U i Morrison & Lowe UNDER TAKERS (alls Attended to Promptly Dav or Night . SCIO URMX1N RIVERSIDE LUCA I Ji September 2ti ; SANTIAM FARM TOPICS I «• • ♦•••••••••♦•« - *-* • • « » • Septemlier 27 Fred Sommet amt family returned Al Munkers and bis brother-in- i last Monday from a twelve day»'jl»w. Mr Woodman-»-«. of Blodgett Oregon Made Home knitting Tarn» trip to Southern (iregon They Valley, were over Thursday after A great «urpriae for the home knitter« visited Mothes Sommer in A-hlaml. the old man's disk, which was hitch­ of ' in-grm, but still a fact Further mor«-, this yam is absolutely virgin end their brother Herman, near I al- •■»! behind a "tin lizzie" for a 60 w.«>l yarn; the wool was grown in Linn ent. They also made their first mile trip home ity «.«I lutheOrr count; ‘ ‘ by Mr Senders ~ Silo filling is now the order of the gon Worsted Company (mills located I at j journey to California, having gone. Srllwissi*. made into worsted yarn by as far south as the Klamath river. -lay. LU Kalina filled hi« Monday . Roy T Bishop, son of C. P. Bishop, Mi«« Margaret Serving open-d 4nd lh! fir»! « ch. ck'.tig a<- count very convenient for your UuMnesa transact .ona We pay Interest on time deposits. DR. A. G. PRUT Pbvsician ani Sarzrcn (alls Attend«! Day or Night HAMMON AÜTU STAGE Mia* Lrona Johnston left Monday ' ' •’ Horsburgh fill hi« silo, a» he for Salem to enter the Capital Busi- n,,t ha»* <|Ulte enough Our ereek 4a full of salmon S«>me new College. boys were trying their rilles, but Mi«» Lydia Hirsch. who has been fail«! to reach thrm in deep water. staying with Mr« E. F. Krrbs while Our «chool is progressing nicely, i ■he was recovering from an opera­ M im Moore is an experienced leach- tion at the Scio hospital, ha« return­ ! er. ed to her home in Portland Mi-ui Ed Kalina and wifejtook in the Hirsch and Mt- Krein hav«b»ent the week-end with her BECAUSE chased a Jersey cow fiom Mrs Cora sister. Mrs. Josrph Munkers, and They have adequate Strragth Smith. for the heaviest service family. Edgar Gilkey and Pauline They have that Tractioa which took the morning train for the holds the road at speed in ■ fair. Edgar expects to remain over any weather High School Note» Tuesday. They have Mileage amply suffi­ The I wipes' aid are furnishing the cient to render you lCMJ'i service dinner for the Kula sale m ar Shel- Ulucati-m. ’’the only road to sue- » They are hand-built, although burn today. cess.” is determined by the sixty- «old at the price of machine- Several of our people attendrd ->ne «Indents now enrolled in the made tires the meeting in Scio Sunday. | Scio High School. Every dollar you invest in them Milton Shore« took the evening The Scio High School football is an addition to western tram at Gilkey. We are fold he is «tar« have practiced faithfully for wraith, it comes back to you going to examined for the naw the pre-season game with Ixibanon IN QUALITY, IN PRICE IN Leonard Gilkey return«! this eve- High School. Friday. Sept 30 SERVICE. THEY ARE ning from Salem, wh< re he went New shower baths are being in­ Saturday to put up th«- Bunner stalled for the present and also fu­ Farm exhibit at the state fair. ture athlete« They are made in Tacoma and The first student b-aty meeting of m-ld in Scio by the term was held Thuraiay. Sept. V> L. COBB A SON. SHELBURN 111 MS j 22. for the purjMise of electing offi­ THE SI’IO GARAGE cers for the first semester. The following officers were elect«!: September 2»> Elsie Limbeck, president; Ella Ji- Mrs. Ther ox Valley (touch Mill City Galani Aluminum 9 60 a in. H:40 sou 7 30 7:15 7;!0 7 ou 6,40 aim nuca Mtur Stew Pan Fare from Scio to Albany, one «ray. 61.00. rvun«l trip ll.6o, from Jordan, 11 25. rouml trip 62.26 M WE HAVE ~Z&W<* EVERYTHING OPTICAL (Regular price. 96c) During the week of EVE STRAIN Is the cause of many HUMAN ILLS Oct. 3 to 8, Inclusive BANCROFT Optical Company 31» W 1st St . Albany Oregon State Fair Salem, Oregon September 26th to October 1st Round Trip Reduced Fares ei Apply from all agency stations in Oregon Minimum adnlt far« Children of half fare age 50»- Il'heit going to tin Sititi Pair combini ph-ti sit it tri th nun fort ft n // con vt n ir ti ft- b if h si n g Southt i n Pacific train serrici DENTIST Trains Operate Direct to Fair Grounds Traina I7-1H-33-24 and 2H will make regular «top ami Noa. 14 and 16 will «top on flag at Fair Grounds. SOUND TIRES Special trains from I’urtland and from Eugen«' to Salem and Fair Ground« Tuesday to Saturday, inclusive. Fur further particular« ask agent« SOUTHERN PACIEC UNES « 2 JOHN M. SCO IT. General Passenger Agent. * oooooooo FREE TEA Sound All Around MliNKERSandWEST SCIO STAGE A You will enjoy its fine flavor. at our store during Folger Tea Week Dry Goods Hibler & Gill Get it Otlolter I<1 to Hilt Inclusive. Groceries ATTORNEY AT LAW ALBANY OREGON GLASSES FITTED BY Graduate Optometrist PRICES REASONABLE Private otfice for examinations F. M. FRENCH & SONS ALBANY Harvey Mellin came out from Salem, where he is attending Will- amette University, tn spend the week-end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs W. H McLain. Mrs. John Bentz's sister. Mias Peterson, of Mt. Pleasant, sjient the week-end with her. Dr Hobson was called tn the W. H. Mcljiin home Frida« on acc unt of the illness of Mrs. .McLain, who was «uttering with inflammatory 1 rheumatism To tiuHw; wanting grata*«, please send your order to luifayette Os­ born by ph me, who will book your order in rotation. W ill have about one ton of graprs thia season at 2c per pound. Commence picking be- tween < >ct. 1 and 16. *p A O sborn . The new cement sidewalk being put down in front of Densmore's feed store will hr a decided improve­ ment over the old broken board! walk just taken up. 4 * ’ *• «