HOGGING OFF CORN IN FAVOR IVhll» mm «vmally la mtuMer»,! net aa a money rm|> hut no* to river brr fl. «hen they averaged MP fMMinda In «right, and left there on til Nov «weber 12, making an sveetagv gain of 94 pounds, or a gain of 311 Tf twninda t«er arm They were n tor kef nd at lrt.11 mnta. which, allowing tn»l«l«*r ible Intere*» has devnlofwid in «b» «’••t I«« or three year» in have grown aunilowvra with corn «aya the quae lefty hullwln of the Michigan Agri cultural «vltege They dall» that the yield «»• nmahirraMy lug (hwy calltxl him. a tramp »nd worm «hinrw etili. St->nea CAHr OF HARNESS IS OF MUCH IM PORTANCE they Song at him. On their porche» ta the pvenlng 'hey abutted him and plot­ ted again»« his life At»1 all hw»inr he sai own-rle»» and unkempt In hla tawny ahnggtnwm But. with all «tu Ir atone throwing and. hnm>liahtng of atlcka. he ambled good nato redi y along and sought the not hang Imrm-wa in tn-ni or in th« n io dry. A tgblcaptaiuftil of iampl4n<-k with two ounce* of tx«»l'r«i hr« - ‘ -I may Ite nddr«l Io the nil f«»r S btn, k drv ling. F1»h oil may liv U»r«t on harm*«», or prviutrvd olla ntny I» •ecu reti 4t hum««« hof«. AH pert» of I be I karnese «xmlemplativ«’ paw»—contimi at Inal at having come Into hla own.—Milwaukee Journal. DEVICE TO OESTROY STUMPS Burner Made ef SheM Matal Mas Been Tcatad *nd Found PrJctlcai— Easily Oparatad. Th.» u«e of dynamite tn draw tma stumps from the gr«und may t«r »ub- st I tut «it by a new device recently in vented which irw atuiupa haa bmn teelvd and prove«! i>rnctl«"ni. The bun»-* •• m«> '« f I thorough flushing^ijentthnu ics not contaminate the fresi »il Here’s nn absolutely new way to get rid of this dirty, diluted oil •«nd put your engine in line for better performance and longer life. It is called Modem Crank­ case Cleaning Service. We recommend Modern Crankcase Cleaning Service -s the latest word for better engine operation and longer life for your car. Modem,- because wr use Cnlol Flushing Oil, the new, scientific. FRED T. BILYEU W. L COBB KIRKPATRICK MOTOR CO HIGHWAY GARAGE TAYLOR & HALDEMAN Our skilled mechanics l:r >w how tocleanout a crankcase v. uh it correctly and quickly,at a num inal cost to you. This service assures proper ’n brie a t ion for vour cleaned eng •. Wc refill tlie crankcase wit h Ire h Zcf olcne of tile correct grade *4 »Vf; KMict 9l Oislnti RMi Netlini Pursuant to a politlun signetl by gal nitmlM-r of rvetdeni freeholder«, tax­ payers ami legal voter« of Load District No. 15 of iJnn county, Oregon, Notice Is hereby given that a meeting uf the legal voters of Hoad District No. 16 of l.mn county, • «rvgixn, will la? hekl at tho hour of Two o'clock p. ni., on the 27lh day of Nuvemlier, IW0. at the Sc to city hail. Scio. Ore., in san! road district, to determine whether or ix>t sabi road district shall vote a special tax of IfiOOO upon all tin' taxable property within said road district for the improvement of the roads therein as foltows, to-wit: grading, gravelling, draining and re­ pairing ssk I ruada. By order of lhe countv court of Unn county, Oregon. Data-d this 29th am h final account, and for tlx- settlement thereof. Detel this loth day ■ - ndwr, IMO. EMMA MolcRISS. Executrix of the «"«tale of Albert H. Murries, d«»roa*cne particles of mrtnl. which circulate through your engine and cause unnecessary wer r on bearing surfaces. And gasoline esc-qx» past the pistons ntid dilutes the oil. Granted.There’s nothing new about that— bul— NtekP <>i lhatrkt Road .Meeting. Pursuant to a petition »igned t>y a legal number of resident frv< holdera. tax pa yers ami legal voters of Komi Dis­ trict No. Irt, of i.mn county, ' iregon« notice is hereby given that a meet lug of the l«"gal voter« of Road I hatrict No. It, of I mn county, tiregun. will be held at thr hour of one o'clock p m , on tho 2!>th day of Novcml"», 1931. al tbc I. <». O. F. hall, Hcio. On-gon. In »an! road district, to detcrmirH" wbethel or not •aid mad district shall vote a aprcial tax of Eksaj u|>on ail the taxable prop­ erty within sak! road dii lrtcl fi r tho improvement <>f gra-lii'ir. th«- riMtis thcN follow a, to-wiL gray ’in " aa _ gravelling draining and repairing sai-.l roads. Hy order of the county court of Unn county, thrvgon. L)atr«i this 2»lh day of llctober, 1920. W R Bilyeu, county judge. T J But 1er. county commiasioner; I). H. I’lcrve, county commGsioner. Attest: H. M Ru»’« II. county clerk Posted thia 29th >lay of «»Ctotwr. P«2O. by W A Gilkey, a|>|H>i.’>t«xl by tho court. i: of Mark «heel ntvlMl In Ihrer mh MI ouw ft la rtycrntd by (»luring the b»Kton aertkm over th<> stump and Igniting the stump at the ba a«". The top am tlona are then connected and the hum er will do ft» work. Accenting In th« Inventor, thirty burner» a day ran lx opvrnl<‘«l by <>«»' man. each burner oh lltvratlng three nr four «liim|m. RIFLES AMMUNITION RIFLE OSES CARTRIDGE BELTS GUN OIL. GREASE HOPPE S SOI A i N P No. 9 CLEANING RODS. BRUSHES SUPPLY OF EGGS INCREASED DUXBAK HUNTING COATS TROUSERS an-1 HATS LEATHER VLSI'S. COATS HIGH TOP IMMlTS WOOLEN SHIRTS SWEATERS FLASHLIGHTS. KNIVES SAFETY RAZORS. BLADES Anima« Food E« eont I al to Dial of Fowl Muet Ha Supplied In Winter ad Wall aa Summer. I Hunting Season A bon«" cutter la an Important part of the •x|U|>'m«,nt for every farm poul­ try «lepitrfmeni In summer when the fowl» ran rung» over the farm they rati am>f>ly for llwtnarlrrv Hie animal fowl «o « ■ •«, nttal to their diet, lint In winter the «apply of egga will he gmntlv '»n «-d If attention 1» given to thia port of flic fowl’s ration. HAUSER BROS “FF/icrr Everybody Buys Albany, Saie«, Corvslit», Eugene INJURY BY MITES ANO LICE Peata Sap Vitality of Fowl« and ► ra­ ven« Growth or Lassen Produc­ tion of MH m in«! tire frr<|iieiilly nap the vitality -rrrent growth nr teeern the egg pr«««lti< tt«m A thor­ ough «-te.rnhig of the !>>>nae regular applications of fllalnferlants to the rooeta and neata. and a frwyornt float Ing of ibe fowl» will control tbeee SPECIAL PRICES On Wednesdays and Satur daya of each week I lolnrhek Bros, will sell meat at Special Price«, ao call on these daya and get cheaper meat. SCIO MEAT MARKET > » * ‘♦Z. '4