The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, September 15, 1921, Image 8

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Quartsvilie where they will spend that everything points to a sound fi­
nancial return to pre war standards
| the remainder of the week hunting
Rolla Shelton, Roy Shelton. J. 8. J N. I Morrison »«< «e*n giving a
Sticka and Ed Myers spent Labor pile of shingles that were parked in
Albert Long was an Albany visitor
front of his store the "once over”
Day fishing <>n Thomas Creek.
the last of the week.
A pile of lumber or shingles in front
Mr. and Mrs L. E. Wiley and tun
D C Thoms was in Allmny on a
of Morrison's store always means
Milton, of Portland, have returned
business mission last Thursday.
improvements, and in this case it
home after a pleasant visit with
Jim Bilveu spent Saturday in Al­ Mr Wiley’s sister, Mrs. Oscar Eich­ means a newly shingied roof.
bany visiting old friends and renew­ inger.
Somehow, in | erformmg the ope­
ing acquaintances
ration on Elmer Ray. of Jordan. Dr
Rev Milo G. Bentley, who is con­
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Arnold' visit­ ducting services in Scio, went to Prill caused his finger to become
ed friends and transacted business Providence last Sunday afternoon infeetrvi, and as a result is carrying
his whole arm In a sling. Though
in Altuny Wednesday last.
and delivered a sernoon to the peo­
"Dot” dors not believe it to be any­
A large number of Scio people ple of that community.
thing serious, he is taking no chanc­
took yesterday off and at'<,n»i« d the
Punters were placed in and around es and is giving his hand the ix-st of
sale at Frank Pietrok's farm.
Scio Monday announcing the biggest care
Mrs. Julian and Miss Vera Bilyeu and best little county fair in Ore­
Joe Oupor sr . a farmer living
attended a > m - -ion of the Pythian gon. the Linn county fair, to be
near Richardson bridge, was operat­
Bisters in Albany Inst Thursday.
held Oct. 4 to 7 inclusive.
ed <>n at the St. Mary's hospital In
In both Oregon and Washington | Albany Monday morning for bladder
K A. Nydegger, of Lyons, col-
lectcd 44 last Thursday from thc committees appointed by the gover­ ' trouble. Hr has tieen in the hospital
county court as a bounty on a coy- nors of the two states are working for about three week* and the doc­
ote pelt.
on the problem of more equitable tors hoped that it would not be nec-
ewuiry to use the knife, hut his ease
Prosecution for yiolation of the distribution of the lax burden.
fire laws has resulted in M3 convic­
Mr. and Mr«. F. J Kula, of Shrl was «uch that it could not tie cured
tions. There are several canes still burn, were business visitors in otherwise.
Scio last Tuesday. They have been
The story that a <%.«e of sleeping
sickness had been discovered near
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Hildreth and
Mis. Bert Hollis drove over to Al­ a sale he will hold at his farm on Scio was preanunced Monday by
Dr.Prill to be "the bunk." It ia hit
bany Monday, where they spent tha Monday. Sept 26.
half a fl and oner - ben be dropped
down from a high cliff and st««>d with
In fifteen fret of tt. <>»» lb’s occa­
sion the monkey king was attercM by
dvr smaller mnnkrvs
He attempted to address ’livra,
whereupon they all ««t <1- n and gave
reaiwwtful hearing, punctuating bls re­
marks with assentirr grvet» which In-
dlrst«-d tlist ttir me*- re wgs beug
uadersttind Whan be had fiel shell h’s
spe-eh the tnonk« V I .£ ar< » muller-
log something and starte! away
it The I’roplK Th, am
For this week, Saturday and Sun­
day evenings at the Peoples Theater
"The Traveling Saleeman" and a
Mack Bennett comedy
r' " ’ t
HE Ingenb'tM Device of
Kry pt, ui has done away
with the cemented lenses and
gives you comfort and service
The scientific
construction .»f KRYPTOK8
prove them superior to all
other lenses.
Fot S ai F Old papers K)c per
bundle at the Tribune office.
cm e trist.
• Manufacturing Optician
Shelton & Gi..<nf the Sanitary
Market, w ant your vra! vm: W ill call
for It; and poiiltry of all kirm«
HAM! ïion Ainirsw
1 *
1 xiavo
1 y<»ns
Fox Valley
Mill City
4rO0 p. m.
P 50 a m.
7 Wl
7 00
Fare from jj*'i«’ tn Albany, one
way, 11-00. round trip 11.40; from
Juntan, 11.25, round trip »2 25.
i -. vi s twain
la thwr-auae of many
Optical Company
313 W 1st St . Albany
State Fair
Another R eduction
in Ford Prices
Sept. 26 t ) Oct 1
is made effective Sept 2, li’21
F. O. H. Detroit:
to the following prices,
Truci, «nth pniiiMlic lifts
12« 00
3« 01
Starters on atiove cars $70 additional.
Demountable wheel« $25 additional.
Coopt, with stiff* and «emoooialle «tais
Seta, »uh siintr im taiwiilit whtti0
Excise Tax Elstra.
“You can pay more, but ,v<ui cannot buy more” than the
sturdy strength and power the Ford car gives you. Ford
prices are uniform everywhere, except for freight, be­
cause Mr. Ford himself fixes the retail price. Place your
order quickly to avoid delay from the rush orders these
new prices will produce.
Fred T. Bilyeu
Authorized Siles Agent.
Scio, Oregon
Buddtnst O.acipl* Was P mi II vs That
th* Animal Undarstsed Speech
Ha Addressed ts Him.
A third desrw1 iHscipte of Ruddha
wh«» hall« from the fsuoMi* Yellow
mountain« (lluanc Shan) «aya they
are the home of ligers, wlldrata, wild
horw«, gouts, tmars and an animal re-
•etnhllng a panther, with hrlMty hair
and Impervious «kin—and monkeys
The monkeys he divided Into two
ctaaaew. one ibe ordinary
monkey with a tall, the other white
breasted and white faced, with a rray
ba< k and but little smaller than a
lie Intimated that this type
manifested a degree of Intelligence
»hen spoken tn, irry much .i-vni’iW
man. and was tailless
To this sw-ortd class belongs what
he railed “the ««rest White Monkey
King." ruler of all the beasts of the
mountains, and described as being
more than twenty feet tall, with arms
ten fret long, four tusks each at least I
a foot long, a face and eyes propor
ttonately large, and a voice that made
the earth tremble whenever It spoke.
fie said he had seen thia great mon­
key king twks-w» gt a distance of
Fog S al * ySix 3 ynur old colts
.Bee Bert Hollis, at th-- confection­
ery store.
Y’df W ant to
ire , -< r« ff
of your property. Tin pa -s Notices
at the Tribune, while they la>t. 10 c
Foil S al * Xoarly n< w White
Sewing -Marhim . pr - $4u Mr quick
day shopping.
State Foresters of both Oregon opinion that the case is nothing sale. Inquire of Mrs. Jack Cook,
Washington expect to continue, more M-rious than a severe <-ase of next to Tribune offio
Mrs. Oscar Eichinger and child­
lookflig to more complete nervous prostration, and that Mrs.
ren, Cecil and Ruth, went to New­
I am in the y^rkot f< i*fat lam!,«
Thomas, who is the afflicted one,
ami sheep. When vou think thevar«
port last Thursday, where they will «¡ash disposal during the fall arason.
Her breakdown ready call, let me make you a price
Federal aid through the Weeks law will soon recover
spend two weeks.
by attempting 3tf
J. L. R oinikrs . Sno.
ia available for this purpose.
M. C. Gaines, a former sheriff of
to Mo two people's work during the
F<»l< SA1.K (iiHxi Cheat ™ee I.some
Elmer Itay.of Jordan.was brought
Linn county, was in Albany Satur­
mixed in, make l«-»l kind of
day on business. Mr. Gaines Ilves to the Scio hospital last Thursday
hay; price 2c per p un i
and operated on for apnendicitis.
in Crabtree now.
F. T. Thayer.
He is reported as doing nicelv. des­ Scio. But of late years.a resident of
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bilyeu and pite the seriousness of the case. lone. Morrow county, together with
Petaluma Bro- l«-r, 500 chick, in
condition; used < ne m i*,-n; will
Mr and Mrs. I, L. Calavan, of Mb* Dr. Prill performed the operation.
his son I>11 and daughter Minnie,
sell for $35, cost $65 (‘an be seen
anon, visited in Scio over Bunday
drove down to Jordan for the dedi­
at Arbuckle farm.
Joe Oupor, N. I. Morrisons right
with relatives -uni friends.
cation of the new Catholic church, i
hand man. was in Albany Saturday
W h BN having print ig <|.. n- you
Mr. and Mrs. George Bilyeu re- night and Sunday in order to tie ljravlng lone Thursday morning, -
can n<»t afford to i av go.«d mm <v for
turned Friday from Junction City with his father who is in hospital they ma>h* Portland that night, and poor work. The Tribune prints a
and Portland, where they have been there. He drove over again Wednes­ came on down here Friday. Ac- better quality of letter! - is, envcl-
cording to Leo, the roads are in A-l { oner and statements nt a lower price
visiting for the past two weeks
day night, and repots his father is
condition and it was possible to
Folt S a L* N o . 1 Clipper fanning
C. F. Sergent, of the Providence getting akmg nicely.
make good lime all the way.
heavy wagon, light wagon,
neighborhood, is grooming tome
J. A. Reams, inspector for the
buggy. 2" ewes. 1, some hay.
Ane h<>gs for the county fair, and Pacific Millers Fire Insurence agency
Must vacate soon; come early Live
Bra»» Rail Explained
expects to bring home the ‘bacon.** at Seattle was a Scio buvincss visitor
one-half mile nor h of Larw >d
E mil H ou h
Fred Bilyeu, Chris Bilyeu and Tuesday. He is firmlv convinced that
Nolan Parrish left Tuesday for the bad business season is over, and
bar had to have a brass foot rail in
front of it and w>- had to wait until
prohibition hit us before we found
out. Die old bra»« foot rail steadied ,
your arm. my bov. and enabled you
to lap up "just one more" without
wobbling How do we know? Well,
rea l this item from W omen*» Wear;
"A Chicago store recently increased
its glove business by a simple me­
chanical device that has since been
adopted by a well-known Philaiiel-
phia establishment. A brass rail
was placed about six inches frqm
the floor, running the full length of
the glove counter. When a person
tries on a Pair of gloves
unconsciously rests on the brass
rail, forming a brace, which steadies
The Ford Motor Company was the first to reduce prices
the arm and makes the fitting of
on cars (September 22 1920). That first reduction priced
an easy matter."
all models below the 1914 price liasia
Now another cut
A wealth of -Agricultural Displays
Magnificent Livestock Exhibition
Great Machinery & I ractor Exhibition
Greatest Horse «Show in the Northwest
Excelle nt Races and Amusements
Special Attractions Day and Night
Good Camping and Parking Grounds
Excursion Rates on All Railroads
A. H. LEA, Manager