through to get th« brat p • rga" Bellwood *!»<» tel'.« of a deaperat« Chin« • e m-tt-er w 'r ,1 tn ! him her ll’tle tbrowyt . i.i daughter tor te cent«. R*«'ngn!*i-i|j th« f«CS of an Au ■-•• ”t the V -.I tw ■ ’ th« f in. thia woman • • 1» tl ' "nt. h »Id Ing up the child to uor I im­ ploring him to buy It. It »«i •d to Bellwood that all Chiu- mother« In the tamia« auction «re eager to ««II their children, particular­ ly to Americana, •• thia mean a that the child will be fed .nd ha» ■■ « hatte« to live, alao that the return a ft tn th« •ale will also mean a little food for the ihlldren that am left and tor them- «e|»e« LUCKY STRIKE cigarette. Flavor is iMkdjflhytoastiqg 0. A. C. BO Y SEES GRIM TRAGEDY Starving Chinese Clamor For Garbage Thrown From Diner. Condition» too «ppalHni for dearrip- ..„t r . t. v .«wf-il U> look u.'«*' _ ... *ie.. -«-«I o'*1» *lB •••*• u< ’* \v A Bellwood. T. _ i ami Mrn iUHie i f oi nt O n A. A C v. who ha* ju*l t returned from U month. Ru>*»ltt China, MO and «»•-• who travel " day. and covering ¡be famine .trick.« ^H tlun from 1 vk near the northern boundary, to Na king. near the Chines coaat. -That tin day journey «»> on® ,<,n® p’.?tn'nce',a'rTadding their to« »« 'h“‘ « umtx-at upon th. govwrnoe und«r th« provision« of • law paaard al the ro cent ««NMlon of th« legtalaturw A« a result of th. (U pre me court opinion th« attorney general probably will fll« mandauiu« proceedings in the circuit court for Multnomah ceunty. I* up countl««. Benton, Hhermaa, v'.v and U oatlHa. hats made plan« to «all «p«c!al election« in lb« bear futuro to pass ou th« qm-o'km of adopting th« county unit gjstem of administration and tasatlon for «choo. affair«, under a law enacted at the recent •«•••!<>n of the l«gt«lature Gold Reach, on Hogue rlvnr. la promleed a new Industry by Robert Tired. No matter how hard dp" y->u may Hoyhin of Tu«c«>n. Aris Mr Hoykin', feel, you are rich In rompir-'n with idea I« to organile a company for tbb the atarvlng propl.-« of China and purpose of turning Into commercial Atm-nla You know that » u can v»e the plrntawua supply of oak '»n anally help fill a few plate« on the big bark tn th. Curry county district relief table rthc-n tboti-«angue river an«l a.|)ac«ni to •re dying in th«- Chine*« r.«;n ■ dia- the stream. triti Hut for the accident that you were Forty nine name« have been added bom on ihia a‘de of the glob«’. on. of them might have been you We«lon to Oregon'« h«»nor roll of those who^ lost their Uvee in the world war. The leader Weil «aid Hut for th- fortune of birth In a favored ione, one of them might hare been you. or )-ir« Th. American public la tired of drive* ao It I« often aald.. but ft will be yet more tire«! before famine give, way to plenty, death to Ute. or a chano, for life, and chao« to order. In lesa for lunate part« of th. worhl Tired? Of cour»« everybody la tired Rut oth«>r« ar« even more ttr*-l of hunger, dr.tltutlon. dl«en«< and all th. h-rr r» th.«! * I........... -i- ■'. ■'■• •truction R« ¡ne tir. «I * . •«, um for rloalng either ear. or p-cheia to th* crie« and need« ut heiplec» peuplw - Morning Oregonian. natuea were obtained tn a .talewide checking up of war records made by George A Whit«, adjutant general of H hv Grain l‘ottit«»cn the alate Th. additions bring th. total up to • -< It I« egp««cted that a HIGHKST MARKFT PlilCK f«>w m >ro n >tn<-« may be add«»«! M. G. REEP Receipt« for the motor vehicle de par’m.-iit for the months of January IMRce Albany State Hank and F bruary, 1931. aggregated II.Mh,- ALBANY. ORE. (.7 ko. «o ordlug to a report prepared by Hi in A Koaer. secretary of «tat«. Th.-sc rv pt« wore büsa'd on mot«»r Vehicle rrgi*trath>ns numbering SO,- »«>; m-luik> 13 p tn .. Corvallis & Eastern HUNKERS To Albany I To Detroit (’letrac farming means pow«-r fanning the whole year round; not the uae of the tractor for a few jobs, but for all the farm work. Anil farm labor in not a problem with the Clvtrac owner. Hi* boy can do the work of two men and three team«, with the t’letrac furnishing the power. See uh about thin machine. BARTU MOTOR CO. SCIO Linn County Distributors 8:11am 1:44 p m Motor nervier discontinued. BRYANT (J. C. ATTORNEY AT LAW JOi-2 New First National Hank Bldg. ALBANY OREGON < iiiu< u ' hai ~n>i< DR. ¡L II. HAKKIS X-RAY Cuaick Bank * Albany, Oregon j "■•¡„'T«". i »—— her. were wore the FORDSON tn the United «•*£• **,, nothin, to th. tragic thin«, ha vl.ibl. on SOO mH. J"“"“* ,br *b Th.. awric« o< nonh crpM*. were no P ,urtUor. '""“‘X walk an? -a.ui *® —* • re too weak ana who ~ W. A. Ewing. A. K. Randall l'roaklent Vie« I roa. E. D. Myrro. Caahicr Start • basir aceount t<-l«y • > l ^rovid«« for v«»ur futuro. uu will finii a chocking uc- rount very eonvenhmt for j <>ur t>uain««« tranaactiona W< |>ay in taro, t on tlm<- d«;x««lt . [TRADEMARK! FARM TRACTOR •s.-mrS; iir‘*nd“.w ’»>odle. n«a«‘"< »“ “»• stream. or lying “b^ f^taTrte- It t. a common U»ln* j.ri |M-r cent lnt«-ro«l. Writ« ua for ¡HMikirt just how the Fordson should be repaired and taken care of to do OWEN BEAM. Agent. The «(ter-service that goo with the Fordson tractor in second to none. Fur«I*on dealers are locate I in every community with 133 l^yon St its best work. Albany, Oregon Thia Fordson service means that your tractor can be kept busv every working day during the entire year; that Fordson repairmen are ready to allow you how to get best results from the tractor. th- g.rbag" from the dining ‘«r <«-■" «.nr «-¡^STa «........ ... JX“ erratttrea gather for •nd .•.« «h* ¿„t th. The r*llr”*t1‘‘<>7J7",thro«lng them frantic people ln ,h„ „„„ •eltea under th. wh fence« »«* th. t«.Xd S: *ilir7re nmptlnd out-ld- thl. fence '¿Zr mwri'bed peopl. dr.. and Um W^kcr the *9 *•» Fordson service insures you against delay in getting parts. is your protection. It It is a protection now being enjoyed by more DR. FICQ DENTIST Office Hours I 8 to 12 A M. I JOtoS P. M. than IlMl.lNM) Fordson farmers in the United States. ia*t us tell you all about the Fordson tractor and service. Fordson I-at us