The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, June 16, 1921, Image 3

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' ———
mouth Pendleton snd 4 •bland Ths would be Impossible according to a
sessions will open st Monm<>uth and verbal opinion of tb« attorney general
Pendleton June 37 and at Ashland
There were tp ta-rson« arrested fur
June 30
traffic vlelatloua in Oregon In May.
Margaret tlsrtand. aged 35 from whom fine« were collated tg
years, said to be huu»> keeper for «regaling 14118 30. according to rw-
Frank l> Wilson of Portland. waa kill­ port» received from many counties of
Principal Events of the Week ed Instantly and her employer waa an the state and tabulated by T A Raf­
i seriously Injured th.«» h« later died ferty. tn charge of the law enforve-
Briefly Sketched for Infor­
when a small automobile in which they mrut bureau of the motor vehicle de
f were driving to IVrtland after a picnic partment
mation of Our Readers.
trip Jumped from th« Columbia river
To protart the city water supply
1 highway r.-ar Bridal Veil fill» to ih>- system fr.uu posalhle Injury Aledbvrd
Th- Bh«rM«n Wiltamln* bond i«su« foot ef a 400 foot cliff.
has filed an Injunction suit against the
Was lost In Tv* »day*« eleclion by 47
Reduction* aggregating an annual Hocus Htver Valley t'anal c.unpany
saving of approximately SJ«0.o«o to and the Medford irrigation district,
Klghty-*!* China pheasants have gas customers of th« Portland tins asking a temporary restraining order
b»«i. "planted" In th« woods near th« A Coke company will be made «dfac­ to prevent building along and over
Country club golf links •• Gnrvallia. tive June 4 through an or»l»r Issued the right of way of the city's water
Th« stockholder« of th« t'orvallu by th« Oregon public service com­ pipe supply system
gamer:.t linapttal hat« voted to Increaae mission
Continuance of federal aid In the
the capital «tuck from !'..'• owe io 450.-
Edgar fl Piper, editor of The Ore­ sum of I annually for th*
gonian. will deliver the comment ement stat««, with an additional flu.outt.uoo
Former re«liienta at 111 Inola now address at th« university of Oregon for turret roads, waa naked In a tele­
Ila Ing tn Rogu»- Itlver a alloy ar« plan June 30 Comment <-m» nt will be celt» gram prepared by the stale highway
Ring to h'>ld a pltnlc at Akbland brated thia year by a reunion of the department and addr»»«aed to the lire
class of ISM. which will lie Ha J.Mh gon delegation In congr<-sa The tele
Jun« ¡4
gram waa signed by II A Booth, chair
The- ’■••h an i .1 •*•-' >n nt the anniversary
Th«» s» h «ils of Sherman county rank man of the commission
Frl- nds Church uf Oregon opened at
The Oregon Grower«* Cooperative
Newberg last week and continued for first In efficiency In a rompuri-* >n of
educational and financial factors rev­ aaaocistlon.
five days
Conannt wa« granted by the sanat« ering a period of «lx years, compll.-d Halctn. now baa a total of 1804 mem
tn II II. Haynes to construct a dike by J A t'hurrhlll. slate superintend bers. and controls approximately 3u.
Muitnom th 7)3 acres of land in th« <«*teru part
ac ross Mud slough, on Isthmua Inlet, in ant of public Instruction
county ranks act ond and Morrow third of the state
When the a«»«><lation
Coos county. Oregon
Sheriff Terrill of Jackson county. In was organised. August I. 1818. th«
Preparations an' being made by O
1* Ftiremun to erect a shingle mill a public statement .led that Dr. membership was 137 «nd the aereag«
on upp»>r Maple creek. which Is a few , E J liulgln. who Is holding evangel- lid not exceed 300U acre«
• latlc meetings In Medford be called
Heveril month« will «lapse before
miles south of Florence
It T Rimma of t’orvallla and J. I*. before the grand Jury and give «vl the machinery la la shape tn suable
Cole nt Molalla w' re appointed nw tn dence to support his recent charge« ' the soldiers' bonus bill to function The
bera of the stale livestock sanitary | that Jackson county bus a "noae- 1 Itslribulloa of a bonus and loans to
I count” sheriff
, 1 ho service men will be tn the hands
board by Governor Olcott
The Newberg Berriana, comprising •fa commission consisting of the gov-
The llngun Wool and Mohair as |
aociatlon passed the thousand member »0 representative buslnc«* mt n of New 1 «mor. the srM-retary of slate, the adju
berg and berry raisers of the sur­ ‘ tant ««neral of the state and two other
mark on June 4. when the total meta
rounding territory has been orgauited members to be appointed by the gov
iH-rshlp amounted to 1018
The state highway engineer has The organisation Is fcrm»M primarily ernor, owe of whom «hall be a service
Thoee memh» rs are to servo
started work at Wusco on the first '.« give publicity to Newberg and adver­ man
unit of the Sherman highway which tise its poselbilltlo« from th- stand without compensation
point of gen«rsl fanning and berry
Sherman county, which for many
win bn between Waaeo aad Moro
tears has had th« dl», of b>-ln«
While visiting Clyde M Morn« at growing
actual development work on th« 1 he first county In Oregon to fll« re
Slb-tx. Waller Frarler of California
United Htat»»s submarine l.a«e at the turns of elections with th»' seeretary of
whs stricken with apoplexy, fell Into
| Tongue point site has been begun. 1 state, now has to take a back seat
the Lower Hlleti and was drowned.
The Fischer Flouring Mills company Actlvo construction, however. must ■ Yamhill and Washington counties
at Corvallis turned out last year <♦.- await the completion of aurveys and •hare honors far first place In filing
the results uf the ape« lai » lection with
000 barrels of flour ,rom wheat sup other preliminaries
Buimou are asm-ndlng th« Upper the atate department
The returns <
plied by Bentoo. lauie and Polk coun
reached the
The Astorfh Overseas corporation large numbers, according to Master ••vretary of state Friday Canvassing <
Fish Warden Cart Shoemaker, and ‘the votes prntiatdy will start this week
han just closed the sale of 11,000 bar
rels of Astoria imide flour, which will prospects are that the egg take thia and probably will be completed tw-forc
July 1. according to the accretary of
be shipped to Europe on the steamer year will be very large
_ _______
Unite of the Oregon national guard itata.
The United State« dairy division ban from all aectl-ina of th« atate started
asked the O. A C dairy department to moving Tuesday for Camp l-ewla and
furnish two dairy students to act aa Fort Stevens, where the annual en- Estate ef ths Qrsst Musielan W»i Es
Inspectors of navy butter In California campment and field Instrmtlon will
timatsd at His Demit« to Amount
be held June 15 tn 29. Inclusive
to About «17.
The public schools of Clatsop county
rank fourth among the counties of ths
State In a corapariron of educational
and financial fact ora covering a period
of six years.
Thirty one Jerseys, all females and
a number of them thin spring a calves,
were sold at the stat« fair grounds
at 8al«m last week fur a total of lix.’.O.
an average of 818<> «ueb
A slight Increase In mien, aggregat
Ing approximately 1*14 annually. Is
granted to the Clatskanie Fleet rlc
company In an order issued by ths
puitllt service commission.
Thomas II Cutaforth, a blind pay
ehologlst, who has been teaching
school at Riddle, will be one of the 31
graduate assistants to be employed by
the I’mu rsity of Oregon this year
Resident- alone the line of the
Southern Pacific In Clackamas county
are signing i- tlti..,.- protesting to the
members of th« public service com
mi-isloii .ivamat the increase in fares
The annual drainage field trip of
the (lrecon Mat« hr al nag« aaaoclalion
came to a conclusion at Tillamook
Tits drainage association visited 34
drainage projects on the thrra-day trip.
The am. ndnisut authorising pay­
ment of cash bonus or grant of a loan
of atate money to veterans of th«
world war waa carried In the stats
election by a vote approximating three
to nn«
Muster of the newly organlred head
quHrters company. First battalion.
Fifth Infantry. O N G . was eft«« tad
at Kagsns last Friday when 41 men
were sworn into stats snd national
Rida for th« construction of 15 cut
yerta. six small bridges and on« so-
called crosalng. will be opened at a
special meeting of th. stale highway
commission to be held In Portland
Jam- 18
Th» Bay Horse mln«, located In the
eastern part of Baker county, la pre­
paring a tramway which will acentn
modate th« shipment of M tons of ore
dally to Rpokan»' The values are prln
clpally silver.
Preparations have been completed
far th« summer sessions of tbs Ore-
gun Nuimal school to be held al Moa-
I telega tea from most uf the cities
and towns of Marion. I.Inn. Yamhill.
Polk. Henton and Lincoln counties to
the number of approximately 150 par
tlctpatw<1 In a district < -uvention of
the N«lghl>ore of Woodcraft at AHuvny
fawrenre tlllman writ«« «• follows
r»-gardlng the poverty of Fmni tbbu
la-rt (171<7 1RM). otte of the greotest
anti moot Inspired i'on>|M»*en> the
world ever know, says the Ivettver
The eighteenth annu .1 convention of
“Bchubert, who ««« almas* the see
the S. ns and iMughtera of Norway, nt bls contemporary. Shelley, «»m
district No 3. comprising California,
hl* It minor symphony In the
i Oregon. Washington, Montana. Idaho. jesr of Shellej's death IJke Shelley,
British Columbia and Al.i.-ka. waa held he was tor» well beloved of the go»is;
In Pnrtlaud with n arly loo d«l«K*les Shelley dle»l at thirty. Schubert st
I thirlv one. lie war four fifth« |«-u*.int
and visitors In atlendancc
and be «ang like a rustle angel, W'h»-n
Wasco county wIII thia y . ar have one
hr died be left tw-hlnd him iw-reonal
of th. bigg, at bar >.sts uf wheat In Its
effects valued at a little over 812 nn»l
history uni«»« the hot east w.ud In aotne of the loveliest nwwdc In exist
Jur«« It. according to E H Ja< «man
i-txce A f»*w nuats, wsl«l< i»ats. tmuwra,
county agent
Mr suit th« sboea. sldrta, crsvsl«, handkereblrf*,
county's 1831 crop probably will yield Wicks, one bat, one towel, one *h»-et
two bedeaern. one inattr«<u>. one Iml
I, 409.000 bushel« of sh. al
Harry Agee, as» d 3®. of Port 11 nd. •ter one quilt and a quantity of inanu
•rript« a|q>rai-«-»l by the »»tbrisl ln»en
waa stable d In the thrust ben- >lb the
t»»ry nt ten florins («boat •4'«»). can
right ear «nd wounded fatally,
died Just after reaching the hbapllal
Within a yenr of hl* •teeth h»- hail
The police believe that the crime svl I mw - ii unable to afford a 17 'ent dinner
committed by a burglar whom Mr and lie was Mdllng *••■»« of tbe great
»••t ■»•ng* ever wriitm for the lien
Agee had surprlsol rifling the IxireiU
As Sir
A break attributed to the burrowing price of four subway tickets
of a gopher cauaed a dike protecting George Grme «vb-w»rve«. •|»«wide this,
the poverty of Muaart th* tlrwt of the
the Twentieth Century tru<k farm at
two great musician« wh»nn Vienna lui*
J. H Koberg nt Hood Ittver to give
allowed to starve was wraith.' Mir
way. Inundating th« mid Columbia^ George |a ex«rrt*rd Jw-ennee he ran
most extensive truck garden and cn
find In Kchulwrt no trace of 'formal or
tailing a loss estimated al more than dogma tic religion.' No donl»t a life
tint« nt privation and neglr«l and a
81 »1.000
C I* Rar «tale, of Baker, who h«ld luiaerable deathbed simuld dl«|H>*«' a
the largest wool clip of laat year and man toward 'formal nr dogmatic re
this year in thst r< tlon of the slat«, llglon.' and develop a »plrit of humlde
approximately ?7o.i-»X> pound«, has sold rrntllud»' for no Inetrwrtive an expert
»•new of the ways of l*r»»videnra"
It to th« Portland Warehou«»» com
pany of Portland, resolving 14 cents
Duka, ny the Hour
a pound. The clip waa of the flneitt
In Concord. Maaa. there mved to b.-
a liveryman who reat»-<l h«.rwra fur
The Hood River valley appl« bar
trips around tl»e town, all hie horwew
vest may not reach th« mark anticipat­ ex»'«pf one. Ihike invariably wa* rent
ed at blossom time, when ire«« wer* ed by th« tmur. On« day. when th»-
lie» rynian was about to retire .m a
uever before so laden with bioomg
A rerent Inspection of orchard* cause« C» hh I *ls»-d rmu|teletice he eXptnlmM
“Imke,” he *ald. “Illu*trat«s the pos
belief that the tonnage may n >t «1
•ll>llliy nf visible nmtlon wlth<wtt high
c»»-d 3.O4H1 mwv boxes, the yield of the
I I, vl-lble progress “ It *ho«ld be Nn
district tn IPIt.
• lerwtmal that the liveryman dated hack
J II Miner of llcnd has written a tn the day of the Concord sclmol of
letter to the attorney general agk'M phlllt«»q>hy.
“Ivnke,” he explained
whether ten ex service men of that
'makes n<> money by the trip hat by
vicinity ran pool their loeas for the the h»vur
well, l»ukc when
purpvsve of purchasing a slock ranch. I In gn»»d form ran tr»s for bve minute«
I nder the bonus and loan art this . in the *h«de ef a Ires."
F «Rî’
’s #
I > «
Vacation Trips
N'-wr'a the Lime tu plan a vlalt bach Fast to vuur oil home town, or u>
«»fit ng to your favorite rraort by the aeMhore or in the muunluuia.
I kick Elast
!>»>w Koottd Trip Ticketa
One way Fares
TH llOl’GH
miv chiw
on •*!<’ at
will be in effect
Jam I*, ««d daily tbenaits*
IO-Ju-cd I are
Final return limit round trip ticket*, three month* from «ale date not
exceeding Octolwr 31st. Htofwovers permitted an»i ch»»lci> of rout»"'.
tin your back east trio, •««• Crater luxkv. Lake T»h>»e. Yoaemltc. Sc
quota National Park, 1 arrieu Gorge a grand ami highly color»'«! • -uiyon
«••x-n from the rar wunlaws or the Apitchc Trail and KO»«*»-veil Bam
W eek-end and Season Excursion tickets
arc now on sale to;
Tillamook Coir-.ty Bearbet
New port
A pnrtieularly attractive trip
•cruna the C om 4 Rang»- Mounl-
am* Vhe»«' twachcainclude Rock-
awav »twl » -ariliahlt Itcach Resorts
Nil. KahNic, Manx aiuta and
A delightful aeaaborr r»-«ort on
Yaqutna itay atei th»* Pacitic
An nb'sl place for th»-
luirge natntorhim and
salt water bath* various form«
of amuaement
D» h <»••• («avi » Portland (Inion
stallo»» H; 16 A. M
llaily train servko.
SpM>al w*A »«d u»»a icavra Port­
land I num Station Saturday 12.16
I* M
’ Or»»*« Oat*••<«,'' our m-w -urn
mcr booklet, graphu ally ik-acril>ra
the different rra<-rls in Western
Orrytun. ami im'lu<l<* hotel mal
camp irformation
Copy free on r» <|U»'«t
1 Icetrtc train Icavra l*»»rtland.
4th »1
t* . 1:15 1*. M ,
coniH-ctmg with week «tal tram at
No bagpagi- harwihtl
mi electric train.
Mountaln and Other Resorts
(M« m < U'-rcilcnliush Huí Spríng«, Mt. Jefferson Country * -1 teketa now
on sal»-
M-< r^w H*l 3*ri«(»
Ticket* now 011 «ale.
J*»» s 4 um Cesefy Cavss
Tichela now on «ale.
C»«i»r l*k« (a lakc in extlnct cráter of vote ano)
Sba»t» Mewatafa k•»•««•
Y»»»«*«« N» i »« m I F«rk
Tichela on sak July l«t
Tickets on sale, daily. o<i and afl> r Jun< iOtii
Ticket* on sai«', daily, on and aft<-r Jun< !<>tl>
For | arto liara a» lo paaeenger farv». routrs, train achedul» • <»r *leep
mg car r» .» rvatunM, Inquiro ol any ticket agent of
General l'aaaenger Agent.
4.1 8
Thos. Large, Real Estale
list your property with me
Graduate Optometrist
Having taken the Pacific Agency
fur -**cio «nd viemity, 1 am In a |«>-
• ition to advcrti«» farm pn»;<ertl«a
and busim**»'< ol all kinds i-> thia
vicinity pi«< ticaily over all oi the
Northwest. <>r, if you arc think­
leg of buying here or ekwwhere in
th«- Northweal, or triule for farms,
bu»in»««vs or pnqierties, it will tie
to your advantage to call on me
aiul look over my listing« in (his
lit»«-; ai I hav«' li>ting« in moat ev
cry locality in Oregon an»! U aah
Private ollice for exuminaiiona
Not rxcluxive.
No commiitiea
anleit indramrotal in irlbag
your property
Ainu will akc listing* of personal
pro|**rty to loiy or sell.
«<«««««•a »»♦«♦♦♦•♦♦•♦♦•♦♦♦
Our tw< i t) '.car rural crrMit plan of mo
to farmer«, help«» you to
gel out of 'iel»t. llndwr <>ur form of
loan th«- total amount of interval pan!
• luring it* entir«
rwalnf twenty years
is actually I»«- than
percent interest.
Writ«- u* for booklet.
lli-l l4'.»n St
AIL hiiv ,
Al t
They haw ailcquittc Strenyth
for the henvicwl service
They hav«* flvnt Traction which
holtin 1 ho road nt a|>e»<i in
any weather
They have Mileage amply sutli-
eient to render yuu 11 MJ '»
They are hand built, although ;
anl«! at th«> price nf m.ichitw- <
made Urea
Every dollar you Inve l tn them I
ia an addition l>> wcatrrn ‘
-u <
IN :
< !
Railroad I iine Table
Arrival and l>»*i>nrture of Pnaaenger
Womlburn SpringfieM Branch
7J»6 a.m.
5:13 p m
Cnrvallla A Eastern
I • MtM*
To Ih-tmit
♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦»»♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦
Mavra Hotel Scio •
at 7 Ml i ni an»l 4 I . p m for Weal fleti,
aixl 7:4f> a m, i. ami 1.1!» p m for Munkcrs
W, A. F.wlng.
A. I Randal^
Vice Prêt.
K. D. Myer*. Usshmr
Mart a l»ank account today and
provide for vuur futur»*.
You will timi a cl eking a<-
count very convenient for your
ituslrveas transaction*. W< pay
Interest on tim» d» i*» I».
John I». < '»iticy, I’rop.
Plioll»' P»-o|.>
Ml I T*»
I I*
Office Hour*
9 tn 12 A M.
I » to fi I* M
SI Atll
« II
Motor err vice dwomtinucd.
< >
Sound All Around
They arc ma»l«- in T acorn a »ml
a»dd tn Scio by
IF YOU W ANT t»» i»uv or trs»lc t»»r 144
acres gmwl stock lami nenrlwiulwater«
of the Ya»p<ina in B» nt»»n cvwinty ae«-
The Tribune's pnnta-r.
<J. C.
a m
jni-2 New First National Bank HMg
P n>