LOCAL NEWS BREVITIES I 2-C«at Piece Favored. O. K. EICHINGER. Erra. I The next stated meeting of Scio Washington. Jan 18. A R»e- lodge of Mason» will be Saturday velt 2-cant piece is favored by the evening, January 29. houae coinage committee, which to­ day reported favorably a senate bill Haman Shelton of Crabtree was authorising the coin. In town Monday. The committee’« report «aid there Clinton Arnold made a trip to Al­ was "genuine need*' foi a 2--ent bany Tuesday piece and coinage of one would be a Mrs. Angel of North Santiam vis­ ’’fitting manner in which to honor ited friends in Scio Wednesday. the memory of a great American.** Mrs I-eon« Ray was ths guest of Congressman McArthur is making Mrs. E. D. Myers Thursday. Joe Ambrossk motored to Albany a hard fight at Washington against increasing the membership of th« Monday. house of representatives with pros­ Charles Vsetecka and Mia» Lillian pect of success. made a trip to Albany Saturday. If the names of officers of secret J. D. Densmore mail« a trip to i organisation» is handed to The Trib­ Portland Monday. une the same will lie published aa a In a short time mails will arrive I news item for which no charge will and depart in daylight. be made Anton Ijska was in town Monday Ed Moorhou»«, who has been and reports that there is three inch­ boarding with William Beard, and es of snow on the mountain. who has been acting <|ueerly, waa The hotel*« "600” club la holding taken to Allutny Sunday for exami­ regular session» and would challenge nation, resulting in his commitment any similar club to play a seriaa. bi a slate sanitarium. Moorhouse Loffy Calavan is »aid no to be the wss a soldier who went to France proprietor of a confectionery estab­ and it is surmised that shell shock lishment at Camas. Wash. may be to blame for his mental dis­ A. T. Powell was a business visi­ ability. tor In Albany Monday. Sorneliody reported to the Albany By courtesy of Representative Democrat that Scio had a foot of Childs The Tribune receives a copy «now laat Saturday. The reporter of the house calendar daily. multiplied ths Irra than one inch we W. P. Ri«r». who has lensed the had bv 12. It commenced snowing Jorie Gaines farm, was in town I m -fi>re daylight Saturday morning and continued spitting the fleecy Monday. Ernest Keith of McMinnvili »pent until nearly noon, but it was wet Friday with his sister. Mrs, Charles and malted aleiul as fast as it full. Tne Democrat’s "foot” was back in Hell. the hills, if «uch an amount fell. J. M. Lindley of Aumsville was Don’t forget that Shelton & large looking after business interests in is buying poultry and veai. Thanks. Scio Tuesday. Mi «a Elma Cox suent the week end at home near Albany, returning Sunday evening. Misses May Btoddart and Daphne Ransom went home Friday evening for the week end. Mrs. Vivian Bilyeu, Mrs. Jennie Jones and Mrs. Katherine Kester motored to Albany last Thursday afternoon. Fred Bilyeu went to Portland and brought back a Ford touring car Saturday. Kiley Shelton did not appear at his office Friday and Saturday on a account of the grippe Mrs. Arch Ray commenced teach- ing school in disUict 9 Monday, the former teacher resigning account of Sickness Mira Ruth Muller «pent the week end at Albany with her college chum. Mira Helen Grigsby. Petty thieving «e**m« to lie on the Increase. Densmurc'a feed «tore and Holecheka* meat market are the latent reported victim«. Stealing chicken» 1» «uch a common occur­ rence •• to hardly attract notice. Mr» J. D. Denamore. who ia at the Portland hospital, 1« getting along a« well a« could t«e expected after the operation «he ha» under­ gone for removing a goitre. Mrs. Vilas Philippi, to liven up things at the farm home near Lar­ wood. gathered a ear full of child­ ren to spend laat weekend, bringing them back Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Peery arrived home from their California trip on Monday. They were called home to attend the funeral of E. C.’a mother. The death of Mrs. Elisabeth Bil- yeu waa reported on our «Creels laat Thursday morning. Her home waa with her daughter, Mr«. G. W. Morrow. The program and pie social given in school district i’>5 laat week waa a succeaa in every way. The proceed« were larger than at any previous entertainment. Mrs. Jean Rodgers has charge of the school D. G THoM'*. »«<• and Manager Scio Milling Company Price« for week ending January 29. 1921. Golden Pheasant Flour Graham Flour _ _ Rye Hour Corn Giro, cracked or ground Mill run. KOs Bran. 100» Wheat Chop Oat Ch >p 12 io 2.10 2.76 2 20 2 25 1.75 1.95 SCHOOL NOTES. [ Olympic Hard Wheat Hour 12 «6 Wheat Heart«. 10« Pancake Hour l’oro Meal, per tt> Alfalfa Meal 2 00 Alfalfa ami Molaa 2.20 Scratch Feed 6.75 Egg Maker 3 76 Cocoanut Meal 2 25 Oil Meal 8.90 140 Nutlet ♦ Ill PAY UP All 192(1 account» not paid In full I by February 16th. 192!, will bear Interest at from January 1st, 1921. Those not complying with above request, in the future will be limited to strictly SO day«* credit; no more. There will l»e no deviation from this rule as w<- mu«t put oui credit business k the cattle was in town Friday, He informed game will be played February 25. 1 whip owned by Shelton A i-arge, Th« Tribune he was arranging to The Scio school enjoyed a visit which was hanging in the barn of return to Scio to engage in dentis­ from the county school superintend­ Mrs. Vista Sims, is known The party will please return same and save try. Not at his old office, however, ent. Mrs. Cummings, last week. trouble. Shelton & Urge. f»r Dr. E. H. Hobaoa recently “And Home Came Tad" was re­ has tented that and Is preparing to Oregon Made Home Knitting Yarns. peated January 12 to a small but A great »urpriM* for thr home knitters move his office thereto. Dr. Ficq appreciative audience. of Oregon, but »till a fact. Further­ has rented the old Dr. Hobson office more, this yarn it abaolutely virgin wool yarn; ths w < k >I *> i grown in Linn and will fit it up fur a dentistry. county, »old by Mr Senders to the Ore­ Dr. Ficq will not need an introduc­ RANTUM FARM TOP! C8 | gon Wonted Comi-any I mill» located at Sellwood), made into worated yarn by tion to Scio people. His work will Roy T. Bishop, *«>ti of C. P. Bishop, •« soon bring him a lucrative clientele, proprietor of the Woolen Mill Store of- lie is a good workman and moot Our Saturday snowstorm was a Salem. Oregon knitter« try this yarn out. All colors. <■ ; er ball of 2 ose people know it. surprise and highly appreciated a» hamplr» sent on appl-'cation. Address I*. P. Bishop. Box «5. Salem, Oregon, It may pay farmers to examine it went off next morning without any breakfast. into this proposed Farm Bureau bus­ For »ale Hand pAt r stump pull­ Ed Kalina is sick with a bad cold, er'anecca Morris, after a few 23 4t* Shelburn. Ore. ganise in self defense. The Farm days’ visit with tier «ister. Mrs. Pie Scio could well afford to pay a Bureau offers a plan of organisation Eater. returned to Scio Saturday. bonus in amie way to w-cure the which seems to lie considered favor­ George, Elmar and Jack Griffin proposed logging railway through ably where the plan is fully under­ made a flying trip to Albany Friday. town. stood and it may lie just the move­ El Kalina is cutting down 40 oak If you have a local new» item ment th« farmers desir«. The t>lan trees which be offers anyone for which may be of interest to the gen­ is worth studying at all events. wood if moved by March. Pie Eater eral public pleami send it in. Sign The legislature seems about to be ha« just finished cutting 40 cords. your name, not nccr-rarily for pub­ divided into two factions the or­ Ed might give a good man a job if lication but that we may know the ganisation and the bolshevik», the he will work from 7 to 6 and has authority fur the item. Oregonian dubs them. The orgsni- not got the sun grins. PIE EATER Jersey cow (grade! for sale; fresh Badon seem» to have a plan of pro­ last Novemtwr; good milker. G. L. cedure while the bolsheviks are the 22 2t* The "500" club met at Mrs. Roy j Muxxy, kickers. We are glad to note our Goats for , m - 20 or more Ango­ Shelton's yesterday afternoon. Linn county delegation is listed ras. J. An.brom k It 2t‘* Ralph Hollis is enjoying an attack among the holshevists. because if Prints r«* ink i« the link that con­ th« people get a square deal the or­ of mrasles. nects the huum-ra gmk witn the peo­ Tom Purves of Idaho is visiting ganisation plans must lie kicked out. ple who think Get us? his sister. Mrs. D. A. Stoddart. at If you are not a subscriber for 1918 model Font ¡touring car for Shelburn. The Tribune, why? This paper is rale at a bargain het* Fred T. Bil­ Mr and Mrs. Mylo llartu return­ yeu. 22 21 working all the time for the better­ ment and progress of th« commu­ ed the first of the week from a 6-paa*en,er R«u touting car 1100 22 2t nity and you a« a member reap month’s visit with Mrs Bartu*« par­ Ford garage. some of the benefit. Th«r« should ents in California. Ixwrr -<»n December 24th. ladies G. M Wirth waa in town Wednes­ ■mall Elgin wrist watch, with the be reciprocity in this matter. day. feeling good after an operation initial» M. F. B. engraved on l>ack. Aunt Rebecca Morris says she has at the Salem hospital. Finder please leave at Tribune office been often asked, since visiting her The Pacific highway from Albany and receive reward of 16.00. si«ter at Pie Eater’s home, about All stock remedies at reduced the hors« on hunger strike Pie Eater bi Salem has been opened to travel, «{teaks of. She went into th« wood though the paving is not completed. price«. Kelly’s Drug Store. shed, where Sam told her the horse was. Sure enough there it was; gaunt? well, yea; only one leg; jaws, but no mouth; small head; rabbit ears. When the "horse" works Sam »it» in front, taken a drawing knife ami doe» th« work himself. Long experience has taught us the value of accuracy and thoroughness tn fitting of glasses We welcome an opportunity to advise you in re- . gard to your eyeglass nerds. ! V1IAV1 mirnuK OPTICAL ■ YB SntAWM to the saaas sf many .HUMAN ILLS BANCROFT Optical Company 313 W. 1st St.. Albany WANTED Hav Grain Pot aloes highest market prick M. G. REED Office Altxny State Bank ALBANY. ORE. ooooooooooooooooooooooooo Short aixl lx>ng Distance at Reasonable Ratea SAM STOLLER Exprwssman »•ooooooooooooooootoooooo RURAL CREDIT LOANS Our twenty year rural credit plan of loaning money to farmer*, help» you to ffet out of debt. Under our form of oan the total amount of interest paid during iu entire period of twenty year« is actually less than.'d percent interest. Write us for booklet. OWEN BEAM. Agent. 188 Lyon St Albany, Oregon Riley Shelton Real Eitate Broker and Notary Public Obtutind. faaminej CIO . - • OREGON C. C. BRYANT ATTORNEY AT LAW >H-2 Now First National Bank Bldg. ALBANY OREGON By reference to their ad it will be Just arrived, new shipment Ever- seen that the Scio Milling company ■harp pencils and fountain i*ens at ia putting out a pancake flour that Kelly*« Drug Store. UNDERTAKERS For sale- A tram, light wagon is the peer of any en the market. Call« Attended to Promptly and harness; 3-year old Holstein Yesterday Dr Hobson put finish­ cow, to freshen March 1st. give« 2 Dav or Night ing touches on his new office next to gallons milk per day now. Call on I SCIO OREGON the poetoffic« Scio Tribune. I Morrison & Lowe a