THE SCIO TRIBUNE Independent, fearless, free; Not tied to any party; Will support best candidate for office regardless of party VOI. XXIV Ni» 11.76 Till YEAR -2 CRABTREE MAN IS FATALLY INJURED S. M Wirt Succumbs to Injuries Few Hours After Accident - Well Known Businessman S M Wirt, well known Crabtree merchant, died at 2 o'clock Satur­ day afternoon in the Ix’banon hos­ pital of wounds received at 9:35 o’clock that morning when the Sa­ lem freight struck the car in which he was riding. The freight WM |Ct>- ing toward l.eban<>fi. The accident .occurred at the crossing in Crabtree about 93 feet from his store, and was witnessed by his wife, who, with live children, survive Mr Wirt was driving to­ ward the track, which wa» in full view of the road He had just pur­ chased a new Dodge delivery ear ami it is believid he became con- fuae«i in «hitting gears, as h- had lieen accustomed to a Eord. Whin he found that the train was coming upon him. it K ladieveiJ that Mi. Wirt tried to back up but threw the Th«- lever into a forward gear. train was n»t traveling at a fast rate. but the car was carried 75 feet and Mr. Wirt was thrown clear of the (rack. Ilia skull was crushed, five ribs and a collar Imne broken. The injured man was rushed to the ljehanon h-'-pital, where Dr. J. C. Hooth made every effort to save his life, but the injuries were fatal, and he died at 2 o’clock, I-------- • BANTTAM ............... FARM TOPICS | BOYS OUTNUMBER GIRLS, SAYS REPORT Bl« tuei the Movies SAWMILL BURNS SATURDAY NIGHT Cottagi- Grove. Or.. July 29."21 • E»!hor Tribune: Monday, Aug Our long continued h»*avy north • md Dear Friend: I notice in your m still with us. and no sign of rsir i yet. A hmi I Report «1 Canty SBpen«ta«ieRt (taper a pu-«-v in r«*vard to the in- Trollinger Bros. Lose Heavily in N»*arly there month» have pswu-d with j crease of crime, which is a lament- Midnight Blare No Insur at Sctoals Miller Dbdasas So»» no rain and water is failing in Some I ■ able fact, but we must take into places. ance Carried Vary Starthat Facts aoosiderali»»* that the saloon ia not Mrs. Charles Apple srui Mrs. Tsylor. who rooking for the ruck crusher crew the only evil-producing machine in Roys «if school age outnumber the thia country. The sawmill Iwlongniy to Trollin­ at lt!ch»r>l»on Bridge, was h».rv Tues- For instance, take day evening buying berries and vegeta­ girls »if the same age. according tn ger Bros . Iocat»»l alemt | mil«*» the moving (deture shows ble* for th»* table. west of Scio, was de»troy«*d .by fir«* th«* figures contained in the annual From statistics I hav«* rra»! in the Claud»* Smith, of Dallas. can»»- up report nf County Sui*erintendent of Hast two years, nine-tenths of the late Saturday night. Th»* plant was .Saturday looking for his “lowt” wife, who is visiting with tier sister, Mrs. .Sglu •ols Miller to the state superin­ delinquencies brought before our completely destroyed, and lumlM*r tendent There are 4129 boys and ’juvenile courts attribute their fall ^valued at between $5(W1 and $600 Maggie Summers. Clarence l»»vejuy pulled in at the 3M76 girls brtwe»*n the age* nf t ' to the scenes they have sat ami wit­ wa« also burned. San tier. Farm late Saturday, where his anti 20 y«*ars in l.inn county, the It ia the lielief of th«* owners that nessed in the movws. Il<»w can we wife was visiting her mother, Mrs. e. the fire was »tarte-l from a s!rnv report says ettpect a goad clean life by our W Gain«*». spark dr>>p|w*»l during the day. as of this number, which totals S,- Mrs Roy Itergett, of Ta<*on ■ ilo-igh I young chil»Ir»-n p»>rntir>g old man’s Himalayaberri»-«. Ill» suter, In S-ci-nd Timothy 3: LI.the Apos- ties from th«* plant t>> till a big con­ in Linn countv. using a total of 133 Mrs. Fd Kalina, is canning them fur i tie Paul say* ‘ Evil men and srduc- him. school hoUM-s. 52 male teachers and |crs wax worse an»l worse, deceiving tract, and the«e would no doubt Mr. Cleveland an.! three mill men haie adde«l coiiMilernbl»- to the loss. 214 female teachers. There are ll •nd tiring deceived." can»«* over Friday ev«-n>ng for a supply It la said there was no insurance car- districts that have a nine months N--w in regard to tm* divorce evil «»f vrgetalilra ami berries. tied by th<< laiys on their prisiuct. Mrs. W< aver and daughter came up school. The averag»» number of w«* read Matthew l!<;3-6, “The Saturday for a kit of vegetabh*« and days taught in the county are 162. 1‘liari*»-»* aK>rame unhi himtJ««aua). lt»-rri»-»^ The pupils in the county who ari* tempting him. ami saying unto him. Mrs. Fat Kalina ha» layrd in a supply . attending school al>ove th«* vighth is i< law ftd lyt a n>«n to put away of canning lurries William KaHng smf wife and J»»..■ph gr-ele numtier fc97*. ----- 426 — buv* ------ — and* Ji I «* '»*rv'rail*.*? Ami He baling came over Wednesday evening 5»i'.» girls Those completing th»- ng|w>*red an«l snld unto them, have to hear the new records on th» new l.»t- eighth grade total 4IM. 224 !4 gir!si girls yr no( r,.gd, that Ho which ma»le ison Phonograph, which th»* old man ami 194 boys. th»in at the i*egitining made them has recently bought. The financial t mrt of the supOrln- . niw),. M„,| Bn4j fcid. for thia Mrs. Veva Margin. of Riley, called on tier gran*!ni<>th«-r Friday while on U ndent « report shows that the to Cg0M. ««,«11 a man leave his father tai receipts for last year were 6417. Ln<| mother and »hall cleave to hia her way to Scio. Claude Smith .m»l wife a»wl Clarence 149.15. and the total expen».*« |37K. |Wife .and they twain shall be one1 DANCE Richardson Gap Hall, The train was in eharg«* of Con- ductor Turn Kiicy and Engineer D. L R»-»*d. Ixivrjoy returned tu Dallas Ute Sunday Mr. Wirt bad conducted the store al Crabtree for al»out 12 years and had lived in that community mod The funeral service« ail his life were held Sunday afternoon, a large concourse of friends paving their last »ad rites to friend and neighbor Manv believe Sunday a as the hot­ test day of the *ea*»n in the valley, and shady »pots w»*rv much «»i*igl< after. The thermomvtor is said to have register««! ar<>und 96 degrees all day. Work hn' on the $IOO.OD<> theatre in Corvallis. We suppose this will "show” the peoplr of that burg a good urne 921 34. leaving a total cash on hand fl^,? Wherefore they are no more (png. The»-» congregated Sumlav »nd on June I. 1921. of 639,936 25. <»n (W4II) |,ut ,,n«* flesh. What there- inspected Elmer Griffin's new house— June I. 1920, there was a balann (;,m1 halh joined together let of course, as a sort of protection to th»- of $30,174 M I n»> pm aaiot lot incoming brute. There are a number of school dis-1 s*1(W ace-.rdimr to this it was in- We nsrurn th«- *a»l «* bwlly injure«! wf** n • trap »trm k Ju« have a deficit. This total deficit wj„. j,4nml Ilves in the holy automobile Saturday morning causing | this year amounts to $1706 44. Ih<- ,,f w»*«ll*H-k should remain so his death a few hours later. bunded tadebtedneoa la $211,KOO as long as they live There ia but t he old mart was over Saturday af-1 ternvun inspecting the grading id tb<- i and the total m»i»4>tefltwse 62 m 6,- i nni. thing a man or wife was juati- grave yard hill. lie foOnd tin- w»>rk | **T6 14. ¡fed in leaving the other and getting progressing rapidly and of an excellent i I Iw total |*ai*l for «caches» ls|marri«*mpletur Hu» eon«, irank ers and $100 0] per month for fe- Now wh»-n our preachers will and Art, are al hi» bmiaide male teachers. Albany lieraid stand m th<- pulpit anil preach that C. Ostsirnv anti wife, <»f Stu It-urn, called in Sumlay evening on Ihvir way the law of (e-d 1 th« ten command­ home fnun atlrinlmg th«- funeral <>f Planning Rec all oi Court ment»} ha- liven abolished, what Mr. Wirt at Crabtree. Robert Summers, »if Hcio, drove in have (he Wicked tn fear anyway? If Sunday, bringing his grandfather.New­ The Linn and B»-nton District I’m God has no igw by which the people ton Crabtree, with him. lie ia a ne|»h- ew of Mra. Gairo-s. m<»na Grange pasm-d resolutions yew of earth are to lie judged, why N. C. Games, »»f Crabtree, called in for pe«u> wim I berries, lie says John terday which may t>e taken aa,a de­ ! should tnvy have any /ear? But' if ffmati Is still no better. mand for the r<-«ignation of th»* • they could realiw that the day was pie GENUINE BULL" DURHAM TOBACCO E ater present mem tiers of the Linn county coming when they would lie judge») court, with a threat that if they do by ( mx I’ s Ipw th» y might lie a little To Visit Angora Club Saturday not resign a recall will be inaugu- more *«nt Jour­ ! renali candidate* I but this leth-r is getting quite nal, of Portland, will visit the Scio The (»range cites the condition nf lengthy already. so I will say guod- 'Angora Goat Club next Satur»lay to obtain first hand in(»>rmation and I th«* finances of the county as its rea- ' live and close for this tin». Sincerely yours, secure photographs for his publi»*a- son for passing the resolution. A • J. 1» GRIMM. tion, Fre»l N. W illiamaon, county »lain is also taken at the court's . method of building roads. duh leader, haa announced i < • rtl ni I hank« When the mattPr was call«*«l to The Scio Club was the first of its We wish in this manner to exprea* kind to In* organized in this coun­ ' the attenthm of the members of the to our friends and relative* nur sin-, court they offered but little com ­ try. and therefore is attracting eon- cere and heartfelt thanks for the ment. — Harrisburg Bulletin, Aug 4 aiderable attention from nutside many kindly acta and words extend-i ■ communities. * • r«i to u« during the sickness, death - and hunal of "our l0 I 0 Ö 0 0 0 c c c c Ô 0 Ö I Ö fi 0 o