Morrison & Lowe UNDERTAKERS Calls Attended to Promptly Dav or Night SCIO OREGON I C SHELBURN ITEMS ♦ Johnny Griffin returned Sunday | evening from Northern Washington October 17 where he has a job as attendant in an aaylumn He made the journey of J imi miles in two days Mrs. Mcl^am is able to «it up a Shr I« CO®- few hours a day now valescmg very «lowly. (■laud t'hurchill and family were visitor« at the ('.rum* home Sunday. Mr«. Ern«-»t McCrea and «mall a»n Archie were visiting her mother. Mr« Shilling, last Wednesday Theron Ruascli called at the Me- Ijsin home la«t week-end. Alfred Powell and family were in Corvallis Sunday Marion Brown’s family 1« quaran­ tined <»n account of »carlet fever, Marion having it him«elf Sunday was hunter'« day, a* gun« were | oppmg all day Th* Santiam Oregoa Made Home hunting Vara« Farm forbids any one hunting on it. A great surprise for th« home knitters a» there are 14 hunter's notice* up. of On-gon. but «till a fact. Further­ Should you be caught hunting on more, thia yarn is abeotuteiy virgin wool yarn; the wool »a« grown in Linn th»« farm you will surely experience count» sold Mr. Senders to the < »re- gon Worsted t'ompaay (mills located at the virtue of the law. aa I have twen Sellwood), made into worst rd yarn by annoyed long enough • on of C P. Bishop. , n>|irwli>r of the Woolen Mill Store it (ieorge Griffin called in on the old Salem. ' »regon knitters try thia yam man, bringing a hindquarter of a out All colors, the per bail of 2 osa fine mutton. Sure it was apprecia­ ■'ample* «ent on at>pi:cation. Address G. P. Bishop. Box 75» Salem, Oregon, ted. aa the old man has a full art of teeth tor winter, as Harris Munsel fl ■ays. sheep n eat. The Pie Elater amused himself on W . A. Ewing, A. F.. Randall Sunday by aettirg out 4 fine gteieeber* October I** E. D. Myers. Cashier ry plant*, aa the better the day the Start » bank account today and Harry R*nm>m. Walter George provide for your future. belter the deed. You will find a checking ac­ and Mr, Ortwein have gone to Rudolph Wceeiy and family and a count vrry convenient for your Southern Oreg n on a deer hunt, InixlnrsM tranxartiono. We pay friend came out Sunday for a win­ interest on time deposit». and expect to stay until the deer ter's supply of squashes season clone«. Fill Kalina turned out Sunday ami Mr. McAllister and family attend­ , bought himself four head of fine ed church at Stringtown Sunday. dairy cows, as he is going to feed James Bentz, formerly of Wash­ DR. A. G. PRUT. them on ensilag*. ington, has come to »pr-nd the win­ Pùvsician ani Sant« Billy Kalina has moved onto his ter with his brother, John Bentz. new farm, two mile* west of Scio. Calls Attended Fred Bowman and wife »pent Jimmy Crunvel and brother have Day or Night Sunday at the Flarl Gooch h >me rented Joe and Billy Kalina’s farm Mr. Hoagland, of Scio, wan visit­ SCIO ORE. ankings and little ALBANY. OREGON heart trouble. •on spent Sunday at the Billy Manes PIK KATEK DR. F1CQ home. Dale Poindexter has just arrived from New York to join his family. Office Hour» : Dale was head manager <>f a train RIVERSIDE LOCALS : » to 12 A M. L3Q to 5 P. M load of »beep that were shipj»ed • •♦♦♦♦♦♦****** from Montana to New York and Oclotwr 17 consisted of 40,000 head. IT IS SOUND BUSINESS Firnest Kelly and wife have mor­ Marion Brown, who has been eon- FOR YOU TO BUY I fined to his l>«*d, is able to sit up el to their new home, which they purchased from S. B Holt. It is i now. generally known as the Ernest Mr Fleskes. of Jefferson, as con­ BECAUSE Smith place. tractor. will H.N.n have the Jams» > They have adequate Strength Elmer Whstatone has purchased Trollingi-r home completed, it is ! fur the heaviest service a Ford roadster. ' located <>n what was formerly th* I They have that Tractiea which The Farmer's Union met Satur­ John Smallman property. ; hold* the road at speed in day evening with J. H. Kelly acting • any weather Hiram Wolf wa« out hunting Sun- I as president. > Thev have Mileage amply suffi- day lltram believes in running I cient to render you 100% The thimble club met last Thurs­ them down if he can't get them any ; service day at the home of Mrs. Yonkers I other way ’ They are hand-built, although Music and Quincy Crutnes is at Gates visiting with twenty prem-nt 1 sold at the price of machine- contests were enjoyed by all. Mis. his son, Ihdmar Churchill, for a few , made tires Hattie DeWail won a contest prize. days. Every dollar you inve»t in them — T -■ - 1 Dainty refreshment» were served. * is an addition to western Mr and Mrs J. H Kelly motor- wealth, it comes back to you 3 ANTIA M F (KM TOPICS | ied to Lebanon Sunday and spent ’ IN QL’AIJTY, IN PRICE IN the day with their »>n Arthur’s SERVICE. THEY ARE family. October 17 Edgar Gilkev "p«-nl Sunday in Al- I bany Our heavy rain ha» delayed the THE SCIO STATE BANE Bargain Day Specials $2.70 White & White combination 10" Discount on All Stoves and Regular $1.75 heavy No. I Galvanized Tub with wringer attachment $1.25 Regular >2.00 heavy No. 2 Galvanized Tuli with wringer attachment $1.50 Regular $2.25 heavy No. 3 Galvaniz«*d Tub with wringer attachment $1.75 Scio Ore N. I. Morrison Barg ain Day Prices Only, October 29 Wesely’s Grocery “II DENTIST I SOUND TIRES : Sound All Arouad They am made in Tacoma and •ok) in Scio by W L. COHH A SON. THE SCIO garage »♦♦♦•♦e»e***e***oe******* Riley Shelton « Real Estate Broker and Notary Public L graveling of the cemetery hill.which I» now imna'onble, and it in doubt­ ful if it I» finished thia 'all Johnny Crabtree came out Sa tur- day for a hunt. Failed to get any birds, as they are scarce. The old man returned home laut Thurwlay from a week's visit with his daughter. Mr- LI» Graham, at; Monitor Found all well and happy, Joseph Roliesh.of Texas, has rent­ ed the A. R McDonald farm and moved his family there list week, The Crenshaw family are quite an aaset to our community, aa they are the proud parents of eignt chil­ dren. Five of them are of school •ge of AR. 1 ArdenMeDunald.grandson ------------ McDonald, writes from Arizona that they have a big baby girl at their house. Arden is an ex »tidier boy and resided many years at Scio. 1 |«litr, tonic» to »id digesti<>n It tones up the dormant esg <>ritin> Il eontama iron that give» a moulting hen n< h, re I blond ind a red eomb No diaeaae where Pan-S-ee a u f. I By all mean» feed your mmdtiug bens I»r. Ilea« Poultry l‘»n »-cc a. IF. AunJfa rA. £>r. //.«a I m . Colt an HIBLER (& GILL CO Dr Hess Instant Lopse Killer Kills L£cgJ had a nice time looking over my old | stamping ground*. •«* fine crop* Now in the Time to Purchase Your icio - - • OREGON and people prospering. On my re­ turn home I brought 43 line S. C, Ask these well known men why they porehaaml our plant: White Leghorn hen» to recruit up C. BRYANT I. II. < opeland. Crabtree; Win. Volkman, Crabtree: Walter Hlarklsirn, my Stock. I also visited my grand­ Hcio, George Sehlerth, Crabtree; O. B. Keebler, Lebanon; Walter Po win's poultry farm of 2IHH) chickens, Baum place land, Shnld Anti many others. 301-3 New First Sabonal Bank Bldg and he now ha» orders for 28,000 Mr. Crenshaws have tne finest Paul Automatic Water Systems concord grapes we have «em in l>aby chicks He ha» 20 incubators. ALBANY OREGON Perfection Milking Machines (Nature's Milker) Elmer Griffin cam* near gelling j these parts Orville Gilkey has traded a Jersev married Sunday, an a young widow t Anker Hol th Cream Separators. The Only Self B»d- pas«»-