!»■■■ v* A* THE SCIO TRIBUNE • i* T q Visit Sii Months hi Europe Lather Boniface, of Jordon, left the flrat of the week for a six month*» tour of Europe. with a »pr­ êtai visit to Rome The extra work ulaer to dep« -it your savings 4'4 interest paid on sav­ that perforce fell upon the Earner ate» which run tex months or ' during the building of the new church at Jordan ha» made it noces- HSSSIHSlHM»«»* ♦ • ♦ »♦♦♦♦♦ow W »WW»»»»««♦♦♦♦»»»♦♦ “Where Suoinqa Are Safe” Entered at the txwtoffice at Scio. Oregon as second class matter. SUMM KirrioN. IN ADVAMCU •IX MONTHS SI.7& 1.00 *ary that he take a long rest, which he pion» to d<> in thia way He will study a great deal of the time he is in the old country. AhVKKTUtfNG KATKS: Local advertising per line Ar»t in­ sertion .......................................... • Each subsequent insertion per line. D m pl ay adv-ruring—FYr»l insertion per inch....................................... Each sulewquent insertion............... Advertisements should reach this office nut later than Tuesday to insure publi­ cation in the current issue. All foreign advertisements must be paid for ill advance of publication. I »llwtaa*» *» t»» A m «‘--I k»i.«e Hr to» «huh H H am I«. mh > Nutuo -nSl.WMe vllk UWrly mm I Joe- Ur« fur ufi. T htümpa Y. S kit . 22. 1021 I f th<* nio<>n»hincrs would only put In a little sunshine there wouldn’t lie so many ’’dark” moons for the imbilier FARM LIGHT & POWER OUTFIT Ask th< ■« 'et wland, ( —because it’s toasted which scab in the real Burley taste Pcrietflion Milking Machines (Nature’s Milker) Anker Hoith ( ream Separator*. ar ced Bowl THE ELECTRIC STORE Inc. To those wanting grafies. pleane «end your order to Lafayette Os­ born by ph me, who will book your order in rotation. Will have about n«- ton <>f grap«« this -< -»»on at 2c per pound Gmimence picking be- ism-n Oct I ami 15. A r<-a»<>n. You'll see it if you read the ads. Joseph lamblot and daughter, of route 3 paid the Tribune a bu-un«-*» visit yesterday. Thons 20, ALBANY. OH P. O. Building I Notice There is a The Only Self Bol­ ¡ring by Ucensed and Bonded Men—Estimates Cheerfully Furnished Electric 327 W Rest st. to And out how and in what mannei W k wonder what the outcome of Virginia Rappr me* her death, and the harsh word and knock war be­ the guilty made to suffer. tween the Oregon Voter and the 1........ ■" 1 ■■ "! Renton County Courier will Iw* The RECESS MAY IX» GOOD first is a bar and the ether is radi­ Wien congress tic>nv«h*l again cal. so they say. yest< rday there was a set of me» 'IZWAt Chinaman Eearful of Tong therein who secs the conditions of Gets Protection.” Heading in Al­ their constituency in a different light bany paiier. Yes. indeed, any one than evyr before. And it come» would want protection, too. if they al>out through getting back home belongid to any tong with some and talking personally to the people of their districts. straight shooting rivals. Reports from Washington state that congressmen and senators are A mong the most peculiar errors admitting that they have been un­ ever noticed was our in a county mindful of the immediate needs of pa|n-r the other day. and after pay­ the people, and that their people ing a high compliment to the fair. said "The I-am- county 'fail' wil> have told them to go back to Wash­ ington and get busy on legislation continue until Saturday.” that will give them and the country needed relief. These reliefs, so say T hat is a great game of hide and congressmen, is a safe and sane tar­ seek they are playing al McNeil’s iff. a just revision of taxes and a Island. It's another great game reduction in freight rates. they are having in California, too. Now that they have l>em told Arbuckle witnesses hiding and the whai to do by their employers, it is prosecuting attorney seeking. pretty safe tn bet they Will do noth­ ing. a* bus been their custom, and T h »: Portland Eair 1325 should l>e if they should comply with the the concern of «-very Oregonian. It mand of th«ir constituents, the mean» the starting of an era of pros­ or laws will be so worded that perity unexcelled in the whole Pa- supreme rout I will declare them rille Nor'hweat. We should not be constitutional if occasion required a concern««! with what might hapiwn teat. Such has been the history of after its closing, but should bo con­ the past, and we are / judging the cerned with what is hapiwning now i future by the past especially laws and up until then. Irei s boost, not * demanded by the people have been knock. no construed. 1 V The people's legislative program, D airy products are taking ah U|> according to returning congressmen, ward course in price, and those who is: have sold their cows or prematurely 1- Prompt revision of taxes. turned them dry, aie the losers. 2— Tariff protection from cheap Cheap feed without a market makes German products. the feed cheaper. Good cows will 3 Reduction of freight rates. make that feed worth good money While business is recovering and by the product they return Ki*o beginning activities, i! just qannot your cows and »**11 the milk you'll be made plain to the farmer why he always have ready money if you do. only gets -15c for a calf hide when he has to pay $ n to fit) for a pair "F atty " Arbuckle still languishes •»( shoes. Or why he only received liehind iron bars in Xan Eranriscn. a !H»c for his wheat, while Canadian charge of first degree murder being growe-s received almostjjouble. returned against him by the grand But maybe congress wdl now get jury. AH pictures created by him busy.- We ho|»e to. hav*- lievti withdrawn from public u«'. thus adding more to the circum­ See Thom , stance that keeps him in durance vile. He will be prosecuted tn the Any one having grain of any kind Uinit, says Prosecutor Brady, and be should be. It is high time thst tn sell should see I). C Thoms be­ 52 tf this crime wave is crushed, and be­ fore selling. known men why they porrhs*<>d oor plant: rec; Km V oilman, Crabtree, Walter Black lorn, . < raf trre; <*. B. Keebier. Lebanon; Walter Po­ a ny other*. -r n Paul Automatic Water Syitema Aw! Ten residents of Linn county will Itecome citizens of the I’m lei States if the appplication of Joseph Walter t>f thia community is granted. Mr. A'altcr went to Albany Monday and presented his final application for citizenship papurs. He came here from Cxrcho-Siuvakia in PJU6 and has lived here evere si neg. why millions of men like Lucky Strike Cigarette Read the nds riowly. I Now i* tht Tint»- to I’lirchu.-r Your Applies for lituensbip Of course you know the reason Now that girl» and women have gone into th«- burglary game, houses should be guarded with mice in­ stead <>f bul'dogs ginning earnestly and honestly on the higher ups will go a long «ray in the crushing. The flist crime in j thia case was the illegal procuring and using of moonshine, and the' second crime was the d< ath of one of the party. Now is U m lune I WAN 11 D Hav Grain Pointocs HI«.IO ST M ARK I IKI E M. G. RI El» Office Alt’ Riley Shelton Real [•date Rro^er * and Notary Public '•Ihlraflt Obtained, Examined OREGON (»SHORN. Now is the time to Buy Your Winter Clothing Our Line is Complete We are agents for the famous Red Ball Rubber Boots Priced $3.75 to $7.75 Men’s Shoes for Winter Wear t We carry Bergmann, Fleder, Culter, Red Wing and Napa Tan Shoes that we can guarantee to give you service Pric-d $3.25 to $17.00 You will find that we carry a splendid line of Slickers, Rain Proof Pants and Hats, Woo >1 Mackinaws, Wool Shirts^in fact everything for the man out of doors The Blain Clothing Co VACUI- “The store with a square deal for * every customer ALBANY OREGON «