OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST state and state auditors from all sec­ tion» of th* west Oregoa loads the northwest In the excess profits and per capita In ron» taxes psld to the federal govi-rsment Principal Events of the Week for thr fiscal year ended June JO. Iba per capita tax ta the etale amount lag Briefly Sketched for Infor­ to M The total of the tase» rol lasted In the etale amounted to 327.. mation of Our Readers. •27.732 Of thia amount 32l.»To,OU was for esroaa profits and Inrome tax. The I durol n County Jersey Cattle while 3LH7.731 was tor tun llanaeua club baa brea organised at Toledo. kaS'S The Bragg aawmlll w*»t of Kugeae Bale of 310.000 pounds of wool of was destroyed by fire a tew nights ago. the Arlington clip of Hmyth B -there Two bond Issue proposals. submitted of Pendleton at a price av« nmlns 14 to the people of Dallas, al an election, cauta, wa» annouac.d in what probably were d« bated t wae the largest single wool sale luadr Civil service «laminations are to bo In Oregon this y«vtr. The first carload of fresh cherries held soon to Select poet mast ent for ever shipped from Hahm to th* Atlau Bandon and Molalla. The The F->ur-L minimum wage of |3 tic roast left there last week cherries were prepared for shipment voted late In May. went into effect In by the Oregon Urowera' C«>o|»rali»r the Bead milla July 1. Enrollment In the Benton county aaeiH-latIon. and were of high quality Ail unusual party took place at tbs schools this year showed an Increase home of Mrs William Voorbla la of 407 pupils ov.-r last year. luooklng llliuia. Douglas county. Inai Ixwers la last week's fire at Union Saturday, nil of the gu*-ata. with but are laying plans for rebuilding the bu» two exceptions, having ervawd the ItieM block with stone and brick. v plains by ox loam Into Oregon, lb« ir Th<* Presbyterian synod of Orvgo^ ax«-» ranging from 71 to 33 Is holding Its annual »«»Ion In Cor* The Crater lake »-aeon is now on vallla thia seek, beginning Tuesday. full awing, with many visitors arriving It coats Canyon (Tty nearly three dally by train and aut»m<>bll<- from times as much to run Its schools as II all parte of the country Cars have does to run the state and county cum been able to reach the rim of the lake bined. with comfort since Wednesday, the Th*- Albany fire department, back'd snow having been cleared away. by city officers. la endeavor Ina to erad The stat«* library has rweelted ropy Icate tuosa ot> roofs ou bul Id lues la No. 1 of volume 1 of the "Stats Line Albany Herald." published at Lakeview on An overalls factory employing 13 November IS. 1S7R This was the first persona will begin operations al Baker copy of the first issue of the first August 1, the ma« binary already being new spa per published In southern Or» Ina tailed. gon east of the Cascade mountains. Enlargement of the Tumalo flab The first serial mall to be delivered hatchery la planned. It la stated by to a forest lookout In Or «gun was drop members of tbv state fish and game P*d by a plane from the lEugnne bo» coinmlsalcn. of the forest fire patrol to J L. Hau Work on removing all the dangerous born, lookout on ITalrie mountain In blind curves on the Columbia river the coast range. 3& toil*» want of Ku highway bet»«* n Astoria and Portland gene. In the Hluslaw national fortwl. baa been started The contract for the construction «»t Farmers of Clackamas county bare the dam at the Umpqua fish hatrhery started a movement to purchase farm­ was let to Thomas Hw.-.ncy of Port­ ing Implements and machinery direct laud tor 39uOO Th« mn ul l. glslatur*- from the producer. appropriated 31k.U«>0 for Impruv- ui»nta Muscovites, a branch of the Oddfel­ al th«' hatchery. The dam will be of lows order, met In 8al«m Saturday log crib construction and will be 7bu Visitors were present from all sections f*«et long and k f«*t high of the Willamette valley. Umatilla county suffered Ito second The old military wagon road arreas disastrous grain warebowsn fire »Inn the summit of the Cascade mountains the huge warehouse of the Pacific on th«- upper Willamette route Is eg- Coast Drain Blevautr company located pectid to be open to traffic by August 1. at Mission, five miles east of Pvudl«- : The annual > »nip meet Ing of the Hev- tou. containing tout) ea* ka of grain. ’ entb Hay Adventista of the southern was destroyed Total damage Is esti­ Oregon district Is being held al the mated at 313.IMN) to 330 ooo Isuie county fairgrounds In Kugene. Word has been received at Corvallis ITans for the proposed new armory that Hubbard A Aon. sheep breeders of at M< Mlunvtlle at a cool of approxi­ Benton county, took ail the first prlx«-a mately 3*0.000 were approved by the offered but one at the Calgary exposl- general staff of the Oregon National H ob They won In competition with guard, the b*-st breeders of the Unit'd Hlat«-s Blight trace» of gold have been and l anada Including flrat on rams, found In the gravel being dredged first on ewes and first on flock from the bottom of the Willamette Luther Pagan, ex convict, shot T J river at Independ* bee fur use on Polk Miller. Oak Orovw orchardlat, kid county roads nap*d Mrs Miller, their daughter Pearl For the first time In many years the and an 11 fl-ar old boy. Arthur And»r- ’ rang«- In portions of Eastern Oregon son. and later was killed when poas*w la going to seed. there not being from all parts of the llood Hirer val enough livrelock lo k««p II ail clipped ley surrounded him In a burned overt to the ground tract a short distance from the Miller Fire prevention Is to b«- made a per­ home. manent study In the schools of Oregon, The committer In charge of the cam­ according lo announcement made by paign to raise an additional endow J. A. Churchill, state supe rintend* al of meat fund for Pacific allr*« at N< w public Instruction berg to the amount of 3150,0O0, a f*-w Horticulturists of Oregon. Washing days ago received a subacrlption of ton and Idaho, who will meet at Hood 33100 from Herbert Hoover. ►* r»tary River July 2< 29. inclusiva, according of commerce Mr Hoover was a st« , to pr* »‘nt pl »us. kill effect a perms d> at of lhe academic d«-f*artmr the development How burg, eliminating the bad grado of 4k.6oo horsepower In Clackamas between the summit of the hill sad the county Th» cost of lhe proposed de main road hading east, has brea or velopntenl Is estimated at 3-* 00o0m) * d«r«*d by the Douglas county court. A fair, *-utabllab*d originally as an Fir« loi-re In <>r*-gon. escluslve of Industrial boys' and girls' club exhibit Portland, during the month of June. at Shedd, will grow this year Ini» a aggr< »ai <1 3442.2M. according to a community fair, which will f-nturr repor' prepared by thr state fire mar­ exhibits of farm products and house shal There was a total of 28 fires hold work an well Kihibits by the Fir«, laid tu spontaneous combu» boys' and girls' clulsi al Shedd will lion, destroyed the H«w ni To Albany To Detroit are now In effect to the following delightful places for Real. Recreation and Amusement Motor service diaconi lituo I. Newport. «»<■ th, Pa ■ <>. . .* i v ., . •-.» Bay la this eharn> ing old plar«* where thousands return year after year to spend vacations Crater Lake. A world w<>n«lvr in t* . ('»«cade Range More than a mile above the Sea ui this ln rr gs. Jo < pino. County Cavea, Shaal» Mountain Resorts, Y«j» mite National Park > I Ihos. Large, Real Estate ; l isi your properly irith me • "Or«f*R Outdoors" is the tit!. ,.f , r ■ kl. t which dev cr»t>e« the different resorta in Western Or«,- *n and Include« h«>tel and camp information. Copy free on request For further informathw« Inquire of ticket ag«-nta SOUTHERN I’ : LINES J ohn 4M 3 m . st orr. I» eral I’aaOctigrr Agent. Grain Growers 1 am in the market for your grain. If you are going to need sacks, see me before buying elsewhere, 1 may be able to save you money J. D. DENSMORE J- n *• Sold only by dealer j The best fabric tire made for heavy service or rough roads — RED-TOP Extra Ply — Henry Tread 30 x 3í $22.00 Reduction on all styles und sizes Having taken tin Facili« (gvney < for •‘«■io atei vivitntv, I mu ii a !«• i sillón to advertise farm t>to,w -riles awl buaineMcs of all kind« in this vicinity practically over all of the Northwest, or, if you are think­ ing <>f bay mg lo re . re in the Northwest, or trade for farm**, businesses or profw*rti«*s, it will be to y»ur advantage to call on me and look over my listings in this line, as I have kstmgs in most cv cry locality In Oregon ami Bash i ng ton. Not eichtvive. No comtriiition aalru intlrumcntal in telling your property Also will take listii g« of rsonal property to buy or sell. DR. FICQ DENTIST Office Hours: » to II A. M I:» to & I*. M II IS ROI ND HI I'.ISS FOR YOU TO BUY SOUND TIRES BECAUSE They have ml*-«|iiat«‘ Strength for the heaviest service They have that Traction which holds the road at him - cm I in any weather They have Mileage amply aulii- cicnt to rentier y<>u IOU‘,< service They arc ham) built, although wild at the price of machine- made tires Every dollar you invest in them is an addition to wmlern wealth, it cornea back to you IN QUALIFY. IN PRICE IN SERVICE. THEY ARE Sound All Around They are made in Tacoma and sold in Scio by W I. COBB & SON, TUE SCIO GARAGE HUNKERS und WEST SCIO STAGE J uh ti B. < ’ouey, Prop. I’lmiit' 1Ú STADI: MF.FTN Al.I. I WAINS leaves H«»tel Scio at 730 a m and 4:45 p m for West Sea. and 7:45 a. m. and 1:15 pm for Mtinkers c. <’. BUYANT ATTORNEY AT LAW 'jni-2 New First Mattonai Bank Itklg. ALBANY OREGON I____________________________________ GLASSES H I I ED BY Graduate Optometrist ITJCj» REASONABLE A New Low Price on a Known and Honest Product F M PRENCII A SONS ALBANY