Morrison & Lowe UNDERTAKERS Cail. Attended to Promptly Dav or Night SCIO ORfiQpN Bargain Day Offerings Septetnder 20 Diren Bond of < ocvallis »pent the week end visiting friends Ore« on Mad« Home knit flag Yarns Mr. ami Mr«. Dr. John Gill of l^banon apent Sunday with the formers parents. Mr. and Mra. M.C. Gill. Mr and Mr«. A. W. Arbuckle asn daughter. Miss Blanch, arc leaving for California Wednesday morning. They are making the trip by way of cJ automobile Mm. H. B Iler, who will teach in the Richardson Gap school this win­ ter. opened her school Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oliver of Al­ W. A. Ewing. A. E. Randal1. bany «pent Sunday al the all day President Vice l“r»c. services at the church E. D. Myers. Cashier Mr and Mr«. Standard of Silver- Mart a bank account today an,I provide for your future. ton spent Sunday with their grand­ You will find a checking ac­ mother Mm. J W. Compton count very convenient for your busiiH aa transactions. We pay Mm J. L. Roger« opened interest on time deposits. school in the Arnold district Monday. Mrs J. R Piatt and daughtem returned the latter part of last week from the hop yard. DR. A. G. PRILL George Patrny. whm has been fil­ ling silos for neighbors finished the job atZ. J. Clark’s Tuesday. Calla Attended Miaa Hasel Phiilipi. who this spring Day or Night completed high «ch,wl entered the . O SCIO ORE. 0. A. C. at Corvallis Monday. A great surprise for the home knitters of Oregon, but still a fact. Further­ more. this yam is absolutely virgin Wool yarn, the Wool wu grown in lunn county, sold by Mr Senders to th* Ore- mo Worsted Company 5, Salem, < Irsgon. THE SCIO STATE BANK Pbsiciai ani Sunean ii ♦ BANTIAM _____ FARM TOPICS One Day Only and for Cash Regular Saturday French Motor Oil, one gallon can, $ 1.40 Golden Shell Motor Oil, parafine base 1.40 Ford Special White Star Motor Oil, can 1.40 Ford Fan Belts, each .35 Ford I ransmission Lining. 3 band sets LOO $1.10 $1.10 $1.10 .25 .75 Liberal Discount on I ires and Accessories FORD GARAGE FRED T BILYEU, Prop NEU S BREVITIES | t | LOCAL ’ ---------- « DR. J W. GOIN. * Mm. Jim Calavan. of Woodburn. Veterinarian. September 20 formerly a Scio resident, is visiting Authorised Auction Sale and Interstate Inspector. The »Id man ha» lost his beat friend <>id friend« and relative« in this local- on aarth-his favorite .log. ns hs gut . • Th|i |g h„r f,r,( vj„t in , mBny Photic«:—Palace Feed *hed. 1S4-J Residence, 600 R bit of salmon. He lived 20 days with , , out «wallowing a bite of food, .xeepi- ,,f th,,u»h *»“• ha'' ke”t UP ALBANY. OREGON mg possibly four tablespoons of milk. Correspondence with her friend« of DR. FltQ I am now wanting another dog. rather by-gone day«, have a pup. U ho baa one to spare? ... . .j We wondered who ordered the Our long looked for mm came in ^on Office Hours: day morning for the rest of the fall Do** I«st week and the rain this 9 to 12 A. M. l:30to5P. M and winter. week. It’su the fellow says' though. M. C-Gaines, of Crabtree, called in “if it wasn't fur the rain there ; eeeeeeeeee♦♦♦»♦♦«♦»««»«« Friday for a social chat ami to let hi. wouWn't hay, anj lf lhere j . ., ,, . ; : IT IS SOUND BUSINESS ’ father know he was still living. . -r . t wife, of » a t _ was no h*y we couldn t make any Grant Teters ami Salem, ... :: M»R YOU TO BUY came up Sunday for a visit with Mrs. *»»> while the sun shines . i Teter« grandmother. Mm. SW.Gaines. j w, rtComend William Arnold for DENTIST SOUND TIRES William Byram and wife, of Rodger. w He deserves mountain, called in bunday fur a «up- '» Any man that can raise as good X ply of tomatoes Billy Richards and George Griffin arv watermelon« as he can ought to I m J fitting up their registered sheep fur the ! classed with the best in the world. J state f«ir, as thev have sum«* fine one*. ' We jAow. for Mr. Arnold left one J Our school district, numtx-r 77. opsb- <>f the beet melone in the Tribune < ed Monday morning for a nine months' X term, with Miss Moure, of Albany, as office last week we ever ate. I teacher. Jack Cook is one of the lucky few ] Ed Kalina, wife «ml Miss Pmkaaka. who were able to get deliveries on ; went to Scio Sunday" to take dinner new Ford«, and Jack surely was a < with his mother. Mrs. Nimic. I Our Sunday and Monday rain« made hapoy man when he drove ths new J the grade over Franklin Butte im passa­ ■‘fixry” into the front yard last Fri- ' ble to Scio. We have to go eight miles .■lay. He intends to cut it bown to • around to Scio. | a "reg’lar Pullman sleeper*’ and PIE EATER. IN QUALITY. IN PRICE IN < save hotel bills on their trip to the SERVICE. THEY ARE sunny south. ■ BECAUSE • They have adequate Slrcagtk !' for the heavieat service I They have that Trsctioa which • hold« th« road at speed in • any weather ' They have lileage amply sutfi- ! cient to render you 100% ; • service ’ They are hand-built, although •old at the price of machine- made tires Every dollar you invest in them is an addition to weatern wealth, it comes S,rk to you ’ ! Sound All Around : They ar« made in Tacoma ami •old in Scio by W. L COBB A SON. I JORDAN ITEMS ♦ Frank Shelton, one time of Scio, but now a homesteader near Hapuy Lamp. California, is »¡»ending a couple of weeks visiting friends and relatives. Frank says the deer are to tame'that they come right up in the tx-an field and help themselves. They ruined lietter than half an acre of his land that way, he claims. September 20 Mrs. Enders was called to Johnny Rowen’s Monday morning, Shv n** ' poi u> a wee baby girl thrre. THE SCIO OAKAGE ' Frank Combs cut ensilage (or Mr Worth Thursday. Mr. J. Getti» went by stage to Al- bafiy Wednesday Elmer Ray, who recently underwent J. C. Austin, of Portland, assist- a very serious operation at the Scio I ant director of Baptist activities in hospital, is Improving nicely. John B. Coney, Prop. P. Fiddler motored to Albany Tues*'Oregon, was a Scio visitor the early day, returning late same day. Phone 6-615 part of the week. He carHe to Scio A nice neighborhood party was held STAGE MEETS ALL TRAINS at the urgent request of Rev. Bent­ Thursday evening at Wilson Park in te-aves Hotel Scio— ley to look over hta worlj in the at T'flfi a m and 4:45 p m for Wedl ScK honor of the Arbuckle«, who are soon evangeliatic field here. Mr Autin ^and 9."00 a. m. and 2:60 p m for Munk or» starting to California. Qaite a number were present and all report a pleasant was enthuaed over the work d