The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, July 14, 1921, Image 1

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Independent, fearless, free; Not tied to any party; Will support best candidate for office regardless of party
NO. 4«
I............................. ;
«1.76 THE YEAR
♦........... .................
♦ • ♦ • • o
' 108,962 CARS IN JUNE
*•• • +
M <’, Gain«*« of Crabtree callr«l
Harve Shelton and T. II Thoma*
■«n hi« father Sunday evening for a
were Jordan visitors Saturday.
1« the Plan of Senator Penrose and
Mi« Spaix of Willamina, who ha« Tile Shelton Clan Gather« in Force few new spuila a* be was out of The Demand Exceeds the Output
been visiting her brother here, re­
Hu Crowd Unloading Ger
a* Ford Breaks all Pre
to Celebrate Mth Birthday
Mr« Inis Stoddard and son of
turned Io h«*r home Sunday
larw.... | calle-1 Sun-lay for a win­
vious Records.
man War Debt li Aim
of Pioneer oi ’47.
Quite a numlier from Jordan at­
’s supply of loganberries.
tended the celebration nt Mehama
The I’ie Eater has his pump fix«*d
Washington. July It. Probably on the 4th
The 84th birthday of Sarah Jane
being *-l-l out with the Scio
n-> pi-
.! , ■■> ■
n • • '
According to report A Arbuckle Shelton was celebiated at the home
intr-aiuced m the American oinitrrw has sold his property and the family of Mr. and Mrs. J N Bilyeu. Crab-
han !>een regarded an more myst««r- will «-»on depart.
Ire«, on Sunday. July 3.
Andy \rn-«ld an-l «on with wife
ious and sinister than the bill re-
down Sun-lay for a supply of
W illard Grim«*« an-1 wife are vis­
’ cently introduced by Senator fen
iting his
parents, the William
rose (rep.. Penn.) authorizing the Grimeani
Rev Iler and family of Scio were
We join in wishing th«* ters with ox team from Buchanan
»•cretary of the treasury to extend newly weds much happiness
, county, Missouri, i«« 1847. Her pa uut <alur-ia> for a winter'« supply
the time of paymerit of our war
i rents. Nathan Turner an«l Sarah of Royal Ann cherries.
Joe Sent, while blasting Friday,
loan* to foreign government«, in
'Turner, setthsl on a donation lan«l
The old man receiver! a letter
met with a very painful accident
eluding intereat lalwut Jll.lHM),-
claim at Jordan. al«out 10 mileseast from hi» w-n Theodora who is con*
which lacerated his face and injured»» and to r-'cdvr bond* and
of Scio.
i fin»-«! to hi* lied fr- tn the eff«-ct of
a finger quite severely.
obligation* of any foreign govern­
On their arrival in Oregon there getting maahed up when hi« truck
It. F. Bruner and wife and J ('
w«-re seven children two sons an«l broke through a bridge last April '
ment in substitution of those »ow or
Gwathney anti family of Mannford,
hereafter held by the United Stale*
, five daughters, only two survive
near Tacoma. Wn»h.
Okla., are visiting the Chromic« and
under *uch term* and rate* of in-
Mrs. Shelton and her brother Thom­
Our n*«t cream «-<ciai Friday night
Wortmans. Starting June 8, trav­
tereat a* may be deemed for the
as Turner, 91 years of ag«- anti re-
a grami «uct-vsa. selling two
eling via Seligman, Arizona, an-1
best interest* of the United States,
n-ling at McMinnville.
lulwi <>f cream and having a good
San Francisco, by auto they coverod
She was married to Alfred M
the 2300 miles in 24 days, including
As analyzed by Senator McKellar
Shelton on her father's donation
Joe Kalina ha« returned tn help
(dem., Ienn.) the proposed plan is stop« and layovers at various pieces. claim in March, 1865
To them 13
hkgon M i . ht .
brother« through harve«t.
children were born five sons and
for the United Slate* to swap its
Mr Jones and wife of Portland
eight daughters, six of whom are
indebtedness, 99 per cent of which
the week with »he Janie* .Mul­
living: Harvey and J W. Shelton of
probably is good, and to take Gar-
returning home Satur­
man. Austrian or Turkish bonds for
Lyons, Stacy Mct’aJI of Albany,
it. Senator McKellar charged that
After winning two gam«*« straight Maude Burmester of North Rend.
Chris Burmester an-l Mr. Reese
from Jefferson, Scio lost the third Emma Bilyeu, Crabtree. Ida Worth­
an-l w-n» of Bilyeu Den were down
game 6 to 3 Sunday
Ballin an-l ington, Oswego
Morris of the locals were gone, hal­
A sumptuous dinner was -wrv«*d. Wedn> «lav for cherries and logans.
ving the team with a crippled in- furmshe«! by all present, followed Mr« Burton, also of the Den, came
tield. Good fielding l»-hind Miller by much ice cream. Mr« Shelton for cherriea.
of Jefferson, let the locals down was presented by her daughters
Mrs. Cleveland from the «awmill
with few hits an«! fewer runs.
with a large birthday cake decorated near AU* Powell’« was over after a
Scio again plays on its home dia­ with 84 candle*
supply of potatoes.
mond Sunday and promises another
Present at this celebration were
Mrs Weaver an-l daughters have
big league score. Scio has one of Sarah Jane Shelton, xi Crabtree; made several Irins the paat week
the la-st diamonds in the valley, thus Harvey Shelton and J. W Shelton, for berrie* and cherries and all kinds
Senator Smoot (rep . Utah) as­ making faster playing and more in­ Lyons; Stacy Met‘all, Alimny, Mau-lr of vegetables
serted that neither the secretary of teresting games
Burmester, North Bend; Ida Worth­
Th«* Scio Tribune is th«* paper to
the treasury mor the president of
ington, Oswego; Emma Bilyeu,Crab- advertise in tn find «ale« for your
the United Stales had any idea of
”1 say to my republican friend* tree; Haman Shelton, sr., 77. Scio, surplus, as it’s n sure getter.
taking worthies« Ix-nds from one that the burden is upon y-u for leg­ the only surviving memla-r an-l bro­
John Griftin ha« left Salem bring­
country in exchange for good bonds islation. You promise«! the peo|ile ther of Alfre«l M Shelton; Ollie
ing hi« effect - to Elmer’« for «tor-
from another, to which Senator Me to reduce taxation
You are not Shelton, Riley Shelton and wife, E
age while he answers a call from
Kellar replied that if such is not doing it
I call your attention to <’. Shelton and wife. Herbert Shel­
their intention, why put the provis­ the fact that there are but two p-ai- ton and wife. Vardie She ton and
Ed Kalina has his barn full of hay
ion in the bill?
Why give them sil>le ways In which you can reduce wife, Ona Shelton. Floyd Shelton,
an-l has to bale a surplus of some
that authority?
taxation in this country at this tune. J. I. Shelton and wife, Mrs. Art
15 tons.
Senator McKellar charge«! that One is by the collection of the in­ Shelton. Clair McLain and wife,
Old <>n<-ryed I’ie Eater has 24
the bonds <>f (b-rinnny, Austria and terest on this ten or eleven billion Varney Shelton, Lyle W. Shelton,
Turkey were worthless, ami asserted dollars of f «reign in<iebt<*<lnes-« The Ruth D Shelton. Andean Shelton, Hi-nalava hu«brs which he is quite
that no other bonds were mentioned interest on it wif^amount to SfiiMI.- E 1). Mvers an<! wife tmd daughter sun* will yield over 1000 gallon« of
except tile bonds of them* three 0011,000 a year In round tigurra. Helen. J. L Rtlyeu an-l wife and «on lu*rrie« which h«- offer« at 15<* |»er
’‘The allies,” he «aid. which will l«e one-tenth of the taxa­ Delmer. all of Scio; Sarah E. Shel­ gallon any tim after the first ->f
"have no other bonds of other coun­ tion w«* imp««** if we *|>«-nd >4.500.. ton. Haman Shelton, jr an-l wife, August Up toOclolier.
It 1« r«-p--rt«-d that th»- contractor
tries except those <>f Germany. Aus­ per year. If you will col­ J N Bilyeu. Kenneth Bilyeu, Wan­
tria and Turkey, which lionds they lect that interest you can reduce da Bilyeu. Andrew Bilyeu. Vance has start«*d work on cutting down
are now receiving as reparations.”
Bilyeu, Lucile Bilyeu. S. II. Cole and the Franklin Butte hill.
tales one ninth.
Senator Smoot included in possible
“I hope '.hat provision which give« wife. Perry Bilyeu wife and daugh­
• »
bon-it receivable those of Belgium. the secretary of the treasury the ter Ima. J. A. Sumpter and son
Judging Work.
Italy, Poland ami the little indepen­ right to sutwtituteGerman, Austrian R«*nel. Dale Arnold. George Sump-
July 15 Is the -late set f--r a judg­
dent Countries set up by the war. to and Turkish le«ndy for the bonds of ter, Vilas Kinzer. all of Crabtree;
which we have advanced money. He such nation« as England, France. Mary F. Shelton. I<yun«; Mary E ing tryout for all livestock clubs in
also said that if the secretary of the Italy and Belgium, will be stricken Shelton, Portland; A. R McCall, i the north end of the county. Or­
R H Thoma« wife an«! daughters ville Gilkey of Scio, local leader of
treasury undertook to exchange from the bill.”
good bonds for worthless ones that
Concerning the power to take Marian an-l Margery, Marion Thom- i the sheep dub. is putting <«n judg­
congress would stop him immediate­ txmds of one country for bonds of as an-l wife. Fred Anderson wife an-l ing work on all clawiee of livestock.'
The <'n-wf-xit pig dub ui-d«r the
ly. but McKellar. prompted by Sen another. Senator Smoot admitt«-«! he «»n Edwin. E I.. McKern wife and i
ator Fletcher, retorted that if one- thought that is a great power to daughter Betty Lou, Mrs. Minerva leatiemhip of Mrs. W. Pauley, and
Burkhardt, Emetine Carson, I. H. j the l^ebanon pig duh under the
leu th of the secrecy cuntinues to confer upon the secretary.
Secretary Mellon has appeared Campbel! am! wife. H. Bryant. C E- leadership of L. il. Berry, the Lak«-
.prevail atx-ul thia indebtedoees the
transaction might be completed be­ before the finance committee liut Clifford, all of Albany; II E Bur-I view an-l Crabtree pig dub« have
fore congress knew anything about beyond the statement that the ->nly master. Jane Hu rmeater. North lien«! signiAoi their intention of coming
funding negotiations entered into Ore; Henry Bilyeu wife and son over on that day.
On July 27 at i p. m. at the farm
Senator McKellai made a strong were with Great Britain. sh«*d O-< Roy. Mrs. hum« Frost, Lebanon;*
U. II Davidson of Shesid. judging
plea for collection of th« interval on light upon the matter.
will lie given on shorthorn«,
this indebtedness, about 1500,000.-
and all club member« are invited to
Ono per annum, in order to reduce determined to bring tn light all the
(Continued on p.g« 4.»
details of this mysterious proposal.
taxation, saying:
the bill is an effort to help our late
allies to repudiate their debts and
give us a lot of worthless bond* for
In other words the allies would
discharge their obligations to the
Uniter! States which art* good ami
collectable by turning over to this
government the bonds and securities
they receive from th-* cenfral pow­
ers in payment of reparations.
During (he month
Port! Motor C-impanv.
troit factories «ml
plant* throughout
of June, the
thru it« De­
22 aaaumbly
th«* country,
reached th«* production of IO8.9<>2
Ford car* an-l truck*, setting up a
n«*w high record for one month.
Production of Ford cars and truck«
has tx*en steadily Increasing since
early spring, and «hows sulwtantial
gains over the same i>eri<>d last year.
The second quarter of 1921, vis.:
April. May an-l June, shows an out-
put of 91)1,796 Ford cars an-l trucks
against 220.878 for the -tame three
months of last year, or a net increase
of MI.9IR.
Despite the fact, however, that
the Ford plants hav«* bes*n running
at maximum capacity, the demand
for Ford car« an-l trucks is not be­
ing met, ami at th-* present time
many thousand unfilled orders have
ia*s*n pil«-«! up ahead w> that Ford
«ales art* still liinit«*<l by manufactu­
ring facilities rather than marketing
Particularly is this
true with resnFct to enclosed cars,
for which the demand has been un­
usually heavy.
One leason cited by Ford officials
for the unprc«*e<ientud demand for
Ford cars la the present tendency
toward economy.
Many of those
whose names have l»*en a-l<l«*<! to the
long list of buyers might well have
afforded larger an-l more coally car«
than the Ford, but it is ths belief
that most pnaipective motor car
buyers are investigating all of the
c-aita Ind-lent to motoring much
more carefully than at any |M*rl«>d
during the past five year*.
The estimated output of the Ford
factories for July call« for 109.000
car« and trucks, or A production <>f
4860 a -lav for 25 -lays
Siiin- the
amembling of cars 1» l«*ing handled
during an 8 hour work day only.lhe
hourly output will bs* 445 car«
other words, one Ford car or truck
leave« the iusm ml-ly line every »-J
Lowe Bros. Paint -Varnish
Linseed Oil
Sheep Dip
Cow Spray
Shingle l>ip
Coal 1 ar
Crude Cnrlxilic Acid
1 .irne
Fish Oil
Poultry I louse Spray
Kelly’s Drug Store