■■■■ LOCAL BREVITIES T | I 1 ' .............. i — " " — r1""-— —— . ...... ................... Jr*>«h Mrs Art Shelton made a visit ‘o barking Sunday in their Packard" fur a voyag- over the her ductor m Albany Tuesday. Pacific Highway to sunro S uth« n, Rev. Peters, of Lebanon, attended California They ha-- el- a h<>- the revival me-tmg Friday night. l tel" out of their car hi «1 are . i mg Alw Powell claims one of the at­ forward U> a pleasant trip. Sc'o tendance record* at the tent meeting men will be sure to n.’-a Jack’s Mrs Lou i* Cal a van and Mrs. K »miling far, from th • ;i ■ ’ »hop, razor Arnold, of l^eL-non. »p»-nt Friday in where hr wedded a and »hear» Seto. J F. Young was in Scio Monday. Joe Fink. of Jordan, »pent Tues­ day in Scio Mr» Lora Linderman, of Jordan, J A. Bilyeu was an Albany visit­ wo in town Tuesday or Saturday. * * John (xMtello spent Monday at Miss Josie Kotan spent Sunday with her sister, Emma, at Mon- the county seel. mouth. Mrs la* Bilyeu came over from .Mewlamea Jennie Warner ■rid lxrt>an<>n Friday. Mi»s Beas Morris was over from F A. Pirtrok and fa > w«-nt to Ma*- Carson were in the »late capi- 0. B. Cyrus spent Saturday at the Albany Tuesday. where t ><-v pur­ I Lebanon the 'ast of the week for a lol yesterday attending >he fair. Linn county capitol. chased tickets for Ai ■' • ••:. Cal., visit with relatives M im Ida Holman, of San Francis­ Mr. and Mm. J. F. Wisely were Mrs E Hassler is still handicaped near Izp Angeles, where they will co, ia spending the week with the i in All»an> Tuesday . ■pend a year or more Mr I1 • tr * a little by her arm which was brok­ family of her brother-in-law. John recently disposed of ps-r - t it prop-l Ardelh Shelton has at last liecome en three weeks ago. Couey. ■ rty at auction, but still r< ’am« h:« owner of a shetland pony. John Couev and daughters and ¡farm, to which he may return al a Riley Shelton and wife, Roy Shel­ A W (¡riffs »pent Tuesday with Mias Ida llulman left this morning ton ami family. Art Shelton and later time They expect, i ievar. friends In the county wat. to attend the stat« fair. ’ to buy a home in their new i - at- -n ' wife ami son Elden, E C. Shelton and Mrs. W F. McAdoo drove to Mm Je«**« Warner, of Corvallis, Imlvne Kester recovwrvd sufficient­ Byron Bates has rente.! th* I' - tr k| Salem Wednesday to attend the is visiting old friends in Scio Mrs. ly from an attack of tons litis to re­ ' farm and has mov* I < uto it state fair. Their cars formed a Warner wa« a resident of Scio for a turn to school Tuewlay, num tier of year. regular caravan. Mrs Joe Carr, of la Grande, is visiting al the home of her mother,, Mrs. Huida Cary, near Scio. Mrs. Fred Bilyeu and family left " Tuesday fur Salem, and will car at the fair grounds during the state Heating Stoves fair. BUY Your 1 leafing Stoves NOW M L Brown, of Shelburn, ba« rented the h^ila place and will lake P -savsion as soon as the Kula's leave { Good Assortment on 1 land Elmer Ray returned to his home at Jordan Sunday following an op- peralion for ap|M*ndiciti» at the loe-. ai hospital two weeks ago. And other good makes to select from. Mrs Bena Whitla-ck, who has l*en visiting at the home of Mrs. i Kester, her daughter, returned to her home in Seattle Su day. CAIN 1*1 o The Winchester Store Hardware Furniture and ^♦*W*«V***W***«**«*»******»W«*»«***WWSSMS4« ! SCIO GARAGE W L COBB, Proprietor. I las the I Laid, Racint. Ajax I ires and Tubes 1 he Shell, Monogram and Monomolale Oils I he Detroit Batteries - Battery Service Station ALL KINDS OF Rl PAIR WORK Electrical Work a Specialty ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* ♦♦♦ Mr and Mr» K-« Phillips made I heir weekly visit to the county a* at Saturday . This time Roe was m* re careful and didn't "bust up’’ any cars. Mrs J. G Crawford, of Alltany, and Mtoa Helen Crawford, of l«et>a- n<>n. are in Scio helping T. L. I lug­ ger pack up preparatory to his trip to L-s Angeles. Mrs. Amanda Rapp, of Nevada| City, Cal . is visiting at the home of Aunt Becky" Morris and the two | are talking over their friendship of seventy year» ago. Mrs. S. C. Browne s|»«-nt Sunday ' in Salem al the home of her nt-t>hew, I l»r Mott. I)r and Mrs. Mott ; spent the previo-*« Sunday here at I the home of l»r. Browne. 1HL UNIVkHSAL CAB Genuine Common Sense Z J Clark is so interested in fine livestock that he could not stay . away from the state fair, so he took ! a day of hi» valuable time Weatnes- dsy to go up to Salem and admire' the other fellow’s stock. Mr and Mrs. Jack Co->k are rm- i Many Ford owner« can afford to own and operate any car they chiaaie, but they prefer a Ford ‘"because it to a Ford.” For “became it is a Ford” means dependability, ease of op« -ration* efficiency and it mean« sure, quick transportation. And “because it ia a Ford” means good taste, pride of ownership and genuine common sense. The Ford Sedan, a dotted car of distinction, beauty and convenience, ia the ideal all year ’round car, for pleasure or business for the farm, town or city. It gives you all that any ear can give at a much lower cost for operation and maintenance. You'll rind Your Want Here E'. Fred T. Bilyeu F ur S a I.E Twenty-nines acres of good land, known as the Ira Rich­ ardson farm Price to right and1 gm»! terms. Inquire of E C Sit Ki. n>N. lb al Estate Broker. Authorized Sales Agent, Scio, Oregon tà'&'ìfìcade 0r>tam e trist *L.U*NV Densmore Orchard grass. English rye grass, mixed grass -wed* and vetch «red at' J. F. Wraely Grocery, Grass senia, { flour and sugar sold for Strictly i Cash or produce No exceptions to. these terms. «31 While you are at the State Fair, don't forget to visit the Cletrae Tractor and Farm Impliment exhi- \ bit. There will also be an exhibit at the County Fair at Albany. We ■ell Cletrae products. lUjtTt’ Mi/roa Co. Has a complete line of bee< 1 and Hour in stock at all times. A visit will convince you that his pri­ ces are in line with the market Ain pitying 1 cent under Portland for bat Hogs. * O*(i, BAROLI» ALBRO, Manufacturing Optician for Albany. Universal, Wedgewood, Charter Oak R Afo/Ae»» If eye defect* are not Cornet»-«! in early life, old age and even middle life Will hnd them so atraiix i that the owner will he de- prived <>f much comfort and pleasure.