The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, November 25, 1920, Image 1

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Independent, fearless, free; Not tied to any party; Will support best candidate for office regardless of party
i n
NO. 15.
11.75 THE YEAR
------ ----------------------------------------
♦...................... .............................••••♦
Mr and Mrs George Piatt re-
The eastern storm has reached us
i turned home from Portland Satur-
with high winds and plenty of Ore­
City Where Meeting» Will Be Held . day.
Family Member» and their Friend» gon mist.
Not Yet Selected, But Port­
land Is Favored.
• Harvey Mcl-ain of Willamette
University, »pent Thursday al Shel­
burn with his parents.
Mr. and Mr» H Cannon «pent
The securing of the National Sunday nt the J. Oglesbee home.
Gransee convention for Oregon next
We are glad to learn that Mrs H.
year was the result of efTorta made O. Shilling i« improving and will be
by grange organisation» in the »tale able to come home soon.
and the work of C. E. Spence, ma»
Mr». Dora MiMer. who has been
ter of the Oregon »tale grange, who living with her son, George, left for
represented Oregon at the conven­
Condon laat Friday.
Mr». Nancy Piatt nt Lents, Ore.,
The movement to bring the na­
was but ird in the Shelburn cemetery
tional meeting to Oregon was »fart­
last week; her busband was buried
ed by Lents granite laat May. The
there several year* ago.
plan found the »upport of other
Mr and Mrs. W. H. McLain and
grange organisation», and the state
Russell ami family visited
grange in annual session at Bend in­
Sunday to attend the wed­
dorsed the movement.
Russell and Carl Lentz.
It is considered probable that
Portland will lie chosen a» the con­ .Mrs. A P. Hirons and *m Ken­
vention cily by the executive com­ neth »pent Sunday at Turner.
- W ea
Children's Farm Hone.
The drive for the children’» farm
home, sp».ns»>red by the W. C. T. U.
is under the management of D. H.
Bodine of Albany for Linn eounly.
Mr. Bodine has appointed Dr. A
G. Prill to have charge of the drive
in Scio whose quota is $325. The
following have t>een named to solicit
funds: Mrs. John Sim», Mr». F. T.
Thayer, Miaa Christina Shindler,
Mr». Walter Bilyeu, Mrs. Rolla
Shelton. Scio; 0. M. Baker, Kings
ton; Ray J. Fox, Lyons; J. H. Kelly,
The drive is to begin Monday,
November 29, and close Friday.
December 4.
The object is most
worthy and Scio should easily raise
her quota.
Henry Bilveu of Lebanon wasun
town Tuesday.
5»< MF W lnJiHi
New stock just arrived Bring
in your old bottle or fountain
syringe; it is good for 50 cents
in exchange for a new one. tor
ten days only, ending Nov. 22
Kelly’s Drug Store
Join in Celebrating 92d
Other Responsibilities Aho Will Be
George Griffin and Billy Richard-
•an returned from the Portland
stock sh<>w amt report prices on fine
stock greatly cut.
Sdo. Ore . Nov. 18.—Ninetv-two1
Byron Bilyeu after goose-chasing1
years ago Thursday. November 10,' through t'aiif»rnin and Washington,
Mrs. Nancy Bilyau first «aw light of returned to the old »lamping ground
Commemorating the anniver­ a much wiser boy.
sary of this event on the farm home
The Weaver sawmill near George
that Mrs. Bilyeu has Tcupie»! for 60 Bilyeu’» farm, has built a plank road
years east of Scio, a family reunion ! way to the county road to haul out
Considered in Granting Ad
minion to League.
Geneva. Nov. 21
The responsi­
bilities of the league of nations and
the responsibilities of its individual
member» under article 10 of the
covenant 1» one question the com­
mission on admission of new mem­
ber» is considering in connection
with the applications of 14 states,
not including Germany. They are:
Finland. Eathonia, let via. Lithu­
ania. Luxembourg, Austria. Bulga­
ria. Albania, IJtchenstein, Georgia,
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine and
Costa Rica.
was heid and It was a red letter day 20.000 ties.
in the history of the Bilyeu family
Ed K ilina took a coop of chick­
Mrs. Bilyeu is the mother of 14
en» to Scio Wednesday ami got top
children of whom nine are still liv­
price at the new produce store; also
ing, the eldest 70 years old and the
a few sacks of prize corn at $1.25
youngest 45. There are also 31 grand­
per bu-hel
children. 22 great-grandchildren and
The «»Id one-eyed Fie Eater ami
one great-great-grandchild.
Besides responsibilities under ar­
g>Hxl wifr called on his »on M. C.
All of the living children were at
10 committees will consider in
and wife Sunday for a square meal
the reunion, they are. P. R Bilyeu
to each applicant the follow­
as grub was »hort at Santiam farm,
of Scio; Lydta Sumpter, Crabtree;
finding the son with plenty.
Com. Osborne and wife made a Mrs Haman Shelton, jr., Crabtree;
Is its application in order? Is the
Who gets the birds the farmers
Joseph E. Bilyeu. Spokane. Wash.;
business trip to Salem last week.
government applying for r<-c<>gnition
raise? Hunters steer clear of hunt­
Mrs. Cora Piatt was taken to the Jacob E. Bilyeu, Crabtree; Perry
de jure or de facto, and by which
ing notices, but as soon as. they are
Scio hospital last week for treatment. Bilyeu. Ciabtree; J. N. Bilyeu.Crab-
states? Has the nation applicant a
tree; Mike and Evaline Bilyeu. wh<> down flock in like a lot of crows and
Thu services and liasket dinner st
stable government and settled fron­
hunt in and out of season. Neigh-
are living with their mother.
Shelburn was very much enjoyed.
tier? What Is its population and
Among the grandchildren were: bora here are »ick of this trespass-
aizr? is it self governing? What
Delmer Churchill, who is working
W. M Powell and »on Orville; Mr. I ing.
has been Ha conduct including both
at Gates, spent Sunday with his
We were in Scio Wednesday and
and Mr». V. E. Shelton and son
acts and assurances with regard to
Howard; C. R. Riggs and children j note»! Mill street ui a credit (?) to
Mrs. Axhbaugh is preparing to Harold and Helen; l**ac and Helen the city as trucks hauling wheat go international obligations?
Ths latter question is supposed to
leave for her new home at Lakeview. Campbell, Albany; George Sumpter only hub deep, we call it a humdin­
have been Inspired by the French
Mr, and Mr». Clair Mellin of and daughter Lois; Mr». Perry Bil­ ger of a road.
memlier of the committee with a
Monroe are visiting relatives here.
yeu and daughter lma, Mrs J. N.
Our sch'MilhowH* is receiving a new view to any proposition that may tie
Mrs. Ed Jones was an Albany vis­ Bilyeu and daughter Lucille; Mrs. roof on the south side.
submitted to elect Germany.
Lydia Metcalf and son Jakv of Mon­
itor last Wednesday.
Ed Kalina is trading his corn for 1
The prescription» of the league as
John Wolfe ia recovering from a tesano. Wash.; J. A. Sumpter and Du roc pigs.
to armaments will also be considered
son Don; Violas Ktnzie who is a
nick spell,
in connection with the military pow­
an l great grandchild, and Rome Work-
Sunday school was organized
er of each applicant.
man a grand nepfn w who lives at
officer» elected last Sunday at
Final concrete solutions are not
December Jury
Lnotni. Illinois.
Presbyterian church.
expected in all questions because
I Other relatives preeent were Mrs.
The regular December term of most of the important problems are
ip. R Bilveu. Mrs. Ollie Shelton and
court for Linn county will convene complicated by the absence of the
Mrs. Jacob Bilyeu.
on Monday. December H. Petit ju­ Unit«-<l States. Russia and the cen­
Friends of the age»! pioneer who
rors who have been drawn for the tral European powera.
The largest gathering of people
were guests at the reunion are: Mr.
Slight amendments to the coven­
term art:
interested in the work of the Parent-
and Mra. Jacob Weidman. Mrs. J
may be made, though many
D. M Hickleman, Albany; W. R -
Teacher Association assembled last
Fleming and ton Ben, W L. Gear­
hold the entire question
Swink, Berlin; II. C. Miller, Scio;
Thursday evening in the high school
hart and Henry Burmester who en­
J W. Morgan, Center; Charles Hol­ should await prnmwitions from the
auditorium where they were de­
tertained by singing pi<»©ecr s»mg»
loway, Brownsville; Alex Powers. United States which *hey expect as
lightfully entertained.
and story telling.
Lebanon; Car! Carlson, Shedd; Roy a result of President elect Harding's
Mrs. Barnes' orchestra furnished
At noon all of the guests had ar­
Ix-ban-m; Peter J. consultations.
the music and were heartily encored,
rived and they were s»-»ted at a ta­
Logan Cecil
as was th« vocal solo by R. M Cain.
ble that was overburdened with good
Lee Cart­
• Mrs Thoms gave a sketchy report
$63,900 Dehcirncy Allowance.
things to eat. chief among which
wright, Harrisburg; Charles H irner
of the doings of the state associa­
was a monster birthday cake placed
Mill Qty; George Allphin, Syracuse;
tion which she attended as a dele­
in front of Mrs. Bilyeu, who sat
Salem. Nov. 22. -Deficiency ap-
Fred G. Smith, Halsey; Thomas J.
gate from here.
midway between th* two ends of the
aggregating $63,900
Herl Burden,
Every grade in the school was
table. On the cake were 92 can­
declared to lie necessary to care for
Strawberry; E. D. Cusick. Alliany;
represented on the program and all
dle». The cake was baked by Mrs.
the wants of various____
state _____
insti __
George Taylor. Albany; John Mrjsgr,
acquitted th<*n wives creditably.
Inez CampiielI and this as well as
Santiam; A. Ssaar. Albany; Lloyd
As usual, after die program was
the remainder of the dinner was
Templeton, Albany; R L. Bilyeu, legislature in January were author­
finished all repaired to the domestic
pronounced by the gu<-«ta the best
Halsey; Farmer T. Malone, Sweet ized at a «|»‘ci«l meeting of the state
science room where refreshments *ever.”
Home; John H. Coyle, liebanon- *'nrrgency board today. These al-
| were served and social converse in-
Murdock. Harrisburg’ 1'iwanc.M are exclusive of deficiency
Despite her years Mrs. Bilyeu is
William A.
’ dulged in.
in excellent health ami takes delight:
Albert G. V\ur goner, Brownsville- appropriations approximating >395.-
The program, after It got started,
in reviewing the pmne r* days and
Hiram F. Bowman. Brownsville; J.i 866 authorized nt previotsmeetings.'
went with a snap.
Tiie Tribune
in telling of the changes that have F Belta, Rowland; J. C Kettlewell, '$20.00« of this ts for the penlten
therefore, wonders why local affairs
occurre»l during her long residence
It was stated that when the
Brownsville; J W. Hirons. Sh-ilburn;
never start <»n time.
in Oregon. For example, »he said
war oruned by the
H. A. Elkins. l<eban«»n.
•he never -had seen a match until
legislature two years ago It was un­
Our eondenwry is not closed. head •he was a grown woman. She tells
derstood that any deficiency would
lines in the Albany paper* to the of the Indians ami how she used to I
la» mads up by the emergency Isiard.
contrary notwithstanding, They are •pin yarn, weave doth and make:
This assertion aroused the ire of
There will lie a «how at the Peo- Seymour Jones, speaker of the house.
simply making sweetened condensed clothing for her family.
milk and »hip it in barrels instead
Mrs. Bilyeu Tossed the plain» in pies theatre theatre thia evening who »aid he did not believe it was
of putting it in cans.
1868 by ox team with her husband, with Franklvn Farnum end Helene in the province of the tioard to au-
thorite d»'5ciendrs unless r«*al emer*
The big football game at Corvallis L. J. Bilyeu ami settled in the same I'hadwickin Go Get ’em Garringer
For thin week. Saturday and Sun- gencies existed. Upon rollcall, ho w-
last Saturday between the Eugene neighborhood that is now her home. |
and Corvallis college teams resulted She was born November 10. 1828. day evenings at the Peoples Theatre ever. Mr. Jones voted to allow ths
j the play will be "Sherry."
| penitentiary appropriation.
in neither »ide being able to ecore. in Miaooori.—Albany Democrat.