• • . V* f . f V -ft «• *ei r « * • •- > • • *. *•* ‘ .•« g w -• : - • « ‘.Y* V • .,**** ' ” - ‘ « * E C. t, an i wife. Mr«. Gao. and E C. Shelton were »chool mate» While here Mr Ixeper II« nry Hanaler and Jo« and chum« Bill. u. M |«r»-|H-r. d: ve Providence Sunday wa» the gue«t of Mr Shelton. This afterre» n tw »tteod church. Rev. H. waa hi« first visit to Scio «inc* leav­ Chao. Warwick, of Sodaville, paid ing her« 19 year« ago. B. Ber prva- rhtng. a short suit to Scio Friday. You ran I < R. M Shelton wa» a buainmi vis­ itor at the county »ret Turwiav. Quality II Bella Hrentur, John Sticha and A. 0. Benaon. of Portland, «pent Dr. H. H. Peters «Men» IM«i Lo«*s»w. Or»»o« Range«. My poultry bring no profits. There’s a • ime quality of remoly for «very diwaae of animal» and poultry io the Internationa! line Heater« .in-f Itaogr« »han other«. N adv J day. Sick, unthrifty farm animal« and re for no better ar <1 price »•»• Bill Brenner were in Altiany Mon­ A normal nerve »upply to any organ or pail of the bmty generate« r < mal function amt maintain» health If we urwb-rwtand why and h * : • rv< are interfered with we would tb--n uli de re tan« I and appreciate rn--thi«l-> -f •IHnal treatment Spinal tr» itn-«-nt remove» interference with nerve* and thia rv»t<>r<-» normal fund -.n. which premotea health in eitt««« acute or chronic r»««. n >t< I of Slock and Poultry Preparation« Sold by Kelly's Drug Store. (adv M-iRJUiaw. Tt r Quality Store. Shell Rimmed Glasses Are comfortable to wear and di«- Ya Editor’s wife and Mrs. J •>< ph l.i«k« wa« in Albany houaehoid tiprtive in appearance We handle Monday and Tuesday in Scio on bua- Friday to vi«it her daughter and goods arrived in Scio yeeterdayJ them in all the latest styles family, *dr» S’ai --y Van Winkle, I They will Iw at home in the SheitoO Orwi. who arc to it ve to North Bend I properly next to th« Tribune office Tony and Jake Silbernagle and when Mi \ in Winkle i« to eerve after N'ov«mli«r 1. .Mr» McAdoo their mother drove to Albany Satur­ • w for the re­ thi» city. brought in. Il 1» aaid to have moval of her tonsil«, »uttered a re­ the incision broke, causing her ton­ Got'em e trist. SUMMONS I E R’>»wli and wife, of Port­ w< ghr-i --wr a hundred and twenty In the Circuit Court of l.i> n < oui-xy. land, registered at Hotel Sem Satur­ pounds. State of Oregon, Departinvtil N 2 day night. C. P. Neibert, Plaintiff, Joe Ijeepor, of Albany, wa* in v». Sri - ..ve; tn . ek end Mr. Ia-eti­ Virgil Shilling and Henry Shope, A. C Brown and Sarah I. 3 SUMMONS «■ i here, and he Brown hi» wife, E M of W»«l Scio were in town Monday er wa» I. • Sherlock. R D. Norton on buaineM. and Alice E Norton hi« wife. Defendant». I,«» -n Stewart, of Albany, visited To E M. Sherlock, one of th- -i- f- - with frw-t da io Scio Saturday nigh| danta above n«nu--l: In the Name of th«- Slate --f Or- » - and Sunday, You are hereby required to a|-p- r m l g 1 W \NTi > f - «ack» of good p«y- an»wer th«-coiiqilii nt filed - . » t - i ** ” Th « Peolso, of Ihdrolt, Vk" ft H A tat-- - r.' f->r »ubscnption to in the abov«- •ntitle«! C«-irt am! - viaitor in this city la»t Fri- T H p s< K> i hi « m bu»inaaa on or before »1« Week» from the • «'■ of the find publication <>f thi, • c ■ day and Saturday. ■ -Sh-lt- • of the Sanitary and If you fall an lo answer, for wa .t thereor, the plaintiff will api t ■ an' y- ■ >r veal an<1 will call R. II. McDonald «cent Sunday af- Market, Court for the relmf pruji l t. f>-r it. ' -f all kind* 3 complaint, to wit; That plaintiff ' ^>- ter noon hur.linii Phemuint« «n<>, will Unite«! State* goki coin, with ti «’ John Halada and wife «[H-nt the la- • -rtle. See Ru­ at the rate of eigh |« r - - lit |w i •’« i < week end with Mrs ilalada’» moth dolph Hi fn>m the 2i!th day of iel-r io-, ) lip and for the further »urn of f--‘‘ r. Mr» Frank Roaprafka. laze* paid by th« plaintiff, at ‘ F'>P Hi S nora Phonograph further »mil of llfio 00 attorn« .'« f S P Crenshaw ha» purchaiwd the ar-d 24 rec i.-«-d one month, Al and for the plaintiff * ««•»<» « I -I- r n ic * o.e $75, coat new buraemenl» incurretl her« in. That the 1. Zeller place, m ar Thoma», and $y»>. lop «MnMiion la»t Friday. of »aid mortgag«*! promt*«-» u- --- rdi- G ki • d Sdveralde «almoa to law an«l the praclu-e of th-» < ■ >n« Ih II W.-MtenhooM- i« the p«rcha«rr j,Ier,’ f ,hrr„’„n and the proceed» applied i-i paim- ut of ....... ........................ ... Price He per the amount due to plaintiff lint »aid >( a m-w 2 ton Chevrolet truck fr>*ni pound, t. u. b l-tletio. defendant*, anil all per-xiri» ria : ■ E C M ontuomcpy , the Murphy Motor C>. of Albanv. umier them, or either of them. < top Toledo. Oregon. quent to the «attention «-f »»- ’ t Mr« Mary McN’ea1, of Autn»ville, gage U|* mi aakl premi-w*, either a* I or- Till Ot f» M an ha« a new Hickory rhaaer», encumbrancer*, or olh«-iw <-. «pent the week-end in •ick» visiting may b« barrei and for« I«- ««! of ad Buggy. **th two tongue«, d<>uble- right, claim, or equity uf redemption old friend» and attending to bum- ti«-r. wind sod nrckyoke. all in the »aid premia««, and every part cnmplet f--r '■» iMI, half ortaa. thereof. Th«t the plaintiff, or \ n< «a matterà. l'l 4c S. W. G ain »». other parties to »oil, may I m - n- i -r Phe «chool board met in regular cha»er«; aiwl that the «aid pur- ' -or I- W atkins M an wdl be in Scio on let into the Maseaaion of th« - «ion la»t night, too late for the. on pr««luction of the ahenff'* d---l Tribune to cover their action tn thi« fu‘xl ’’/•'IM'; 'b-t l 21. with a com- therefor. And for any fuith«-r a I plete Jibe •( remedies. He will be different relief in th«- premia« - a to week*« paper. found at H--U! Selo all day. Phone thus Court may MM-m mo l an-l a -- aide to «-quit) Said inortgag*--! -r- Fred Bilyeu. John l>en«morr and him then- f you cannot call and he iaen ar«- de*cribe«l a* fo|k«w*. t - wit: w ill cm • to >. a These remedies The ea»t half of the north»• «t quart«-r John Crabtree «hvuldcred their «hot- are the . n the market. Roy and the wr«t half of th«- t -irl'- •*’ k-u« « Sundny and went out in war ch Lenge •, I- - I to J. C. Cochell quarter <-f Section Seven, in lowr.»hip Thirteen South, Rango Otn- W««i <>f of the "elusive” Pheaaant the Willamette Meridian, ml n« i Jim Ferral, of Salem, »pent the ty. Oregon, containing h-o acn* I hi» summon* i» *eryed upon y <■ « by week-end in Scio looking over prop­ publication in The Scio Tritame, of S-- «,, Mr. Ferral will locate here if < in-gon. by onh-r of Hon Per- It erty holly, Jmlge of the nt«ivc entitled hi- raa tmd a farm that »uit» hl» Court, datid Oetobrr Ith, 1921 th- first puhliialion of thi* «utnn-• ■» la«te. October I ’.th. 1921, ami tl-<- la«t i• il-li Mr«. Frank R«*»|irafka ha» U-en ration will tie Novemtier 17th. 1921. • V. A. i««Him confined to her home for th«' i>a»t Stayton. Oregon. Attorney for PlaintilT ‘week guttering from a «ever« cold. the latter (>«rt of last week ala to bleed profusely for aeveral She is on the road to recov­ and ha» been confine«! to her home hour« sine«. From some unknown cauae ery at the present writing. lapse You’ll H-d Your Want Here Densmore Has a complete line of heed and Hour in stock at all times. A visit will convince you that his pri­ ces are in line with the market * • Am paying 1 cent under Portland for Fat Hogs. Bargain Day, October 29th »♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦««««««««««« Heating STOVES Heating Itpriinetf ol IM liltfltr U. S. I.anil I Ifllre, Portland, Ore , Hept. 1W, P.rjl. Notice 1» hereby given that Arlt *r tirlfT«. of S« io. l inn count >. Or- run. who on Februarv Pith, IthJii, tn - I- Tlonw-att-ad Entry No. 'K»«-’*i, for N’E| ► Wj «rction 23, Township l Rayttey, all nf tjnn county. Oregon. Proof tindi-r Sec. itnf» II. S . ami Ai t of June 9. pilii. «wma. K«-gi»t«-r. She I» now well on the road to re­ covery. Paul Bartnick »|>enl la«t week in Portland at the lied«ide of hi« non. whi wa» an overseas veteran and who been in a h>«i>ital al moat ever h »ince hi* discharge. l l>>nt nil « the cooked food »ale at Riley Shelton’« office Saturday after- noon <>c>. 22. take«. Cookie« dough­ nut*. pie», salads and baked I wan«, ■i l) ladie« Aid, Babtist Church. Gordon W««ely make« a trip to P.>rtland every Saturday night to play for one of Mr. Ringler’» dance« G<>r Lookout for Some Redhot Bargains on Bargain Day, Sat., Oct. 29 Mr 11«- "Thi« country 1« better off Advertise in Th«- Srm Tribune »ml g< I financially than it ha* been for eight year», and it i« getting bettar. Hardware ■W R. M. Cain Furniture t **