GÛE3ÙN KEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor* mation of Our Readers. lain» county's share of tho market roads fund will be 232.000. The Buchner sawmill al North B«nd baa reaum-J cutting after a shut duwu of several weeks Electric contractors and dealers of Oregon will tm-ei In annual convention in Salem ih-crmber 7. Miss June Dalton. a student In the Burna high school, has been elected m cwi:-r of the baseball team Ranchers In the southern part of Cooa couuty leave petitioned the couti ty court for a bounty of 275 on co­ yotes A turnip weighing 24 pounds, a sugar t -ct 28 pounds and a potato 5S pounds <laston tor the week ending Nov «niter It. John It. Yon« of Portland has ac­ cepted app- ln'm-at as a member of the state high»ay • i-mmlsslon. to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Simon llensou. Approtlma'e’y f7 3.000 In prU« mon­ ey was distributed among the stock breeders of th< n<>r;h»-st last wv«k at th*- Pacific International l.lvretock ex­ position In Portland. Th« sum of 235.?*» was left tn t*ane county’s m.vrket rood fund thia year to be appl < 4 to n«vt year's fund, ac­ cording' to announcement of P. M Morse, county «ugi- •*r. Amundment of •tala prohibition law* Io make them conform with the Vol*teart act will be asked by the Oi> gon Antl-da'oon league at tb.e neat ueastoo it the legtstottire. ' 1 . . irl i.!-. of I tie hr k have been . acts company to Kugrn» to be used Ir the new buildings b ng pul up on ths University of Oregon campus. Did» were opened this week st Klamath Falls for the levs« of 12,000 a.'roe of reclaimed land In th» Tula lake bed. Tho highest price tn ths oiddlng is said to be 2* 20 an acre Daring aafe roblrs op-raUng In Portland 1st« Hntu day night with an old touring ear carried away a S«0 pound saf- containing 21*00 hum the home of Dtns Wing, wealthy Chlneoe. ()overr<-r O.coti will iea.c Haligu this wet-a for Harrisburg. Pa. where he will attnnd the governors confer •nee. The conference will convene Decernhr C and wdl be attended by govern«'rum practically every stale t th« unloOL. An officia) postal bulletin announces tin- restoration oÇ th« postofflce at fuddle and Hutherllti to th« presiden­ tial class, effective ss of October 1, this year. Tb» Oregon Agricultural rollrg» stu­ dent llveatr-ck judging team won the Intercollegiate contest S««nhw«et IJveauH k «how at lx »1st on Idaho The concrete pa»«m«nt between Pendleton and Walla Wslla. with the except tos of nln« miles hot wren W«w ton and Bln« Mountain, has been com­ pleted Fire risk rood 11 Ion» are better tn Eng-nr than In any other city In the. state of which he has mail» a survey, acronfl ng to tleorge W. Hlokrw, deputy state fire marshal Th« walnut grower» of Dayton and surrounding vicinity an- now dlspo*- Ing of their 1929 crop at got>d prices. The walnut grow Ing Industry of thia part of the state is Increasing mater* Ully. Provision will be made In the 1921 budget for Klamath county's »hare of the cuet of the Wtll»m«tto highway. The rood will shorten lhe dlstauee from Portland to Cratar lake 122 mile*. While the train was running 40 mil«* an hour. Ilarry Broadbent of Taron-. *. a d- tu-’nt«d man. jumped through the window of a »lev pl nr war neat Kurone •nd alighted on the ground uninjured Kenneth Wi*ndln. ■ sopb"U»<»re in the Grants Paas high school. Is dead fr >m the effects of a fall from a roof while, with a number of clasvtna'ea he was attempting to paint tb« el mo numerals Buce»-es Is claimed for the voluntary arbitration board In Hal- m. which was -ry rn-atnery In the state are exp*-ct<-d to b- In Portland for the 11th annual rout- titl«n of th« Ore­ gon butter and ch«-«»»’ makers, to be held Itrcember 9 and 10. The Eugene Fruitgrowers' associa­ tion. which already has a long list of fruit and vegetabl« products put up at Its cannery In that city. Is now ex perlmentlng with th« manufacture of •ppi« syrup for labi« uà». The Oregon penitentiary ni In »trai» which gar» a aerlre of three perform snres In th« auditorium of th« Inali- tutl»n. netted approximately 2800. no- cording to L. II Compton, warden, un­ der whoa» direction th- show was etax Summons in the Circuit Court of th« State of Or­ egon fur the County of Linn. Department No. Two. Florence C. Green, Plaintiff. vi. Charles W. Green. Defendant To Charles W. Green, the above named defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer th« complaint of the above named plaintiff in the above entitled court and cause now on file with the clerk of »ai«l court, on or before lhe last day named in th- order of the court for the publication of this summons up­ on you. to-wit: On or before the 7th «lay of January. 1K21. and you are here by notified that if you fail to appear and answer »aif t.inn county, i *regnn. duty mail« and entered of record on the 19th day ul November, A. D. 1929. said order being dated the 19th day of No­ vember. A. D. IW*. [>ato*nf Aral publication, November 25th, 1920 I ’at» of f la«t last publication. January Sth. WEATHERFORD* WYATT. 1M1 Attorn- >• for Plaintiff. Postofhce Address: 122 Wosl First SUtwt, Aiteny, Oregon. THE Slid STATE BANK DR. A. G. PRILL w. A Ewing. A K. Randall Preaident Vice I’rvs. E. D. Myrra. Cashier Start a bank account Balay ami providr fur vour fulute. You will find a checking ac­ count very ronveniv-nt for your business transactions. Uc pay 4*5, Interval on time d«|1*1* / ' ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ j. iiu < i >. w , u . h . mu, J A -Hoycu, J.K IU«-’ —, Mrs. Jt-nnl« Warn»». FasstI.> st , W. F. Gill, •tom«», D. C. Thoma Conjpaim Scio ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ »♦♦♦»♦» h ♦♦♦♦♦♦#♦»aaoaana>♦♦♦»♦»♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ >1’1 X IAL SALE > With > » » h 10% I»iafoiiiii on UNIVERSAL STOVES The lieston earth. Good assortment of heaters, and ranges in stock. FURNITURE From the t>est manufacturent <>n the coast, also East. Fine line of rocking chairs on display. SIMMONS BEDS I * > The l*ot metal beds made. the line over. Come in and look SEALY MATTRESSES Known the world over n* the beat. Sleep­ ing on a SEALY la like sleeping on a cloud. Buy u'hut you need in housefurnixhinys for Thanhs giving now R. M. CAIN NEW GOODS ARRIVING EVERY WEEK THE UNIVERSAL CAR Car Comfort * •: 1;. *7 *• ' ** • V”,L- *** ' # - And th» X-Ray were discovered in l*W> the latter proves ami demon* •irate» th« former. DR. R. II. IIARRIS Cusick Bank * Allmny, Oregon - No danger in traffic a clear vision in al) directions. Nn Ils ppi ng curtains, no drafts on your head. So heavy overcoats or gloves. As much air from outside a» you want and no mor». As much warmth from insule as want and no more. All plate glass windows snd w nd shields open or close in a moment’s time to any posi­ tion you wish. la nun, snow, wind or »terms; In summer heat or sun. the comfort car for Oregon is the Ford Sedan. I hat t«lls you briefly whv iord ctooed ear sales in Oregon have in- creasod 120* par cent in lirjlovar 1910. That explains why you •»• ao many of them everywhere now, on country roads, mountain tnpg <-r city streets. All the sturdy dependability and economy of the Ford chassis and all lh« b< sat) of an electric, al a pfico you cannot resist. Get your Ford Sedan now. t’haasw________ _......______________ _ _ ------- I486 20 Runabout. without starter ____ 62V M Runabout, with starter.. «<»2 73 676 70 Touring, without starter . „, T'-uring, with starter. ................... 040 M Coupe, with starter and demountable wheels MV4.2H Sedan, with demountable rime and starter 046 34 TAick. with pneumatic tire« and demountable rima 674.7S S00X6 FORDHON TRACTORS. 7Ac uAove prtctt art Stio (nicer and include freight and war lai. FRED T. BILYEU, AetUriied Dealer SciO, Of. »»♦••»•»♦•••♦♦•♦»♦•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••»M i » ■Jt A."W ri' - 4-