’’ «S * X® THE SCIO TRIBUNE Don’t Forget Bar­ gain Day, Sent. 24 VOL. XXV NO. « *’!<». I.INN CqpNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. 1921 » - ÌTMtthst Beatlty latti SftattH Ittia- tiei «ad Tnt Is Crawdad Nifltl? - Surta? fi» lutasi Bay The past Sunday was. in the minds of most of the church going people of Scio and the surrounding country, the most triumphant day of the revival meetings now being held by the Federated church. At the morning service the tent was crowded to the door in spite of the rain, and a large congregation at- j ............ must put his business first. When his mind M not actively engaged <>n that business. it is tired and must rest in order to function properly on the next day. A woman in her borne wails for people tn call, she can accept or reject those who offer her their friendship, and thus makes a more select circle of friends than her husl>and This tends to thought, religious as well as otherwise, ami she is more perceptible to things religious than her husband. Manis no less intelligent, nor is he more of a moral coward, but he just simply does not understand that God and the study of His book are the great­ est things in life.** RIVERSIDE LlM’ALS f Rev. Bentley's subjects foi the tended the Activity meeting in the immediate future will be: * afternoon. • Friday night: "Procrastination”. At the morning service Mr. and Saturday night; “Christ or Barabbas. Mrs. Steinberg, of Albany, rendered a lieautiful duet to a highly appre­ Which?” I ( Sunday; 10 a m. Sunday school; 11: ciative congregation. .. .... .... The basket dinner served at the • m- preaching; How to Make A church was one of the best ever, Success of our Christian Uvea” even surpassing the big dinner at Sunday evdning; "Pitching our ! Tents" Jordan the veek before, some of those who were present al both Held Weinie Roaeen no slacken- A large numls-r of the friends of ing of interest in the services, and Mr and Mrs. A. W. Arbuckle and Rev. Bentlev is putting forth hie I m T i effort in’.^^00’07 thelf“,n‘l7 ^Üwred up all the "hot; ’ loyal support his congregations ars giving him, and Mr. J. U. Austin. uK-istant director of Baptist activi­ ties in Oregon, who was present at Sunday's meeting. is highly elated with the progress thus far made. Pastor Iler says not a word, but he wears a smile that just wont come off and keeps on a-workin*. No closing date has bean announ­ ced so far. and it is not expected the meetings will close for two more weeks. Most Undergo Another Operation J I • ;d<>gs" (sometimes called weinies* they could find and took them to Wilaon Park last Thursday night for a real outdoors picnic. The Ar- buckles left Wednesday afternoon for Petaluma, Cal., where they will make their home, and this daughters, the youngest. Willo Mae, weinie roast was given in the nature had not been here before. of a farewell to this estimable fam-1 Miss Nora Holt, of Woodworth's ily. Among those present were: : store in Albany, and O I. Holt and A. W. Arbuckle and family. War- family, of Portland, spent Sunday, ren Woodard and family. lorn Phil-1 the 11 th, under the tmrental roof at lips and family. Floyd Shelton and -f y Holt’s. family, Mr. Spatx and family, Z. J. i Eugens Titus, of Stayton, called Clark and family, Bert Hollis and! ¡n (0 his cousins at Gilkey sta- George Rockwell, who died at Ini­ Demonstrated at Miller’s ons Tuesday evening. September 13. of a lingering illness, was buried in Last Thursday. F. N. Williamson, Fox Valley cemetery Thursday. Mr. Rockwell was about 50 years of age i county club leader, and O. M. Nel­ and had lived at Lyons and Mill son. of the «lepartinent of animal Citv for many years. He was a i hushandrv. O. A C., were présent member of the Odd Fellows and the . at the home of W W. Miller, east United Arteaans lodges, and is sur­ of Scio. and aasisted in «ne of the vived by his widow and four grand sériés of démonstrations being held children. The deceased was well by the Scio Angora Goal and Shoep Club. This club is doing g«««! work known in Scio. in the wav of taking cars of their flocks and how lx-st to préparé them Club Booth Ready for exhibition pur posas. All to in readiness excepting the .The gentlemen demonstrated the final decorations at the booth to be cotrect way to clean the wool on occupied by the mem tiers of Linn a sheeo of burs and how to trini it county boys’ and girls' clubs. at the to the beat advantage. and how to state fair, said F. N. Williamson, hold a sheep to make It give the county club leailer. while in Scio beat appearance when being judgod. last Thursday. The booth to located Mu'h interest was taken in the dém­ in the southeast corner of the edu­ onstration and the work highly ap- cational building. County Agent preciated by the members présent, down to Scio Saturday night and Heyman and B. F. Sprague. n Cow Spray 81.25 $1.75 TOBACCO advertising this wi-ek. we are unahh- to Symphony lawn Stationery 9tto 1.26 la f) WbG sun our story about the^tate fair and t best paper tee “BULL.*« Tooth Brushes ate 22c county fair, they being quite lengthy. •e hew ye*> cm receive Combe __ 35c 26c The alate fair beginalhwxt Monday, Bargain Day Specials Saoe This Ad and Bring it With You 50good cigarettes BULL'' DURHAM wNbseek package a bash sf 24 !••««. «1 IUU+.- Ibe very «neat etnareWe and the rounty fair on Tuesday. OcL 4. I The county fair story will appear next I Week. Attend both if jxxunhlc. 8- Pages Today -8 r:------ — - . . Spencer I ¿mg. wife and tahy.were in Albany Saturday making prepare-1 FEED MILL TO BE ERECTED IN SCIO September 19 lions to go to Portland.where he will Mr. and Mrs. Ivater Holt, of have another operation on his chest I, o OtiSBirt Is Hiring Pitas Orawa Dayton, and Mr. ami Mrs. W H for the removal of a growth caused Far l«|i Plait and Expects ta Nicholanu, of Salem, were Sunday by some aort of infection resulting visitors the 11th at J. G. Holu. Start BaMtaR by Oct 1st from a severe attack ,of Intluenxa Their son Cletus has returned from while in the army, according to ar­ a few days spent In Portland, where* J. I). Ih-nsmore, one of Scio's best my doctors. he worked Iwfore be was called I The first operation was performed boosters and a firm believer in ita home by the serious Illness of his ’ about two years ago. but for some future, spent Friday and Saturday father. unknown reason the growth return­ in Portland in conference wth his Chas. Hornbuckle, who has lived ' ed. making the second operation engineers, J. L. Rosa A Co., and on the Ed Smith place the past two* necessary now. He will never be during that time the dream of his years, has moved to the Mackey aide to do hard labor, and has been life was matured and arrangements place, near Lebanon. attending the 0. A. C. for some completed for tue erection of an J. S. Funk's have raised some of * time past preparing himself for a attrition feed mill In Scio by Mr. the largest tomatoes we have seen Blueprints are being < useful life. His many friends wish Densmore. this season. him good luck in this trying ordeal. made and material gathered ao that The evergreen blackberry, for work of construction on the null years a pest, has at last come into may l>e started by the first of Octo­ Arbuckle Picture* Withdrawn its own. The agricultural college ber. used to get hundreds of inquiries The total cost of the mill, accord­ i John Weseley. manager of the asking how to kill the plant, but | People's Theatre received a letter ing to the figures of J. L. Ross, will now farmers are planting them in­ I from the Famous Players-1juky Cor­ i amount close to $2000, and when stead. Leonard Gilkey, of Itanner poration stating that no more ” Fat­ completed will lie one of the best Farm, sold worth of the wijd ty” Arbuckle pictures would be re­ ««julpped feed mills in Oregon, and berries. So much for the canneries leased. and that thoee now in circuit the third one to I m * erected In the even though berries were cheap. would l»e withheld until he is proven Willamette valley. Mrs. Gus Shienmn is quite ill. innocent of the charges filed against No estimate has Iw-rn made as to Elmer Whetstone received an in- him. Last Saturday the People's the amount of work the mill may jury to his foot when his horses be­ Theatre was to have shown "Fatly” do. but it is Mr. Densmore's opinion came frightened al a yellow jackets Arbuckle in "The Traveling Sales­ that its p*»aaibi!ities are unlimited, nest and caught hia foqj in the drill. man". but the picture was withheld and that it is bound to grow from the He has tieen goins on a crutch. and "The Whistle” was shown in its day It is put In commission, about Mr and Mrs. Van («ytographtand place. the middle of November, several young people) came from This is just a beginning watch Salem to help in the Sundav serv­ George Rockwell Pataca Away Scio grow. ice. They also brought their three At the evangelistic meeting Sun­ day night a representative of the family. V\m. Rhoda ami family. ■ tjon M )ie wai going to larbanoo. Clyda Thomas ami wile. Dan Hil-| The Farmers Union n et Saturday Tribune saw two women bring chil­ then they turned ’ Bn<1 w’to. Jess Hildreth and evening at Riverside, with Mrs. dren forward. l..„ ___ __ wife, Mr. Goawick and w>fe, Clara Vsda Whetstone acting as president. around, in both eases with a laugh Smith. John Frost. Mrs. Fleming. |Ct) cream was served. more of amusement than of a happi­ Bun Fleming. Loren Bond. Alvin Misg Helen Johnston has accepted ness that should come to a mother’s Pepperling, I (larence Daugherty, * a p,aili|on as teacher nt the fourth heart under such circumstances. Clair Thomas. grade at Powers, near Marshfield. Twice women came to their hus­ We can now see the wisdom of bands and asked them to go forward Al The People« Tb-am the wild geese migrating south so with them, and both times the hus­ For this week, Saturday and Sun­ early, when all our gardens were bands refused, and the wives did day evenings at the Peoples Theatre killed by frost September 11th. not go alone. ..The Hell-Diggers.” with Wallace Some of our people have been at- The Tribune man is an inquisitive Reid and Lois Wilson. tending the tent meetings held in fellow, and he asked this question Charles Irvin of Hubbard drove Ecto­ of Rev. Boyce, of Iacotnb. "Are women more intelligent than men, are men losing their supremacy over the world, or are they just plain moral cowards?” He then repeated what he had seen, and instantly Rev Boyce'a answer was "Men are moral cowards.” We then aaksd the same question of Rev. Iler, and he said "Women are more intelli­ gent than man. and have time for thought on the subject. Woman’s development in most cases is mental while man's development is physi­ cal.” Rev. Bentley gave his opin­ ion as "Women have a stick lo-il- ivenern that men have not. This enables women to graduate from high schools and colleges while men graduate from dens of iniquity and vice, is it not natural, then, that women should lie the first to accept God. considering that teligion ap­ peals to intelligence and to the edu­ catili mind?" Last, but not least among those interviewed, was J. C. Austin, of Portland, who said, and we cannot help but believe he is right. "The woman's environment is her home, and the man’s to his business. In order to succeed, a man must continually push himself forward, make new friends and new acquaintances, and he to not always able to select his saw vi a tee— but hl 11.76 THE YEAR Al INTEREST INCREASES IN TENT MEETINGS t County Fair Albany, Oct. *- ■ - • • 4 * ' 'a -A. Kelly’s Drug Store «U’V T Lh' T y "r 3 *• - *s » * -A * X.