Morrison & Lowe ♦ UNDERTAKERS Calls Attended to Promptly Dav or Night SCIO OREGON A great surprise for th« hums knitters of Oregon, but still a fact. Eurtbar- tnore. this yarn ia absolutely virgin wool yarn; the wool *•« grown tn Linn county sold by Mr. Senders lotheOre- gon Wonted Company until« located at Sellwood), made into worsted yarn by I Roy T. Bisbop, eon of C. P. Bishop, proprietor of the Woolen Mill Store of Salem. Oregon knitters try this yarn out. All colors. 45c per ball of 2 ots bampirs sent on appFcation. Address C. P. Bishop, Box <5. Salem, i kregon. THE srill STATE BANK FARM TOPICS September 13 Ursgoa Mad« Homa Knit ilex Varas t SANTtAM William Gilkey ia doing a fin« job of grading up our road, and the neighbor« will soon put on a good coat of gravel, at it i» quite handy. Ed Kilina wa» hauling w«jod to hia mother, Mr«. Nimicr. of Scio. Sunday. / Farmer« ar* plowing, discing and sowing their grain while th* weath­ er is good, a» they got caught in th* rain last spring. Gorge Morrow and wife, of Scio, were out Sunday visiting Mrs. Han­ nah Ray. so Georg»- called in for a sack of sweet corn. Ed Kalina's niec*. Miss Proflaaky, of Portland, came up Sunday fur a few day’s visit with Ed and wife Billy Kalina and wit* called in for W. A. Ewing. A. E Randall, President Vice Pre*. E. t). Myers. Cashier Start a bank account today and provnie for your future. You will find a checking ac­ a visit, the whole party later taking count very convenient for your in the «how at Jk-io. busmees transactions. We pay interest oa time deposits. Mr« Charles Apple and moth«*r and Mr«. Taylor, of Stayton. called in Monday for a supply of tomatoes Frank Sommers and wife called DR. A. G. PRILL Monday for a slock of thorough­ bred white oaK imported from * Honolulu. Galla Attended Our first fr GARAGE ; Fred Shears Yacaled prominent part of the radiator or IT IS SOUND ’HUSINESS FOR YOU TO HUY J i 48« STATE STREET SALEM. OREGON Satlalactlen Guaranteed or your money Cheerfully Re­ funded. SOUND TIRES : The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon “Where Saoings Are Safe" la a good place to deposit your savings 4T< interest paid on sav­ ings accounts, also on time certificates which run six months or one year. Interest paid semi-annually. Now ir th«' Tilin' t«» PurohuM* Your : Sound All Around : FARM LIGHT & POWER OUTFIT I ; ; Ask these well known men why they ptirrhsMil our plant: I. H. Copeland, Crabtree, Wm. Volkman, Crabtree; Walter Bia, kbum, Mcio; George Schlerth, Crabtree; O. B. Keebler. I*ebani>n; Walter Po­ land, flheda. And many others. ; essseesess«>••»•<•>•••••• i to a front fender, and geta its ope­ rating power from one of the front 1 SHEI.HU RN IT! .MS wheals through a flexible shaft. Th* »peed Indicator is s governor­ like device that causes various col-. Sepleinlwr 12 John B. i’ouey, Prop. ored lights to Rash as respective Mr. and Mrs S. A Conner, of rattrs of speed are reached. Wham Phone 6-filS Woodburn, were visiting at the the car is being run conservatively STAUB MEETS ALL T«AI>S John Ransom home over Sunday. • • Leaves Hotel Scio— whit* lights are shown; hut should at 7:06 a ru and 4:45 p m for West Sea. Mrs. W H McLain has been the driver exceed the average speed and «AO a. m. and 2:50 p m for Munkcrs quite sick for several days, but is allowed by cHlee, a green light will aim* better now. shine and probably draw the unwel­ c. C. BRYANT Several of our people have gon* come attention of a traffic officer. hunting the last few days. The moet radical signal is the red Mrs Kate Martin, of Stayton,, flash, which means that th* driver 301-2 Naw First National Hank Bldg ALBANY OREGON was buried at the Shelburn ceme­ ha» flung caution to th* winds. tery Wednesday. She was a sister Once th* red light blazes forth it of Mrs Ros«- Miller, of Shelburn. must burn until th* motorist stope Ed Jones was a business visitor in hw w torn, B .witch that I n GLASSES FITTED Scio last Friday. built mu» th* instrument. BY Marion Brown hurt his arm while i . . sawing wood the other day. and for ___ a time was threatened with bl