The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, July 14, 1921, Image 2

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In the selection of Fix president
William H Taft for chief justice of
the United States supreme court
President Harding please d the great
majority of the people of the coun­
try. No better selection could have
been made
Mr Taft is a man of
large ability and experience, is hon­
est. is not a partisan, and will re­
flect honor aa chief justice. Hu al­
most unanimous confirmation by the
senate voices the will of the people
regardless of party politics.
Member* of the Oregon Mate live
stock sanitary board at a meeting at
flnlem reelected Dr * Ft t.ytle stale
This «III be the sixth
T. L dvoor *. Kt>m»B and fbof
oonorcutlve term that Dr Lytle has
Entarsd at th* txlofhes at 8et<>.
held this office
Walter K Taylor of
Oraron a* ascood ciana mattar,
Corvallis was re elected president of
the board, while K (1 Warner of Fea
dleton was selected aS vice president
an mofthb _________________ 1 Oo
Other members of the board are J H
Cole. Molalla: Jay P Dobbin. Joseph;
William Pollman. Baker. H T His»
Local advertising per lina flrat In­
Corvallis, and Harry West. Hrappoos*
sertion ..............................................10
Each subsequent Insertion per lino .06
Because owner* of scab lot>wi«d
Display advertising First insertion
sheep using private range ar* unwill
r*r inch........................................... 26
Ing to submit their stock to dipping
subsequent insertion ..................16
Dr R A Parsons at the bureau at
Advertisements should reach thia office
Maiical Note
not latar than Tuesday to insure publi­
I animal Industry la central Oregon da
cation in the current laaua.
' dared that It may to Impoaslbla to
All foreign advertisements muat ba
paid for in advance of publication.
There may not lw much harmony eradicate the disease this year, as had
been hoped early la th* spring Forty
in the Knockers Quartet, but there
thousand sheep remain undipped In
is considerable volume. The instru­ northern 1-ak* county. and Dr Parnows
mentation includes Senator Borah has received no Intimation that the
on the harp. Senator Johneon with abeepmm Intend tn take either cure
the bull fiddle. Bob 1st Follette and five or preventive measures Forty
two thousand aheep kava airwady bean
the snare drum, Tom Watson with
I pledge allegiance to mV flag ana
dipped In fieerhuteo county thia year,
the Republic for u hich it clanth. ont the baxoo.
and 12.000 mor* ar« listed for dipping
Their last ensemble work was in
¡Nation, injfruthlf, oith liberty ana
i ne urvgon public service commla
luilkt for all.
sounding a protest against the nom­ slon has no authority to relieve roe
ination of William Howard Taft to Ranson logging railroad at (Tatahap *
be chief justice of the supreme of Its obligation aa a nimmn» earner,
according to a legal opinion given by
court, it was not very effective.'
th* attorney general
The nearest approach to harmony
First return* from the New York
Congress it now in lalxir for the in thia instrumentation is when each asci Ion market on Wasco county
Durpoac of riving birth to a high performer is playing a different cherries sent there for wale have been
received Half a rarload of Hings was
tariff law. With nation« of the old lune.
sold at 36 »H for a 20pound bo»
When they all get together on the
world without the wherewithal to
Half a carload of Royal Anae < heerlee
buy. the only result of legislation of notes of "I Am Feeling Blue.” the returned |.l It a bos
Thc-w prices
this character will lie to make the effect io discordantly depressing. If wore coualdeml among the twat aver
American consumer oay a higher they should ever try to render "The paid In the east fur northwestern
price to the American manufacturer. Star-Spangled Banner" together the Cherries
i ne J4th annual grand encampment
The primary object of a tariff is audience would not only nee. but of th. Indian War Veterans ot the
to product« revenue for the govern­ would chase them all over tbe place north l*a>inc coast closed Ila sessions
al Portland with the election of off!
ment. It will fail in this purpose,
errs for th* ensuing year.
which it is sure to do if placed at a
The aanUment for tbe United 1
Morggn of Portland was elected grand
too high figure.
States to join the league of nations eommand<r. 0. W Riddle of Riddle
Il is ala» true that if the govern­ seems to be growing. With Secre­ waa elected senior vice grand com
ment is to derive revenue from the tary Hughes and Chief Justice Taft mand*r. and John W Kelly of Oregon,
tariff foreign made goods must be both strong friends of the league, junior vice-grand commander
other officers elected were M Dickson
imported. But if foreign nations in th* highest positions within the
of Portland, grand adjutant; L. A
have no money with which to buy gift of President Harding, the evi- Bailey of flrappooe*, aaalstant grand
our products, either manufactured donee that the president sees the ad-. adjutant, and N M McDaniel* of PurV
or in the raw state, their only re­ vantage of tiring a league member land, grand paymaster.
Financial conditions In Oregon, aa
source is to sell us their goods.
and is leaning towards the league reflected by ths banks, indicate that
So if our republican friends in decidedly mure favorably than when the business activities of this stale
congreiw discourage, the importation he was inaugurated.
have not been aa hard hit by the nat­
ural depression following the war as
of their goods, which will result
have those of many other western
from tn excessively high duty or
The American la-gion boys must
districts, according to H <1 Hargeant.
tariff, they will decrease the reve­ not feel down hearted liecauaa Sec­
now connected with the federal bank
nue therefrom and the beneficiaries retary Mellon and the president are
waa alate superintendent of bank* In
will be, not the government, but opposed to bonus legislation at thia Ran Francisco Mr Rargent formerly
the American manufacturer will fat­ session of congress. 1-ater on. when reserve system, with hetfl!quarters In
ten at the expense of the American the nation is on its feet financially Oregon.
E W. Mct .una* will receive a clear
once more, the bonus will be looked title to hl* homestead of 206 acme
Congress will earn the admiration upon more favorably. Pension (ser­
near Pendleton, filed on by hl* pre
of the American people if it will vice) for the Civil war veterans did deceoaor In 1X73. under a blit pul
enact a tariff law which will pro­ not materialise until 25 years after I through the house by Representative
Hlnnott The title to the land, which
duce the largest possible revenue. the dose of the war,
was a swamp land selection, waa quea
In other words the iimiortation of
some year* ago and the court*
The general fund of the state la now
foreign made goods should tie en­
exhausted, according to <1 P Hoff, held against McComas. The secretary
couraged. both for the greatly need­
state treasurer, and until replenished. of the interior approved tbe Sinnott
ed revenue for the government and It will be necessary Io Indorse all bill recently recommended that Mr
to make it .possible for the impov­ warrants of this rlaaaincaltoa “not I McComas be permitted to purchase the
erished nations over in Europe to paid for want of funds " These war land for 31 33 an acre
Fifty two of tbe largest firm* la Ore
again get on their commercial feet renta will draw Interest al the rate
operating under tbe workman ■
of I per cent.
If America pnsipere she must find a
compensation taw and employing 1*.
market for the surplus of what she
Of the 33 fruit districts In the Ore- 600 workmen have advised the state In
produces. An impoverished nation gon Growers' Cooperative association dustrial accident commission that they
is of little value as a customer. So the Balem district leads In prunes with have accepted the provision* of the
14tM) acres, according to a report pro amendment to the present Inw relat­
if we prosper, the people in Europe
pared by the organ Ratios The Amity ing to organisation and educational
muat prosper as well, for they are district leads In walnuts with 200 work In accident prevention Although
our customers in the main.
ncrae Medford I* fir*I In apple acrw the amendment does not be-om* ef­
Congress, however, is listening to age with a total of 2063 acre* Med fective until July I. report* have been
to the people somewhat. In formu­ ford also leads In the production of received by the commiaaton Indies!
pears. havlag 3710 sere* of this prod | Ina that the organ Isa l ton of safety
lating tariff heretofore it has listen­ UcL The Dalle* district signed up
com in 11 lees already to In progree*
ed mainly to the wishes of the man­ 346 sere* of cherries, while Amity had
Information a* Io the population
ufacturers. At last farmers’ inter­ 261 acrea
Ralem to the principal Of Ute Vnlted Rlatea, by color and race,
ests are lining considered, and the berry district la the aasuciallon. with to contained In a bulletin from the
census bureau of the department of
farmer interests conflict in many M7 acres.
commerce, given out recently.
respecta with that of the manufac­
psrtlrailar Interest to the statement aa
turers. Congreaa seems to under­
to Oregon The figures are for »10 and
stand. that is the party in power
»30 Following ar* the figure* Tutsi
Jobaon, driving along a lonely population. 101*0. 7X3 300; »10. 073.706.
does, that unless some legislation
looking to farmers* interests muat road one morning, managed, in some white. »30. 74*.144. »10. 466 0*0.
negroes. 10». 1144. »10. 1403. Indian.
be enacted else the now majority way or other, to ditch his car.
Fortunately a farmer hove in sight »30. USO. Ilio. WM. Chínese, »20.
will be hurled from power and a
3000. ISIS, 7343. Japanese, 1S20. 4131.
moderate tariff, one which will pro­ behind a pair of stout horaea and »10. 34». all others. 1S30. Nt; »10.
duce revenue for the government, Jobaon appealed to him for help.
"Why y*-a*. I gueaa I kin help ye
out; miater.” said the farmer. "Lee
see what it’ll kum to -one day's
use of the team. |6 —”
• »
"One day?” retorted Jobaon
isn't going to take a day to haul
that machine out. io it?”
"Why no," returned the farmer,
"but arter I get the 15 I don't cal-
to do any more work Uli ter-
Advertise in The Seto Tribune and get
and revenue is somewhat needed by
Uncle Sam these days.
The general government will be
inexcusable if it panders to the will
of the tariff barons just now. Cong­
ress should concentrate lu activities
to hard headed legislation for the
best interests of the entire country
at this time
Electrical Equipment
Rooms 1 and 2. over Edwards' store
Telephone 3» R i
. - IL
Sanitary Meat Market
Plntciai ail Sonni
———- Dealers in ——
Ceils Attended
Day or Night
Fresh and Cured Meats
Poultry and Veal
Shelton & Co. Props
yUlrtlh Obtained, fail mined
....... -.............
W. A. Ewing.
A. K. Randall,
Vice Prra.
E. D. My-rs, Cashier
Hurl a bank account today and
provid* for your future.
You will And a checking ac­
count very convenient for your
bum**« transactions
We pay
interest on time deposits.
Real Kilalc Broker
and Notary Public
-li—— IITIT1
Riley Shelton
Fancy &, Staple Groceries
Garden and F ield Seeds
C hina and Glassware
All Hold Ht live and let live priced
Roll Films developed, pictures
printed and enlargements made
from your films.
All work
turned out promptly.
Give us a trial.
Scio, Oregon
Now in the 'l ime to ¡'urchane Your
Ask these well known men why they purchased our plant:
I. H. Co|>elarMi, Crahtrvv. Wm. Volk man. Crabtree; Walter Blackbum,
Reto. t<rorg< Sehlqrth, Oabttse; O. B. Keebier, l-ebanon; Walter Po­
land, She.Id
And many other*
Paul Automatic Water Sydlema
Perfection Milking Machines (Nature** Milker)
Anker I loltlt ( ream Separator*.
at ced Bowl
The Only Self Bal-
Electric W iring hv I jeenited and Bonded Men— Edbmates
Cheer fully Furnished
»27 W Hrat st.
Ptome ».
Old P. O. Building