The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, March 10, 1921, Image 2

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T. L. miOGiut. rdítob and rwor
Entered at the postoffiw at Scio.
Oregon as second class matter.
•UBgcaumoN. IN ADVANCg
________ 1.0SI
Local ad »ort «ning t»r line fi rat in-
aerUon . ........................................... In
Euch subswjuonl Innwtbm per line. .06
Display «dv-rtiung Firat Insertion
per Inch ...................
Bach eubue>|u««nt Insertion .......... . .16
Advertuw-menta abouhi r<-srh thia igficr
not later than Tuewiav tu ineuvv pubit-
eaUon In the current laaue.
All furelgn wlvertiavffwnta must be
peel für in edvaix« of |>ul>Urat>on
allettare Io my /Lg ana
tAc Republic for uhkh H itami», one
^fattori. tnitriiible. »ilh liberty ana
tueikr fur all.
8C1O. OREGON. MARCH 10. 1921
Income Tax.
* ■ Z
The bureau of internal revenue
has innumerable sources for check­
ing up persona who fail or "wilfully
refuse" to file an income la> return
and pay the amount of tax due
One of these is the "information
at source” provision of the revenue
act which require« that reports must
be made by all persona, trustees,
guardians, fiduciarie« ami by part
nerahip-', |" r» service corpora
lions and organisations, of payments
to others during 1920 <>f $11X10 or
A —pa rate return of infor­
mation for * ich employe who«e »al­
ary ia $1000 or more ia required of
emoiuycra. The return muet ahow
the name and address of each re­
eipient and the amount paid.
These information returna are
checked with the returns of individ­
ual income. If John Doe, who has
received a salary of SI000 or more
during 1920 ha» failed to report
thia payment in hia personal return,
he will hear from the collector of
internal revenue
Thousands of delinquents have
been discovered and penalties and
taxes aggregating hundreds of thou­
sands of dollars collected as the re­
sult of thia audit.
Employers ami employ -• should
employ all reasonable co-operation
to keep industries going. One uf
the moat disturbing factors in the
present situation ia the labor agita­
tor who advisee workers to resist
any conccMiona a-»ked of them by
employers, tn «land firm against any
wage reductions, and threatening
that if they refuse to do thia they
will he "fired” from their unions.
If prices and wages come down to­
gether n<> harm will l>e done to la­
bor. because wages must he judged
by their relation to prices, to just
how much the dollar will buy. It
la manifestly impossible for the agi­
tator to bolster up his advice with
reason, because labor cannot resist
a wage reduction, at the same time
demanding a reduction in prices.
The best thing workers can do is to
follow the dictates of common sense
and fair play and leave the agitator
to waste hie breath on empty air.
After the new adminiatrutiqp gela
to work and the fermera get cro|>a
In and merchante diaplay their opring
Stock a. induatriea and payrolla will
become normal
A tax-booatmg newspaper aajra
the howl about high taxes is unnec­
essary, all that ia needed ia to have
the farmers raise more produel a to
meet higher taxes
Few pcraona realiw how much the
•tale it doing to make labor dtacoo*
Th« Durkee Six! Hr«. I »»port irrtga»
lion districts have forwarded te the
state eng!t>war for approval plane fur
the conatru* tioa of th» Hural river
rraenotr to Haknr county. The die
trices propose to
net met jointly the
reservoir tor the storage of 6190 acre
feet uf the waters of hurst river fer
a »tippler«natal supply for the Irrlga
lion of 44X1 acres of laud within the
two diotrh-t*.
Senator McNary »«-cured the adop
flon of an am«-nflm- nt to the ax-a uk
turn! appropriation bill Increasing the
appropriation for forvot fire preven­
tion and forest pr«-<w-r«alion from 1126.-
0*0 to Klft.000. Thia money will be
used tn eooperation with the etxloa of
th« northwest.
There were two fatalities duo to in­
The Whipping Post in Delaware.
dustrial accidents in Oregon during
th» »«ci ending Fcbruar»- 10. accord
Delaware ia one of the few states Ing to a report prepared by the state
in thia big Union that ia not troubled Industrial accldeut rotntnlaalon. The
with tramps. Aa soon as they cross victim» were William Campbell, car
penluf, 1‘ortlanil. and OrvIU Srnith.
the Pennsylvania border they huriy
logger. Deachutau.
to Maryland < mi the south; when go­
Two Hear h it tea county towneltea.
ing north, if they strike Delaware Harper and Imperial existing only on
and read one of the many ’’notices" paper for years will cease to art—ar
atuck up everywhere, they hustle to on the map within two more moatha.
Taxes delinquent since IS!* are the
gel into Pennsylvania and shake the
basis for a judgment order slimed by
dust of Ihdawaro from their feet, Clrculi Judge Huffy which anthortsce
for they have a demily faar of trans­ a sheriff » sale of the properties
With the top of the bead chopped
gressing the time limit for their
visitation to the sacred soil of the off. pre ha bl y with an ax. the body of
Gel» Hansen, to-yr-ar-old rwcloae. liv­
little but business like state of Del­
ing in a three room shack on the hank
of the Columbia river, west of The
Delaware la the only state in the hallea. was found lodged among a pile
Union that keeps the whipping post of bouMers at the foot of a 40 foot
in use. It believes that it is effica­ cliff which dropped to th* river, below
his aback
cious in keeping within bounds those
AlleKutlon* that the Heachulea Lum
with criminal pro|w*nsitiea. and It ber company cut 1.797.007 feet of pine
knows that it ia effective in keeping timber belonging to the Alworth
criminals out of the state and in dis­ Washburn company during the past
couraging its own evildoers from year are contained In a complaint
filed by ths latter corporation In dr-
letting their imssions run riot.
cult court at Head. In which recovery
An effort was made two years ago of la nought, together with
to alMiliah the whipping poet, but it
II FVcetone of Saskatchewan. Cana­
was defeated in the state senate by
a vote of |f> to 2.
The people of da will be the first alien ever to re­
ceive final papers on a central Ore
Delaware believe that the post stand­
gon homestead
The fact that bls
ing in the courthouse square is both non. Thomas, who made the filing, wan
efficacious and economic in spite of killed In action In France, baa made
the fact that many papers In various it poanlble tor the father to obtain
sections of the country have dublied till«, under the rules of the United
States land offtco.
it "a blot on civilisation.”
It ia a
Definite information received In
fact that It does not have to tie used Portland that United Stale« Senator
very often for the name and the George K Champerlaln will accept
thing itself is "a terror to evil- * appointment to the United Blate«
doers" and keeps them within due shipping board if the position In offer­
ed him has given the Portland Cham­
Itounds without the state having to
ber of Commerce and his supporters
jail them and provide food and throughout the entire state an added
lodging for them.
Incentive to work for his appointment.
That the propoaal of J. J Hand­
Ry unanimous vote th«- Delaware
state senate has pa»evd a bill increas­ anker. state director of the China
famine fund and the near «-ast relief
ing the penalties for robbery. For
to accept foodstuff* In Hen of cash,
highway robbery • penalty of $500 to be «hipped direct from Portland
fine. 40 lashes on the Imre back and to northern China points In govern­
20 years’ imprisonment is fix«*d. If ment voaseln. han met with a hearty
the robbery is committed in a dwell­ response throughout the state, accord­
ing to reports received at headtiuarters
ing. the imprisonment is cut down
In Portland.
1<> years, but the fine and the 40'
Notice of the pardon and meaae of
lashes on the bare Itack ren sin. I W M It el Vo of Astoria, sentenced to
There is a further reduction for at-; serve two years at McNeil's Island for
tempted robbery, but the 40 lashes publishing matter that cast reflection
on the United Btntvs military torco»
are not changed
has been received by federal auth
Upon arriving over the border of orltlee
A«-eordlng to the notice.
(lelaware the signs warn tram»« to Relvo's pardon waa signed by Prvsl
have within a few hours under pen­ dent Wilson on January Id, and ha waa
alty of the whipping post, ami it rwleuaed on January 27
Heduction of the work day week to
certainly scares the life nearly out
four days In the shops and repair de­
of them, and they hardly ever wail partment and a general cut In the
to ask any of the housewives for working for>-e of other branches of the
Southern Paclflo railroad, took place
cold victuals.
The much-used whipping post is at Roseburg A »mull shift of men
ia at work In the round house but the
really a thing of the past, but the
repair shops are idle Approximately
much-abused whipping post remains 100 trainmen are Idle and a number
for the papers to fire at. National | of engineers are ala<> out of work.
To conduct a campaign for the oradl
cation of scab among central Oregon
To live in too dry an atmosphere sheep. Dr R A Parsons, represent­
ing the t olled Stales bureau of anl
is unhealthy and adds to the doctor
inal induatry has arrived in Oregon
bill. Statistics show that about one - ’ .«nd will make his headquarters In
third of all deaths in thia country Rend Dr Parsons <-«>nelders that the
have been due to diseases of throat prevalence of scab la decreaalng In
and lungs. Fresh, clean, pure, hu­ Oregon, and that the chief source of la
faction Is from sheep imported from
mid air, aa found out of doors, ia
northern California and Nevada.
the treatment generally prescribed
Enough coal of a good grade will be
for such ailments; ami until people taken from the Beaver Hill mine near
understand the need for the proper Marshfield to supply all the nee«!a of
kind of air in Uie home, especially the Willamrtte valh-y, tn addition io
these of the Coos Hay country, ac
during the eea«->ns when the doors
cording lo G W. Bvaau, consulting en
and windows are kept closed, the (Ineer of th« Southern Pacific com
recurrence of such discomforts are pany The mine, a autsildlary of the
to be expected, says Farmers' Bul­ Southern Pacific, bee l»«o under de
letin 1194. recently published by the vslopm<-nt for a number of years and
the comi-an^ han mails energetic ef
U. S department of agriculture.
forts In the last year to Increase th*
production to an amotint which would
Advertise ia The Scio Tribune and get be sufficient to supply tba needs of the
tooted—and this »includes labor on
the farm. An agricultural college
offers a special course in the use of
counting machines, mathematics by
machinery an called. It advertises
that young people taking this course
are guarantee«! positions at as high
as 1200 a month, la not thia a mag­
net to draw young men and women
away from tWF farm and fill the
cilice with more job hunters? Does
it not make every young man and
young woman working in a bank or
counting room on a counting machine
Maiaitt Ws Nitict
Notice is bvreby given that the un­
dersigned administrator of the estai»
of Agnes Mae Mlla r. d-reaeed, baa filed
his final account tn the matter uf sari
estate with the county clerk of Linn
County. Oregon, am! that the County
Court of eakl county bus fixed Monday.
Notke to Creditors.
Notice ia hereby given, to all whom it
may c«joc»m. that the undersigned baa
t>»en. by the county court «if l-tnn coun­
ty, Oregon, duly appmnted admintatrn-
tor of the estate of Geurgtanna I Rigger,
late of Linn county, Oregon, deceaaed.
| Any and all person» having claim»«
against said estate are hereby required
to |jrr«vnl the same to thr un«irreigned
at hia . raidrnee at Scio, linn county,
Oregon, on or l»cfor« six months from
lb* date hereof, duly verified aa by law
Dated this 1st day of March. A D.
29 St
Weatherford tk Wyatt. Attys for A«lmr
the 21at day of March. IM2I, tn the co«m-
ty court room in the county court Is use
in the city of Albany aa the tone and
pisce for hearing sani final account, and
finally settling asid retate, any i-crson
having oiq<»clK>ns to said ac<-«»unt or tb«
settlement of »ani velate sbafi file the
sam» with the clerk of sani court on or
U-forv the date of »aul bearing.
Administrator. I
I. M. Curl. Attorney L-r Administrator
1-aat publication March 17. 1921,
Riley Shelton
Real F.tiale Rrol^er
and ¡Notary Public
IF YOU WANT t«> b'iy or tra«le for I4K
acres goo«i slock lar»! near headwaters
jlbtlrofh Obtained. Examined
of the Yaquina in Henloo county ere >
The Tribune's printer.
The Scio Produce House
All kinds of produce, poultry, eggs
and veal
Agent Mutual Creame.y Company
■: Will test your cream here and issue
checks same day.
; Honest weight and accurate test to all.
W. B. BOWSER, Prop.
Fancy <&» Staple Groceries
Garden and Field Seeds
China and Glassware
All itolil at live ati«i let live prici-n
Roll 1 ilms developed, pictures
printed and enlargements made
from your films.
All work
turned out promptly.
Give us a trial.
Scio, Oregon