V'. Saturday Big Day For Bargain Day! A Tube FREE with Each Auto Casing... $ .R5 pail cup grease $ .75 .tS can cap grease .20 7.50 spotlight 6.00 16.00 Stewart speedometer 1150 One set demountable wheels for Ford. Chevrolet, Maxwell or Overland “4.” regular price $15.00, spectal Saturday only 30.00 Plain wheels, 3* inch rim. for Ford. Chevrolet, .Max­ well or Overland "4," each 5.00 25 per cent discount on auto paints and enamels. Hand Klaxon horn, regular price $5.75, Saturday 4.75 Champion X spark plugs .60 regular 2 thread .75 The Scio Garage W. L. Cobb A. Son, Props A 10 Per Cent Reduction in Continued from 1’sgr 4 Many Scio Peapie t rade With Albany Store»—W Ajp A Scioan who happen«! to be in Albany Saturday aavs he stood for something like 40 minutes on one of the busy corners and counted 16 g. OK1L Electrical Goods The following are the merchants who are demrving of your trade: Fred Bilyeu, Ford Garage. R. M Cain, Hardware and Furni- ture. Bert Hollis. Confectionery. N. I. Morrison, Hardware and Farm Implements. Bartu .Motor Co., Automobiles & Accessories. Scio Garage. Auto Accessories & Repairing. Kelly's Drug Store. Drugs and School Books. J. F. Wesely, Groceries, etc. Shelton & Co., Meats of all kinds. J. D. Densmore, flour and feed. Hibler St Gill, dry goods and gro­ ceries Scio Meat Market. Scio Produce Co. EACH MONTH HAS ITS JEWEL Almost Universal Balisf In Mwvsiewe Proportion Attached to the Va­ rious Proc lows 8tone< «• Tlw sax-lent» attribute«! marvelous proi*ertlM to many of th» pre«i» ■to«wa There las algiiin<-ancr attached t«> tfx- various »tone* lu making birth­ day. engngrtuent and wedding pre»- rota. The different month» and the •tones sacred to them, with their re- »pectlve meanings, follow: January, garnet; <*»tancy and Odvllty In every engagement. February, amethyst j preventive against violent pasaiona March. bloodstone; murage, wisdom and flruineiu In affection. April, sapiitiro; free from enchant­ ment. denotes repentance. May, emerald; discovers false friends and Insures true love. June, agate; Insures long life, health and prosperity. July, ruby; discovers poison. cor­ rects evils resulting from mistaken frictxlshlp. August, asrdonya; Insures conjugal felicity. September, chrysolite: free from evil passions and aadneaa of the mind. GctotHW. Opal; denotes trope. Sharp­ ens the sight and faith r. *<»• Hardware Furniture Our Bargain Day 24 pkgA Dr. LeGear’a Stock Tonic, 75c size for one package to a customer. 24 pkgg. Dr. Letear'a Poultry Tonic, 75c size for one ¡>ack age to a customer. 12 dot. Delmonte Fork and Brans, 10c size, 2 for limit 6 cans to a customer 1 barrel genuine Hill’s Bros. Coffee, 45c value limit two pounds to customer 1 lot 25 to 40 i»airs Suspenders, 65c to $1.15 value, all per pair two pair to a customer These are genuine bargains ami are for aille for Cauli or produce only. All other goods in our store at regular living prices, us a call and get at least acquainted V glad to see you and serve you. J. F. WESELY For Special Bargain Day Saturday, Sept. 24 Men'* $1 00 Oxford Shoe« Men's |4.50 Oxford Shoe* Uncle Sam s Break fast Food, pkg. Bob While Laundry Soap, 5 bar« for . $2.98 3.48 30 .25