• ”4 TF I r ■ . 4 * • * •. . i ,• *• % J < » » r * ’ •• • «, L» : i /■ à »» H * • »V* <4 » 1 * • ■- n sa rr»eess5 » •V- 1 1 <»• . ’ • r * 9 í. • * * • J* a ‘ • . * Special Cash Bargains One Day Only, s’pïi« 24 * ' ; 1* • » ». • a M Homelike Brand »•£ 5 n • ' ! • of hard wheat, patent flour, guaranteed to be the equal of any made from the w’estern hard wheat: 1 ¡■•fi ••4 • » '/ 4 . Î • • « •z. » 1 V - ’>< » Shell • I • I » vTt <• » ' »**• ' Í » \ » ■ « • < t ♦ ’I “r» fl r <’ LJ X *< ♦ ♦ * I ¡Me 1S« •"•‘■’AoV'X’ ./ .* a At the Store At Warehouse Mill Run—sack lots $ 1.20 half ton lots 28.00 ton one ton lots 26.00 ton five ton lots 25.50 ton Mill Run—one ton lots $25.00 ton five ton lots 24.50 ton z- .. t. K J. D. DENSMORE, 8 I t - • The Flour and Feed Man, Scio, Or '/ / f. 5 t ... r * ‘ KJfç' I * * // Ï / Saturday Is The Big Day Merchants Ready for the Onslaught. It will pay every reader of the Tribune to give their close atten- l*°n to »da la this week’s paper, and t0 up *Mt w*ek’s and the week before and read carefully all the / ' // ¿ » 117// be Hi<<¡fest Day in : History of Scio »Mar­ chand isi n ¡f Belief / i 1 MATINEE DURING AFTERNOON :Z 4: Even the panning of hours brings more complete plan» for the Bar­ gain Day. It could effectu­ ally be termed the Farmers’ Bar­ gain Day. for practically every bar­ gain offered is for his benefit. Dcn.more. Bartu and many others are making a big bid for the farm- 1 Mr ■/ is necessary to go elsewhere to sell / heal re Crowds Cheered their produce and buy their necessi­ When Bargain Day jlds ties, and they are giving thia bar­ ere Shown Saturday gain day to prove to them that Scio is on the map. and there to stay and At th« beginning of the »how la»t er'a trad*, while the Scio Gaab Pro­ grow, not to lay still and gradually Saturday night w veral Bargain Day duce Co. la making a moat extraor­ die. ada were shown, and they were dinary inducement to its friend* and If you will take the time to study cheered by a numlwr of th-,- pres- patron», a* .Mr. Bowver. the mana­ the history of other cities you will •nt. »bowing beyond a doubt that ger, is going to pav out of his own, pocket Ijc per pound more for but- find that no city has ever held the Bargain Day it alrra h j pular, and terfat than the market price on that location and the natural asset that growing in it» populnnty daily as record-breaking business day. All stores giving bargains next Satur­ day have neat card» in their sh,w window* announcing the fact. X 7 > / , A I have a full line of Feeds at right prices, and will give a > per cent discount on ALL SALES ÒF FEED NOT LISTED above. « • ì » Here is one bargain not liable of duplication this winter, judging from the upward trend of the market at the present time, and I feci that I am offering you a bargain that I couldn’t duplicate after my present stock is exhausted: » ■ r* ■ • L* I IMel « r/X a $2.30 9.00 Mill Run • f I brand you are all familiar w'ith. Once used, always used. It has few equals and no supe­ riors: cl Fancy Eastern, per sack . $2.10 $2.10 Fancy Sea, per sack .... 1.20 Per sack . 825 Per barrel Per sack . Per barrel t ' irrt »* Fisher s Blend FLOUR - day a» a special inducement for th* dairymen to bring all their butter­ fat to Scio every day in the week. All other» displaying the window card have arranged pleasant sur- prises for their customers. Most of the Scio merchants real- is* that Scio is the natural trading center of the north forks of th«- Sanliam. and they are doing all in their power to bring the large num- l>«r of people to Scio who think It Scio has and then died a natural people talk more alwut it and aa it grow* doser. death. Boom cities, built on imag- | At first the idea of a bargain day ation, have, but Scio is built on a : seemed a hopelewi day dream to the firm foundation, and will stand as ¡progressive one whose mind first long as the people in the city l>egan to work out the details, and and the country tributary to it give I met defeat »taring him in the face, it their undivided support— sell their produce here, buy their supplies here, and by ao doing build up Scio and enhance their farm value as the years come and go. , but there were a me merchants who »aw the benefits of such a day and it wax kept alive until every «tore in town, with the exception of one. entered in on the plans for Scio’s »nd .they will tell you what tha various stores have to offer you on Bargain Day. If you do not find the ad of any one store you will know that it is not cooperating in th* Bargain Day movement. And above all. watch for the Bargain Dav cards in the windows they are stores that are inviting your patron­ age by offering real bargains as an invitation to come and get acquain­ ted. Continued on Pag* 5 Bargrain Day Specials I Mr. Dairyman, for one day only, Saturday, September 24th, we will pav you a premium of 1}^C per pound in cash for Butterfat delivered that day. :.-f » V Dr. LeGear’s Stock and Poultry Remedies Fly Chaser, one-half gallon $ .60 1.50 Fly Chaser, one gallon .50 Fly Sprayers . . . Stock Powders, small size 20c 40c ,_J Stock Powders, large size Poultry Powders, small size 20c Poultry Powders, large size 40c Lice Killer, per can . . . 20c Dip and Disinfectant, quart 65c - The Scio Cash Produce Company ■ ■ E”* ” ,