The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, September 29, 1921, Image 2

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    > «
i-fi .trf r.H,
ma num Nt rvm.MHiMJ I oMr-ANy
•1 M. l.u>a<«v«t, IJwm.
M c AA m A U« A4— <>•»•<• sm I r*l- -Mr»
Moor A U- ì W mms M mmw
W r M«AW~ . < W<SIM<MSM1 A4» M mmmt
Entere«I at the tsistofhce at Scio,
Oregon as second ci ass matter.
it*» toasted, of
course. To seal
in the flavor----
T hi 'K mday . S kit . 29.1921
H a R ù À tn Day wm a big surer».
Many cam« here to trade that day
that have been going elsewhere on
Saturdays And they will continue
to come.
W ouldn ’ t R««y Gardner make a
wonderful movie actor? He has the
nerve, eipcrience and a little natur­
al lauln«-« That aeema to be the re­
quired combination.
Tilt Fair this week is drawing a
big attendance from Scio and vicin­
ity. as it should. It i* all firegun’s
big show, where every one can set*
what everybody else has done.
T hkrk was a large attendance
F J Kula's -¡ale Monday and every­
thing wild at good prices. Mr Kula
advertise«! exclusively in the Tribune
atei that’s why the success, and he
says newspaper advertising U the
only way.
T iik I jiiii county fair starts next
Tuesday, and promises to lw the
beat one yet. Plenty of good enter­
tainment, and the la-»t of ail will be
the improvement» in agriculture and
livestock made over last year. Yrs,
go and stay all four days if you can.
There is a prospect that Harris
burg will meet the Seattle ball team
at Eugene on Oct. 2. The Seattle
players will I m - returning to their
hours in California and are arrang
ing with all good teams <m their
journey southward.
William Preston, who has resided
on a ranch m ar Brownsville for 25
years. died at his home Saturday at
the age of 77 years. He was a vet­
Counly Paragraphs
eran of the civil war, and leave» a
wife, one son and two grandchild­
flu rial took place Monday.
A marriage license wa» i*»ued last ren
Saturday afternoon to Herbert A.
Nineteen more l.inn county schools
Flux, 80, a farmer of Modesto. Cal., will op<*n «luring the next two week«
and Zola Fern Arehart. 23. a school says Mrs Edna Geer, county school
teacher living at ls-l-an<>n.
superintendent. Of the entire 126
I. T. Henne», of Gates, wax paid
a bounty of Siti last week by Coun­
ty Clerk Ru<*ell for killing a cougar
that had carried away an Mi-pound
hog >>f I'aul Ralztiurg.also of Gales,
the same week
Luren Lu|M*r, of Tangent, a Linn
county trotnbope player who ha* re-
calved notice of I'hillip Sousa. is
playing with the Stoudenmeyer band
at the stale fair this week. He is
sche uled to play several solo* dur­
ing the week.
Complete satisfaction over the re­
sults of the annual Shedd communi­
ty fair, which was held there Satur­
day, is Iwing expressed by everyone
who attended. |t is estimated that
more than 500 people were present
during the day.
schools in the county. 27 have not
yet sent their teachers’ contracts to
the sujierintcmient for recording.
iMO pounds to a bale ami 'he crop
sold at an averag«« of 30c a pound.
Th« gross receipts per acr« was
about »550
It has been estimated
that the pickers of the crop shared
aiaiut »20,000 tietwwn them.
‘•Where Sacing.s Are Safe”
Is a g«"«d p!« -» !• -1 it ' >r saving»
interest paid on sav­
ings account». a-«
n tim- certificates which run six month« or
one year. Interest |s»:«l semi-annually
There 1» a 20'« increaae in the
numtwr of student» in th« Stayton
high school ««ver last year. Forty
have availed th<-marlvespf the Crab­
tree higti achool. the larg«*st number
ever enrobed there, and 265 are at­
tending the Iwbanoti high school
this vear
The young boys are wise
enough to »«•« that the short period
uf time the unskilled laborer drew
a higher salary than Ute skilled ami
educat «si man. is over with, ami ¡ye
prv|«armg themselves accordingly.
Now in the I'itur to I’urcha««- Your
Ask the-<t well kr-.a ■ rmi> why they |iur< ha*« d our plant:
I. H. Copeland,
Wo*. Volk man. Crabtree; Waller Blackbum,
Neto. Gi-ory. Sri .
, t r<>! tr«c. O. B. Kecbler, Ix-banon, Walter Po­
land. 8he-l<i And n-»«<y others.
Paul Autoiiuilir Watrr Systems
Judge W R Bilyeu, of the Linn
county court, presided at his 40th
wedding evr« m--ny for the year Fri- •
«lay afternoon, when he acted in his
official ca|«acitv at the marriage of
!Dan II Crockett and Stella <*has-
tam. of t iabtri-e.
I'arents and
| friend« of the happy young couple
1 accompanied them to Albany and
were pt«-*« nt in the judge’/ office
for the o remony
Thomas Edgar
s gne«l the iiffidavlt while Vickey
Chastain and Wanda Ramm were
the stb nd ants for the gr«»««m and
Jordan. Kingston, Fox Valley and
Scio have just completed their tu-
herculosis test with remarkable re­
Only four reactors were
found among 12<2 cattle.
The figure« an- a» follows:
Jordan 13 herds. 136 cattle, no
Kingston •< herds. 449
Fox Valiev 31 herds. 302 cattle,
no reactors.
Scio 45 herd», 356 cattle, 4 re­
Tul«ercul si» testing is now com­
pleted in 17 communities, making a
total of »’.‘*2 herd», 6240 catlie, and
IN restore.
The t«rrcentag< ->f reactors to date
is one-third of one tier cent or at
the rate of three and one-third head
to every 1<MH> animals tested.
327 W first st.
- JV.
Riley Shelton
I’-• to-•
Reul Estate Broker
and Notary Public
M < »
off!«-,- A I
Obi I*. O. Building
_'lbstrailt Obtained, fauminrd
For the tug-o-war, the scrub
ball game, for shinney, for
anything and everything boys
do, there’s nothing like our
Boys’ Suits.
First in work, First in play,
f irst with the boys and their
mothers loo.
Boys’ pure
wool suits that look nice and
wear, priced $10.00 to $16.50.
I er vouchers. within nix (•’« mouths from i
Administratrix of said Estate.
l(iu. A M<aa*.
Attorneys for Administratrix
All wool suits with two pair
of knickers, $12.50 to $18.50.
Nohet #1 H m I StWetMitl
Electric W inng by I kenned and Bonded Men—Estimates
Cheerfully burnished
That Wear
According to the Harrisburg Bul­ ! the-date of thia notice, to the under- I
, algne<i administratrix at her residence
letin. the hop industry in that vicin­ I near *cio, in Linn rounty. Oregon, or
ity will bring to the growers more at the office of her attorney». Hill A
Mark», in the Cusick Bank Building, in
than »130,000. There are abbut 375 Albany, in l.inn county. Oregon.
|i»te<i and first published thia 15th
acre from whi-h was rat sod at«>ut
Iday of September, 1921.
2150 bales of h<>te. There are alwut
A««» Kiasoa,
Watch for
our ads for
Bargain Day,
October 2 9.
The Only Self Bal-
Anker Holtli (. ir.un Separators.
ai ced Bowl
Ji-wie Hildreth has rented the Ar­
Mabel Kunl was elected Friday buckle place and will take possesion
by the Crabtree senior high school abont the first of October,
cla» members a» their president al
an election held al the school house
Netict II CrrtiUts
by the 12 sluoenta enrobed in this
Notice ia hereby given that the un-
claws The claw* colors ami llowcrs drt*ign*d ha* l-< <•>« duly apixsnted by
were als > chosen, in«! a dramatic' lb- count) court of l he stat« of Oregon
for Linn county, administratrix of th«-
club was organised, Velma Gear­ estate of Anion Kamos, deceased. and
hart was oleet«-d class vice president has oualified.
All i-r-
havo ■ claims against
and Lloyd Hum class secretary­ said rstatp are hereby rcquir«-d to pre
, sent them, duly VvrtfiM. with the prop-
Bargain Day,
. Sept. 24,
was a
(Nature'» Milker)
Perfection Milking Machines
Notice is hereby given that the un­
dersigned has file« I hi» final account in
the matter of the estate of Charles
Folt*,>ivcea»-d, w ith th«- county clerk of
lann cdllnty, Oregon, and the county
court of said county has fixed Monday,
the 17th «lay nt October. 1921, as the
time ami the nvuntv court nous«- in the
city of Albany, in l.inn county, Oregon,
as the place for hearing »aid account at
th« hour of 10 o'clock a m of said day. j
any objections to »aid account must tie
filed before said date.
Hist publication of thia notice Sep­
tember 15, 1921.
Try a pair of our Boys* Trou­
ble Proof Stoc kings.
J ohn F o LTI,
Executor <>f said estate.
L M Ct'Kl., Attorney for Executor.
Sanitary Jlral Met
Dealers in-... —
Fresh and Cured Meats
Poultry and Veal
Shelton & Co. Props
The Blain Clothing Co.
I a lues First
“The store with a square deal for
every customer.’’