The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, June 16, 1921, Image 1

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Independent, fearless, free; Not tied to any party; Will support best candidate for office regardless of party
. .
Afternoon Program
Good Speak
tn- Scio Orchestra Will
Furnish Music.
The Earm Bureau organization at
Jordan is planning a big picnic at
Wilson Park Sunday. June 26. Ar­
rangements have lieen completed
for an afternoon program after the
big picnic dinner.
Music for the day will lie supplied
bv the Scio orchestra under leader­
ship of Ed WeseJy. Violin, cornet
and sasaphone aoloa will I* given
between speeches.
The speakers will lie A C. Hey­
man, county agent; W. W. Poland,
president Linn County Earm Bureau;
E. N Williamson. county club lead
er; II. C. Seymour, state club lend­
er of (). A. C , and It It Foster,
district club leader of Washington.
D. C.
Fox Valley. Kingston and Scio
communities have a special invita­
tion and farmers from all parts of
the county are welcome
Bring your lunch and have a good
Wilson Park is on Thomas creek,
alaiut six miles east of Scio, and is
the location of the power station of
the new electric light system.
Leg Broken.
Tony Kebxa, 13-year old son of
Anton Kebia of Providence, was
kicked by a horse Monday aflerno in
resulting in a broken leg.
was brought to the Scio hospital
Monday evening and placed in care
of Dr. Prill who made an x-ray ex
amination of the injured leg. It will
be Some time before the leg is of
service again
—Ias -♦
Dr. Richardson Returned.
Dr. W B. Richardson of Jeffer­
son. who has been at Spokane fur
the past seven months, returned re­
cently to Me home in Jefferson. He
will resume his activities as an op­
tician a» he informed The Tribune
last Saturday. He expects to re­
peat his visit Io Scio every Saturday.
Have you
tried the
new 10c
Dealers now
carry both;
10 fur 10c,
20 fur 20c.
11.75 THE YEAR
NO. 44.
♦.................. .................
All out for a g‘K*i lime and a sup­
Shelburn. June 13.
ply of strawberries at lf><* a gallon
Mr* J L Oglesbee returned Sun­
over at ('lark's.
Beginning June 20 and Ending on day from a visit at Summit, Ore
Scheme Designed to Give Credit to
Ed Kalina and wife and Bill Ka­
H O. Shilling. Fred Shilling and
June 25 Object and What
Growers Hat Indorsement of
lina made a Hying trip to Portland
II Shope left this morning for an
to Be Accomplished
extender! outing.
Federal Government.
Saturday in I hours, bringing back
Billy’s wife who was visiting there.
W. II Mclatin an«! wife were at­
Objects To call the attention of
.Mrs. Ere<l Sturges of Suntex.
Harney county, is visiting her father home people to those things made
George Griffin; also her grandma. in Oregon so that they might de­
mand home made products when
Mr» S W. Gaines.
Miss Cleve Beeler of Providence buying
To impress upon everyone more
is visiting relative* and old friends
She and Mrs. S. W Games were fully the importance of liuilding up
our home town, county and state by
old time chums.
patronising our home industries
Pie Fuller an<i good wife visited
above airothers
Grandma Poindexter at Crabtree
To show oursehree as well as our
and found her fairly well though
visitors what a great number of ar­
not able to walk much owing to
ticles are manufactured in Oregon
She lives with her,
dixxv spells.
ami Linn county.
daughter, Mrs. M. C. Gaines.
Theer objects will lie accurnplish-
John Griffin, having finished his
ed by —
job on Elmer's new house, returned
A general exhibit in the commun
to Salem.
ity house or armory in booths eight
Mr. Scott of Is-banon is around feet square, for which exhibitors
insuring property for the Butteville will lie chargei $10, to help defray
Miss A nene Smail is visiting a.
Exhibitors will lie urged to have
sister in Portland.
demonstrators in the booths at least
Our anticipated rain seems to be during Tuesday ami Wednesday to
a failure as we never needed it so explain and demonstrate their pro­
much as now.
A home products banquet Wed­
Melvin Lee is making $5 a day
evening in the Presbyterian
hauling crushed rock in the Rich­
ardson Gap. building a fine road to church basement where 300 covers
match the fine bridge, as the county will be laid at 60*' each.
A program of music and three-
court turned down our road around
sneeches will tie given at the
Franklin Butte.
banquet. All food served will I*
grown or manufactured in Oiegon
Commissioner Butler Will Resign. as far as is possible.
Washington, June 13. After a
conference with secretaries Hoover
Little Marv Gibbon entertained a and Wallace today. representatives
number of friend* at her home last of grain interests and liability com­
Sunday, it Iwing her loth birthday panies l>egan work on a form of
Mr. and Mrs Clarence Aup|ierly stoiage certifieat« which, safeguard­
ed by insurance, would enable farm­
and daughter Ruth attended the
er* to obtain adequate credit on the
Lebanon straw berry festival.
security of warchoumd cr p*
Oro Oller returned to his home at (
"The committee which is drafting
Portland Monday, having spent the
the «■vrtifleate," Mr. Hoover aaid.
week end with hi* cousin, John Ran­
"represents the American farm fed­
som. jr.
eration. the farmers union, millers,
Claud Churrhill and family vidtrd grain elevator and grain handling
at ladmnon Saturday.
interests, and the liability insurance
Mrs A. F Gimch and slater were' companies."
Albany visitors Saturday
The conferee* agreed, he declared
Mr. Chamlierlain made a business that a warehouse receipt could la-
drawn in such form and under such
call to Salem Thursday.
Mrs. C. Aupperly and daughter condition* that it would MS*-» as an
motored to Eugens Thursday on a order for the dellverMnf grain,
greatly increasing the farmer's bor­
visit to Mr. Aup|ierlv's parents.
rowing [lower and relieving him of
Mr*. C V. Ashbaugh spent the
the pressure of selling his grain ex­
week end visiting friends here.
cept at his own option. Such a plan
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rosa, who
was declared by the conference to lie
have lieen here the jmst few months,
economically sound.
have returned to their former home
No legislation would be necessary
in California.
to provide farmers with this credit
Mr. ami Mrs. Robertson moved instrument, he added, and it was lie-
to Silverton last week.
lieved that the warehouse facilities
Mr. and Mrs. Roadarmel returns«! were sufficient to handle the grain
home after a visit with relatives which might lie store«! under the
near Portland.
In an address before the Albany
So heavy has been the demand for
chamber of commerce Commissioner sjiare since the foregoing was put in
Butler slated it was his purpose to type that the committee announced
resign his office January 1. 1922. the show will be held in the aimory
He also tried to excuse the pie-unt where there will be plenty of room
county court for running the county This action came after 24 applica­
in debt $204,IMM) saying it was due tions for apace had lieen received,
to the demands of the people for with more coming. Use of the ar­
this or that road improvement mam-1 mory will give booths 12 feet square.
ly. He askrd the chamber to select,
and recommend a man to take his
The Tribune wonder» who is run­
ning Unn county the people thru
the management of the county court
Miss Clara Jungwirth came up
or the Albany chamber of commerce? Tuesday from Eugene to make a
Mr Butler, hy implication, indicate* short visit with home folks.
that the court was willing to take
Mr. Bruwn. wife and daughter of
order* from the chamber. Perhaps Salem spent Sunday with E. Phillips
the court has done so heretofore; and wife.
and. perha|w, the court la obedience I
Clarence Daughtery and mister
to these orders ha* accumulate«! the ■
Nellie of Oregon ('ity made a short
big debt now outstanding against
visit al their sister's. Mrs. M Fink.
the county.
Sometimes advisers are goud and
Quite a numlier from this vicinity
sometime* they are the reverse.
attended the forestry association al
Sublimity Sunday.
John B«-ntz and family visited rel­
A movement is on foot to plow
atives near Lyon* Sunday.
and level the school ground» so that
• • •
the athletics may be held there
Tax Reduction Would Help.
EverytMsly is welcome * to help on
Friday. June 24. Will nerd team*,
A revision of federal taxation is men with wheelltarrow* and shovels.
on« of the foremoht governmental
Women can help by bringing
problems. Succ<-<«sful action in this lunches. For detailed information
field would result in a rwrdeil stimu­ see any one of th«1 following: Chas.
lus to businees activity.
White. John Sticha. Walter Bilyeu.
It is not only a right apportion­ Frank Thayer, Roy V. Shelton. Prof.
ment of the tax burden that is H. E Tobis.
needed; the volume of taxes should
lie kept as low as is consistent with j
sound fiscal pilicy
Secretary Mel­
lon's insistence that expenditures be
curtailed will I m - generally approve«!,
The war and navy department*
afford the largest up|»irtunitie* at
the present time for a reduction in
public expenditures without counter-
Lowe Bros. Point Varnish
lialancing losses to the public. Of
l.inarrd Oil
the tots! ordinary expenses for the
first .hree quarter* of the present
Sheep Dip
fiscal year $3.784,000,000, approxi­
It is a notorious fact that business
men as a class take broader and
construcnve views
view« in public
more constructive
matters than
than politicians.
The inllu-
ence of buamess in public affairs is
greater today than political pull 3o
The Foltx Koya and Miss Adelin
Linderman motored to Albany one
day this week.
Mrs. Chris. Schneider, who was
recently operated on at Portland, is
reported as being quite ill.
Mrs. Philippi of Scio called on her
it appears the industrial and busi
nes consensus of opinion is having cousin. Mrs. Clyde Thomas. Satur­
more weight.
O rkgon M ist .
Slrawtierry canning is unusually
prolific this season. Cheap I terries
and cheap sugar at the same time
May 28. 1921, to Mr. and Mrs
may have something to do with it.
Don McKnighl a son
at Salem last
Rev Itlair held services at the
Presbyterian church Sunday.
Everybody Help.
mately $1,380.000,000, or 35 per
cent, was c*|»*nded by these two ■
departments. I nt«-rest on war debts
is not included in this figure.
Industry has no more war profits
with which to maintain war lime
government expenditures, and gov­
ernment overhead must lie trimmed
Cow Spray
Shingle l>ip
Coni I ar
Crude Carbolic Ariel
Fish Oil
Poultry I louse Spray
At The I'rwples Tlwatn
For this week. Saturday and Sun­
day evenings, at the Peoples Theatre
"In the Heart of a Fool."
Joe Warwick come* to town so
seldom that a personal notice has
lircome a news item.
Kelly’s Drug Store