light
plant* plenty of j«-i*«-r at » ■
for any numlwr of enterprises
Sen* has a milk eondenaerv. a< d <e
better milk I* canned any whet«
Scio hai a (louring null, and it* v»i»i
uct find» a rvady market nt «1 i*" ■
Scio 1» cleag to billions of f<* t of
staniling timln-r, and «-» <■ big nc> «
be busy making it ready fur mar».- I
Scio ha» a hospital «<-cund t • 1
Sciu If you want to know nw»n- about
Sclu and tlw aurrumding ioui>tr>, » Mi­
to the bank, th- may *r or to ll - v
of thin paper.
Henry I’revirf, wife and daugh­
ter. Bernier Griffin, met with an
auto accident when returning home
from our Harvest E«**tival on loe
evening of Oct<«her 22. They were
on a narrow ma<i. and a car came
toward* them with such bright lights
MoNKY sent oat of town for mer­
that Mrs Brevier could not »••«• and
ci i.i.dtse that should be parehaaed at
■ ran off the road, upset her car and
home do«--- not come l»ack. and we
*damag«*>l it a lol
Mrs Prevter re­
an I th.- town suffer for thethoughl-
ceived some injuries to her «bould­
> act of those who fatten the big
er. but the rest -if th« occupants
1 erchanta at the exitenar of our
were uninjurq^l
*• monwraith If the trade of thia
Many of our people attended
munity was kept at home our
Konopaaek sale near Crablrae
-rn would ba more prosperous.
Nov. I.
I -• pioii.-y we haveearmd would be
The Farmers’ Union m«*t at O T
circulation, and would, in the
school h- a«- .i-t Sai-urday evening
ie of business, come back to us
and had a very interesting session.
1« 1 *|i several times during the
J. G. Holt acting a» president
< -r. but that »mt out of town does
W. A. Gilkey an<l wife and Mr*
It is gone forever.
not ■ -’I . bark
Cora Smith were shopping in the
Hub city W«dnr*dav afternoon
Want* Rumor* Io itut
Cletus Holt left Sunda> for a few
days' visit with friend« in Portland
Rumor* still persist that Gover- and lo take in the big stock show
. r Olc>U is t*> r- «ign and accept a
Mrs T. J Butler spent th«* *<*k
, | ett* m. and agetn thegnv-J end at ths home of her brother. J
• 1 .1 demra them. He says:
G Hull, returning to her home tn
I have no such intention in mv Albany Sunday.
In fact 1 publicly denied the
Our Thimbl«« Club met Thursday
mu >r • inpbatieally when it first
at the home of Mrs Augusta Schie- a»eee»eeeeeeeeee«eee««eeeeeeeeeeee«eeeeeweeeeeeeeeee
u printed some weeks ago am.* the
A very
Sotiixl mid Vacuum (’up ;
• n 4 w a*. published in some t>at>ers man with fifteen pr«-«ent
P u .-t
Rck-ardle-w of that fact pleasant afternoon was »pent in con
Tires mid T u I ivh
01.>r pen*i«’a
Once for all I versation and contrata
Winners tn
Oils and Grease«
-r- i-> «y Hier»* la no lisais for contests were Ida Y-mkera. a potted
■ run. >r and there never has
Storage Batteries
plant. sik I Edna t'.i.k-y. a <lt*»h
iJght refresh*i>«-nts were aerved
Auto I’miits mid Enamels H
Lrater Holt and wife of Dayton,
Nun Partiian Lcagur Cocvcatioa
epent Sunday at the t»arental home
of J G Holt.
I In Tribune is tn receipt of a I
Ted Johnaofl. who was hurt by a
A rmwthf B ay tomorrow
munication from li H Stallard.]
tree, ha* returned to Fr«*l
«•ur mind the second of all h- -Li
te manager of th«* Non-Partisan
--------------------------- "WHtRt SAVINGS ARC SAFE" ---------------------------
’a after a w.-ek al the Seto
IndapandenAr Dav first.
to th«* »-ff«*cl that there is
In Saving Begin Early, (omnound interest exerts th«* strongest effect
b. 4 «’»te convention of that or-
on money w hich has b-*.-n the bank the longest time
pgr Two dollars a
Wr«rk will amount to »674.0 in five year», to »1275 3) in ten years and to
N ot to early to begin your < hr 1-1
*• -*n at the !j«l»or Temple, 4th
|:tl«e Kr in twenty year* if deposited with this strong bank.
mai advertising. It 1» the only »m 1 I J«-!’<*r-- >n «treets. Portland, and Frances, spent th«* week-end at T.
to get the fieople to ib 1> early l>
in ed for 10 a m Tuesday.
i day
the world know what you have t-- \ v 15
The letter alao says the
Mrs S K Barne* and daughter.
hav< le-.-n r«*duced from tlKto,
Frances, of Albany, visited at Frank
Now in flu* Time to I’urcliiiH»* Your
112 a F« ar
Whether good or t>ad.
Hough's from Monday till Thursday
Sl*KNl> your cash here in 8eu>, th«
- w : n<>t, but we are publishing it
last week
same ns you have to with the mki
in item news, the same as for
Ask these well known men why they purchased our plant:
To be the bride’amaid at a man's
order houses, and you will gel l«-l
• thvr organization. A good
I. H. EopeUnd, Crabtree; Wm Volk man. Crabtree: Walter Blackburn,
ter goods and save the price of a vav t<> find out about such organi- wedding, and fifty-two veats later
Hcio; <>eurge Sihlerth. t rabtr-e. O. B. Keebler, I*ebanon; Walter Po­
land, Sh«**id
And many others.
in the same city, his bride, waa the
stamp and the money order
■■..n* 1» to attend of their
I’nul Automatic Waler Systems
| fate of Mra D. S Biekey. "How
out y< ur list and try it once and m
-.•tmg* if on«* can, and we under
how money talks
and thin is open tu the public.
I ’rrfrt'lion Milking Machines (Nature's Milker)
The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon
Till.* might hapi>en in Scio, bu'
we h"|»e not: "We let the
ser shut up shop and move aw
overnight. We had got uwl !•■
seeing its payroll swell up our bunk
accounts each month. We thought
it was here to stay und we went to
sleep <>n the pole. It simply packed
up and left ami we have been wan­
dering ever since what mt us.”
Forest Grove I »ally News
T mk poatnfflce department 1» re­
questing Its patron» to prop, rly an-i
securely wrap ixckag*-» intended for
transmission through th«* mads, thu*
assuring its proper delivery al de*
loss of contents and man« annoyan­
ces and unjust claims agmn«t the
postothce department for damage*
Now is a g.Hal time to begin Iw-mg
careful in wrapping packages the
Christmas season is up*n us.
pRgm soon (he farmer and I the
laborer won’t l>e allow ed to even
breathe, let alone contract, if that
breathing interferes with the pur*
suit of some big war profiteer No-
tier the injunction just obtaimii
by a few coal o|>erat--r* against the
Coal miners and the operator* with
whom the miner* had contract* to
•«»licet dues
N.»bod., uni«-** he is
a war profiteer, has any individual
rights, Ye trotto an<l little fish«-«.
what next?
T his
Butler Resign* Commutioacrthip
tc.'ordmg to the Allumv Ilemo-
- it. t inimaatoner Butler has ten-
< 1 hi* resignation to liecome ef-
t, live January 1. 1922. Just what
«tatu* the ciue now holds we do not
kn w but at thia long distance and
wi hout further facta, this paiwr l»e-
••»--« costly step has been made
In Mr. Butler. If a successor can-
1 t In* appointed to fill out hie un-
x piled term, then it will take good
1 u*y. real money, to hold a specie
l.-ction to fill the vacancy money
tat would build some road or do a
• f road repair. Then another
mistake is resigning under fire.
Mr Butler was conscientious in hts
efforts to economically serve the
county in road building it should
ake more than a committee to
cause him to leave office either
• *h or expiration of the term for
w -h he was elected. Che next
ike was in not making his re*-
■ ttion effective after his succraaor
. ccted at the general election
• \ -vember
We h..p«> Mr But-
1 will reconsider his n*signation in
ti inter ‘t nf the taxpayer, who is
already ovcrburd«.ned.
Er «ver thirty years Internation­
al St.-eh Food Tonic has bran in uae
y thousands Md thousand«fif farm­
It tnakea farm animals fat.
thrifty and profitable, Try IL Sold
I Adv.
by K- y's I trug Store.
I s
"Home Town
Week." B. a boaster and
your home town paper. The
Mason te here. i»ng evenin
I f you want ditwsed or live Tur-
lor thanksgiving, are or phone
F rki > K orparmku
Sou. Qr«u<i
Coming to Albany
Electric U iring by I jcenseJ and Bonded Men—Estimates
Cheerfully Furnished
Dr. Mellenthin
A ««Kveaaslul Socisli.t for the Past
f ifteen Years.
1 he Only Self Bal­
Anker I iolth Cream Separators.
at ced fiowl
M Wfll RY
327 W
birst «L
Fhune M.
Oki I*. d. Building
AHI beat ALBANY ttoTI.L, Monday.
Nov. I 4
OftUe Mowr« IO ». <n. r»> 4 p m
..Wesely’s Grocery..
No Charge for I »animation
t»r. Mellenthin i* a regular gra-hiate
in mediein»- and surgery and is licensed
by the »late of t»rrg«in. He visits pro­
fession ally the more important towns
and cilm and offers U> all who rail on
this trip consultstlon and i-xamination
free, exerpt the expense uf treatment
wh-n drain-d.
Acvx>nhng to his meth«»-! of treatment
hr docs not operate for chri»nic apprndi
' cilia, gall alotn-s. ulcer* uf the stomach,
tonsils or adnosls.
lb has to hi« credit many wonderful
results in diseases of thcatnmach. liver,
bowel«, blood, skin, nerve», heart, kkl
nrys, be<l wetting, bladder, catarrh,
weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatic, leg
ulcers and rectal ailments
If you have been ailing for any length
of time arvi do not get any better, do
not fail to call as improper measure*
rather than diaeaae are verv «»fl«»n the
Cause of long standing trouble.
Remember above date, that exsmina
tlon on thia trip will be free and that
his treatment la -tiff. rent.
Xddrraa: XK I «-»ton Htock. Minne­
apolis, Minn.
EVE SI M ain
Is the cause of many
Optical Company
313 W lat St.. Albany
Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Hay and Garden Seeds
of all kinds.
We want your Butter, Eggs and
Garden Produce
J. F. \X ESELA, Scio, Oregon ■
P>l-t New Flrat National Hank Kkig
UKE ou A j
Office Hours: