j' piw A * ; LOCAL NEWS BREVITIES ? r . E. C. Shelton and H. B. Her made The seniors »nd juniors of the', DR J. W. GOIN Wild strawberries are said to be a night trip to Stayton and back high school enjoyed an evening's quite plentiful. Veterinarian, outing in Wilson park Wednesday Authorised Aurtioo S«U and interstate Jimmie and Nellie Barnes of Me­ C. H Salxl. Mrs C. Salxl. Mrs A. last Thursday, Roasting weenies.' w. Hhed. 1M J Bert Hollis has rtmodtlrd the of last week hama spent Memorial Day in Scio. J Salxl and daughter Anna mutoied toasting marshmallows, telling «to- 1 RrswWnce. aou R house he recently bought of Jo* to Albany Friday Lee Bilyeu and wife of Lebanon rice, and singing comprised the en-1 ALBANY, OREGON were visitors here on Memorial day. Mrs. A. J. Johnson and brother, Holub I the George Rodger* house! ioyment for the evening and this week moved in. J Orcroe Mad« Home knlltlnj Varna W. L. Cobb and family motored <*hari«a Young, of (xirvallia. wort in Straved -Two 2-year old heifeA. Scio Monday Jack Berglund made measurement A great aurpriae for the home knitters over to Albany Friday evening. dark colored Jerseys, straved 2 miles - .....I. . — U .. . of <»rvgon. but still a fart. Further- John Wewly has installed in his Saturday on which to make estimate this yam is at-aohiuly virgin Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Hildreth mo­ east from Bates’. Finder notify for a sewer down the alley Imck of W001 y*rn. the wool was grown la Linn home the latest in a Cecilian player Holechek Bros. Scio. tored to Albany Saturday. .............. ..... _ • . vw — , county, sold by Mr Senders to theOre- piano. th, Barto garage and past The Tri- Worsted Company (mill« loratedat The Z. J. Clarks passed through Arnold Boyanovaky has finished bun« office to the creek, a distance Sellwood,, made into worsted yarn by Joe Roner was planting corn for building a good sized chicken house town Saturday to and from Albany. Rnn t > R“J' T- son of C. P. Bishop, of a little over ROD feet. proprietor of the Wooten Mill Store of N. G. McDonald Thursday. on his farm near town. F. B. Studnicka made a business For «k A Berk rig, S-pinger kSut . trip to Albany Wednesday. W. M. Abbott. J. F Wtwely and ear in gwd condition, lx». A Buirk Deb Lung closed a successful term All rotor*, «c per.ball of 2 os*, A<^“ D. C. and Mrs. Thoms motored to of school in the Bilyeu Den district Ju« Boysnovsky are considering the four, fair condition, ¿a». Th. Buirk ail is well worth 113». but on account formation of a doss corporation for of aiekneaa I am willing to sacrifice. Jefferson via Albany Wednesday ev­ last Friday. I. Hi'AC LA ND. Seto the purpuae of piping water from a 42 21 ening of last week. Z. J. Clark and family and Mrs a spring on the A. T. Powell place A lot of fryers to aril at 10* each. Miss Oda Clark came up from A. W. Arbuckle motored to Albany to their respective home«. 42tf C. C. Bilyeu. Gilkey. Portland Saturday to spend Sunday Saturday on shopping bent. Mias Myrtle Hollis spent the week with home folks, the Z. J. Clarks. For sale. B- weeks pigs; on the old Gordon Wesely came up from end with Mias Ruth Eichinger at Dorggn place, I mile east Crabtree. Mr. and Mra. K. C. Peery of Port­ Portland Friday and will remain, phone Lebanon Sunny Crest and then continued on Chas. C. Davis, land came up Saturday to remain but will make trifs to take his violin 41 F 22 42 It her way to visit Arthur (lark and until Tuesday. lessor* occasionally. Miss Blanche Arbuckle, returning FOR SALE. Mr. and Mrs. Ixuie Bowerman Ten-acre tract just cast of Scio on I Mrs. Fred Sturge« of Suntrx. Or. home Wednesday. and son of Portland were in Scio is visiting relatives here. She is a Rolla Shelton, Bert Hollis. John county road, all cleared and priced Saturday. , ¡Do You Know Why Our Customers guest at the home of her couain, Sticha and Ed Wesely, chaperoned reasonable. One-half interest in blacksmith ---------------- I Ask for Kryptoks? Mrs. F. J. Irving of Echo la here Rolla Shelton. by Fred Pepperiing. went to Indian shop. Because Krvntok lenses and blanks visiting her sister, Mrs. Henry Has­ E- C. S helton , i are of finest quality. Oscar Pomeroy and «rife of l^b- i'rMric lake after trout Saturday. sler. for a few days. Ri al Estate Broker. I Because Kryptoks are the only in- anon visited Scio relative« Monday The result of the trip was a tired M P. Ixmg and family motored assisted in decorating the grave« of lot of fellow» and one fish which Pound, a i hunch of krvs. Also a I ' visible bifocal and they give the Pepperiing caught. greatest amount of satisfaction to good shoe. Call at this office. to Corvallis Sunday to visit their non departed relatives. the wearer. Tuesday evening a number of Spencer, who is again sick. Three fox terrier puppies for sale. Mr«. Joseph Harmon is viaitingat Seirans traveled over the rough and 40 3t , F. J. Kula, Shelburn. There was preaching service nt her old home at Mooroe. While rugged road to Jefferson to witness Providence on Memorial Day by there ahe will help pick three acres I am in the market for fat lambs ’ third degree work on two candidate* and sheep When you think they are ' Rev. H. H. Iler. A large attend­ of gooseberries. by the Jefferwm Masons. Those go­ rea boxes for Fruit Sugar per sack Corn Meal, 10-lb sack All other goods in -¿lock marked at prices justified [•XI by present wholesale co^t, regardless of what we paid for them RANSOM & CO Shelburn, Oregon * .... - fe*’**s ' • * ♦ < ” , r * 2 •-i - ♦*