'* i X a • v.-w< . i *> fc* t * 1 .ia »a r< September 24th I SCIO’S BAGAIN DAY I Watch this space in Next Week’s Issue of I he Tribune for bargain prices in Feed and Flour. - . . >. /-b. J. D. DENSIV1ORE, Bargain Day Is Only Nine Days Distant BargainJ)ay Specials Plans Are Materializing Fast for I his the First of Its Kind Ever Held in Scio —Everybody Sure Is Coming A few weeks ago three of the leading merchants of Scio la-gan to spinn a quiet web of surprise around the buyer who is in the habit of trailing with them, and not being selfish, this web spread until this circle of three has included practically every business house in the city. By the web of surprise we refer to thr Bargain Day Sale. Sat­ urday. Sept. 24. These merchants are emulating the spider, who weaves his web. and invitee the unsuspecting into his parlor, but they are nut going to fix ths web, as did the spider, so you cannot get out again they want you to go out pleased This surprise will come in the wav <>t radical reductions in price on many lines of staple merchandise, which offers to their patrons and friends bargains that cannot be duplicated, in the hope that the buyer will never find It necessary to shop anywhere but in Scio. In the two short weeks that have pa-sed since the announcement was made that there was to be a Bar­ gain Day. there has i>een much fa­ vorable comment on the plans made. Most of the readers of the Tribune who have spoken to us about it are planning to come early and. if nec­ essary. stay all day to gel the bar­ gains adaptol to their needs. Fred Bilyeu. Ford Gat age. R. M Cain, Hardware and Furni­ ture. Bert Hollis, Confectionery N. I. Morrison, Hardware and Farm Implement«. Bartu Motor Co., Automobiles A Accessories Scio Garage, Auto Accessories A IL-i>airing Kelly's Drug Store, Drugs ami Every where people are talking, School Books among their own family and their J. F. Wcsely. Groceries, etc neighbors, some doubting, other» Shelton & >f C o « tc «*. has l»een en J gag« d to si»tak at the opening of ] the l.tnn countv fair. Manager S. V J Mrs. Emma Archibald, of Tan­ gent. was reelected president of the Linn county W C. T U.. at the election which concluded the annual -Smith has ann<>unc«-d. following ' in Albany last Friday. hie return Setur lay night from Port- ' Linn county on August 1 had an land where he met with state cham- ' ownership of automobiles numiier- her officials ing 39*25, a gain oyer Decemlwr 1 of County Agent A C. Heyman an- J last year of 23S cars Linn countv nounces that the first car of the ' being one of the 21 rounties show­ government supply of picric acid ' ing a gain over last year The re- for IJnn county will l>e ordered not ] maining 15 counties show a loss. later than October loth. If the or- ' A. C. Schnit, secretary of the as­ ders from this countf are not suffi- I sociation, has announced that George cient at that lime to make up a , G. Dunn has been engaged by the minimum car of 24.000 pounds. the, fair board to take charge of the fair order will tie combined with Benton ' grounds and buildings from now un­ or 1-an«- counties. The cost in car , til after the close of the fair. lots from Soarta. Wia.. to Albany is J This includes |<> , T. L. Lawson. of Gates, was on 112 67 per cwt Monday of last week given a sur­ per cwt for placing the picric acid 1 67 per cwt. freight * prise by a number of his friends in in cartridges, I rouvhout th«* I'mted States town-« have been and always will be h Ung th« mi buying and selling days an . have found them profitable and that th«*y are an aid to buehieoo. T > the houw wifi they are of uneaqualed eccomic importance, to the merchant they mean a moving stock of goods •nd no money tied where it pays n<> dividends Money in circulation is prosperity. and the bargain day sale in its own small way helps to relieve the financial depression of the coun­ honor of hie 63d birthday. The un try today. Save the ads of the following invited guests brought well filled merchants there may be change» baskets and served refreshments at T. L. now feels some a late hour For Special Bargain Day Saturday, Sept. 24 0 $2.98 3.48 I Break fasi Food, pkg. B"b \\ hit»- LaiimlYy Soap, â barn for . ....................... 30 25 HIBLER & am co from Sparta to Albany, and SI per _ cwt.for contingency handling charge. 1 No orders will be received for less ' than 100 pounds, nor for more than t