The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, July 21, 1921, Image 1

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Independent, fearless, free; Not tied to any party; W ill support best candidate for office regardless of party
Clyde Thoma« amt the Phillips
boys motored to lacomb Saturday
31.75 THE YEAH
♦........................... .. ............... ..
Mr Rowerman, wife, daughter
and *<>n of Portland came up Satur-
<-• <p ml Sunday with Unde G ExplanaliVn Sent Out by State De
Mrs E. Phillipa' parents of Salem Ability of Exhibitor to Handle En­
1. Sutherland and family as they
earn* over Sunday to atteml the
partmeot at Washington Is
try Will Count in Award
Proves Success; W innert
are old friends.
league picnic al Wilson Park and
visit their daughter.
Entirely Informal.
Are Announced.
ing Prize«.
Thoma- Haley, wife, three daugh­
ter» and two son* of Freewater,
H. C. Davis and family visi’edold
Washington. July 1‘.‘
Millard Shelton of th* Scio sheen time acquaintances, whom they hud
Oregon Agricultural Corvallis. came Friday and visited over Sun-
Parding's move for a disarmament
club and Norval Go.t of the Leba- not seen for 24 years, Sunday at July 19. Special pig showing coo- •day, recalling old time*.
n<n pig club tied Saturday for flr«t Lebanon.
testa will lie held next fall at all
Cutting 12 feel off th* graveyard conference is assuming far greater
place in the field judging contest
on Franklin Butt«- t* under wav magnitude in world utfuiisthan first
Miss Susie Thomas is suffering
an,I tour which was staged by the with a eor* hand eaussd by getting Pacific International Livestock, to and a month or six weeks will see indications disclosed.
A* the preliminary negotiations
County club leader for the livestock cut with a hand sickle
tie open to al’ members of boys' and | tile finish
elubs of the county. The two b >ys
E4 Kalina and wife took a run to procveal they are revealing unex­
Martin Schneider mot- red t > Port­ girls’ pig dull* who show purebred
sc >red 535 points out of a possible land Sunday, lie report* his mother .
- ! .« ' • 1 r •
, ’ • ' , ■ ■ I
I Corvallis Sunday to are the country pected diplomatic ramifications and
l leading into field* which in the be­
7<>0. making an average of 7»> 3.
Judges will consider 50 per cent and forget about work.
as slightly improved although not
ginning had seemed far removed
Third place went to Arnold Zyaset able to leave the hospital.
for preparing the pig to show under
Oorge and Elmer went to Albany
of Scio, 73 4. while Joe Rohwein was
the following points: Condition of Erioav evening to set* a doctor as from th«* puru «• of the conference
K. M Chromic and J C Gwath-
But officials apparently arc confident
fourth with an average of «2.1.
feet and tnmming of toes, trimming
Elmer had lieen eating something.
ney motored to la-t-an-m Friday.
that the wide spread effect of the
Twenty-two boys and girls took
of ears and tail; washing and clean- (
Mr. Gwathney seems favorably im­
Oicnr TTU| mi I returned to the val­
president’s proposal will in the end
part in the field judging and about
tineas of ears, belly, bead, flank«,
pressed with Oregon and will make
ley after moving up near Pendleton
prove only an aid In accomplishing
40 person» made the trip
condition of coat, including glass,
I z* bn non his future home.
in May.
His wife cannot live uu
those helping to make the trip a
tt><* frank exchange of id«*ws for
excess of oil. and use of objection­
there and he la looking for a farm
which the conference wa* called.
success were Jut» Young, sheep man.
in this section.
tire t>atrol and makes the dully round
On« of the princiiml side i»su«*s
Sam Zvnset. goat breeder, both of
The remaining 5<i jwr cent will be
Scio, and Erank Rohwein, shorthorn over th* route
hated on the showing of the pig. In­ ♦Some boys around here are hunt­ now occupying the attention of the
O rrgon Miser.
breeder of Jordan.
Th* Iwbanon,
cluding control of animal by exhib­ ing out of a ason. killing grouse on government is th«* disposition of Ja­
The hill» pan to hold out for an exact defini­
itor; poise and ctailnc-w of exhibitor; the hill« and trespassing,
Lakeview, and Crabtree pig clubs.
day tion in advance of the subjects to
skill in showing, including continu­
Scio sheep club and a number of in­
With Terrific Applause.
tie considered.
dividual club memtiers were present
ous attention, keeping the pig placed
To thresh out that question now
on the trip.
"With terrific applause ”
only would delay the conference
The party met at the S. B. Holt
Co operation?
In such phrase a news storv an-
but might al»» branch into a disou«-
plac* where Jersey cows were judg nounces how the French chamber of pig, as requested by the judge.
- ■ . -f I.
sion of the merits of the disputed
ed. The Orville Gilkey place wax deputies received Premier Br land's
What does it really mean? Who
subjects. It Is felt that the pro­
next where Holstein cows and heif­ announcement that France had ac­
Th* American Jersey Cattle club
should co operate, and why?
gram could I m *»1 I m > arranged by the
ers Were in-qa’Cted.
cepted the American invitation to is giving $2500 tn cash for prizes
The av«-rag<* American city will conference ur nt least by negotiation
Lunch w as served at the Gilkey join in a disarmament conference.
this year, to I m * divided among tl * dmw* the result of co-operation or ufter each of the invited powers has
place after which Shropshire sheep
In the British house of common* county clubs at county fairs in the its lack
Start with the local news- sent in ¡in unconditional acceptance.
were judged.
Sam Zysset’e farm a similar announcement by Premier fall. Th* dull* will be divided into
paper. If it is a live publication
was next visited where th* club Lloyd George was recejv«*d with two class*-* —Ctass A with a mem­ with plenty of news an«l advertising
"Unde” John Osborn Passes.
members looked over some of the loud cheers
bership of not leas than 20 will re­ in its page«, the chances are it has
Rev John W Osborn, familiarly
(test goats in the northwest.
Everywhere people are hungering ceive |50. while Class B dubs with tiem lo-n'ling every effort to help
alwiut Scio as "Unde John,”
das» of Angoras was judged here for an end of this horrible regime n«it leas than 12 members, will re­
develop its home territory, l<Ut the
to the "Great Beyond" at
At the Erank Blackburn place a of competitive armaments. Noliody ceive 325
palter alone cannot do it all
near Monmouth the first
class of shorthorn cows and calve» has forgotten the enormous crowd«
Meetings with livestock clubs for most ncetmiary requisite is a e<>n- of this week ami the iawly was brot
were judged. Mr Blackburn gave that swarm«*«! around Pretident Wil­
government to Scio Tuesday, th«- funeral lieing
consideration of livestock judging slructive
the members a talk on shorthorns
no when he ap|ieitred in England. teams, will tie held by county club rea«iv to a«Hi*t in every way the va­
at 3 o’clock Wednesday.
After th* judging was completed France and Italy.
Their tremen* leader* the last week of July
A rious civic and industrial enterprises
line!* John was a resident of Scio
the pig club memtiers visited the dous ovations to him were not mere­
liv«*»tock judging team will repre­ of th«* community.
many years, lieing of nmong the
pigs tielonging to Vance and And­ ly a tribute to the man. but to a
Ju*t a* the citizens expect the lo­ piom-ers. He was above tut years
sent rarh club at fhe county fair.
rew Bilyeu. Gordon Gilkey, Floyd big idea.
Th* high point team at the county cal public utility company, the local ( of age and a man of unblemished
and Harry Mullen. Willi* Gillespie
In his 14 points he had Voiced th* fair may choose tn go tn the state bank, the local newsfiaper, the local |
character for integrity ami reliabil­
a >d Nathan Olein, members of the proposal that the nations should or-
fair or the Pacific International store or tne local telephone system ity.
The Tribune will probably
Scio pig club.
ganize to en«l war. The lowliest of Livestock show
The tram making to tie r« s«iy lo serve" them on re- learn more of Unde John’s activi­
An outgrowth of the judging tour them caught that idea
They had ««.cond place to have second choice. <|u>**t. so should the municipal gov­
ties later on.
was th* possibility of th* organiza­ t>een through 51 months of crucifix-
ernment lie j i»t as 'ready to serve"
tion of a goat club. * Sam Zyaset.
mn. Their dead were not yet count­
the community and discourage un
goat brev ler. is an advocate of a ed. Their debts were still uncom
Facta About Asbestos.
called for attacks on any local in­
club and it is very likely that Linn uuted and almost uneomputable.
dustries or institutions.
county will soon lioast of th* only
The art of weaving the mineral
It was at such a moment that the
Every community should hind it* 1
goat club in the stat*.
hea<! of the great republic came fiber in aalieato*. which is ordinarily self together with a spirit of co­
preaching a pact for peace
indestructible, was rediscovered at operation that will bring th«* great
comparatively late period of civ­ rst cimm I tn all.
The "terrific applause" in the
L >
Chaos Would Result.
French chamtier mirrors the hopes ilization. Woven asla-stijg was used
of the millions of men who want to in the ancient pyre to preserve the
For this week, Saturday and Sun­
Charlemagne is said
There is no roval ashes
The public schools take a vacation get out of bondage
of three months every year and bondage so exacting, so <*ostiy and to have had a tablecloth made of ss- day evenings at th«* Peoples Theatre
nothing happens; the police force so tyrannous as the lamdage of war hestoe and to have cleaned it by ".Man Woman Marriage."
and fir* department go on their an­ and preparations for war. It N a throwing it into the fire, which con­
Frank Bartu with hisCletrac and
nual picnics an<i balls and things run redhot iron in the vitals •' nation* sumed she dirt thus illustrating in
along as usual; the city paving isn't It is a bart>ed shaft in the souls of a «tiectaeular manner on* of the Clarence Iw filer on the grader are
improve.! over long periods, or the human atoms. It is the cruel nail* m<>»t valuable properties o< thia ma- away on a two month»’ job fixing
the mad* about Halsey.
public library mav dose, or the pub­ in the bleeding hands and feet of terial.
r j .............................
f J
JULY 21. H21
Tour «I Scio
Keeps the 13ests
$1.75 gallon
The fiber of the best grade of as-
bestoa is tieautlful and silky and has
great flexibility, elasticity and ten­
sile strength, according to th* U. S
geological survey. It can tie spun
into thread so fine as to run 22f>
yards to the mince, and as it is in­
combustible as well a* a nonconduc­
tor of heat and electricity, and re­
sists the action of most ordinary
lic park allowed to go to ruin, and crucifle«! mankind.
All over the earth the "terrific
the public isn’t injured.
Hut let the el«*etric lights go out applause" in ’.he French chamtier is
for a few hours and there is actual echoing in the hearts of the peoples.
Buffering and much crime. Let the In all this w- car see how cruel it
telephone suspend and there is chaos would be of America to h»l<l aloof.
and lo«s of business. Let transpor­ We can see how the world wait* for
tation in a city stop and thousands us to act. We can see that in our
are thrown out of work. Turn out hands absolutely rests the great is-
the ga» an<i we go l*ack 50 years in J sue of whether we shall be kept In
our civilisation.
Well sustained 1 peace or he recommitted to th* b«g)- acid*, its field of use is large. The
Oregon possible applications of asbestos are
public utilities mean a happy and ! dage and tears of war
far from fully appreciated, not only
prosperous community.
by the general public but by manu­
facturers who ar* in search of ma­
terial for »qiecial uses to which a*-
I hk I os mav well lie applied. Perhafie
it is most gem-rally isuxd to make
fireproof doth for theater curtail)«.
It has ta-en used also for making
firemen’s dothing
Everywhere in
cold countries it Is extensively em­
ployed for covering furnaces, boilers
and pipes to prevent lose of heat.
i Asbestos is a good insulator.
K» - VT. »