The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, July 21, 1921, Image 3

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    oe ::: n news notes
Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor­
mation of Our Readers.
"Grandma” Lockwood of Smith
River In Coos county waa trndcr-nl a
r*-eplion at the community hii! at
that place rwtenlly In honor of the
one hundredth anniversary of her
Linn county, which boast« th* larg
ent boys' and girls' Jersey calf club
tn the world In th« Shedd Jersey
Calf club, and which rank» well In
| Industrial club work along ail Itnes
Your Summer Outing
Is a matter of in>|M>rtuii<"H to you.
W lien*
you h|M*n<l it is u matter of intvrvst to m.
Round I t ip
Summer Excursion Fares
■ plan« la a «bort time to have the
first boys and girls goal club la the
tt ect Clatsop mirtPy »432.0*314
Uni ted States.
to conduct Ila «chorda during the last
Ths Astoria water works during May
More than COO persons have visited
th« Jnorphina cane. near Granta Casa
thia year
did a buaineaa of M73&.M and eoltocied
»M2* 11
The J W tx-mnrls sawmill. 13 miles
Figures for the year 1920 «how that | north of l*nnrville, waa burned to
Linn < -untj’s d ry products were ' the ground.
valued at »!•*».4«k>
Th«. annual convention of lit* North
Six and one half mites of the Pacific Pacific Millers' association waa belli
highway will bo p*v«d thia summer bo- | la Portland
twomt H atony and Shedd
The Salem postofflee baa 47 <-m
The St Helena Ship company baa ployevm and the payroll is appro»!-
aecured a contract to build 40 pon­ tnately »«o.OtMi a >- ar
toons for the United States engineer
A total of <40 students have been
registered for th* summer term of th*
Sheepmen of northern tjike county University of Oregon
! .".
' r
Ninety-six Sunday school» In Marlon
*0.000 ahc-ep as a preventive m.-naur« county will participate In a para-!«'
against scab
• and picnic to be held In Salem July 3-3
Fines impeded In criminal caaea dur­
Increased activity In prune buying Is
ing the month of June tn I'ooe county
noted In Polk county, with many salas
totaled »3230, the majority of which
reported re« *ntly at 5’s cents a p untl
won’ liquor rasa*.
The new »JOn.OOO bridge acres»
Youngs bay nt Astoria will be com
The Corm county court has made an
order directing that a b to-bod I «-d prison­ ph-ted and opened for traffic tn al .>ut
ers In the jail be placed at work on • two weeks.
Gene LsFbltotte. II years old, vnt
the county«
A cr< w of mon has started the drowned In the Willamette river at i
task of pninttyig the {tote house at Salem, while attempting to reacua hts
Bntorn The Cost of the work probably brother Paul, aged 9
Th* Lebanon and Newberg Conner- i
will exceed Ifiooo
Umatilla county'« wheat acreage this : lea. formerly owned by the A Rupert
year Is < tInvito I at 224,000. or about company, will begin operations within
the same as last year. There la very the next two weeks
The Mt-Kensle highway to head
little spring wheat
The newly organised Wheat Grow­ Horae hill, six or eight miles from the!
ers' Association of Oregon claims that : summit of the Cascades. Is open and In >
fair shape for travel.
It will h.mdle one third of the wheat
The Transfer g Livery company, re-,
of the utat - thia year
Mary Weygundt, Hood River guide, ; cently awarded the contract, has begun 1
has boon to the top of Mount Hood I 'he grading of 24 blocks of business.
4Ii9 tlni ■> and this
as >n Intends to streets in Hood River
A »23 o<»o brent h of promise suit has I
rea< h the rite century mark.
Work on the Columbia highway be­ beei- filed hj Mrs. Lucille ''bristrn <-n '
tween Five Mlle and t'elllo. delayed against J II Knight, a prominent bust-1
for aeveral weeks on account of high
ne»s man of Pendleton.
Investig.itIona have been ordered by
water, will bo resumed at once.
Prices ran from 13 Io 1B'^ cents the postoffice department with a view
when 274.000 pounds of wool, for the of appointing poslrntsters at liuell,
most part fine staple, were bought at . Hoskins and Mar«pinn>.
the annual wool sale held at Bend.
Cherries In Polk county an- dropping
Nearly Soo ions of Royal Anne cher- from 1 be tree« In showers, and pro» <
rle« ham been skipped to Faster* Peets are that th* crop will be less,
points this «<• -on from Salem by the than 30 per cent of normal.
Oregon Grow* s Cooperative a»*ocia-
8*t>atnr McNary was authorised by ’
'h* senate cumuli I ter oil ion to
A part of the 1100.000 water bonds
-port favorably on h<> bill appropriat-
recently voted by the city of Corvallis
ng |?5v,ooo,000 for western Irrigation
have been sold, and the work of Im­ md establishing a comprehensive 20- ’
proving the system will be started at
ear program of reclamation
The elate motor vehicle department
From 10 to IS appointments of has authorised an order for several
deputy fire wardens and district war­
hottaand temporary automobile I teen*« ,
den« will be made by F A Elliott. rards which will be placed In the hand»
Stale foreater, during the next few of sheriffs throughout the stale for
. Issuance to applicants pending the re­
There are still 4770 acres of state ceipt of permanent license plates
land In Gilliam county not yet »old.
lluslneaa of the Hood River cream
11.00* am--» in (I'.utl county, *40
ary h^s Inereaaed nearly 100 per cent |
In Morrow, 1500 In Hberman and 213.
000 tn Harney
I In the lawt year Figures for May. 19-«'.
The Federal Land bank of Spokane were 10.<23 pounds of butterfat and for i
approved |32.(iOO loans this week for
May of this year 20 «04
Th« selling price« for the first grade i
the Condon National Farm Ixvan asao
cUlioii. uuk tut the total amount ap­
proved to date »439.300
All a«-••'a of th«- state industrial ac­
cident commission at the close of
bu«>ii <a. June 30, 1*21. aggregali-d
*4.923,724 according to a report pre­
pared bv the department.
The Peru hutes county court refused
a bld of Vn 13d on I'>•»") worth of
County n id bond« and decided to dis­
pose of the county's securities by prl
»ate sale as the money Is ne»-«i- 1
Following a visit of an I W W
walking del .gat« to a constnii < ->n
camp on th* state highway in Lak.
Creek valley. «4 laborers laid down
their tm Is and walked out lu a body
More than 30.000 pickers will be
nm-detl to harvest Oregon's hop crop
this year, ac irdlng lo estimate» Ap­
proximately half this number will bo
reuuir. d In M irlon and Polk counties.
John II Alites and L II llarnett of
Ra!<-r 1 seat to Warr.n G llardlug.
president of the United States, a 10-
pound crate of lasmbert cherries The
cherries were grown In Marton county.
I. M Tucker. In charge of th* re­
cently eaiabllshed state fish hatchery
on H od River at the mouth of Green
P-Jnt creek, has Just re< rived 230 00«
trout eggs from a hatchery at Klamath
Th»r« ar* more than 1500 registered
real estate brokers In Oregon, ac­
cording to the annual report of the
State real estate department This Is
an Increase of nearly 2»0 over last
of spring packed Oiumbia river can-
• n<-d Chinook salmon have been placed |
at 13 2» per doaen for one pound flats
and »3 10 for half pound flats
Forty carloads of cherrto. will b«
shipped from The Halle. In the n»xt I
three or’four weeks. constHui»ng the
greatest movement of small fruits
fr-m that vicinity ever aumrdod
A movement to obtain a paved high­
way In fTataop county leading to th«
beach at Warrenton will be Inaugural- i
ed at a community liasket picnic to,
: *>e held on Warrenton beach Hun day,
July 2.
J B. Ilanaen and R H Payne, mem­
bers of an Ohio company during ths
Civil wsr. met st the G A II reunion
In Fendleton for the first time «m «
they w*r» mustered out togetbrr 34
years ago.
thir’ng th* recent election salary in­
creases voted by the lets legislature
were before the people for cunsidern-
tfcm In sis counties and in every in­
stance they were defeat««! by decisive
’ majorities
» An effort will be mad* by the Or*-
gon Cooperative Grain Growers' a««»-
| rUtliMi to rats« »2.000.000 during the
next several weeks for the purpoee of
flnencing the marketing nt the 1921
wh*«t crop
Bnuill refining plants will he placed
! in operation sbortlv at th* holdings
of the Oregon Nitrate company at
Sheep mountain and Blinking lake. M
, miles from Rend, announce«! J. It
| Morton, manager
Railroad I ime I able
Arrival and Owparturw >f I'aamngvr
Woodburn-Springt'mld Branch
7:5$ a m.
6:13 p m,
Corvallis X- Eastern
To Allmnv
To iWtroit
are now in effect to tbc following delightful places
for Rest, Recreation and Amusement
8:11 am
1:44 p nt
Motor aervlce di«c.>ntinu«-<!
Newport. <h th- l‘s ' . <>-.
v I \ -
« |tay is this chartit-
Ing old place where t house ml» return year after year to s|M-od vacations
Crater Lake. A worM wiuwler i’> the < t < !•• Lange Mor* than a
mile above the sea 1» thia beautiful «cure lake set in the crater of a hug*
IF YOV WANT to buy or tratte for I4H
acre» gititi stock lai«l near headwater«
of the 3 mjuiria in Renton cuuntv ace
Th.» Tribune's (winter.
Tillamook County Beaches.
Ileyontl the Coawt Range
Mountains are these new. unspoiled place« where «*. an and forest meet
\ 1 11 \ 1 ; • • \
: :
Other Resorts
erson Country ], MeC'redte Hut Springs, Joecphit • C.-uniy (aves. Shasta
Mountain Resorts. Yosemite National Park
“Oregeo Outdoors" is the title of our 1 < - a
cribes th* different resorts in Western Orrg<'>
camp Information. Copy free on rwjuest.
r l-««-»l- t which dee*
and includes hotel and
For further information lix|iiire of ticket agents.
ii Thos. Large. Real Eslate
; ; List yvtir pru/i
' ’
( >
ith me
. rites
i it. tin*
v ,.f the
and bi;«iii<-.’. . ■-! ..
vU-iinty pi «• tv ..J .
- 1 i-.p. rile». It will Ito
1 to your advantagi to
. in.
General Passenger Agent.
4H 3
th ,
■ larw here in
john m
Having tak.
■ .
: w ,nh
Not exclusive.
No commission
unir«« intlrumenUl in telling
your property
I Grain Growers
J ’ Alto w ill lai . ! «Ill . - Ilf 1 . ra.Htal
1 1
properly to b n <n -.41.
I am in the market
n for your grain.
If you are going to need
i; sacks, see me before buying
:: elsewhere, I may be able to
;; save you money.
Ofllce Hours:
» U> 12 A. M
I M tu . I". ,M
1 1 They hnvt n<lc<iunli Strength
I . They have that Traition which
' ’
hold« the f >;p| at |-i • d in
am weathoi
They hav>- Mileage in I
I >
drnt to it-i.dt I > >ti I in ,
; '
; ’ Th«-) are hand bmlt. al(li.>ugh
1 ’
sold at the pri' .- <>f ii 1 1 ine-
1 .
made tires
' ’
is an addition
wealth, it c> in.
i’> w. «tern
b,< k I . v.'U
;; IN QUALITY. IX l"l!lt ! IN
!! Sound All Around
! They an- made p l ac inn and
Bold in Scio l>y
give tire mileage
at.the lowest eost
in history
W I, COBB •-
THE S< |(> (, \|: \<iE
.lohn B. I 'oiioy, Prop.
I’lioiiv !»-•"> 1Ó
Ml.ITS Al l
Ideava* llvtel Heio
at 7 :Sli a m and 4:4 > p m for W eat Neu
and 7>4A a. m and I :l?i p m for Munk.-ra
30 x 31
3>l-2 New First National Hank Iddg.
$15.00 $22.00 $27.50
Reduction on all ityles utid sizes
Graduate Optometrist
A New Low Price on a
Known and Honest Product
Private office for cxanunatlong