• • % f LOCAL NEWS BREVITIES ♦ Scio Rod tad Guo Club. 0. K. EICHINGER, Pre». SCHOOL NOTES. W. Al Ewing metored to Albany ¿T-»■ nTimirg D. G THOMS, »ae. *n.l Manager At ls»banon on April 4 sportsmen High school students and others of Linn enuntv held s meeting pre­ C. E.ppley of Salem was in town now very much interested in ceded by a banquet. The question Prices for werk ending April 23, 11*21. Friday. j track athletics. Ths following boys of Ash and game preservation was $2 00 Olympic Hard Wheat Elour $2 75 Golden I'hrOMnt Elour discussed. Mrs. Joseph Li aka made a trip to are busy preparing to enter the Wheat Hearts. 10s HO Graham Flour 2.00 More than 50 from al! over the Albany Friday. . county meet May 6, as well m a Pancake Elour Rye E'lour 2.75 .75 county were present, but Scio's dub J. T. and Mrs. Funk were Salem contest with Jefferson here April 30, Corn Meal, jwr It. Corn ... - — r .06 2.10 of 20 members was represented i»v Visitors Saturday. Iin'l pomibEy one at D-banon April Alfalfa Meal I 80 Corn, cracked er ground 2 2.’> three Mrs. Gladys Denning of Mill’City l5: T*rn Nea1' K*‘nnat’' »irons, Alfalfa and Molasses 1.90 Mill run. Mhi 1 Captain Burghduff, stats warden, Scratch E'evxj _____ 3.40 wo in town Wednesday. Arthur Mcl>in, !«ay MeKnight, Ur,n leck. Murrel Gll- 1.40 Oat Ch>p Oil Meal 3 90 the Jirst of the week. I. ., _ u . ate«! in the valley. These birds cost key, John Densmore. Most of the»« Ml« IL— Shindler of Salem spent meB Aow by May almost $5 each. It is easily seen what damage is done by »hooting in the week md at home near Crabtree 8 mgy forlnldable. DR J. W. GOIN, FOR SALE. the breeding season. A bird raised One Tie Mill in first-clan« whape. Veterinarian. Saturday being Arnold Boyanov- Because of lack of equipment the in the field knowing the danger from Half inter. «1 in Blacksmith Shop. Authorised Auction Sale and Intentate sky's 2lst birthday a numtier of hi. n«ld events (discus throw, shot put. Inspector. One house and two h>U in Scio. hawks and predatory animals has a friends gave him a surprise party. javelin throw, etc ) Neal and Hiron« Phone» .—Palaeo Feed ufaed, 184 J Farm. W acres, cheap and good better chance than <>ne raised in Residence, 600 R « The Scio Rod and Gun Club will I may lie able to prepare for the pole terms. captivity. ALBANY. OREGON meet in the K. P. hall tomorrow vault. These arc all good bargains. There will be contentante available Advertías ia The Scio Tribune and get (Friday) evening at H o'clock. E. C. S hslton , Cliri-JtwtU Od Stm fir Sall resulta. Real Estate Broker. Mi«s Nelda Wendt of Albany spent tnt runa- h'“h luroP and broart $27 00, 3-burner, practically new the week end with Mr and Mrs. J ijwnp. It I is not " yet ; " certain which C-J. Oil Cook Stove, for $18.00. See 4 » I men will be u«e«t in the various M Brown. Herman Eckhardt, at Mrs. Sarah events a« several are equally good. Morris's. Main Street. Scio. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Brown and < > MeKnight is certain to be <>ne of and Mimi Nelda Wendt »pent Sunday For Sale Three year old Regis­ the runner« in the mile; Hollis and < at the home of Z. J. Clark. tered Holstein Bull. List your property ui . ’ h me ; ■ Hirons In the 100 yards. McLain, < ' G. H. Bilyeu of («bamm ws« in 3t Joe Novak. Having taken i the Pacific Agency Hirons and Neal will jump. .McLain for helo »nd » n.-inity, 1 am in a pa- Scio Friday looking after bu«ineM Clover Seed— I have a quantity of and Hirons will «tar in other events, •ition to advr rli»e farm t>ru[«rli«v .Interests ami busu'csse •» of all kind« in this red clover seed, recleaned for Mie but except as indicated the jMMitiona vicinity pra< tn-ally over all of he at 25 cents per pound. Tuesdsy’« rain w«» welcome to of contestant« are not yet deter­ Northwest, <>r, if you are think­ ing of buying hem or rUewhcra in 4t Harry Chrisman, Scio, Ore. farmers. Ihe ground wm getting mined. A good relay team seerns tlw North weal, or t nut» for farm», erusted and vegetation was greatly to be assured Friday Evening Red clover seed for sale at 25«' th; o' properties. it will be I ¡ I Oregon standard purity and germin­ to your advantage to call on me benefited. and iook over my luting» in this ation. F. T. Thayer. The need <>f a local Ash and gams line; as I hare Haling« in must ev When you want your meat supply Oregon Mad» Home Knitting Yarns. cry locality in Oregon and Wash ­ srarden is urgent if one may judge flesh or cured. also nice frtitfi lard ington. A great surpri«« for the home knitters from the aroma of frying fish float­ and compound. call on the Sanitary of Oregon, but «till a fact. Further­ Not excaaivs. No coataiasioa Market. Shelton & Co.. Prop«. more, this yarn absolutely virgin ing on the air. ualcu ia be meatal ia telling Real Estate lirober wool yarn; the wool waa grown in Linn yoar property For «ale cheap Strxwtierry plants E3n«»ch Shelton was rhajwmno and count», told by Mr. Sender« to the Ore­ and Notary Public Alio will take luting» of personal gon Wonted Company (mill« locate«! at chauffeur Tuesday f<»r Mrs Shelton, beat kind». ai*> Mallard duck eggs property to buy or «ell. S«’llwood). made into worsted yarn by ./Ibilrath Obtained, firamined for hatching. R. F D. I, Box 2. Mrs. S. C Brown and Mrs. H. B. Roy T. Biahop, »on of C. P. Hiabop, Scio. Oregon. »♦♦♦♦♦♦+♦ K IO ... OREGON eeeeeeee»e i pniprielor of the Woolen Mill Store of Her on a shopping tour in Albany. Scio Milling Company WWooadagr. Bo La Bo Orchestra Dancing Wesely Hall, Scio April 15th Riley Shelton E. C. and Mrs. I'eery were to lenve for their new homo in Port­ land today. Miss EMria Peory will remain here a short time. GET READY FOR S. W. D>ng, wljo is attending O. A. C., motored home Friday even­ ing. returning to Corvallis the fol­ lowing day. Kafoury Bros. Fire Sale E. C. Shelton has bought the Eli Plummer property across the street from the (Tirumv sash and door factory. Tom Large on Monday found him- self 14 mile« from town with the radius rod on his car broken. With much patience and perseverance he managed to wriggle into town. Milk receipts at the Scio conden- •ery reached the 16,000-pound mark Monday. By the '-nd of the month it is thought the receipts will reach 20,000 pounds. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Brant and daughters Dorothy and Marjorie ac­ companied Printer Brant from Sa­ lem to Jefferson last Sunday on his return from a week's vacation. Tomorrow the open season for fishing begins, but there’s not much use going out as it is Mid that all the «mall streams have l>een about cleaned out of trout, and there Is too much water in the large streams for good sport. Mias Lulu Clark was hostess at a party at her home Wednesday. The evening was spent playing games followed by refreshments. Those partaking of Miss Clark's hospitality were; Misse« llene Rees. Blanche Arbuckle and Christine Shindler and Messrs Cecil Hubbard, Jesse Hild­ reth and Deb Long. On«’ of the !arg<«t money v<*r