» C ZCCi: KEWS NOTES CF GENERAL INTEREST PrlnrhM Event* of the Week ErTly Sketched for infor­ mation oí Our Reader«. Foo- western states held a two- day convention in Portland The »tata lime plant at Gold Hill hat closed down, du« to lack of order« from the farmer» for llmeston« o The flrat rabid coyote reported In aevcral year» In that secthm was klll-d a half tulle from l.a pine by a road crew. • Klvctrte company wu show» by the voters In a recent special city »lec­ tion when • 25«.OfO imu . Of b nd lor an electric light »y«:eui wo» nutboe- ise-d by a 3 to-1 vote N«w»pap«r i of Oregon will bs tar« . ' to pay th« W«»i«ra Union T< l««rap "«rnpany approximately 29 p*r c- u more for Intrastate pr>«« m«»»M-« af *.«r October Id than they pay at pr«n ent. uni««» it» pr»p*»" r<* pus«d i*»ue of municipal b<"s amounting to lo take up t'< r tlon'a fifnd»d and warranted «t«b»« • ue»» and to extend th« pre«* it w«p>r ■y»t«m. haa b-- n »-t for »»• ,«r l' Attention of the p*ot>l* of t.tnn «<>< ty to the 193.'. vxpoaltton In l*nrtla will be railed tn a forcible «ay « Lottie Augusta Thom peon, who net­ the county fair at Albany. T»> tled In Canyon City in 1223. died laal board ba» decided to ttarixnnt wee is m that city at the axe of «2 opening day. Oc!ob«r 4. a» ¡and Exposition hay." yeara A loss of $20.0”0 wm »uatained when fir« dc«lroy**d the King's Valley Lum b«-r company'» plant, two tnllea from Kina » Valley. W *rk on the I'aclftc highway south of Monmouth, which was retarded tor a constderab!« period of time by lillga tlon. 1» now tn full awing. More vessels crossed the Coo» Bay bar in August th m in any month »Ince Octo r. 1.-19. a p- *xl of nearly lw«> year» The number waa 37. Oregon trapper» caught* 249 preda­ tory animal» In August. according to a report compiled by S'anley G Jew» ett, pre! story animal Inspector. Th h-i!.: -t for the Central Oregon Irrigation district for th« craning year la fixed at 111 -"On. no »»»Hating a tax on the settlers of ll an sere \V. J. Gori maker 1» dead at Oregon City as th« result of being scalded while engaged In repairing the Gum« leading to the Oregon City Woolen mill». Frank Filley, aged 20. a well known Sutherlin sawmill owner, waa Instant- ly killed when he fell against a clrcu lat saw, severing hfa h, ad from hi» body. The Bcrrlnn» of Newberg sent out a crate of the new Burbank Standard praru-s to President Harding and an- other to Secretary of Commerce Hoover. B-aus*- of r id construction. the Me Kenxlc pass will b« rloacd to travel from September 12 until spring. It I» announced from for--et service bead quarters The total fire Io**» for Oregon. ex- elusive of Portland, during Auguat. was 2312.295. according to the monthly report made by A. C. Barber, atate fir« marshal Oregon*« common school fund will have at least 131,249 71 thia year from th*- banka of th. a.ate whoa»- unclaimed commercial and saving» depositi r»- cheat to th« atate. Kclier Brother«’ lot of fuggir« hop« at Mount Angel yielded gouo pound» from 10 acre», and the quality was ex cellent All *.-!<>• ■* in that vicinity have eoihptvlad p < king The maiingenient of tbe yellow pin* region» in Or* too and California will be diaeu >«d by torcstry officials of the two atatea at » <<>at«r.nce to be held scou In aouth'-rn Oregon C. A 3 f a r port by auditor» that hl« book» showed a shortage of |1V. »73 *3. X vi»n f ' of th, ir-«tle of the Eugene s, - ingfl.dd electric railway of th, H-"ith. ni Pacific company waa de­ stroyed when a larg* hop dryer, ad- Joining the track al West Springfield, was burned The Springfield Milling A Grain corni any. « th a caput tty of 324 bar­ rels of Hour dally, hia an order from a Portland firm that will keep the mill operating at full capacity for more than a month Rev. Je-se T Anderson, th« missing BaptHt minister of Marshfield, was »«• ,t«d at Clarksburg. W Va He will not b« returned to Marahfleld Rev, Mr Anderaon disappeared hi Portland several week» ago Hesulutlon» asking that th« tariff protect ng lumber and shingle« be taken from ¡he bill now Before «on grc--. were onl.-red sent to Oregon legislators as tj»e result of a vote taken by(dlre, tors of the Bend Com m- < lai < luh Tli« new aancx to the Astoria high »ch ol. which I, bow under construe lion, will I«- dedicated aa a memorial to the < 1«:sop mranty young n»«n who lost their live» dur.ng the world war Th« dedt< >t >u ex ni»«e will be held next Arm ■ « day Diooa'isfaction with the manage t and rs’cs of the Co Hags Grot. The wages of th« 3WI common Is borwra emp'o,d by the l‘ rt!»t J It -1 way. Light A Power Compaty were reduce,) appraxim itcly 20 per «•: when the arbitration board of th* appointed to »»tile a faftr ■ waler p«>w«r poaaltilllt!«« of the qua river and of the fishing prhii In Hlamond lake, wen- the r» i which prompted the Band t'oman-- club to go on record aa oppoaiug t' inclusion of the lake and »urrm-ndUi»? territory in the Crater lo»ke Natl*.nel park. The new course of study for th« schools of Oregon, which will be is­ sued in Repfembcr. 1932. will contain nn outline by grad«« for human-- - lo­ cation. a letter addressed tr of Portland The census bureau has !«»u<-d « pre­ liminary »tatement of results -lown by the manufacture» ewnaua t 4 n in Oregon for 1919, which reflects a mar­ velous growth of Industrie» in the five years following 1914 Th« value of uianufartured products in those fix •• year» Incre.sed 334 2 par eeat an< capital invested in msnufactitriox tablishmcnts almost aa much, or 3l> * per cent. Imuri«» county s prune yield »ill be mor,- thin I 11« C rd of tb« rroy *ts; Pacific northwest, sgcording to est! mates ma<|s Eatimaies on the prop« crop for th« northwest, according to Oregon Growers aaioelsUon uf!i,-i!» and representatives of th« larger pa, k- Ing corporations, vary between 21,- ooo.ooo and 27.ooq.Ooo pounds fkiuglas county's yield to pieced at approxi­ mately 9 000,000 pounds Dr Richard M. Brumfield, fi rmer Roseburg dentist snd leader In Io,«1 fraternal and social affair«, will go on trial tn the circuit court st II >»- burg. Wedn*-ot»y. Or lot* r 2, a charge of first degree rnurdeg In con­ nection with the brutal slaying of Dennis Russell on the night of July 13. This was the announcement mid* by Judge Rlogham. after ha had hvx^tiilod a motion for a chan»*- <>< veuu,- pre­ sented by the attorneys fur the dvf*.,d- ant The total net Income of taxable p-r sona in Oregon during the yen 1912 amounted to 2IM.24*i.<04, aechrdlt s io the fftur**a that have been comtiil-d by the office of Milton A. Miller, eoi- lector of internal r«vmue Th- tag paid on this Inrome waa 22.232447, Two porsnna of the stat* puju tax*« on Incom-« of from 2500,000 to 2* Ml,- •00;. the aam« numbrr paid tax*-« on between 240<>,000 and f&eo.ooo S i i t* are listed with lOc.m*«« ranging from 2120.»00 to 1200.000 and 1» «M In com-« of from 2100.000 to 2120.000. Returns from the special election held In Crook county show that th« county unit meaaure carried two to Thia oounty t» the Drat la the Look Them Over They Tell the Story Ljurt Year • Price. I ■ Men’s ail worsted suits $55.00 Men’s Oregon Cassimcre suits 57.50 Men’s Oregon ( assimcre suits >0.00 Young men’s suits 60.00 Mallory 1 lats 9.00 6.50 Good fur felt dress ha ’s Men’s brown calfskin shoes I 1.00 Men’s splendid quality cotton 3.00 union suits Interwoven lisle sox, |te cia m to feeder .75 An ow collars .25 I hi« Year'« Prit $30.00 22.50 18.50 35 00 $5 ôi $6 3.50 7.00 1.50 .40 2 for . 3 5 Fresh New Fail Clothing Arriving Every Day The Blain Clothing Co \’AIJ i: HiHST . 1 he store with a square deal for even customer ate tn adopt the plan. The thtasure will rnable rural communltl«« to have advantages enjoyed by citi«« All »* iqei districts of the county, ei cl ir­ ai,» of those of the flrat and Second < hum. will be combined and will be pr. olded over by five directora »elect­ ed at targe One rural supervisor will be in charge He will. In a manner • miar to that of ally superintendeuL »elect the teacher» The following fourtbclaaa poetmaa- 1er» were appointed In Oregon to fill tgcanrlM caused by resignation. Wel­ lie <’. Griffin. Arago, vice Caleb C. l i.iton. John M I) Mœa. Ix-Mos» Spring», vice Amos Thompson; Krneal I Malone, Holley, vice Charle» L. Ms* ' lone; Lawrence A l‘r>»mtt. Irubler, vic- George T Persuaon. Otto M Mur­ phy. Marqusm. vice Jamen C. Mar- quern; Oorgr T. Els»y. Merlin, vice Mattle Dean; Jaime Bell. Plon»*r. vice M -eie E Iteli; y»nry C. Smith. Fort- -, .n. vice ll«nry C. Smith; Herman L. Funk. II« tsaoo. vice Mathew M«rrl»on. • Manon county's flax crop, which pu re will atari to harvest next week, probably will return to the grower» apt'-oxlmately 245.*.>oo. according to a aitr.ey r-mplcW recently by Robert Crawford, superintendent of the peni- te*, try flax plant. A totgj of too arane of flax were planted th!» year, all but 4*t of which were covered fo •tale contraoL Grower» will receive 255 a ton tor the product. r< :ry of Hunt Tiro h, ■ ry info th« loganberry ma • • now at iei..t five eoncer :is Hod liver county Frolt Inspector Armstrong ha» dlwovered flre bllghl. ònr of thè i-ost deadiy dtseases at- teck tir frali tr- *s. In upper valley orehard» ft I» be'leved ih» pesi ha» beco bri ; ; bt in by bird» or high wlnd» fretti «nsl«rn foresi». Prnsp- et» 6>r thè he»virai tonnage of fruii cvi-r »ht|*i *d otti of Ih* Rogne valley are brighe aironi ing to a crnvia J ii «t conydeled by thè South era parifi fio Fiatiti >d company, work­ ing n > < r..tinti slth thè fleld staff of »he Oregon growera 1 ■ ' i v thè ho»t of approvimele- ly Ì‘id dii f*«. rcprnaentlng 21 care-« of i HnitOd Hpanish War Vote rati» in I tb« wom«n's auxillaries fr<'«> 21 ritte, of Or«g ni to a’t»n • se • irr snlxationa Th »t ’tc .ip«r nteodenf of publlc Instn • i< haa m i ni to all county and city sup rUitandent» pamphlet» set!lag otri he procedure for prò parto * bui» la and vottng school i tnves ir- f«r » n -w law «nacted at Ih» laM aeaalou of the taotolaturw. Governor Olcott hi» tinno'd fi»« «gales to represent the stale of Ore- gon at the pre»» congress . f tl. « ■l to be held In Honolulu Hawaii, i •. foliar 4 to 14 The d<-l«.- tc< »> v> J. Hofmann, th« Oravontan Ihixr'i •••■1 C E Ingalls, editor r>>rva1ll» fl.uett- Times, Corvallis, E E. Brodi». publlii er of the Oregon city Knterpri»» <1 gon City, 8, C. Morton, editor Rt Helens Mist. St Helen». and L It Wheeler, editor Portland Telegram, Portland Representative Rlnnçtt ha» nn- nounced that «xamltistlon« wtll be held October 2» at Bak«r. Bend Kli math Fall», f-a Gram;, Ontar <> Per dleton and Th« Dulles, at whi< h el Ibl«» may qu illfy for uppointn (« the Coiled Staton military u, >d -t!. it West Point and th« l!n t< .1 naval academy at kpmipoli« Ti •« principal tublshlpm-