Venice Once Suprema City. A few centuries ago Venice was the gateway for the mminerrw of all cen­ tral Kur<><«- particularly to and from , the Near Knot. It was her» that tfie of the earth congregated and many money lender« plied tbelr vocal*'e "Tliv Merchant of Venice" still stand». This atructur» once afforiied a meeting place for mer­ chant prims-« to dlacuoa the tmatneas of the world tn those days Venice was among the moat Important of sea­ port« It» harbor was constantly alive with merrhaut ship«, as well as pan m-t.ger teasel«, ft Is still a unique city, tn that Its streets are chiefly water­ ways or canal« hut although still a city beautiful, and far famed for Its flee arts, its glory and ItniHirtsme as a cwtuiuerviai center have pawed «way. * Making Jo»» Stick. The Cotii|»M>ltlou of candle« railed Jo«» Sticks, which are used In all the religious ceremonies uf Buddhism, has long remained a mystery, the prepara­ tion of the sticks being Intrusted to certain persons ctHMUh from a limped class. Not long ago. however, there was learned th* maimer at making jo«« «ticks In IndoChina. A «tern <>f bamboo Is rolled In a pr.-jst ration containing 14 different mlortferou» drug«, two of which are significant, an showing a knowledge of chemical and physical properties, These are aconite. which serves to protect thi­ st leks against the «Hack» of rats snd mice, and camplmr, which causes them to burn steadily without being periodically extinguished. BOYS Here’s a present for you! We are giving a free sub- scnption to AMERICAN BOY GLASSES Fl TIED Graduate Optometrist PRICES REASONABLE Private office for examination« F M. FRENCH * SONS ALBANY THE Slilll STATE BANE ► « < ; C ha « M. T almaim . k . Sale [ : Mgi | (re. Auctioneer» W akrfn G ray . Owner. I Gochnour A Sudtell Dviactabla Siberian OteK The Siberians make much of their "cold table”-- raw fish. cut tar, «qlads, and that dcliciuO« crab whose meat gives no nlghimare. Indig.-Al.m or headache. Tbelr beat dish la chicken, prepared tn a moat unusual way. Rutter 1» Inhl thickly on a bone; layer« of light and dark meat are wrapiaM around it; then the whole 1» rolled In «gg and crumbs and baked. It makes a »mall “ham” of chicken and 1» very lender, tine must be careful In cutting Into It lest the hot butter •I'urt out bryund the plate. The Russian la a heavy nient rater, doc largely to the fact that there tn an abundance of game, phewaanta be­ ing cheaper than chicken», and In some place« venison Is cheaper than steak. In th«*i«ahuy day» the SilwrlHti table must bav* groaned.—Cody Marsh In the Nathuial (Jaogmphlc Maguxinc Individuality Individual« are Just as distinct and different ' ; then by degrees I learned to smile «ven though I did frei like crying- “I think that perosmily tally I mai nmd» a or a linn! study of th* (ij'ii'iogy p». •mile. When 1 went Into a store, and fared a clerk who w«> Inauanllve or ln«i>lrnt 1 mulled at her, amt thm made known my wants. In most <-««*« I got back a stiillr for every one I gar» Not always, of course, bnt often enough to learn that a smile would go farther than a frown any day. Ho that even though I may feel like pall- Ing som«bg its vnnre period of twenty years to actually les« than .'4 percent Interest. Write us for bouktot. < »U I N BE A M. Agt'iit. 133 Lyon St Albany. Oregon " . A. Kwing, A. I Randall President Vica Urea. E. D. Myer*. Cashier Flart a bank account today ami provide for your future. You will find a checking ac­ count very convenient fur your bust news transactions. Wc pay interest on time d.-poait* w «»aaseeeeeeeae eeeea»**» • i> BECAUSE !; They have adequate Strength ' 1 for th* heavicsl «ervlw They have that Traction which ] hold« the run I at i c.-i in any weather They have Mileage amply suffi- cient to render v-u 100'. service They are hand-built, although sold al the price nt machine- made tire« Every dollar you inve«t in them is an addition to western wealth, it come* h ick to you IN QUALITY, IN I'Rlt E IN DR. FICQ DENTIST office Hours: 9 to I.« A M. 1:30 to 8P. M Funnens’ Week AND HomeBtikers C SERVICE. THEY ARE A Wer« of College Life at O. A. C. Co-operative Convention* o < > Excursions - Lei’s Go CORVALLIS, OR. JUNK 13-18 MUNKERSand U EST SCIO STAGE John B. (’tmey, Prop. 1‘iiont' G-515 STAGI IF YOU WANT to buy or trnde tor 14M acres good stock land near lu-sdwntera of the VtM|uina in Renton county s*e The Tribune's printer. C. u. BRYANr Mi l TS Al l. TRAINS • I .eaves Hotel Scio- at 7:ihi a m and 4.15 p tn for West Seit »nd 7:45 a. tn. and I ♦♦4>>«>>>*>*** S«»*>**>*>4 4 p m for Munkurs ATTORNEY AT LAW 0)1-2 New First National Bank Hldg. A ¡.BAN Y OREGON in Price $104500 es the GOOD MAXWELL even higher Vidue for the ore. It is the best news prospective automobile buyers The policy of its manufacturers to make it so useful and table, and of such inherent value to the purchaser, added to e, makes the Good Maxwell the best value car of its type on Ask Us About It The Blain Clothing Co. ALBANY, ORE. .• [ 1 ’ < > : : Sound All Around i; with purchases in our Boys’ Depart ment The American Boy is read by 500,- 000 other boys and is the biggest,bright­ est, bulliest maga­ zine for boys in all the world. It’s all boy-written, just for you. Start your subscription now. ' ; ' < < I