The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, April 14, 1921, Image 3

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    '•»Fi: 3
To aeal In the
delicious Burloy
tobaooo flavor.
It’s Toasted
Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor­
mation of Our Readers.
The Marlon county Bunday school
convention held a thruoday »«-»»Ion at
The total enrollment in the Univer­
sity of Oregon »Inc* June IS, 1920,
Is 4108.
Curry county la a district without
any litigation for the court term which
conimenwd Monday.
This week was officially designated
by Mayor Baker a* Red Cross cleanup
week In the city of Fortland.
Reports of the librarian of the St
Helens public library shows that dur
Ing March 111» books wore loaned.
The now dormitory for women at
Oregon Agricultural college Is now In
use. accomnxalatlng 70 young women
Hood River county will thia year
have I41.S08 18 available for hard sur
facing the road» In the orchard« dl»
trit ts
Francis Franklin Osburn, who came
to Oregon iu 1H53 and had lived In
Polk county ever since. I* dead at
The Reedsport planing mill han
reived an order for doors that will
keep the mill busy far more than two .
During March 20 p«'rmh* were la !
sued In Eugene for new residences and
huprovements. estimated coat of which
is 944.778.
An epidemic of «mdllpoi Is sweeping
Brogan, in Malheur county fkbools
are closed and a ban placed on public
Of the many persons who settled In
Baker county prior to 1443. th* Baker
Ttemocrat find» that there are only I
18 now living.
There was a 24 per «-ent Increase In ,
the Medford postoffice gros» receipts
from January 1
March 31 over the
same period last year.
The semiannual dlairtet convention
of the Oddfellows of Linn and Benton
counties will be held nest Saturday
afternoon and .-veiling at 8h*4d.
John Bader, who died at Cottage
Grove a few days *g«». was <»ae of the
wealthiest men In lanf county, hl*
property Ix-fng valued at 8I49.347 79-
Baker couaty ba» the largest amount
of land under irrigation of any county
tn tb* stat*. The amouut of »rid land
la lite couaty Is placed at 194.M«
Th» annual session of th* <‘*ntral
Raptiat •••octotlou. which Include* the
fUptlsl church«** uf th* central Wil
lamett* valley was bold at Brownsville
Th* body of Frank Rh»ldoa Ulrkdt.
* Umattlla county boy who loat bls Ilfs
In Franc* during the world war. wa*
buried In Pendleton laM weeh with
military honora.
Thoma* H Marahall. •* vlcopresl
drnt of the United Htntsa. 1» coming
to Corvallis to speak Wedaeeday April
2« He c<*n»« uader tho auspice» of
th* high »cbool
Th* Albany cannery has paaeed us
dor the control of th« Oregon Washing
ton Canning and ITeeervtng company. -
the IJOttoO.OO® corporation roceatly
launched at Pnrttond
Part of the I’vnatilla eounty road
building program for th* year consist»
of over 3k mile* of designated market
nwds In all parts Of Ute county which
will cost over 9*» «H>
Wives of rehabiiltailoti m*n st O. A. j
C. will be given th* opportunity to at- (
I 1
tend a special cottrae :* -Mid >
be»«* hold
given «*|
ly for them thia sprite
Th* proper« < of th* United !
spru«-« production corpora' on tn Ore-
gon la not • uhject to tasation by thu
•tala, according tp an opinion given
by th* attorney general
Th«- llood River Clark Seedling
•trawbwrry crop, with approiimately
•00 acr«s> s«t. if weather condition*
are favorable, wilt reach rw «rly 1W>
•oo crate* the coming b-Mun.
Th« City of P«adl**<ra. at a coat of
ft0.000. la mttowdlrg a p t «l -.-.* 1480
feet to »a additional spring io the
mountain* that will connect with th«’
headwork* of it* wat«w system
Lane count/ will issue l?5 000 of
It* 83.000,000 road bond* tor the con
strae'ion of a *la nilto stretch of high
way to provide a "shorter an • better
route between Eugen* and Crow
Owing to the collapae of th- old >‘m
her work of the spdlway at th » f
power plant al Waltsrvili*. th- How
of water ha* tmn entlr.-ly 4’vert. d.
causing a »hutdown «if the plant.
Two bond Issue* will < ■
th* voter* of the city of i- u.> ;ie at
the June «lectins
One 1» t r •
000 to build bridge», lb* other for *1
ooo for a street intersection fund.
Leonard Goodrich. 43. was k'.i’ed la
alaatly at La Grande by the ar< .<i« n: .«I
discharge of a revolver which ear
pester* had discovered beneath th'
floor of an old building u»-J as an
auto repair shop Gordon Brans« <»m '
picked up the weapon, which was wrap '
p«M in paper. The revolver was <n*
chargo.l while be was unrolling th*
paper to see ahat was insula.
commisatonrr. ba* rwvohad th* license
<4 the roocern to trauMu t bustnmm la
th!» stat*
D«eptte the fact that olectrto rail
roads la Oregon are not on a paying
ba»la. It waa ofTtctaRy announced at
Portland that tb* Southern Pacific has
ordered »nd will rm«lve In May. 12
thoroughly modem, fully equipped red
electric car* for u»e on Ms Portland-
Corvallis system They probably will
be la operatl.vo about July 18. accord
'ng to J A. Ormaudy. aMtataat general
paasengwr agent.
To rash road work and get as much
aa possible under rosiract early *o
that the Jobe can be In progress this
summer, the »tale highway cucnmis
ion baa ordered 128 i mites of grad­
ing. surfacing sad paving advertised
for April 33. Bu< h jobs as the stat*
cagtnmriag department cannot have
ready for the April meeting will b*
advertised for May lotUng This work
will aggregate In ike neighborhood of
Department of agriculture figures
made public rank Oregon third among
the principal wbeut-produdag state*
nf the country to the average yield
per acre iu 1930 Oregon averaged 30 7 |
bushel* an acre. Tb« Deaver state’s
prodm tlon wn* battered only by Idaho.1
with S3 & bushel*, and New York with
it bushel*. Ths figure* Included th«
<-ombin<ro1 production of tauh winter
and spring crop». The Oregon total
production for the thro* y«-ara jumped
from IM2IL600 bushel* In 1918, to 10
KOO.OOO buahet* In !»19. »nd 3>.9«0»00
la 1930.
The langost rnal ewtato transfer to
be made la Malheur county in a num
her of year*, involving approstmatoly
9300.000, was compl*«Nl In Vale when
the deed conveying part of the hold
ings of th* Molli»» Farms compaay to
th* t'ouunsrce Mortgage Hecurltle*
compaay «>t Portland wa* recorded tn
th* office of lb* county recorder The
Instrument transferrod 7474 acres of
irCesbie and non irrigable land, con-
*.>|.>rabl* property In both Brogan and I
' »miaon »nd the equities of 3? la-
dividual ouatra- is of sale of tract» of
land mads by Uie Moline Farm* com.
grand ictal of 38 «78.458 feet of lum
her left iho Columbia river during
tb* month.
. In memory of Kenneth Luca* Fen
ton. hl* *ou. who wm accldeaily kill
cd on May 3!. 191?. William D Fen
ton of Ihirtland ha* given hl* not«»l
law library to tin law sciMx4 for thu
Ualveralty of Oregon.
M «ting of the Crater Lake project
dw- opm nt committee, of which Gov­
ern r Olcott I* boaorai^ rhalt man.
• Ill be hdd at Medford within th rm
»•«•k*. wtwn detail* for placing the
r«*>rt on a real basin will be taken up
Railroad 1 ime 1 able
Arrival and Itoparturo of Passenger
Woodburn-SorintrHehl Branch
7:55 a.m.
5:13 p.m.
Corvallis & Eastern
To Albany
To Detroit
8:11 a m
1:44 p tn
Prop« •»>« for road improvement* ag
Motor service discontinued..
gro.. «tin» « ruai of more than 88.000,-
•xw were « xwisid*r«*«1 at a two day*'
meeting of the alate highway com
held in Portland Ttieaday and
Th» contemplated Im
provemmt* Includo th" paving of ap
protirnatalv &o mile» of highway. arad
tn( <>atlut ted at **> mile«, 3& mile* ol 201-2 New Finit National Itank I’-Mg.
reek surfacing. considerable graveling
aud a number of subetantial bridge*.
Gives Year-Round Tractor Service
I, V’ t S*
Tbrip*. which caueed considuraUd
damage to the prune crop of Oiagou a
few year* ago. ha* reappeared, accord­
ing to a bulletin sent out by th* Ore
gon Grower»’ Cooperative ***-.. i.iiIon.
All «tale Institutions, with th” «seep
tion of the Industrial school for girls
and the blind school, roue h*d their
peak population» last month. accord­
('tetrao funning rueaiiN power farming the whole
ing to report» to> the slate board of
round; not the use of the tractor for a few jobs,
Charles H. Whitmore, member of th*
but for all the farm work
A tul fami labor i« not a
•tat* highway department. aanoutu-«-»
problem with the Cletrac owner, 11 is l*<>v can <!<» the
that th* stalo will haws» a »uftlcleat
work <>f two men ami three teams, with the detrae
•mount of money this year to mutch
'Fhe Home Telephone company, with
the counties dollar for dollar on mar headquarters al Medford, made 3.4 per
furnishing the power. See ux about this machine.
ket road*.
cent ou it* Investment during the year
There have been reglst«'ri‘d*ln or» 1920. according to it* annual report
gon for 1921 approslmateiy 1944 rval fll<<d with the public service commis­
estate operator*, according to a r«>:>< rt sion
prepared by G. B. Johnt-m. In co arg*
The cargo lumber shipment* from
of th* real estate department of the the Columbia river in March were
state Insurance commission.
th* lightest for »everal month*. A
Belief is expressed In Marahfl*ld
I ■♦♦♦♦♦»»♦♦•♦♦•♦••••»••♦•♦♦♦♦O***********************
that a revival of th« lumler tn tostry
» t-9 ♦♦♦♦♦ •»♦•••»♦»♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦»•••••+***********♦
will cause the reopening of mill* so’1
that omployes will escape low wage
levels The FMur L scale of R IO fur
unskilled labor I* generally tn effect
Chief Forester Greelay h-» advfMd
Benator McNary that the fr,r »t serv
ice ha* set aside feiXM to niutoh a
similar amount to be suptdletl by I. ute
county, to begin work on the Wiliam
ett« highway from Eugene to Klamath
The secretary of state ha* certified
bond» la th« amount of ISM.not» tor
th« Medford irrigation d> < rt. t Th'-««
bonds were author lied by th ! t -t
■out* time ago. and tbn m<>. -> derived
from their »ale will be used‘in cou
•fraction work.
A 10 per cent wag* r«(l'*c*c.n. he
ginning May I. 1921, affecting prac­
tically all th* building trade* uf port-
land, was rweommroded by vn ,ri
tration committee reprre •
bulMer*. worker* and the public, alter
tea day* of deliberation .
On the Ochoco irrlgaiion pre • t Of
Prineville Friday wsa a ba- cr v>-
aa It marked th» first day that th«<
waler began to pour over the spillway
of the giant Ochor-o dasn. where the
$725.00 fib Scio
combined volume of stored np watdr
The aftor-Mirvicu that goes with the Eordaon tractor is second
totals more than half a million cubic
to none. Eordson deniers are locate I in every community with
Committee* reprosenUng t*l«pb»M
uanrs of Marton, I.tan. polk and Ben
stucKd of repair parte and employing skilled mechanics who know
ton <nuntl«» met in Albany and de
just how the Eonlsjn should be repaired and taken care of to do
velop«d platy for unity of ncilon tn co­
operating with other counties and of-
its best work.
fleers of cMIe» In brtmttng al>out a
This Eordson service means that your tractor can lie kept busy
rebesrtng of -the lelrphim« rate <-aae
b«fur<- the public service commiMkn.
every working day during the entire year; that Eordson repairmen
Any doubt as la what action will bat
are ready to show you how to get bent results from the tractor.
tak< >• by the Oregon public »ervic*« . <
mission la reconsiderMion of the Pa
Eordson service insures you against delay in getting parts. It
effte Telephone * Telegraph company
rat* case, wa* removed when II P
is your protection. It is a protection now being enjoyed by more
Corey. m*mb«r oPthe commit ••«. uM
than IOO. ikmi Eordson farmers in the United States.
he would join with the other two com-
mission«»* in graatlng th* petition of
Let us tell you ail about the Eordson tractor ami Eordson
Portland for a rehearing
service. Let us demonstrate the Eon Ison on your own farm
Rmau*« th* Gaaraggee Security < r-
poratiun with beadgnarters Is Port­
Come in and lot us prove everything we say.
land, failed to Bat wtth th* .tat* cor
poaat.oa department United Ct *r
Moses. Limit«* stock which It bod
Offered toe- ssdo In O»«r m. without
gimUfying th* »nma under the blu*
shy imw. T U Maudln». corporal < n
Linn County Distributors
»«•Z* '
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