The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, August 11, 1921, Image 4

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Joe Shmdlei is here from Port­ Portland fur Hur pot two months
land on a visit to his parents, Mr. taking medical treatments, returned
last week with an »«idltimi of thirty
and Mrs. John Shindler.
pounds to his weight
Mr. Fleming
Eoa SalJt -S<>me extra fine piece»
Harvest is progressing nicely.
purchase a
of Cut «laae di»h«-s. All go at a
ln«juire at thè Tributi«- Dew suit of cloth«-* before he re-
Andy Arnold is busy thrashing
turned home, as he had grown out
this week
Mrs Cori! Ashbaugh. wife of thè of his old suit.
1. V. McAdoo «pent Sunday with
station agoni at Shelburn, paseetl
his wife in Saiem.
Al The f'eople« tTtealr«
through Scio Friday on ber way to
Rev. H. B. Iler went to Portland Leban»n.
For thia week, Saturday and Sun-
Monday on business
Mias Oda ('lark and brother. Ar­ day evenings, at th« Pii.ple* Theatre
The Eugene postoffice is to be en­ thur. left for Salem Sunday where “Even a* Eve.” and Charley Chap­
lin in “A Dog’« Life.'*
larged by a one story addition.
Arthur is going to take medical
Al Ewing brought the first new treatments
Evergreen Blackberries Wanted.
I am in the market for all the
Evergreen Blackberries you have.
I will pay the Highest Market Price
therefor^. I will receive the Berries
at the old Scio Produce House, west
of the Wealey building. I solicit
your patronage.
T homas L abor .
wheat to the Scio mill last week
tiiucli low­
er over our
entire stör«-
Everybody invited to
D an « k
Gap <>n Saturday night.
Miaa Bertha Palmy spent Sunday Richardson
Aug 13, 1921
Big Dance, Music
with her sister. Mra. A Roaprofka. by Arnold's orchestra.
Geo L. Sutherland reports a fall
Grover C Pomeroy, wife and
wheat yield of 23 bushels to the children, of Monitor, motored up
Tuesday for a short visit with hie
Geo. Bilyeu and family are rusti- mother. Mrs Almina Pomeroy, and
eating at Cascadia dui in« the hot other rrlatives
Mr, and Mrs. Rolla Shelton and
Shviton A Co. of the Sanitary daughter, accompanied by Mrs.
Market, want your veal and will call Veva Sturgis, of buntex. are enjoy­
for it.
ing a week's outing along Lie Tilla­
M um Neids Wendt was visiting al mook county U-aches,
Sank Hannah's the forepart of the
New fixtures ami other equip­
ment is being installed in the Har­
Ur. W B. Richardson, of Jrffer- risburg postofhee. which will make
son. made a professional call in Scio it second to none in the slate, says
the Harrisburg Bulletin.
We have
Line ol
The Blain
Clothing Co
The «tore with a tupiare
ileal fol every ciintonier
Ores os • H><krr latlituUoe ol
tijlo Srhooh S»«eety He»M«awsl»
Eyetight Specialist
Al HoTEI. SCIO e»<-ry- r-m unlay
that power waste in your •yen
by using KRYPTOKS. a lena
Glane* ground to enter
•y« » p«-rL«ctly titled
The first bond issue under the bo­
( nnrit-- Compton reti.i m-l la.n .
law is soon to lie advertised for
Sunday from a visit to Portland
S3.0ÜU.0O0 ix-mg the amount,
and other valley points.
and bids are t<> l<e ufiened Septem­
Will Rodgers, of near Albany, is ber 28. It is stipulated as tî per
visiting his brother, George, while ernt liunds.
recuperating his health.
» So far no trace has laf-n m-cun-d
A rotted sill at the front of the of the whercaliouts of Jim Ward,
Wracly atore building la lieing re- who escaped front the penitentiary
placed with new material.
about a week ago. Ih- was serving
a 2-year term for manslaughter and
There will lie regular services in
was sent up from this county.
the Catholic church at nine o'clock
Work on running the dam and
next Sunday momin«, Au«. 14.
sluicing the ditch was finished yes­
The Halsey Enterprise has been terday, and all that remains now to
purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. furnish the electric juice for a 24
Wheeler, who plan its enlargement». hgur service is th« installation of
For Sale Four foot Ash wood, the machinery and making proper
and Bartlett Pram.
Phone your connections,
order now
Fred Roadarmel. Scio,
Bun Fleming, who has been in
■ 11
» .........
N. I Morrison and family are en­
joying a well-earned vacation at
t'a-uadia. having mob-red up there
of superior quality at a con-
sistent price.
My une
<-r spedai |>r<roi>d glasru-s
malte young or <>ld «<»*1 «-ycaight for
▼va-hng, « lo • w..«' , t
toni vouon
fitte»i by me aro war-
rantr-d to give satMfartieri.
C'z?/©/7/ e trist.
A Iff A Of
A supply of th«- n«-w school laws
Twelve million trout are being
planted in the streams of Oregon of Oregon ha> l»-«-n received by
County Schiail Superintendent Miller
this year.
and are now available f<>r the sever­
The people of Harney valley will
al school districts by sending U» Mr.
vote on a 82,880,000 irrigation pro­
ject this month.
Manufacturing Optician
I Want Your Grain
1 have become associated with a large
milling company of Portland and am
in thejnarket for all kinds of grain not
contacted for bv the local mill, nor
from those who desire to sell to the lo­
cal Iijill. Will pay top price and guar­
antee satisfaction. See me.
Roy Shelton and family motored
over to Cascadia Saturday, return-
Ing Monday. They report condi-
tiona fine there.
The state highway I>etween Salem
and Albany has b«-en completed and
is now open to traffic, •<> the Albany
papers announce
Mi and Mr«. Enoch Shelton. Mrs.
Emma Simmons and Mrs. Rebecca
Morris at tendril W'rvices at the Ar­
nold school house Sunday afternoon,
which were conducted by Rrv. Iler.
i ai i tum tier ns urr is. ini
I m M mwmms -«*• toll* «»,<*«>•«
Twenty-one ex-service men met in
Brownsville on Tuesday night. Aug.
2. and organized Calapooia Post of
the American Legion
Oregon Mad« Home knitting Varna point to doubling the membership in
A great surprise for th« home knitters the near future.
Oregon Agricultural College
One man with n Fortlnon Tractor
i ¡ hi <i<> more work easier ami with
lew« exp«lise than two men cun <io with homer
Th in meant that you with a Ford«
»«in Trio tor can actually raise more crop*, with l»-s- work and le*a expense. And
this mentis that your protitH will be gn iter with fewer hour« of work.
Do More in a Day—Do It Bet tei
Beaidea th«* Fonlaon will handle every power job on the farm. It in
light, alert, flexible in control an I op ration, yet it baa power and en­
durance to «pare.
You ahottld -•■«• the Fortlsoh at work to ippn-eiate ita wonderful capabilitiea. We
will gla<liv give you the proofs if you will a«-k tor them, either by a jp-raonah call,
phone or post card.
FRED T. BILYEU, Scio, Oregon
of Orogen, but «till a fact. Further-,
more, thia yarn is absolutely virgin j
G. N. Crabtree, wife and deugh-
wool yarn, the wool wa» grown in Linn 1
I ai ver ne. and Mrs Almina Pom-
county, sold by Mr. Sender* to th«Ore­
gon Worried Company (mill* located st .eroy, motored to Salem Sunday to
SaNIwuod). made into worsted yarn by
Roy T. Bishop, .»on of C. P. Bishop, ' visit Mrs. Hugh Worley, wno has
proprietor of the Woolen Mill Stnro of tieen quite ill.
Mrs Worley is a
Salem. i iregon knitters try this van»
out. All colors, l&c per ball of 2 oss . 'daughter of Mrs. Pomeroy and a
Samples sent on apj-l'cation. Addro** sister of Mrs. Crabtree.
P. Bishop. Box 75. Satem. Oregon.
tut boriteti Salts .löt nt
Who says this community cannot
grow corn? If you think not. look at
the stalks that were brought to the
Authorised Auction Sale and Interstate
bank the other day by Chris Bilyeu
Phones: — Palace Feed >hed, 1*4 J
- they are fully seven feet tali and
Residence, 500- R
I make an easterner imagine he was
gazing on an Illinois or Iowa pro­
I am in the market for fat lambs duct. Mr. Bilyeu ova he has about
and sheep. When you think they are
F. 0. I
ready call, let me make you a price. I two acres of just auch c<>rn a* the
í 1 ¡IHMib
l)R J. W. GOIN,
Dr. W B Kichurdnon
J. L. RniMiatas. Soo.
1 inti**