THE SCIO TRIBUNE e 9 Independent, fearless, free; Not tied to any party; Will support best candidate for office regardless of party VOL. XXIV SCIO. LINN COUNTY. OREGON. DECEMBER 2. 1920 NO. 16. EARTH’S INFERNO JARS NORTHWEST Monument to Pioneer*. ROGUE RIVER FISH PEACE IS AT HAND To the pioneers and nativ, sons and daughters of Linn county: For manv yean» hack the matter of erecting a suitable monument in Portland, Hood River, Spokane, Comaiuion Together With Joseph memory of the heroic pioneers who Tacoma Shaken. Inland ine and Jackson Legislators crossed the plain* and established the first homes in thia county has Draw Agreement Empire Feels Shock been discuAed by their descendant*. Portland, Nov. ».—What wa* designated by J. W. Daniela, profes­ sor at the Hill Military Academy, a* a alight temblor, jarred the citv just after 3 o'clock yeaterday morning Thia visitation ia aaid to have been lighter than the one which was re­ corded here about a month ago and which waa felt by many people. Professor Daniela say» that auch visitations are caused by the heated condition of the earth's interior, the pressure rising to a point which re­ solta in a jar to the outer crust. “These disturbances are known as temblors, not earthquakes, and are of little consequence.** explains»! Professor Daniela. “Thia one was verv slight although it awakened me. There was not to exceed two seconds of tremor and it waa so slight it did not even rattle dishes in my home as did the last one be­ fore it. “Temblors are not of frequent oc­ currence here, thia being the second one to visit Portland in my 13 years of residence. However, tney may occur anywhere at any time and are not aerioua. They are more likely to happen in mountainous regions. Temblors have no relationship what­ ever to earthquakes.’* Our Bohemian friends complain that Scio boys or young men create some disorder al the dances in that the boys refuse to buy tickets but crowd the door and sometimes get into the hall. Don't do thia, boys for it is wrong and aure to bring about trouble. If you have an in­ vitation, buy your ticket and con­ form to the rules like gentlemen. ear Difit lAo HOT WATER BOTTLES and FOUNTAIN SYRINGES Particularly ha* thia been the case during the annual picnics held at Brownsville by the Unn County Pio­ neer Association until the project has c »me to be a matter very dear to their heart*. Personally 1 have conversed within the past few months with many of th* suns and daughters of the«« old families, and for various reasons that m-ed not lie enumerated here they almost universally believe that now ia an opportune time to begin this work. So upon the advice and at the re­ quest of quite a number of these native sons and daughters I now take it upon me. as president of the; Linn county Pioneer Association, to call a meeting to be held in the community house in Albany at two o'clock, p. m., on Wednesday, Dec­ ember H. for the purpose of organ­ ising at that time a Linn county memorial association whose princi­ pal object shall be to make the nec­ essary arrangement* for erection of a monument a* outlined abovq. It is earnestly hoped that a li rge number of the descendants of the Linn county pioneer* be present at that time to aid with their counsel in preparing the plana for thia very laudable work. A M TKMrtXPUN. About Road Taxe«. It ia believed that few precincts i Linn county will vote money for road building this fall. The reason ia evident. There is too little road benefit for the amount of money expended. The 3-mill county gen­ eral road tax wa* defeated The people see the dollar of tax they vote shrink down to at »out 50 cent* tiefore it reaches the road, and it d<>e« not suit them. Men who have control of spending the road tax moneys seem careless whether little or much work is accomplished on the road*. The people are tired of voting liberal road taxes to I m - paid out to men who demand high wages but fritter their time away The people want and will have results or they will quit voting road taxes en­ tirely. A* a rule the people are willing tn vote money for both schools and roads. They have lost faith in g«tting adequate results on the road* and they are losing faith in the adequacy of the sch«»ois. «■♦ New atock just arrived. Bring in your old bottle or fountain sy ring«; it is good for 50 cents in exchange for a new one. for ten days only. ending Nov. 22 Kelly’s Drug Store YOURS FOR SERVICE Senator Harding's plurality over Governor Cox at the late election > official count was 63.657. Stanfield’s1 plurality over Senator Chamberlain wa* 16.563. Only one of the meas­ ures received an affirmative vote— that extending the term* of certiin county officers. Lacomb Oil Well. Ijicomb is down H50 feet and the operators are still hopeful of success Crews of men The oil well at MARSHAL STORY, 78, SUCCUMBS TO WOUNDS keep th»- drill going day ami night. Marshal Dies After Beipg Hurt Th«- last eight feet has been through aspfialtum and the bottom is now in While Trying to Arrest a layer of «late stone. Two Young Men. Th«- well I* 12 inches in diameter at the top and diminishes as the Granta Paa*. Nov. ». The war­ Albany. Nov. 26. M Story, pio- shaft is Io - «-res! It is now between ring factions on Rogue river art­ neer resilient of Sweet Home, who 6 and 10 inch«-« Democrat. preparing to bury the hatchet. If wa* seriously hurl September 6 Granta Paas fishermen approve a lh«-Scio mills are about through when a* acting marshal he wa* at­ proposed eompromis« agreement the •hipping grain. tempting to arrest Jame* Ward, died »object will become virtually settled Ed Shqmnek purchased a touring last night. He had been partially thanks to the state fish and game i car at th«- Fr»-1.75 THE YEAR K. P. Big Med at Albany. For this week. Saturday and Sun­ dav evening Quite a bunch jf Scio knighta attended There were en- day evenings at the Peoples Theatre ough supreme lodge men to fill all will be presenter! Frank Keenan in "The Midnight Stage.” th« offices in the initiatory work. WATKINS MAN IN THE FILL! 1 understand there ia a report in circulation that the Watkins people have retired from the Scio field. This is untrue. I am in the field with all the goods th«- company car­ ries and will supply all old custom­ ers a* well a* new with ail of our re­ liable good». JOHN COCHELL. 16 2t Brownsville, Oregon. Christmas Toys Now on display at R. M. CAIN’S Consist in* of— TRACTORS TANKS SIEGE GUNS HANDCARS COASTERS KIDDIE KARS WAGONS DOLL CABS DOLLS DRUMS BLOCKS CHECKERS DOMINOES Come In while the **M>rtment ia good