f . P* I . ' ««w •. V*« • •**. < . —...................... ■■ ............ j F. Wew-ly «a. buy mg Chri.t ma* g«M,d* in Portland laat week. Your Rexall weather chart calen- Most of our merchants arr well dar is at Kelly •; come «nd get it. I »tucked with Chri»lma« good* to Dobrkuvsky of Silverton , make little folk« happy, wa* in town Thursday. The Scio mill is }*ying bushel fur wheat now. 1140 per though late in the week in grriving. The condition of Mill street fur- niahee a subject for remark by every stranger who visits our town. to Pordand Saturday. It is not a gd »«Iverthaement. Spencer Ging, who now live« at Tlie trap drummer in a «how al­ Corvelli*, i« reported to be tick with ways reminds us of pre» day.« measles bany Saturday, returning next day . M>|(> Hey! Vt "And Home Theatre. !■ le AI mo* t new «lock saddle. will Sell fnr 640. F. fU adar- 14 41 F 44 X. beta, (»re. |ef| fi>r Non ■ K Anyone deairing the J. R Wat kin« good* may leave their tj,,. pr, m nt winter tl ■ gh- an ea»t ' order* at Fr<4 T. Bilyeu’* garage •and I will fill the ame. J ohn U o - th«’ aaune. ' wind promised «till more frost. IctIKtX. Watkins’ agent, Brownsville, The play "An«l Home Came Twl” j Oregon. 17 4t < to lie given by the junior high school Mrs Fretl Bilyeu and Mrs Walter elaw !*■<*«»»*< «8» pr«»misee to be Misses Rule or Ruin. (Continued from page t.) Scio ha* been having a fair sample Ruth Muller and Esther wh,u r “*1- *•** remedies at /■ • J / No, the lime for a successful for­ Our Harry Schliwer of Alliany was in and give the space if th> recorder town Tuesday looking after the cigar will furnish us The copy. It is a ■ matter which should I* made public ' and tobacco trade. and the council should I* interested | "Piercing black hair, brushed •ufficiently to order ihe copy fur­ straight back”; who was Mr. Man? nished for publication. "And Home Canie Ted.” People» Boys and girls, do you know that Theater, December 22. the shortest day of the year occurs next week, and can you tell the rea ing lot* of feed lately. It must be son why? The Tribune will publish ; Mill street mud which sends buyers the l»*M essay any of you «choolboys there instead of Co tpc Scio mills. <>r girls will write on thi* subject. Judge W. G. Thoma* of Wrangell. Submit them to your teacher and Alaska, who ha* been visiting rela­ let him nr her decide which is the I • tive* and oldtime friends in Sciosnd most meritorious. The lb ml city council has voted in Marysvill^ favor of sewer eonn> rumien for thl* and other point* in California on a winter, to Involve the expenditure of approximately *160 000 pleasure and busmesa trip. Turkey raiser* of Donila* county A Christmaa gift which would re profited by a pool form’d ju*t pre­ mind your friend of you every week vious to Thankurlvlnit. and a »urn in In th<’ year would lie a gift of a •Xeres ,»f 63000 »a* aaved by boldine year subscription to The Scio Trib­ firm for an advance over ib<> opvuiM price of 40 cent* une. and besMes it would save you Person* having bouses for rent In the t.i a of writing many letters. Halt-ui niuat take «il- quale sanitary B«rn. te Mr and Mrs Fred W ■tv-aaurr* to protect the health of th«lr Morter, December 9 at th* Scio hos­ tenants or the dw »Illusa «111 remain vacant, accordimi to an order l*«u<<> pital, twin boys weighing 7] and 8 by th* city Military officer. pounds re«tH‘Ctfvely. Dr. Prill re- The l.iuculn county court ba* agreed port* ali d 4ng well. Mr Mortar !s to stand 36 pr cent of th* coot of-ex- blacksmith at fhe Cameron mill. He tendina the Al*O0. ***♦♦♦*♦♦*♦*♦*♦*♦*♦♦«♦♦****♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦**♦♦«♦*♦♦**♦*♦♦< Wednesday for SEE HERE The Scio Produce House BUYS All kinds of produce; also grain and potatoes in car lots Give Us a Trial J, A. MOIST Manager Successor Vo F. Gi*elin*n —**************** • • ewA— mm — - rt > Meade Optant dr ist. o*ca, BY Graduate Optometrist PRICES REASONABLE Private office for examination« F. M. FRENCH & SONS ALBANY WE HAVE EVERT! HiNC OPTICAL mtaiN I* the eauae of many HUMAN II.l-S BANCROFT Optical Company 313 W. 1st St.. Albany WANTED Hav Potatoes M.G. REED ♦♦♦♦♦********* Office Albany State Bank ALBANY, ORE. Auto Bus Line to Albany HARNESS AND SHOE REPAIRING I have «-Sahl¡shod an auto bur» line fi’iti S’i«y via l have It-aaed a r-m on the north aide of the old Smith fe«*d «tore and about December 1 will open a harness and »hoe repairing shop and take care of all the business off <■ red me. FRANK KKIJMI. JrflviHun, to Albany, daily except Sunday Far* from Scio to Albany ” round trip. Jefferson tn Aliurny " round trip Mating points Soin, at Scio hotel 9am Albany, Murphy's Garage, 4 p in. Grain III’.ID ST MARKET PRICE 80 cent« >1 or chauffeur llcvnae; with wine or crystal rims, flat *i«le at The Tribune off ■ ■ comfort cable temples. Just ai rived, new shipment Evst- sharp pencil* ami fountain |wn* at Kelly’« Drug Store. ! •■'or Sale Farm of HI acre*, three mile» east of Sex». So acr« -• In cultivation, wi (.«’tore. Wdli | the rvM in timl>er m i sell for f"6 per acre - on term* to suit z alsany purchaser, ('all on or writ«- Mrs. Louise i ______ _ May _ ________ _ I’hooe 2B84. , i tlSMiner. ton. Oregon. HAROLD ALBRO, Route 2, bo* HL_______________ 14 41 j Manufacturing Optician For ne'e A team, light wagon ' land hain«-•«; 3-ymr old Holsteini c«>w. to freshen M irch 1st, gives 2 gallon* milk per day now. ('ail on GLASSES FITTED Scio Tribune. Tribune is willing to set up the type J. D. Ihmsmore se«*ms to l>e wil­ t» • / r- reduced l>ta»olull<>n of Partnershlp snow Humonr<’y made a trip to Albany [first > *’ "* is ” yet >''1 to ' fall. 1 ' ■ Notice is hereby giw. that the Gala­ \\ •• have h f ■ • ■. I. t cv> ! • Il could only l>e brought aix.ut when van (.umber ( vr»|.ne. 'i • v nr«- absolute deoendcnce ui»on n* ’ghlxir nations F. 1». Met ain who »««urne* all indebt- visiting at home, returned to Albany free Kelly’s Drug Store. Now all nation* have recovered or vdnea* again«! the company Saturday. George Flanagan moved the latter are recoverinr their wind. Nation­ I Parti.-« having claim* agau-at the con­ cern. pica«« mail a statement of account "Mixed up wif burglums. spook* part of the week Into the house va­ n, Oregon, and a al wlfiahn« is ha* tw-gun to show it­ to F. b. Met ain at and yalier fever.” "And Home cated by Fritx Giseiman. Mr. Flan- self and it would now be found irn- i cheek on the I cal barn will foll-iw to cover the »amc. F. I>. McCAlN. Came Ted,” Peoples Theatre Decem­ a gan has rcnt««i the farm of Mr. scio. tire. Nov >W0. l«-3t possible to accn'nnllsh what waadotw ber 22 j Shimiler for the coming year. at Verwuilles Then disarmament ’ AdmiaUtrat'ir’* ir i xecutrts* Final So far a« The Tribune can learn Mr* I. u Ouaterhoudt of l»r g Nortee, p possible. Now it; To all whom it n.;,;, «-oncer n: Notice Beach. Cal., who ha* been vudtin* no material damage wa« done in this I* not ihe world’s wealth will et n- ia hereby given that the u ¡-Serai gned The Tribune family in Scio for the 'locality by the extra ndioarily high tinue to Io d> i .it'd to war and pre- executrix of the rítate of Albert S. >u day filed Morri*«, drc’-a»««!, ha* past two months, left for Pendleton and blustery wind of !a*t Friday miration for war. her final arco .nt in sxui » -tate and the Wednesday where she will visit two ; evening, Idnn county, President WileoQ n»w knows he' ’ honorable cour ty court ttotara. Roy W Gill, one of Spokane’s blundered in not taking steps to pla­ .Oregon, ha* fix«"d and api<>int«-d De­ cember 2». 1W0. »ttl.’ l urof |0o'clock F. W. Devaney of Wolf Point, leading merchant«, was on a bust-1 cet th«» U S agnate oligatshy. He 1 a. - m. — of - .................. • court- M.U - ’ay* at th Montana, and his son-in-law l.aw- neas visit to Portland and ha any objection« to ci fii »1 account, hereof. visiting friends here last Friday. his aged parents, Mr. and Mrs. M ally ut n republican* and democrats ami for the aettlsmi c bated thia b.'ih <1 of November, MIMA MORRISS, It doe» not i K ’- iii possible that the (MB, Denn Morri* nay* they only l«vt C. Gill. The Tribune ackni>wle«ige» i F.xaçolrn of tl • . «1« of Albert S12 on their laat dance. but they a «hurt call from him while here. - league may yet i>e patebad up, i H. Morri» i, de*t *»ed, V. A. Grade Flay ton (»rv. Attorney which only is feasible. A new league will try it again on Christmas night. lie wu here Tuesday. for astate. tt> n of nations would We have been rer|U«-sted several ! or a»« Ed (Tint went to Portland Satur­ bate first public« ■ Date last pubbi «ti< way «elated to the one I 1 formerly owned. Cha* (Tint. 17 2 market price. Wv ar« in ilm market for Found A lady’« fur collarette in the Miller cemetcr bo November bog* every week. i the Mme by All the hogv are weighed 128 Owner can ha »flice A SENSIBLE FRAME FOR THE and pay -1 calling at the i ribui 'OLD YEAR OR THE NEW YEAR on Moi i I’toiTi* «ealet» and we j mg for thi* notice 17tf] hike them from there. Our Solo frame, manufactured Bilyeu *(fent the w«vk end at Me- J1 very •nb rtuining affair. Minnvtiie stock ’ Regt«trr»-(, ,„la> *(Kf |l e col.I.-nt -f »' -h Iburn. All I John Kouba. who ha* been to lows Mi«* Elma < ox made a trip to Al-' returned here Tuewlay evening. n ». * • * Atti'nliun, Farmers! , price*. Kelly'# Drug Store. li you have any fut hogs 8«r«f* Cider in any quantity at 3Sr a Brin* «uitainer. C. R. Apple, rea«iy for «hipping »top in ' ; gallon. Gilkey «tation. |4 St and »ew * Christmas will 1« here next week Fred Bilyeu made a butinas* trip en i at I < _T • LOCAL NEWS BREVITIES! Frank '•W M» “The Shasta SAM STOLLER Expressman A New Train to I California “The Shasta" is an all standard sleeping < ar train witliotit extra fare leaves Portland al 4;<»i P. M. Arriva» San tranci*«» 10*0 P. M. following evenii ■ RURAL CREDIT LOANS Our twenty »ear rural credit plan of loaning m->n*y to farmers, helps you to get out of debt I ndsr our f. rm of loan the total amount of interest paid ■luring its *ntira period of twenty years ia actually lee* t han 5| per cent intereat. Writ* ua for booklet. OWEN BEAM. Agent. Improved Sleeping Car Service 133 I .yon St to Snn Franciwo imm ! Albany, Oregon !.<»« Anu»»L * All Shacta I’outc train* handle through »tandsn! »»eping car* Seattle, Tacoma, and Portland to San Francisco Riley Shelton ' Through standard sleeping car to !.<»• Angel»-« Leave* Portlan«! at 11:40 A. M Arrive* To* Angele* 8:16 A M «rennd morn ng Winter Excursion Tickets are on «sir to Real Estate Broker and Notary Public , -llulrnth ( )t>l,imrd. {Examined < IO . . . OREGON Southern f’nlifornin California's bright and warm «urwhior will help you tale on a new l»s*e of life. Spend the wintry day* heaiile summery seas: on *t*»rty golf eour*r* or well kept tennis courts; motor over srlrrxlid highways; the*e an»l many other outdoor pleasures await you in “tinny Califon»«. FREE on request '’California for the Touri-t”, a new b'«Alet graphically d«wyribing the different resort* Inquire of local agent for fare*, route*, «leeping ear reservation* and train urrvice, or write C. C. BRYANT ATTORNEY AT LAW A*l-2 New First Nation*I Ban* Bld*. ALBANY Morrison & Lowe UNDERTAKERS SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES Attended to Promptly Dav or Night JOBS M. sOtTT. General Caaaenger Agent, orti and, Orvgon ******************** OREGON I . ? , . ... , Ju OKEGON t .