The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, September 15, 1921, Image 2

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lxiral advertising per lino fir»t In­
sertimi ................•..............
Ea«n subsequent insertiun per line .06
Display ad'. rtising Einst inserUon
per ineh................
Karl, subsequent insertiun ................15
Advortitement* ahouki roach Ibis office
not later tban Tuesday lo Insur* publl-
eatioii in thè curro ut isso»
All forrign adverUsmnenls mu»t be
palli for in odiane« <>f pubhcation.
Notice this delicious
flavor when you
smoke Lucky Strike
— it’s sealed in by
the toasting proersa
T hvkmuay . S kit . 15. IWfl
Fitts Worts liMnq ond ItiiiBf
S ur »:'
Scio Bargain Day.
T1IK best town in Oregon is Scio,
and the beat people in Oregon live
in Scio. That's why we live hem
M an is a funny animal. Hi» am-
bition is to own a home, then to
own a car to get away from home
reductions will real largely with the
people by their refusal to Vote lav
increasing measures and their put­
ting into or retaining in office men
of proved business ability. When
the public presents a solid front for
efficiency and economy in publie af­
fairs it will get it and not until
Til»: incident at Chester, I*»..
when thirty casualties were reiwrl-
ed m the result of a bridge collaps­
ing under unusual weight, should
k-ep people from over loading haz
ard<>us structure*
Report also wavs
thia bridge had t«een condemned by
construction engineers. Blame can
be attach«*«) to Iwith public officials
and the people, but greateer blame
to the former. It is lime to heed
the warnings of men who know.
TltK T ribi nk recently unearth«-d
a copy of "The Scio News." pule
B argain D av is only nine days
li»hr«i in 1870 by H. H. King Com­
away, and a local wag is reported
pared to the modern newspaper oil
to have said that that is the day a
to lay it looks like a minnow ton 10*!
person will have to padlock his
ton whale. Iwing a four column pa- •
The prices will ju»t
l<er, 18 inche« long, containing a lit-,
make you buv.
tie news of the war of 1870. s few
ad», such as Irvine & Morris, hard*-
I t is suggested that the Constitu­
ware dealers, and an a<! announcing
tion I m * taught in the schools. It
the starting of D. V. Baldwin's tin
won't do. Children would become
shop. Besides twine an editor, Mr
radicals and grow up to demand all
King was an “Accoucher of Obetet-
the liberties the Constituteon guar­
rics," and evidently found he could
antees -Colorado Springs Gazette.
not do justice to two jobs at once
and so discontinued the paper in lens
E oitdr C ox . of Cantun. Texas,
than a year after it was started.
sent a watermelon weighing 45
pounds to Pre*ident Harding
How does this sound: "We de­
was presented by Congressman M.
that all men, when they form
G. Sanders. Editor Cox ought
eompact. are rojual in right;
have <tenl over here and got a good
power is inherent in the,
big watermelon to send to
all fr««e government»!
are founded on their authority, and >
I t is said that the local conden­ instituted for their peace, safety
se ry Is running short-handed on ac­ and happiness; and they have at all
times a right to alter, reform or!
count of a scarcity of milk. There
the government in such!
should be enough milk coming in
they may think proper." ,
every day to keep a full crew busy.
Sounds radical, and suggests Bol-1
It would mean a good payroll for
Scio every month to the producer shevism, doesn't it? But it is neith­
It is
and the en ploro and keep business er radical nor Holsht-vum.
gon and was adopted hi November.
Two hundred thousard trespassers 1U67, j»nd no one so f»r has dared
have been killed or injure«! by the to suggest its repeal or to change or
railroads of the United States dur­ alter It, although many other alter­
ing the last twenty years. One hun­ ations have t>een made. It is the
dred and twenty-five thousand of embodiment of the Constitution of
them were wage earners who prob- the Unite«! States.
ably hud no other wav of getting to
or from their work and thirty thou«
sand were children.
‘»».s. ;». •
They d»nt say wheth­ that wouldn't be so p'enwtnt but it
) sru u Id be more profit « file
er it is 25. 8fi. 45 or only 65
At any rate we are entitled to it,
Seme people ars bic«ard with a
buys, so let’s get buty and get il
great imagination A few people
wmle the state ha» the 'jack '• ,
are classed as prevaricator», wh.le
some ara just plain liars Especially
Bigger; Better. Cleaner State Fair
»p«**d Cops.
Sometimes a man who is in the
right gets in wrong Take the case
of William Jay-
"Here lie» the l»*«ly of William Jay.
Who died maintaining his right of
Scio is the trading center of the north
fork« of th«- bantiam
Scin has population of about 500.
Scio i* in the heart of the beat dairy­
ing section of Linn county.
Selo farms grow mret an) thing that
can Iw grown from soil.
»ck> owns its water ami electric light
plants— plenty of jiuwer at a cheap rats
for any number or enterprisea.
Scio has a milk comienaerv, and no
better milk is canned any where.
Scio has a flouring mill, and its prod­
uct find» a ready mar»«’t at all timo*.
.Scio b ClOSO t<> billions of feet of
standing timber, and soon big mills will
be bu«y making it ready for market.
Scio has a hospital second to none
Scio if you want to know more shout
Sri«> am) the »urmunding country. write
to the bank, th«- may«* or to the editor
of this paper.
,z—•-V‘.- ■•. '
miles an hour
Entered at the uostotfice at Sew,
Oregon as second daca matter.
Ratruns of the city using water
may use water for sprinkling <>o the
T h a creameries and Condenseries
old schedule. Hours: 6 a m. to 9
are announcing a shortage of milk
am and 6 p m. to 9 p m.
at the present time. Thia means an
increase in coat of dairy products to
the consumers. It also means idle
men on the farm apd in dairy pro­
ducts plants. A safe plan to follow
just now is to keep what good cows
Anywav. Riv Gardner wont stop
'you have and get more they are in Scio till they get mail trains
your ready money makers.
through here.
Every time an automobile hita a
T h ? country is a unit in ««-»king pedestrian the driver declares he
reduction of taaaliou burdens, bueb was driving at a «peed of only 5 <?)
He was right, dead right, as he sped
But hr’s just as dead as If he’d
been wrong."
We have never heard of any one
killing a man with an S-x n car. or
speeding with one or getting killed
in an scrolent with one Ought toby
a petty safe make at that.
With at least a d«»aen county fair«
blooming, all Intent on selecting the
county's finest stock to exhibit at
the Slate Fair, it ought to t*e the
greatest exhibition <>f liv«-«tock ever
shown <»n the Pacific <’««ast
A. H Lea. secretary of toe State
Fair Board, has w< r»*d hard and
done much during the past year to
make this fair a greater success
than any fair before has ta-en, and
he is cvm/i-ient of succes. Hr has
•lao announced there will he no
gambling or immoral xhoxs allowed
on the ground*
Several Scio pc«>plg are to exhibit
stock at the fair,am ng them W.W
Miller, who wdl exhibit 20 of the
finest Shropshire *h> cp ever rain-d
in Oregon, and Roe Shelton. ak“<> a
raiser of Shropshire!*, «ays he will
exhiliit just enough muttons to bnng
Irime all the prizes. D<>nald Shel­
ton will also offer Ai coupl«* of lamb«
that in his «-«timation are »o far su­
perior to either Mi' r’s or Roe's
that they may as well not e.*m;>etr.
The race«, the livrstoek. th«» horse
show, the fruit, grain, machinery
ami textile exhibits, wdl ( m > worth
going to see. ami the Whitney Boys
Chorus will sing in the big audito­
The Fair starts September 26lh
and doaes October 2d.
Charter No 192
Reyerv» Dial. No.U
Nep-wt ..f the vowdlth. a «4
fill ««vlO MATI. HANK
m th- State of Oregon, at the
close vf busJiM-se Sept. 4. 1921;
axsot Suas
Los « and disc--onta .. .... Sl23.ttU.41
Overdrafts, «ecuivd aid un­
4>j !W
.. ....
IR ma I s and warrsnl» and U S.
Trras Cert. . . ............. M.3JU.W
Other bonds, wsrranta, and
securitee*..................... v . 14.91 Z. US
Banking bouse.. . .............
Surmture ami fixtures ,
Cash and due from approved
reserve banks.........
< broke anil other rash items
S2t*&4«; 9K
('apital sto--«, paid in ..... S10.0U0.U0
Surplus fund
Undivkfivi profit», less expen­
ses and taxes pawt.........
5. SB3.4S
D* prette due state of Oregon
arai county or ci be» ... 14.347.22
Individual <l<*|M>aite »object to
check .
. 173,97)19»
Demand certificat«!*» of
deposit ..........
t'ashn-e ch« < ka outstanding..
Time certificate» of deposit
outs landing ......
70. !<>.(«)
Reservad for interest •rxl
taxes .. ...............
1.10». 19
The first loan given out by the
State Ronus ami lx>an Commission
went to a man who a^w "heroic"
service in the M «-dical Department
of the Spruce Division
what kept him out of the army?
Also, wonder why the first loan
wasn't given to an ex-aeivice man?
H«n< »tly now. »’holly, isn't it a
County of l,inn I
dirty shame that ship yard workers
I, l. I». M r->. cashier of the above
r>4i! d ¡ink. 4i<< solemnly swear that
didn't come under this Bonus and
tin a ..«•<■ Gab Iiient is true to the beat
Iatan law? Especially those 1»tween
of my knowledge and belief.
20 and M» y«-ars <>f age’
E. I’. .Ml Kits, Cashier.
Any way there is a lot of us that
a I »worn to before me
this 13lh d<v »»f September. 1921.
ran usn all we can get from the
R Shelton, Notary Public
state to good advantage, isn't there?
My comm>"ion expires Eeb. 14, 1925
Yes, a guy could buy a $3.000
Correct attest:
W A Ewiug, A.
Randall, Directors.
car. or he could loaf for year, or he
could get drunk a couple of times
Advertís« n The Scio Tribune and get
yes. he could do a number of pleas­
ant things with the loan. Or he
Tell the advertiser you »aw his ad
Advertise in The Scio Tribune and get
could buy a farm and start to work. in The Tribune
P ublic
Having decided to quit farming, 1 will sell at public auc­
tion at my farm, I % miles southwest of Shelburn and *V/2
west of Scio, on
Monday, September 26,1921
Beginning at 10 o’clock a. in. sharp,
I Oliver chill plow.
l black mare. (• years old. weighing about
14<M> |>ounds; I grey mare 18 years old,
weighing 1300 pounds.
Consisting of h milch rows, N heifers coming
two years old; 1 grade Durham ball, lì
years old; 5 spring calves.
3 gelt h«>gs, 5 months old.
About 24 tons of hay in the bam.
70 bushels of rye.
Quantity of gray osta.
i «-foot Milwaukee binder.
1 4i-foot Osborne mower.
I 9-foot Osborne rake
1 6-foot Monitor drill with grass seed at-
1 Roes manure spreader.
I 2-sectipq drag harrow.
? -
1 i
Itimeli diac keystone harrow
I la' . digffigr.
2-horse cultivator
tA-foot wtndsower for dower.
road scraper,
fanning mill.
Mitchell wagon. 3 inch tire.
spring wagpn with top
I cider mill
1 b»ol grimier
1 cream separator
2 sets wire stretchers
1 hand power stump puller.
1 Ottawa gas drag saw rig.
1 6-inch burr feed grinder
2 hav racks
1 hog crate
1 scalding vat
1} seta of hairwus
3 collars
2 sets double trees
I platform seal*
* 1
I Hay knife and other articles too numer­
ous to mention.
Sums of $20 00 and under, cash; on sums over $20 00. six m >nths time will tie given on bankable
notes bearing N per cent inter« st. All property to be settled for on day of sale.
F. J. KULA, Owner
Ben T. Sudtell, Auctioneer; Riley Shelton, Clerk.
Lunch aerved at no »n by the Indimi
.................. ..................................................................................................................................... ^-................... TTîîtI I IIIIII