. » LOCAL NEWS BREVITIES Bonui Coaaitaio* Named Linn county la in a beluva fix. No credit, say* Butler; and who’* to Th* ‘Hungry Hill" boyagotaway blame other than a heluva court, Salem. Jun* 14 - Governor Olcott with Crabtree Sunday bv 10-9 «core. aay th* people. announced today that as aoon a* the A wagon load of new potato*« E D. and Mr* Myers attended vote* were rarivisni ami the bonus waa disposed of bare Monday , the aervicee at Corvailia, Sunday, for amendment proclaimed a law he will Half of the Lebanon Express Ve­ the college graduating clan*. iled Scio Sunday afternoon Ram ia needed badly in the Scio Wood in Seto la aelling at 20 per country. Farmer* any not a half cent lea* than laat year. crop will be produced unlee* a Book­ "Want ads" In The Tribune get ing rain comes very aoon. result*. Try once. C. H Wain of Junction waa down the first of the week looking after businea* matter*. The Scio rod and gun club will have a ehoot Thu red ay (today I at 7 p. m. Mra V. A. McKnight. accompan­ ied by Mr. and Mra. Coffey, la viait* Ing in Sama Valley. George Merdian haa been kept buay thia week filling order* for atrawberrice. Mra. A P. Ilirona of Shelburn apent Saturday in Scio and attended the picture ahow in the evening. The Marion I mmc I m II team witied the ground with Seio'a team Sunday at Marion by a ecore of H to 2. Free tolls for eoaatwiae veeeela will probably become a law at the present eraaion of congreaa. Sylveeter Bender of Jordan, who waa operated on at the Scio hospital for append lei tie. returned home on Sunday. Joseph Fink, who waa operated on at the hospital for bone disease, left for hie home at Jordan Satur­ day Fred Bilveu and J. W. Eastman went to McMinnville laat Thursday to watch the performance of a Ford- eon tractor in pulling etumps. Fifty Albany bova and girla left In an auto truck Tuesday to climb Marya Peak Secretary of the Treasury Mellon Will oppose enactment of a aoldier bonus law by the present session of eongreaa. J. W. Eastman, who la connected with the Ford Motor Co. with head­ quarter* in Portland, with hi* eons James and Dan. were guest* at the Fred T. Bilyeu home laat week. The Clackamaa stock judging team won the prise at the annual IJnn County Jersey club picnic at the J. C. Brown A Sone farm, near Shedd. Seattle muat lie growing wild and woolly. A Monday diafiatch in the Oregonian is headed "Bear Killed in Seattle " Our Bohemian friends expect to aoon commence the erection of a lodge hall on their lot on the aouth aide, next to Thomas creek. One of the remarkable discoveries of the laat few year* is that when wages go up efficiency comes down; while when wages come down effi­ ciency goes up in greater ratio. appoint Arthur C. Speocer. an at­ torney of Portland, and Captain Ly­ man D. Rice, tanker ami ex-service man, of Pendleton, as mem tar* of the world war veterans state aid commission, created by th* act. Don’t neglect to attend tbe pio­ The other menders of the com­ neers’ picnic at Brownsville on Jun* mission will be the governor, secre­ 22. 23 and 24. A very excellent tary of state and adjutant-general program has been prepared. ' for It. 4 i A great surprise for the home knitters of the state. Th* commiasion will Houses are in demand in Scio. A of Oregon, but still a fact. Further­ Wilson strawberries for tai*. CaMj be called together at an early date ■mall building, not in good condi­ or write F Hora. R. 1. (old Chytil more. this yarn ia absolutely virgin wool yam. the wool was grown in Linn to outline plan* and detail* covering , place). 43 St* tion. I* offered fur rent at II't per county sold bj Mr. Senders to the Ore­ reg u II tiona. month. Team of horses for rale; weigh' gon Worsted Company (mills located at Sellwuod). made into worsU-d yam by IfioO rach; 7 year* old. Also black Roy T Bishop, son of C. P. Bishop, The Portland fl<»od reached the Portland haa a foreign population mate. 1200 lbs.. N years old Clinton proprietor of the Woden Mill Store of creel Sunday evening 24.3 feet - I of 47.000. Salem. Oregon knitter« try this yarn E. Arnold. R 1. Scio. 43 2t out. All colors. 45c per bail of 2 osa. the higheet in 10 year*. The Snake .... ... ..... .... Samples sent on spplxation. Address The Warren Gray «ale f rvgi« and Columbia river* are receding. A market road northeast of town C. P. Bishop, Box 7b, Salem, Oregon, fared Jersey* al Marion, recently Mr. and Mr*, Cook are now dom­ was graded but not graveled laat advertised in our columns, was a iciled at the home of The Tribune I year. Now it i* reported thia grade decided success Thirty animal* editor. Therefore we have a cook ia ordered mover! 10 feet. Some were aoid for an average of |222 50. by both name and demonstration. county authority is of the non com- Three cow* brought $t>00 and over l>o* mentis el*M in thus wasting th* A Baby contest ia to be one of the with a top of |54O The offering feature* of the Albany home prod­ was alworlied by IN buyer*. 3 head taxpayers* money. «•-* * ucts show "And why not?" asks going to British Columbia. 1 to Nitici ti Patron ScbHl Ottlnct No. 95 our office devil. Washington, the balance remaining Commissioner Butler. In declaring in the Willamette Valley. About Word was received from the State I hie intention to resign, stated that a 500 people attended the sale Superintendent of Public Instruction to j younger man was needed for the the effect that owing to a recent change | place. A man on th* Scio street* in the school law« the annual tai meet Do You Know Why Our Customers Ing c.rtlld not t>e held as scheduled, but waa heard to say "the other mem­ A*k for Kryptok*? the annual election of officers will be Because Krvutok lense* and blank* ber* of the court should follow hi* held as stated in the notice. ■re of the finest quality. exam pl*." JENNIE SHELTON. Because Kryptok* are the only in­ It pay* to advertise I as I week Clerk. visible bifocal and thev give the our reporter inadvertently attached greatest amount of natinfaction to Notice to Contractors. Sam Stoller's name to a ' strawber­ the wearer. Notice is hereby given that Linn ries for «ale" ad. Sam could have county. Oregon, will receive scaled pro posáis al the office of the Linn county sold near a hundred gallons within clerk. Albany. Oregon, up to L0Ü 24 hour* had he the berries. o'clock p m.. Thursday. June 30th. 192!, for the excavation and construe (apt. E. 8. Edward*. Mr. and Mr*. lion of drains on Market Road No. 12 Jefferson Myer* who have been vis­ over Franklin Butte, situated about D» miles south of **elo. iting with friend* here left Sunday, * ALBANY OAgB, Th«- work will consult of furnishing (apt. Edward* for Newport Oregon, labor and malcríala for excavating the HAROLD Al JI RO, roadway to the proper grade and plac­ for a weeks visit, thence home to ing drain tiles All work to be done in Manufacturing Optician Portland. accordance with the plana and specifi­ cations on file in the office of thr county Inadvertently the names of the engineer, copies of which may be seen at the office of the l inn county clerk, high achool graduates were omitted and any additional information required laat week ia reporting commence­ may be secured from the county cngi neer. ment exercises. Thev are: Ken­ Each bid muat Iw accompanied by a neth D. Hlron*. Marvin P. I»ng. Eyesight Specialist certified checa of at least b per cent of the amount bld and made payable to John G. Ran***. Maurice M While. the county court. Ida F. Pruitt. Haxel D. Philippi. The county court reserves the right to reject any or all prof-osals or accept Mary B Roner. Rose E. Chromy, the iirupuaai or prvptsmla deemed beet Freda G. Thayer. for the county. At HoTEl. SCIO every Saturday By order of the county court this 14th Wednesday at about 10 a. m. Mr. day of June, 1921. R. M RHHSEI.L. Clerk. ami Mra. A. McCrae were driving to Albany. At the crossing two t EARN El ECTRICITY get Into a ground to order. Weak miles north of Albany their car be­ big business growing big pay n<>W eyre perfectly fitted for Electricians. Auto Elec trie lass. came unmanagable. The machine Ignition Eiperts, Battery Men. Me­ started up the track and meta train. chanical Draftsmen big future for Mra. McCrae waa eo badly Injured M) one piece special ground glasses Engineers ef every kind yoe can that she died before the train reached I make young or old good eyesight for master one of these lines earn mor* Albany. McCrae waa ao badly in­ reading, rkjae work or distant vision money -gain success — write today All glasses fitted by me are war­ for free catalog hundred* of grad jured that he ia expected to di*. ranted to give satisfaction. sates holding good jobs over 2,000 There were no other* in the car. men trained annually—a great school for ambitious menv-wnte today. JEFFERSON. ORE Heald's VagineerIng S< hnol Home Products WEEK Dr. Prill went to Jordan Sunday and inspected the work being done on the power plant and found it progressing very well, in fact work on the dam will probably begin by July 1 If the water in Thoma* creek will permit. John Sticha. city re­ corder. ia on the grounds all the time and doing effective work. &&fìleade Optometrist. in ALBANY Dr.W. B Richardson June 20-25 A BIG SHOWING OF OREGON MADE GOODS Few Japaneee Marry for Lev*. The Orient and the Occident ar* no­ where farther apart than In their An Albany woman. Mrs. G, C. views and customs as te the mating Wire, waa l«dly injured Sunday af­ <>f tnen and women, according to Juli­ ternoon in an auto wreck on the Al­ an Street In McClureX In Japan mar risges for love rarely occur, though It bany-Tangent road. Is said that the tendency of young A. C. S.’hmitt and Mrs Percy people to marry to sull them«««vea la Kelly of Albany were here visiting rrowing. Young Japanese girla orten look with envy upon nomen of other the Pythian Sisters at last meeting nations where tn artt ng* for love la the to interest them in the coming show gem-ral mie Prel-ahly they suplióse «neh mat rhe* ar* Invariably happy ; of Oregon products at Albany. that the love la always real love, and Farmer* looked at the threaten­ that It endures forever No dnnht the ing rain cloud* of Tuesday anxious­ Occidental system vlew«M from afar, looks as rosy te a Japanese girl as ly. A good soaking rain would be their system looks appalling te an vmrth thousand* of dollar* to east­ American girl. ern Linn county now. Aunt Kate Morris, with her son Milton and hie wife, of The Dalles, laat week waa visiting with nephew* Riley, Henry and Enoch Shelton. Aunt Kate ia near NO year* of age. A Du roc sow du* to farrow soon.' DR J. W GOIN. for sale or trade for a good cow. Veterinarian. 44 2t Chas Chrx Authorised Auction Sale and Interstate Inspector, Wanted, an Auto George W Mor­ rbones —Palace Feed “lied. 1*4 J row ha« 4 cows, 2 horse*. wagon and Residence. 500 R harness to sell, or will trail* for an ALBANY. OREl^lN v automobile in good condition. See him about It. 44 2t For sale cheap. HMM) feet l-inck A grade Jersey cow for sale, will pipe and MM) feet I-inch pipe In­ freshen aoon Price $45. F. J. quire J. F. Wreely, Scio. 43tf Kula, Shelburn, Ore. 44 2t I am in the market for fat lambs Registered male Dur»e Jersey hog and sheep. When you think thev are 3 year* old. for sale F. W. Hurd. ready call, let me make you a price. R 1. box HI. Scio. 43 21* 40tf J. L. R oimikiui . Si io. Shelton A Co. of the Sanitary Market, want your veal and will call Oregon Mad* Home knitting Yarns. Sas trsnewu* We have on display Oregon City Blankets and Coats, Pendleton Wool Shirts, Cherry ¡City Gloves, Jantzen Ribbed BathingSuits and Sweaters, Berg­ man Shoes, and many other lines. CHERRO FLOUR Let’s Boost For Im-nkfaat a dish of Clierro (’errala nini a aide or irr of Cherro Hol ('ultra. The other m«*ala will hr relished if the bread is made from ChetroElour,which ia pure and wholesome with an unex­ celled flavor. Net In HI* Calendar. Little Dickie Is an Epla-i-palias. and therefor» accustomed to ••»lebratlng many church holiday* The other da> he stood looking at the signs In the window of a ctiMed drug More He waa thirsty, very thlrMy. and longed for Monday to com* »hen he might In vest In something cool. Mborlouaiy he «polled mil the «Ign “Nut 3 u n da y.** Ills countenance assume* a look of disgust “Well." be r jareis ted. “I've heard of Ash Wednesday. Shrove Tuesday and Good Friday, hut to have tbe drua Mere d u ssd 'esuas It's Nut Hue-lay la 1141 Hutter -Street Home Products The Blain Clothing Co. ALBANY, ORE. AND CHERRO CEREALS USE CHERRO PRODUCTS