OâEGGN KEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST After t> -tng strwrk on the forehead by a K-ilf club in th- hand« of Feeder lek Baactuv 14. a rhutu. Lyle McIn­ tyre. 1 0. died following aa operation Bl Baker, The accident took place­ when the boys were playing on th- lawn. Because l< »»■ feared that the pro- poe*-d strawberry festival planned for Hood River for June might Interfere with harv at help of the upper valley, where picking ».mid be at its bright, plana for the valley event have been cancel. d consider freight rate« on fruPs ron ssr.n«d to Hr >a*t,rn mark-» »aa urged In a telegram prepared by the Oregon public service commlseltin and •ent to th* Intentiate commerce cos­ mission ai Washington Thai the summer regional confer ence of reprvaentallve» of frderal and •tale be ar-is for vocational «-Jueailoa will be held In Portland do »In« the summer of IV 'I was the opinion ex pressed at Mali m by K E Elliott, di re, tor for th. Oregon Stale board vocational training at Ral-tu Ilans for th* Portland evpnaltloa be held In 1*26. being carried on Washington. 1» C., by Colonel D Duane of IMrtland and W P Hawley of Oregon City, eurountered a snag with th* discovery that arrangements are still under way In Basta* to hold an exposition there the same year. Twenty five or more alleged victims of Carlo* L. Byron, who 1« now seev Ing • term In federal penitentiary for fr ulent locations on timber lands, were summ< nurd to appear In Portland Monday to testify before the federal grand jury. Byron wrote contract« with more th*» 1*6 people of Marion county. It I* said. Hila* Howard. <6. for 31 year* em ployed as mall carrier at Sal< m, re tired from the service of Carle Sam May I under a federal law enacted a year ago providing pensions for men In the postal department of the govern­ ment for 36 years. Mr Howard la the fir»! person to retire from the Salem postofflee under tht* act. A la.’gor and better plant will re place the creamery of th* Albany Creamery association, which burned last Munday morning. While no final plan* have been made the directors of the association have decided to ro build The Marton county court baa paid to W. J Herwlg. *e»-rotary of the Ore gon Anti Saloon league. >9*6. covering compensation and expenses of opera tive* of that organisation In conduct Ing liquor raids in th* vicinity of Salem. Th. ISth annual convention of the United Metal Trnd> s aaso- latl- a of the Pactf1< -iset was h- >> and th< Crown Willamette com­ pany. each operating big paper mills In Oregon City, have announced a 20 per rent cut In wag»«. effective May 1. Both skilled and unskilled labor will be affected. The state highway commission. at a meeting to I m - tirid tn Portland May 26 and 27. will open blda for the itti- provini'nt and construction of road» at ar. estimated coat of 1600,000. and bridgi« Involving aggregate expendl turca of 8370,ovo Order* for lumber In western Ore­ gon and western Washington have fallen off 62 per cent in the first 16 weeks of the present year, according to reports presented at a meeting of the West Coast Lumbermen's associa­ tion In Portland. lame county farmers offer to take 830.000 of lume county road bonds at par. blds having been opened by the county court last week. The farmers Interested In the new road from Ku gene to Crow and HadleyviUe offered The dedication of th* Eugen* mt» the only bid on this Issue, A conferì nee In Portland or at tone nl< Ipal aviation field will toko the farm other con, • nt- nt |«n I nt In Oregon to of a state-wide eelebrailon of the le ATTENTION < i Railroad 1 ime I able Ihos. Large, Real Estate Arrival and Departure of Passenger Trains List your property with me Woodburn-Springfield Branch Having taken th»- Pacific Agency for Hcto and vicinity, I am in a po­ sition to advertise farm pn>|>ertirs and businesses of all kinds in this vicinity practically over all of the Northwest. Or, if you are think­ ing of buying hen- or vlnewhere in the Northwest, or trade for farm», businews or properties, it will I»- to your advantage to call on me anu look over my listings in this line; as 1 have listings in most ev ery locality in Oregon and Wash­ ington. * Not exclusive. No rommiMiss unless instrumental is selling your property I > Also will take listing* of personal property to buy or sell. IF YOIJ WANT to buy or trade for ltd acres good stock la I near headwaters of the Yaquina in Benton county see The Tribune s printer. WEST SCIO Develop Your Home State BY Patronizing Your Railroads The development of Oregon and its Railroad Transportation service is a mattor of im­ portance to you. A vital factor in the development of Western Oregon ia the Southern Pacific Company. Did You Know Southern Southern Southern Southern Pacific Pacific Paciric Pacific $11,083.754.93 4,519,888.00 1,110,038.86 $16,713,681.79 Payroll* in Oregon fur 1920 amounted to pur chaw* in OrvgMl for 1920 amounted to taxes paid in Oregon for 1020 amounted to . total distribution in Oregon for 1920 amounted to Southern Pacific is lht> largest payer of lagt*» in Western and Southern Oregon. Soulh- ern Factiic taxes average 7'» of all taxes Mid tn every county through which it operate*. To continue the** payroll*, purchases, tax««, and pro v Ho batter facilities and convenient, safe rapid and frequent service ia the mm of that Company. Why not travel on Southern Pacific trains snd do your |>*rt to enable that ('<>ni|>aiiy to keep (Mice with the further devel»i>mcnt of Oreifon? Reduced Tare I ickets FOR Slimmer Vacationists and Tourists Back I. sat Summer tourist Ikkets to Eastarxi Cities will be on sal«- Week-ead and Reason Summer Vasallo* licket» lo Seashore and Mountain Reaorta Junt< lot to August 15th will be on sale through .Mny 28th to September 30th CALIFORNIA Week-end ticket* are limited to Monday fol­ lowing sale date. Season tickets permit stop- overs and return limits vary with closing date of rewirt*. in on* direction Final limit throe months from sale date, not to exceed October 31st. Literal atop over* and your choice of route*. •ORFOO* Oil I DOORS" A n*w illustrated booklet graphically describ­ ing the diffstent reaorts, and including hotel and camp information. Copy mailed FREEn of the forest patrol In Or<- field al Sacramento, lo mako Eugsn* gon and Washington with It piano* thè hoadquarters for thè patrol in Ore and a personnel of to men The board gon and Washington. of trustees of the Kugene Chamber of Al a tnc'-Un* held in Salem at Ih« Commerce haa decided to Invite the cali of Ooternor Olcott. Marion coun people of the state to attend the cele ty fin» growera who some lime agni brat Ion which will be held soon after contnicted acroage lo thè state were May 20. which la the date eat as th« civen t» underatand that If they went | arrival of the It planes from Mather .head and sowed thclr flelda for 1*31 I V.M> am G:13 p.m. North South they would do so-on their own reapon ■tbllity, This warning was necnasary, It was said, because of the fact that the state will not have sufficient funds to pay fnr th« fins upon Its delivery at the prison plant. It was stated, however, that In case the flax grow­ er* deliver th«d crop every effort would be mads to liquidate the finan­ cial obligation dollar for dollar. Corvallis & Eastern FORDSON MUN KERS 8:11 am . 1:44 p m To Albany To Detroit Motor service discontinued. (TRADEMARK I FARM TRACTOR C. C.r BRYANT ATTORNEY AT LAW Ford lor 301-2 New First Sattonal Bank Bldg. OKKHON CLETRAC 1 1 Gives Year-Round Tractor Service >725.00 libò,» The after*mirk*ice that gotw with th«» Fordson tractor in hocoim I to none. Ft>rdm»ii dealer* arc locate I in every community with itocK« of repair part* and employing «killed mechanic« who know pint how the F oh I huii should be repaired and taken care of to do it« I m ,at work. Tbit Fordson service mean* that your tractor can be kept butty every working day during the entire year; that Fordson repairmen Cletrac farming mean« power farming the whole year round; not the u«e of the tractor for a few job«, but for all the farm work, Ami faro» lalsor i« not • problem with the Cletrac owner, (litt boy can tlo tlie work of two men anti ihre« teama, wiili the Cletrac furniahing the power. See uh about thia niacliine. BARTU MOTOR CO SCIO Linn County Distributors >1> » are ready to «how you how to get bent result* from the tractor. Fordson service insure* you against delay in getting part*. It i* your protection. It is a protection now being enjoyed by more than 100,000 Fordaon farmer* in the United State*. 1/ct us tell you all about the Fordson tractor and Ford*on seryice, I*>t us demonstrate the Fordson on your own farm. Come in and let us prove everything we say. TERMM IF WANTED FRED T. BILYEU SCIO, OREGON - BSSSSSOSSSSSBSSBSSaSSSSSSSSSSSOWWWWSSOSSBS W SSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSBSSSSSSSSSa I í.'.V.V'