The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, September 15, 1921, Image 5

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    -W Í
_■ . «
1000 iba from one individual
purchaser muat also agree to u«e
the picric acid for the improvement
of land and agricultural putp»**»
Six ounce« <>f picric acid will do the
The recent dlacuvwry of the »
worlt of eight ounce« of commercial of a to»t child <m the summit of the
highe»t un «untalo In the llemiaihie
group tn Alenhvti«hirv h«>id- no myw
tery for an Au«traii«n t u li, an
The «kelet-Ml I» »Ulit»"«’-! to be that
of a two>»■ ir ol<| child h»»t o--. ny.-nr»
agu from a farvn two mil.— away, and
al the time of the .HMappeoram«* there
were apiairvutly a numia-r of throne»
put forward for the I.»« tl.-.t tl.e
•lashing fire on the (*<>la(»ain’s farm child had been stolen by». Citen
«Uva by plg» or carri.«! aw»» by *u
•uddenly «prang beyond control.
Before a north wind, the flame«, eagle.
But had a man «•X|>eri«qi.-vd in the
swept into the orchard Held, which behavior of |o«i chlldtwn been a«Ar<l
had not lie«*n cleared of graaa for what wa« likely to bave le-Miir nt the
over two years during which time lo«t Infant he wmitd have •aid.
“b-arch all the high« -t I-- ntw within
the n.ace ha« lie-en idle and the fire 1 • few mtlra. and on .me »< them, utv-
•oon ate through the 200 acre field. lea» he ha« peri«hed « mi the way. ><>U
When it reached the Provident» will find the loat child."
In cottatrh-s like Australia, where
church road it soon die«i out. with
there are »till va»t tract* of partially
out doing much damage. The or •ettied country, the danger of "getting
hnalwd," aa It la called, la «till a real
chard is non-productive.
A «¡ashing fire on the Hains place one.
It I« not always children who get
spread when the wind root, burning “t>u»h«-d," either. ‘But «dull or child,
uni«-»» the |t>«t ter«.«, h.n lutai: expert-
tieyond control.
erne, b« «verna to Itw hi» heed at
Advertine in The Seto Tribune and get .«.ce and begin« to walk and walk.
If the country la flat, tlm batt per­
mm . walk» In a circle, If It la ■<» .un­ lie mount« »ml mount» aa
high aa he <wn get. lie •cerna to get
demented a» he grows more exhausted
nnd the r«*nllxatlon of hl« proi able
fate lwM*.>tn«-« more cl.-ir. An hour or
two before he succumbs be geti • rid
of hl» clothe«. The majority of J lost
pi-opl«* are found naked
It may h»p|M-n that «ometHMly w ho
rend« this article may one day In­ tant.
lier». then Is a p!e.e of advice from
<ui>- with a right to give It.
l»lre«-tly you rvallx’» that you are
lost sit down until the first panic l.ns
llrmeinber that your first
Dealer« in
You will he tempted to go up hill,
to »»-e. to get Into freer apnee*. Imnt
do I hl«. Il» down hill All rivera flow
downward; you will find water in the
valley* M<art «♦•ttleim-nt.« are In the
valleys. And going down hill eats up
le»« strength than climbing up bill.—
London Mull.
Th* <dd orchard treat Credtree hel«i
by a Portland re.n.-ern and of whieh
liickover was manager until about-
tw«> year» ago. waa «wept with fire;
Mondav afternoon when a «mall!
Lard Compound
Travater In Mongolia MM» Walcomo
In Any Tant, Conforming to Son-
pl« Ruloa of Etiquette.
Notice Io Crtdilors
Notic«- is horeby giv.-n that th«- un-
dvrsign««! haa bovn duly ap|M>lnted by
th» county court of tha state of »>r«gon
for l.inn county, »dtni-iistratnx of the
rwtate of Anton karnua. deceaaed, and
haa quaNtied.
All pvr».c
havitig claim» againat
■nid tutaic are hrreby rv«piirrd in prr
a»-nt them, dulv verifl«»d. with the prop­
er vouchcr». within’sixfd montha from
Ihr ttatte of tlua notice, to the under-
«ignv«t ««iniinlstratrix at her reaaience
near Kcs-, in Lina county. Oregon, or
at the olnct of her «ttorneya. Hill Ä
Mark«, in the Cu»ick Hank Huihting. in
Albany, in l.inn . »unty. Oregon.
Dated an l firat |>uoliahed thia l'.lh
day of September, l'J2l.
A « « « K •« »oa,
Admimatratrix of »anl Eatate.
liii i A M ««« -,
Attorney« für Administratrix
MffilCt 9< FlMl SttlltlMIII
Notice is tervby given th«l the un­
dersign««! ha» tiled his final account in
th«- matt«-r of th«- estate of Charles
Folt«,deeea»ed.with the county clerk of
Linn county, Oregon, and th«- county­
court of said county haa fix«-d Monday,
the 17th day of October. 1921, as the
time and th.- c unty court nouse in the
city of Albany, in l.inn c«»unty. Oregon.
IU1 the place for hearing said account «t
the h«>ur of 10 o'clock a m. of said day;
any objections to »aid account must tw
filed Is-fore »a»d date.
hirst publication of thia notice Sep­
tember 15, Hrtl.
J ohn h'ot.TX,
Bxscutar of ««id estate.
L. M. t t'ki..’ Attorney for Executor.
Railroad l ime 1 able
Arrival and f>i»nrture of Pa««rnffrr
Woodburn-Soringfield Branch
7:38 a m
& 13 pm
Corvatti« & Tastern
To Albany
To Detroit
Motor «ervier dfavconùniwd.
Traveler« on the atvpt»-« of Mon­
golia are welcome to atuy In any trnt
In any village they rncountvr. Every
Mongolian 1» hospitality It-wlf, pro» hi-
Ing the traveler ha« Judgment enough
to rouforn» tn the simple rule« of
etiquette, of rourae, be will haw to
t'e down beside the lamb« and calve»
of the houcchold. Just aa .Io tlie tuvim
Iter« of the family
Emtn whatever aide of a trnt the
traveler approaches he muat to- cure
to ride Up to It from the front. Wh.-n
be la within a «bort dlatamv hr mu«t
•top and »bout "nohni.” which means
Thl« la a «af.-ty measure, Ire
cause the .!«<• are wolf like and fier.-e.
Th.- people burry out to «-all off the
■logs, and if hr la on fool tie keep«
them back, aa lre«t hr cun, with a
tlnce a traveler rtitrra a trnt he
•ay» "mem In." or greeting
Aa dog»
do not attack tatalde a lent It la an
Insult to carry a »tick Inside. Hr alt«
at the left aide of t.,e firo-pla.-e. with
hla feet curled up under him
If he
can't do thia ho alt« with hla f.-vt
atretched toward the door. Then tie
exchange« snuff boxes with tin- fane
lly, When hr lenvc«. next morning, lie
bows and «mile« a« the Mongols have
no cuatnui equivalent to hand -linking
and guo«l t>).
Llf«*a “Fit»'' and "Mxflt«"
Many would have t<> d< a hit of
thinking lieforv lliey replied to the
ipi«-»tloO at the hvail uf thl« |M»rn
Vet the sti»wer can I m - t-'tvHy
Il de | rem I- on wiM-tlu-r you
,«rr a "fit" or a "misfit" in Ilf«-, re-
'«ark« « writer in t>m«l«m Answers
Em h of ua ha» .ertalo gift» und
qnalltle» whl.-h wvrv luletid««! to flt u«
Into the «ch.-mv• of life «> timt we
might live t.H|>pily, < otii.ui.-.lly ami
profitably, ami by Justifying our ex-
1*1*0 be glnd that wr w»*re horn.
Rut if we have mi«»»«l our nl. Im betta
pualied into th«- wrong one or p« r»i«t
In putting <Hir*rlve» Into ine wrung
oke. then we can't be really <la<l that
we were horn.
The ml«rli In life mirili
mined life
The misfit
|oe«ti't know what hla gift I«. or.
knowing, deean’t n«e It.
Many, ton.
prrat«t In trying to live, literally, mi a
Xalf or quarter gift. In»tea.l of u»ing
,'helr talenta to the full.
Many Had Idea of Velocipede.
The velocipede • •< the father nt
Tire Het nt th*MN> who
cla ¡ vd t«> havv tun !v t! v Invcntl. h
wuwhl All a colututi aud a page wuuld
bardly «iv«»tuunidate all lh>~v Who de
vl«mi Ihr mpravvmvnt« whi.h made
the velocipevle a rvwlly a»etul tuvwna
nf lowMnot loa
Blan.-l.ard, the aer.Miaut, wbu <>e-
arr >..| ih<- Um.oat <wi In detail tu
17.1i I« lwllvve«l vatltlvd to brat h«H>-
The Ervm hinan. Nlcvphave XiefM-v,
•)>|M-wr» a« a gn.*d • reumi In 1*1«.
Rar>«> von Drwia. a td-rtnaiv tak«-s»! nmney wtth Ida "dandy hor-e
or “dr«i«viva.' which he pwt«-n<v«l
the •am«- year.
Egyptian Decorative Idea«
Exirert» tell oa that in the dr»-ora-
tl.-n of furniture the Egyptian cabinet
maker never veiled cunatnaetkm
ohe.rd the wound principle and precept
that de»«>ratl<m »hould »prlng from
and not construction
from decoration
Elenvent« nt ornumvnt Bptwrvntly
wrr» the «ame In private •« tri panile
Th.-»- element« w«-re Ihr
lotu« and papyrus ftowvra. the ibi Im
hrnn.-h »ml tlw- f.mihrr» of Mrd«, •«
well a» a nnmtwr of geonietrical pat­
tern« derived from primitive art« of
weaving «nd plnlilng
Tliv almple or
■'oniplvy treatment of lotti« and pa
f.yru« flower«, hud« Ivmv« and atvina
It 1» louwrted mmlv the Egyptian »yw
inn of muni -Imwruthm rich varied
nnd glowing. •« well «« th.-roughly In
harrnnny with the »calv of n>lor «rt
by nature In th«- Nile valley.
Min Shoulder» Not Lovel.
Tn the majority of per«.ma the «tate
no it Hint tl’.-lr -I •’ -Irra arv n--‘ nf
the name height will come a« a «ur
pri-e hut tailor» know that almnat In.
variably the left «boulder la higher
than the right.
If • baby'» »ho.ild.-r« are mrnwirwl
It will h>- found that they arv exactly
•ven That they do not remain •<» I«
blninvd ufion parenta. wh*> a« a rule
lend thvlr young and growing children
by the left hand
Tbl« I« a naturai manner nt ieadlng
the child, and It shield« It from hum|M
of (M-rwon.« met In thvlr walk« but the
nm«<-lr« and bone« are thu« continual
ly ral«»-.! and In the end drawn per
nuuiently out nt |H»itl.m, although the
change I« •« «light that It I« not ptwletr-
«ble uni«»« accurate n»-»»<irrm«-nta are
A machine for miking nalla «'»<
patented .m May la. I*».'I To America
betonga the dlatln.flon of bring th«-
rlrot tn make cut nalla by machinery
With the advent of machine cut nail«
tb.- hourehold industry of nail making i
rapidly declined The hand made null
««» pinched In a vl«r with a portion
projecting ; a few blows with a ham
mer flattened one end Into a beati,
which waa beaten Into a counter aunk
In the v|ae. In thl« manner regulating
Ita aire and «hape
Nulla were ala«*
made by forging on an anvIL
Laboring Under Difflcultiea.
"There mn«l he «omething wrong
with lire clarinet player In thia orchee
tra. Every now and then be blows a
••>ur note."
"lie » married tn the Ingenue Every
time «lie k !»•«•• anylealy on the atage
be forget« bls music."
Japanaaa Marrlaga Cuatoma.
Marrlagea In Japnn are generally
brotight abuut by older married .«u
pica who art a» gl» between« There
la a popolar •eying that everyone
•hould act la a (»MavHi at leant
tbrer lime*. The go lietw.-en, know
ing a yotiug man and wnoun whom
tie regarda aa »tilt utile to •«< h ulber,
pro|H.aea thè match confldrtitlally lo
ihe imi reni a of botti. If prelimlnary
retHwta ara mutually aatlafactory |<>
thè two famllle« a meeting of thè
yoimg cmtple and Ihelr immiti and
relative» fi,
arran.d Ml neutral
g ri mi od.
Any Intlmntirm of thv reni
purpoap of thia inerting hi laid hilly
avolded at the time, though Ihr pur
po«e of It la. of rourae, fully under
•tood by all comwmed.
Under thia
wlthout gl ring offrirne,
drop thè
mattar after th» firat meeting, bui If
thè resulta of thè prrllmlnary In-
«pectltm are aatlafactory lo
In both
- ••«• thè parente meet again and
deflnltely arrange the match, which
fa made binding by an et.hange of
Dr W H l.ytlw, «Uta veterinaria*.
haa returned to Hal rm after III daya
at Seattle, where ha attended a meet­
ing of the veterinarian« of the north-
wt-et. Or Lytl« Mid rpurts at tba •••-
»¡on« Indl.atM that llvaatock condl-
tlot»a were improving th roue bout the
weot Dr. Lytla aald report« at the are
liquidating the Indebtednraa caused
by the decline In price« following the
A reeolutlon asking the «1st« high
ay commlMlon to eetabllah a« •
»Iley the preferential employment of
Amer .an cltir.-na will be Introdurd
at the atate convention of the Amer­
ican tregioa In Eugene
We want the World to Know
We A re in on
With the Sweetest Bargain of all
L(X)k for it next week
Beri Hollis, the Confectioner |
Special for
Bargain Saturday Only
IHc value, »ixe í
|t>|c valve, «ite t
l ie value, «ixe J
The Winchester Store
tins atol
I kvery Saturday
atcli Next \\ rek s Ad
IS Bargain Salurduv With In,
Saturday, September 24
will Ire the groahmt <>f all.
I 1 he Biggest Reduction in Meat Prices
Scio haa ever aoen.
Hnichek Bro».. Prop-
For Full Particulars
on Bargains
Call at Our Store on
Bargain Day
Saturday. Sept. 24
J. F. Wesely
Hood Tires, lietroit Batteries. Shell and Monogram Oil«
thing reduced on Saturday. Sept. 24
Electrical Work a Specialty