The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, September 15, 1921, Image 6

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    Far l«a«b In tb» shadow» ant tJoldl-
lock«, and th« llttl* brown nur«ru>aid.
Uolddu«.k» had been kpowu as Mia»
Mirlatu giunevant before the juytui
•«'han-« of her attredanis • »» mad«.
And tia> brown nursemaid waa not
brown al ail aa to face, but just a
curlou» antuuiu leaf sort of person,
ar I lh loaf brown hair and darker brown
«>••■ and vrli>i*ouJr«f coiuring. A
happy, cl.erry cumpaiihui. who changed
miraculously Miriam's pru»y rvutlue of
days Into a fairyland eglatemw. And
who kip .■.!«•< 1 where tin- turner dic­
tatorial custodian» bad failed In quell-
In* Ilia «iilld • »elf-Ulipurtamw and
bauialiina b«r gloom.
Miriam waa
well aware of the Interret »be occa­
sioned aw belies». aware too. of th«
awr with which Mom I'almer had re­
garded her upon thia a.-counL
Tt>« new little Ursula Brown. who
dublred herself the brown nurx-nutld,
had no regard for money at ail. It
was ju»t a uei-eaalty. »be »aid and on«
new-1 not l*e proud of it*. po»»v»»iun
be«« use it couldn't buy liappllu-»»^
It wa» all part of ths gain« of grow­
ing that the Goldilocks and the brown
maid played together.
Life waa no
longer dull IB Uncle Koger*« big imua*.
L’to le Koger waa Ihtddy'a ba< helor
brother, who had become her gunrd an.
and guardian, too. of tbo fortune which
he and all« alon« »bated
Miriam bad
been a problem to Uncl« Koger, until
U raula came
Ursula drifted Ip most fortunately
one morning when .Mlaa I'almer and
Uncle lt>-n-r were having a row. be­
cause returning home aaexpact««lly at
a very late hour the night before, he
bad found bia niece deserted. Morn
I'almer locking lite nurwry door lie-
hind I»*), had gone on to aom« amuse­
ment of her own. Ur»ula Brown »top­
ping to «<■>• it Mia» Miriam Htttrtevnnt
might not iHMwlbly require a musical
ln»tru«’tre*«. was moved to apply fur
Ml»- Balmer’s position iusteud, and re­
ceived IL Things bad gon« smoothly
«line then
Uncle linger was unpleasantly »nr-
prlaed when »he refused to awaken
Miriam lnl<- u> tlie evening, that she
might help him while away an hour of
“I might bn able to plea»« you Willi
a »■mg " «aid tla- young wuiuau.
Kite did; Koger, listening, wondered
all at once runrertiing thia young wom­
an's past Iter hobie life, bow »In- had
bappelp-d to .cue to tlirtu. But wlu-n
hr eagerly reqm -red another »mg. slot
a» firmly refused as she had refused
Miriam's roniiug. and |Mt»wd swiftly
an up to lor own quarter».
Wianen more tieautlfUi than this
quiet little atu ndant had sought hl»
romioiny; young w>>m»»n whoso favor
on« might he proud to win. But. Ilk«
ibddilm'k- Roger »a» under the fairy
charm. iVL .t n|>ell did »Im w<»ave, thia
»Kent purveyor of happiness?
“You know," tioldlliM-k» lold him.
during »nr of tlielr confldeutlal talks,
“the brown maid >-ame out from a
green empty wood to «m-k her fortune.
Mto has told me all about It. The wood
«■< gre.n with inrinorlcw. you see. of
thine pho bad lived with her there —
her family
And tt »«» empty, be-
CBU m - they had gone away forever.
”S<i ghc dlmtn-d the strep hill, which
was rnilly Ju«i our mam street, and
stir could find no fortune there. Ko
sh<- -villi' on and on. to the top of the
mountain, which la our own beautiful
avenue. And at the top was tlie CUB-
tie—our bouor, Um le Roger—with me.
thr I’rtmv , tloldiliH-ka just iiredlng
to t»r enred for. So the brown maid
of the stayed on nt the ca»tle."
Roger Kiurtvvant suillrd as lie »auk
back among the couch cuahlons.
"I «re * hr said.
When Ursula cauiB hurriedly to put
hi-r • barge to bed. «be passed by the
reu<li all uti-celug. following Miriam
to th« far shadowy corner.
X<> they sat together, tb« brown
nursemaid and Goldilocks.
“Tell me." beggol the chlld. “the
rest of the »lory of the maid of th«
wimm L Urania. I nd «he go on living for­
ever tn the casfle at the top of th«
hill, or did a handsome prtocr .erne
to carry her awuy?
Was there no
prince at all in thr i a «tie on the hill."
aakv«l tlie child disappointedly.
Roger could hear thr girl's breath
ratcb In a little broken laugh.
“Yrs. there was a prim-*." «be an­
ew «nil. holding Miriam rlaw, “a really
wonderful prince, who had iravelml
many land« and whose pta-ket» were
fllleil with gold. Many beautiful prin­
cesses sough! to Iwmmr his bride, for
hr wsa giawl and true, a» lw was hand-
some Evra the old servants loved him.
and he wa» as gentle as a mother
to one little girl. It was but natural
then, that be should also seek to be
kind to the poor maid of the wood.
Good night Goldilocks," the voice eiul-
ed abruptly.
"Why." wild th« child, “why Ursula,
there »re tree» ou your cheek." Uw two cunw qmchy a
mao's tali ligure. Unele Kogbr. 14-nd-
Ing. kl>w*d tenderly tua owb amali
niere. then more tenderiy, thè otiwr."
**] wlll finish thè story.** he aaid.
"Tblw prluce fellow Who lolled a round
with hi» pocket» full of guM that n«v*
«r would buy anylblug Le ready want-
ed. carne lo love, aa II hnp|<nied. thla
sueet wiMatland mald wlth a love that
nev«V could 'et ber go. and »•«-“
III» ey«a aought l r»ul» ». Ile tsgged
ber tu »ta> at thè casti« furever.
"fHd alie pronità» lo May,** drwwaily
aakcd Ihe ehlld.
"Furever. Ursula softly abawcredL
Bread Mad Ita Origin m Yorkshire,
England, and la a Compar.
at IV» Newcomer.
Poet-C Busmecs Man Gel Bcm«thing
et a "Je t" W-«w Ha Tackleg
Litt'a Madrase.
; . ri..r »Ir W»a
a pori le bustn *» mari
Ile generally
petrorilaed a «mali lum-hnaim near hi»
U lo ti he ws» noi willug egg«
at wt.nlesnie <« <t ethlng l>e llkeil lo
reart vvr»e
III« favorita «a» Tvnny
ann» “Idyll» ut Iter King." And he
cause he felt that he knew so much
about 11 he fb'iugbt li» bave a
little fun with 'he lunei.nxau watt»
re«»««, in a « «fieri, ■r *<rt «f way.
it tw-gan by hai tig thè girl» after
Ih«- bervi! -e* In Hi« pomo. IH» regolar
waltrv—• <«« a ’«II. gnu tu |«-r«.n but
aomewhat qiim^ily a» site Iwne down
<m hhn wlth a piale of liash Iter resi
nenie w*a» Madie
“Sedie." I h * ami*-im<«d one night
"bervafter |'h< io cali y»u
<1 «i-rry.
«uld 'he watt­
resa «diiftu.g ber rum. "bat who's
“The bride nf King Arthur," waa
ihe reply.
"Awrl. but 1 h»j«- sl>e'» reaprctable.
1 alti't
>i that fliii' il."
IL. li u ut, Al! ih» girl» »«re pr»p
erly renau <-<t
And thro -»•« day a
hew waltr. -- w«* «n thè Joli
«ws «mal! and <lnrk
pretty. he '.’
“I haven't «.at ••••! ynu ret.“ h« told
ber after a cuwple of night»
Th<-n he c- . ¡¡i - '1 hi» little tndi«*r
"IH let you he h’iwlne." he salii.
~ll»w ri'I'.’ihio..'' ebe an«w-.-red. "I
ean't Le Elalne "
“Why not ?"
“Terihi' *. '» «he wa» fair, l'ni
a bnim-ite Etaltw tto-falr. Elalne thè
h» luttfu Et iln. i. > li malti of Asta-
Eviih-u’ly y<«i don't rememlwr
bow thr tir»« w«*n
Tli«- super- r '• r mirro calle«! for
hi» cln-ck
New York Nttn.
Tour airedale I« not a Kroich dog.
Ile I» not of Mretch ancestry and no
blood of ticotch dogs flown In his
Ile I» an Irish and English
dog. Tlie naine of hl» does not
come from the County Ayr In X<ot
land, but from tlie lllvvr Aire In
York «hire. England
Nor I» the aire­
dale an old breed of dog es such
thing- are m«-a«ured In the dog world.
It la neither an old family nor a
“flret family“ among dog»
Tlie aire
ilale is a newcomer.
ln»g» of this
breed were flr«t exhibited at Kldp’ey
In Yorkshire Ir. M7d. and they were
then called, not airedale, but “water-
side terrier»." Ttirse d<«w were pro
dured by crossili» an English otter
b-'iubd with so tristi terrier twite»ed
to have been • reti terrier, and later
adding a dash of hull terrier blood.
The combinatimi produced a do« sec­
ond to no other dog In Intelligence,
bravery. gntnrm-«« tn a figli!, loyalty
to hi» master and hl« ma«i.-r*» family.
and kindline»« to children
T1>e word “airedale," as the nan»»
of this new kind of dog, was first
tt«.-d in 1WC1 at the national dog show
at Birmingham, England. where these
entri*« were d««miie4 as “airedale«
or waterski« lerrirrs.”
The nain»
"Waterside terriere" fell Into disuse
Tlie English Kennel club wa» »low
and ren«erettiic- l:i ».. - .»tilling thia
«• a new and distinct breed <*f dog. Practice Means That 0ns Will Ks
hut referred to them a« "broken­
Ready Is i» <e Opportunity
haired terrier»."
Whs« It Com«*.
The Tribune will
be in on
Ancient and Hnnorabls Order of Han.
p«ck*d Husbands Claims Fire!
Man Was Chairman.
Easier Monday Is ,tbe Iwrit'rcked
hustiaml’s day In Yorkshire mid th«
mrmlier» of the Ancient and Honor
able Order of Hmimcked Ifatdvands
held high revel together In hillside vil­
lages. «ay» the l»>ndon Morning Boat.
Ttie cluh I» one of tb<m« freak In­
stitution« established In pure fun.
though thr mrmbrr* do de.Jnre that It
datr* from Adam, who was thr first
ehalnuan of the orih-r.
Iteallv It I« » •itrvlral nf the days
whrti fre’k dntn flourished In the
country—thr day» nf the Elamite« of
Braiiford. known tornlly as the lx«w
M<<or Liars wh<<«e test of mvraberahlp
was the ability tn drink a quart nf
without stopping to take a breath,
and to tell a thumping 1*««.
The biggest Har wns elected mayor
fnr the three numth» follow Ing and
had the prtvlh-c of fre<- •«-. r al all
nxetlng« dnrit g Id» term of olth-e.
Another qual'lt -•
' >-jtion v aa the
Budsey Bletherlw-ail Tea rluh a b<«!v
which, judged by Its name, might have
him mistaken for a ten drinking in­
stitution. hut which dedared It» ob­
ject to he the promotion nf Seer drink-
fhg and the plavlng of dies«.
Abvut fo farmen of the < »»by die-
tricl have org-iuKed the t'anby Grew-
•re Cooperative lavs s-lat n
The ob­
ject la to maintain so tar aa p< »albla
*n even flow of products to thr msrket-
The stat« Ir.igalton awcuriti ■» corn
mlsalon has certItled to bonds of the
Hummer %ke Irrig <i ■ n <! «tt I in the
sum of li'fio.Otto and the Silver lake
Irrigation district in th» amount of
Thr»« rock crusher» are engaged In
turning out material for hard surfac­
ing the Craned»»wen highway tor a
distance of IJ miles line third of the
work Is completed
Ths entire road
will be open for traffic November 1
Requisition papers were Issued by
Governor tilcon for the re'urn to Ore
gnn of J J Walker. Bis-wshisr of the
1-afayett« Stat« bank at Lafayette,
Yamhill county, on a charge of arson,
committed In November. I»10 Walker
waa »aul lo be under arrest In Minne­
Twsnty per cent of the employ«« of
ths slats Industrial accident commit
slon will be released from service on
Heptember 1 This action is made nee
essary, m«mb<-re of the commission
said, beciiii«« 'f the »lump In Indus
trial activities particukrlv th« tarn-
bering Industry, and the reduction la
wages throughout th« state, wh'.ab ha»
reflected Itself In a proportion »la de
craaae la the commlsaloa's lueumw
Bracttcr thrift
Maks It
a« much a part of your routine as
rating and «lev,-Ing youradf sya
tematlsei). Work >n a iletlnit« ached-
ule Mate regular unorantA Ulan your
work ami your act I..... •» Hull you
will Imve nu «Ile lluw*. U u lost motion,
no wa«i«wl energy.
--------------------y. ...... ... M
Thi-«< «re «I . ng th«- «•-< ret« of sue- 1 ■■BBBS======X - -
eV««». hap|‘li><-«s and progress.
Tt.e Hr • P- !»-. ii. th«- «'uitlvallun of
thrift habit- I» u»a.
The m.-»' imr-.rtant meaaaga that
can tw'remvey«-l |o the people of this
Ki‘< p ymir name ami your btiainMa before the
nailoti today I» "tlef the thrift habit.”
public al' tb«* time—your beat »»ret ia your nii-
BfBctlcr thrift m«t for a brief inter­
val or liiu-cuilth-ntty. but liabltually.
wrti'-iiig. ¡¡ip TribtAne covers this territory
LMsraeli »aid.
I'lw greatest wcret
like a blanket. Write, phone or nee uh for rates
of eocc. » In life u> to tw ready when
your opp«'ii unity .-»me«.”
This I m • f • ; icti.-r furnlsbra on« of
tb«- ls.-t n -.'in f«»r practicing thrift
la t ur print your Ix’ttei Heaila. Envelopes, In-
that ever ha« Im-n given It |>reacnta
Sale Kill» or whatever vour require­
a phase of the qu<-Htbm to which uot
ami workmanship will be right.
etoHigb alt." tl'.li I» I «hl. Ordlluirtty
thrift I» look.-d upon a» a means of
one ng»ln«t
rmentvm •«■« or of building up an ac­
eti mid «lion of iiiiii» y for mime ilefinlte
dui il«»re many un«-a
I»« i««l tarn- h II» p.'ihway of Ufa.—
Thrift M agallile.
Your Printing
Where Do You Buy it?
Friendly Warning.
Under th. <-»i'i mi Al rlrndly Hint"
thr follow liig f«>r.' worvleal adver­
tí »e tu« nt in Klvlngton's New iork Ge
sette of January la, 17I&. was directed
against a re-«lent who hud made a
grlevou- ttii.'ipcial «-rror, very much to
hl» own advantage:
“If a mvrehunt of this <ity who live«
near th« l.v h.ingc not many miles
from llnoid street, dova not within 14
days from tin above date return ilo
which, by mliiake, he Was i>v«*rpald In
settling an a- - iiut, a narrative of the
whole Iran-.Ktlon with hl» name at
length, will be pubilahad In a future
paper and tbe truth of It »uiqiorted by
an affida vit If, tn tlie no-niulme. the
gentleman should recolletq tlie error
»ml will make am «»rerlures to Mr.
Boil« at Mr«. Haight'a. In Siulth street,
secrecy will Is- <M -..-rv»d“
Advsrt vers at First Shy.
It to k i- v.-rnl yrars alter th« ee-
tabllKluiH-nt of m-H «piiper» In Amer
Ire fur advertisiiig tu hnuiiw popular.
John < ampt'cll, i I h pimlinaster of Bo»
ton. who. In I71M »tañed the Ito-ton
New« Letter, the tn «st real newspaper
In this reentry, bad emit diffi<-ulty In
iwrsua.lli'g I .- b>mi»jieople to adver­
tise their ware- or their wants.
William B.adfnrd and I'eter Zenrer
In New York were hardly more for­
tunate at ttrst. and even Benjamin
Frenklin. for many years after lie be­
gan the puMIrnll' n of the Benn«yl-
vanta Gaaetle. found hl« advertising
columns very meager.
After IMfiO.
however, the reluctanre lo ndrertlse
died away and all the leading |wpers
abowed that they were ' well «up
Watch Next Week’
one day only