* r r. • . ’ ■» : V f. * • *\ K- ■ “ a , \ *, I 1 , ».- '-T - B • Iasline Kester waa confined to bed Saturday fur avverai dava with a ■ vere cold to leave aoon for where they expert to re Evon Thomas creek I» retting all •nd a touch of tonsiiitua. ! »welled up for Bargain Day. F. J Weid and family and Mias Dr. Prill haa proved t' R C. Peoprrllng was in Albany Myrtle Myers of Jefferson spent a of "a stich in tir» on businm last Thursday. Dr. and Mra. John Gill, of Leix* few hours in Scio Sunday least to himaalf. T« non. were Scio vim torà Sunday. W. A. Ewing and wife were busi- Clair Thomas, of Scio, and Hal perform«! an o|»ei new visitors in Albany over Satur­ George lA*rver, wife and daugh­ Shelton, of Ijyuns. were county •eat Kay for anpendirid day. ter of Providence spent Sunday in visitors the last of the week. manag«! to pniaon blood poison beri Mr» J. William* visited friends Scio. John Wesely m rebuilding the in Albany a couple of days last Mr. and Mra. Anton Rasprofka old »hack opposite the fire hall and waa necessary fo main in bed for fiv week. •pent the week end in Albany on will use it fur a «turo house. , well on the ruad to rec Mrs. S. A. Gamber of Scio waaan buaineaa. F. D. Cornett. Mr. and Mra. Stout arrival last Friday to visit with Mrs Mrs. Jack Cook waa confined to Ixd and children and John Crabtree of Haggle Miller. Halley Enterprise. the first of the week with a aore Crabtree were county »eat vuritora Mrs. Clara Griffin. daughter of throat. Tuesday, Mrs. A. Pomeroy, haa returned from F or S alk - (Hd jxpera. juc per 8. B. Colt anil wife of Crabtree Elmer Ray, who waa operated oo Suntcx.Eastern Oregon, and will lo­ •(lent Sunday calling on friends io bundle at the Tribune oiTior. for a puaa apin-ndix at th* local hoa- cale again in Scio. thia city. F ob S alk Six 3-yx nr old oulta. . pi lai several days ago is recovering See Bert Hollis, at the confection­ Mr». Julia Bilyeu spent Saturday Mra. Price Neal and aon were hicely ery store. 4tf and Sunday in Portland <>n business buaineaa visitors in the county acai i W. H. Young and family arrived) for the Pythian Smtsrs, of which she' Saturday. F or S alk First cl»«- ewes, age« from Camas. Wa»h . last Friday for I to 4 years old. Price right. ia Grand Chief for Oregon. Izniia Cal a van and wife, of Leba­ a visit with relatives and friends 7p Cha» W. Warner. Scio.' non. were viaitora here over the over Sunday. They returned home Shelton & Co., of the Sanitaryj week-end. Monday. Market, want your v< ,u nod will call I LOC AL BREVITIES Bertha Patrnv sue t Wednesday of last week in Albany. You'll Find Your Want Here OAC OvfSS i HigWr Istuixisa at TECHNOLOGY HtM School» Setrsly llep«rl»rslt I AI L TfXM ori SS XI FT I«. IVI fed m A m «M**«® *»<«• t* the Oregon Agricultural College 3 Fred Bilyeu, < hri* Bilyeu and No-1 for it; and poultry of nil kinds. Trade with the »tore that haa 'he Bargain Day card in the window. It laa l*arri»h returned Saturday night F or Sale Team- w o < n and har­ will pay you to. from a hunting trip to Quartavllle. ness; five-year-old gelding; weigh a- D kh 1 z *N0. They have not said anything about bout 1300 pounds. E. W Alden was among the many their luck. Yow Want to keep trt* : ■ who »pent the week-end at Ijnn of your property. T rlwat - Notices Mike Bilyeu Meme to have a very county*» canilol. at the Tribune, while they last. 10 c good reason for going to Albany ao apiece, Mr. and Mrs. John Froel «pent a' often, if what we hear is true. He F or S alk Nearly new White pleasant day Saturday shopping in wa« one of the Albany viaitora laat ; Sewing Machine. pric< 110 for quick the Albany store*. Saturday. |aate. Inquire uf Mrs. Jack Cook, Watch for Itargain Day cards in |tf Among the large crowd of Scioana next-to Tribune <>i’ ct». the windows. in Albany on Saturday were Mr. I am in the market for fat lamba and sheep, When you thing th vare and Mra. Roe Phillipa, who apent ready call, let me make you a price. the day «hopping and renewing ac­ Stf J. L. RnnuEK . Soo. quaintance« Wiivx having printing done you R. V. Craft spent Friday in the can not afford to pay I n> mey for county’« metropolis attending to a poor work. The Tribo r»- prints a few urgent business jnatters.aa well better quality of letterhead«, envel- aa visiting old acquaintances and a <>twe and statement*at a lower price. [ Cherro Flour Makes Baking Time a Pleasure Ask Your Grocer I HL UNI Vt 85A1CÁ1 Genuine Common Sense Many Ford owners can tifford to own and operate any car they choose, but they prefer a Ford ‘’because it is a Ford.” d few relatives. Virgil Henson, Lloyd Henson. Frank Turnich and E W. Bardiff of Lacomb were Scio visitors Sunday They were accompanied by the r wives and sweethearts. Rev. Boyefc, of I .acorn b accom- painied by his son and daughter, spent Sunday in Scio attending evan­ gelistic services Mr. and Mias Boyce sang in the choir. Orchard gra*a. Eng’«h rye gra**, mixed grana needs and vetch seed at J. F. Wesely Grocery Grass w-eda. Hour and sugar »4d for Strictly No exceptions to Cash or produce these terms. ß-3t F or S alk N o . 1 Clipper fanning mill, heavy wagon, light wagon,i buggy. 20 ewe«. ! buck, mie hay. Must vacate soon; n early Live one-half mile nor41 of Larwood budge. E mu Hoi.t'B. T e other lenses. Iticade Optem e trist. * ALBAN* OAtf., HAROLD ALBRO. Manufacturing Optician HAMMON AOJO STAGE Leave 4:00 p.m. &:10 5/0 A:4& 6450 7:00 7:30 Arrive 9:50 a m. Albany 8:40 i*n the train he had the misfortune th lose a five dollar bill. Evcntualey. whv not now? A big­ ger, better and growing town, Scio, Bring yonr trade to Scio and help make this the livest town in Linn county. Start Saturday, September 24. Bargain Day. If some of the liackward one« who are against anv higher taxes for . reads had to change tires at half oast one Monday afternoon it would *xk into them that money could be spent in no better way, Ona Shelton, of Scio, ami G. II. Bilyeu, of l»*ban<>n. are at Tekoa. Wash., looking after farming inter- <-sts there. They went by auto and will take in the Pendleton Round-up before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. L»ng and aon Eldred spent Saturday in Albany ' shopping and assisting their other ■>n. Spencer and wife, in leaving i for Portland, where Spencer will i undergo another operation. Mr and Mrs. A W. Arlmckleand ■laughter Blanche and Mrs. Clara ' South were in Albany abopiung last •t