The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, September 22, 1921, Image 3

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Rankers of Jack»on county met In
Medford recently to arrange details
for giving lectures tn the »«bools of
the county In explaining the Intrlcs-
< e» snd mysteries of banking in M>
cor-ianes with the resolution adopted
at the last meeting of the State Bank­
Principal Events of the Week
ers* S »so«-la I Ion
The slate law which ways that the
Briefly Sketched for Infor*
Slate forester ahall provide sufficient
mation of Our Readers.
ftre patrol tor timber land In the
state, «ppi:*, to such property owned
Prune drying la the Wlllamstts «al­
by a county "and by It acquired
ley to upder way.
through forecloenre of taxes on it.“
The North Bend city schools hare
«aid an opinion handed down by I II.
th« largest attendance since »1?.
Van Winkle, attorney general, for the
benefit of the state forester
Th Newberg cannery la making a
About 7 per cent of all the property
h«avy run on packing pear«
in Multnomah county worth >74.374.
>00 persons are employed.
»20 is exempted by law from taxation.
Accurate figures show that 100 new
Of this property, 73 MS par cent 1» own­
buildinrs hare been erected In Cor-
ed by school», the city of Portland,
vailla since the first of the year
-tutlylng town«. Multnomah county, th«
Practically the entire unpicked co-
Vntled States government and ths
cumUr crop of the Gresham section
«talc Of Oregon. The remaining 37 13
of Multnomah county was killed by
per cent of the ex«mpt property Is
owned by churches fraternal orders,
The Dallas public and high schools
private schools, hospitals. drainage din-
op«n-<! with an enrollment of 454 pu­
trteta. charitable and educational In­
pils. about 250 less than on the open­
stitutions. cemrterie«. or comes under
ing day last year.
the head of soldiers' exemptions
The public utility act la not broad
An amendment to th- county «alary
enou.h to give the public service cotn-
law made by the legtalature of 1931
mission Jurisdiction over questions of
ices not provide for the payment of
scenic preo-rvatlon
sny additional fees and expenses. for
In nun« of 1.000.000 bushels of
l unty officer», according to au opin­
wheat, valued at more than >3.000.-
ion written by Atlorn»y<l»n»r«l Van
000. have b-en esported from Port­
Winkle for District Attorney Keator
land already this month.
•f t'mattlla county. The opinion says
Tentative plans for a winter fair
he am -ndmenr »»• Intended to pro­
st nlUr to the one held in Ashland
vide only that whatever traveling ex-
lust year were made at a meeting of
pensoa were provided by the
the chamber of commerce.
law should be audited slid paid by the
Six applications for appointments as
bounty court In ths »ame manner aa
postmastei at Scio and two for the
provided for the salaries
Jefferson position »ook the civil serv­
ice examination at Albany
Dr. It M Brumfield Is sleeping In
The immediate survey of the Scotts­
•ciliary confinement behind doubly
burg Reedsport section of the Rose­
- k>-d and chained doors aa a result
burg Reedsport highway was ordered
4 the attempted brisk horn the Dottg-
by the Douglas county court.
taa county Jail, Brumfleld's b-d was
The postal department has set aside
>10.000 for the Improvement of the
Th» M ba non St-ck company has or- moved from th* main cell of the Jail
Salem postoffice, according to advice ganii -d for the |> i
>:i into one of the individual cells, and
received by Senator McNary.
armory for the use of th«- h pita!
i titbough he has the privilege and com
*ort of the main cage tn the day time
The hotel at Veneta, a small lumber- pan) of the Oregon N.:-
la locked into one of the »mall
teg town 15 miles west of Eugene on
Ro.ebnr-, » hre lot» fur the p-r 1
-ells at night and th» door chained
the Coos Bay branch of the Southern from R-'ptemb- r. 192O. to R
«nd padlocked in addition to the regu­
Pacific was destroyed by fire.
1*31. amounted to approx . ti-i.» 117 d,
Asr- stments amounting to >204 • of which amount *15was I"»' n one ar lock. J It Batllet. alleged forger,
>'.»7 62 for street Improvement and fire. This, it la b-ll' »id. is a r>
rd »ho »aid he was the sole perpetrator
•ewer construction were declared due unaqualed by any city the »!«» of Rose­ >f t»s attrii*' • <! jail break, also Is
kept in •• t
nLnemant at night
by th«- city auditor of Portland.
c J every |
■ 1« I Ing taken la
At the last meeting of the Lebanon
The Klamath County Wool Grower»'
prevent a r-
it tbs aftaU.
Farmer«' Cooperative exchange It was
a»so< latlon has adopted t .P. ma - p-
v ted to retire from business In which
posing the annexation of the 1> amond
If you are
printing of
It ba been engaged for four years.
lutks area to Crater E.k» i Hl >nal any kind you can do no better than
t’n< laimod deposits tn the banks of
park, on the ground that It would de­ t,v riming t» The Tribune
Oregon escheating to the state on July
prive stockmen of mu< h vn •
gr u
1 last aggregated >-’1.44*71.
Ing land.
money goes Into the common school
Permission for tha construction of
1* crossings at grade acrua* public
The supreme court named James
highways in Washington and Co’umbia
W Crawford as court reporter to fill
counties la granted to th* Portland
the «•> ancy caused by the death of
Astoria A Pacific Railroad company in
Frank A Turner last month
-an order Issued by the public sarvicn
ford. la now deputy state treasurer.
' commission.
The Klamath Farm Loan aaso'.’ia
The Interstate Bridge over the Co­
tlon reports that within the next two
lumbia River paid approximately *-P0
or three weeks about 133.000 In loans
a day In August over and a>--»•' all
will be made to IB petitioners, rang
operating costs, salaries snd Interest
Ing in sums from >1006 to >4000 each
on bonded indebtedness, according lo
Examination of candidates for ap-
reports submitted at s meeting of iba
p-dntment as post master of the third
bridge commission
class will be held October t at Albany,
Presbyterianism In Oregon In the
Fugsna. Grants l*aaa. Medford. Pendle­
last year has made a net gain of
ton. Portland, Roseburg. Silverton and
about 14A0 new members, but In the
The Dnllea.
Willamette Presbytery there has l>-et>
American tx-gion officials of Port-
a slight loss In me-nbershlp
facts Were brought out at the Pre» by
tery convention in Salem
A petition for commirtatiop of the
death sentence of John 1. Rstble and
J»m*s Kirby, alias James Owens. Im
plicated In the jail break and sub '
quent killing at Pendleton of Sb-.'lff
Til Taylor, was framed at a meeting
of the Halem War Midhcra.
Continuation of prix reding» to rati
csl ths citisenship papers of Jo*-ph
Woerndls. alleged sg*nt of th<- Aus­
trian government during the war, was
ordered by Attorney-General Daugherty
Dealers in
In a telegram lo United Htatea At­
torney Humphreys of Portland
Members of the Portland city coun­
cil have ugn-ed to call a »{>•< tl city
of All Kinds
election s>>me time In Novrn her for
the purpose of permitting th» vuteea
of this i-lty to pass upon th* propped
) ‘
tax levy for Portland's share In ilia
financing of the 1*25 exposition
y -J
The Dalles city water is unlit ta
drink, according to word recelv.-d Item
the state board of health
Pl .r<is
warning against drinking city watsr
ware placed over drinking fi .ntsins )
In public places In the city by ths
Vailed States public health aasvice
William S Walton, cashier of tha
laidd * Tilton bank of Salem, has been
notified by the War Finance Corpora­
Prater lets rs
tion that fas has been appointed on
ths committee which will pass on ap­
plications in his district for loans un
-ler the provisions of tbs war finance
land are making an effort to pci «ua !e
Marshal Fork General I Ma« an-' oil--*
celebrities of tbs foreign d,-iognt<»n
to th* convention in Kansas City, to
visit Fortland
A new trout hatchery, Io b- situated
near Oak Spring» on the DesvfcBf*»
river, will be construct*.I before the
opening of next year'» h«t< Wng »■-»
•on. according to A. K. Burgh luff.
•tats game warden
Miss Deien Brneksmtt. a graduate
of Holyoke college, baa arrived tn
Ku«*ne to take up h*r dut «■» a« head
resident of Busan Campbell ball at the
opening of the university. .->(>* coms»
from New Tork c'ty
More men were rr*»t*d for » dat­
ing the state game code dur -i< the
first eight months of this year than
during all of 1*20. according to a r»>
port Just completed by A E Burgh­
duff. state game warden
The Astoria Box company'« ms-
mill, which was destroy'd by fir»
about two months ago. will be re
placed with a strictly tuixim band
mill having a cutting capacity of
150.000 feet of lumber per day
The largest return of g«»«lins sal«»
for a single month to I- ,rted < •
the secretary of siate since th- c-nor
fuel tax law became nfi-ciitr tnorv
than two years ago Is that of th-
Standard Oil company for Amusl
A call to become permanent pa»’>r
of First Baptist church of PortUu«
(White Temple> was eaten led <> Dr
II II llulten of <» :..>•■
> City. O', i .
by a vote of 16» to 34 at a tne ting of
the congregation at U '•< To
M U Evans, taxi <!- ver of Bend.
confessed that he killed James Doran
of McMinnville and wot. .'led Wlll-xm
Ducharme. Itoran's co ¡anion last
Saturday night two miit vOUth of Th»
.ct Attorney
Dalles, according to 1-
Francis Galloway
Era « Is reported
'he motive,
to have said robberv
n the (load
and that be took >1
1 . IK
Saturday, September 24
the (JrviiUMt of al!
The Biggest Reduction in Meat Prices
Scio lias evo> seen.
Hnlrhek Bros., Props,
Oregon State Fair
Salem. Oregon
September 26th to October 1st
Round Trip Reduced Fares
Apply from all agency station» in Oregon
Minimum adnlt fare >1.00
Children of half fare ago 50c
IIVifM going to (he Statt Fair
combine pleasure tri th comfort
and convenience lui using
Southern Pacific train service
Train» Operate Direct to Fair Grounds
Trains 17-IM-XI 24 ami 2X will make regular stop and
No«. 14 «nd 16 will »tup on tl«g at Fair <¡rounds.
Special trains from Portland and from Eugene to
Salem and Fair tlroumla Tuesday to
Saturday, inclusive.
For further particulars ask agents
# 2
General Passenger Agent.
We Print Sale Bills
i Bargain Day Specials
Saturday, Sept. 24
Extra Specials
Only One to a Customer, subject to Stock on Hand
Fresh & Cired Meats
Poultry and Vaal
Lard Compound
Q» Co.
« I
$1.55 Wearever Aluminum Stew Cup
$2.40 Wearever Aluminum Stewkettle
$7.50 heavy Copper Wash Boiler
$27.00 3-burner Coal Oil Stove
g $21.00 2-burner
2-bumer Coal Oil Stove
$101.00 Electric Washing Machine
$ 1.00
1 0 per cent discount on all other goods, except
wire and wire goods. Five per cent discount
on wire and wire goods
Hardware and Implements